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Themes: Rough Sex, Breeding, Fucked Silly

Summary: Part 2 of One in Five. Peter must have done something right because it soon became apparent that the Cuckoos had little interest in pursuing other men. While spending time with his telepathic girlfriends, Peter caught himself fantasising about knocking them up. As did they. They did not feel ready for such a thing... but their mother/genetic source was another matter entirely. If he could handle five women just fine, surely one more would not be asking too much? 


To say Peter feels out of place as he steps into the hotel’s lobby would be the understatement of a century. Looking around himself with wide eyes, the young superhero sees opulence, decadence, and extravagance in every direction. This sort of place… he doesn’t feel like he belongs here. He’s literally going to college on scholarship, selling pictures of himself dressed in tights to make ends meet. Okay, so maybe that sounds worse than it really is but even still…

“Excuse me?”

Peter jolts and looks over to the utterly massive hotel lobby’s incredibly long front desk. The whole place is like an auditorium in size, with vaunted ceilings and grandiose pillars and the works. Meanwhile, the front desk is this huge thing that both manages to look minimalist and incredibly daunting at the same time.

The man behind said front desk is looking at Peter like he’s some sort of bug that somehow managed to fly in here. It’s obvious from the half-sneer on the impeccably dressed man’s face that he’s wondering how Peter even got in the door. Which is fair, because there WAS security and Peter HAD needed to explain himself before they’d reluctantly let him in.

Or rather, he hadn’t explained himself… he’d just shown them a card he’d been given. Which is what he does with the man behind the counter now, swallowing his nerves and presenting the sleek black card he’d been sent by his… quintet of girlfriends.

“I’m supposed to show you this?”

The man behind the front desk goes wide-eyed and his entire demeanor changes in a second. Peter has never experienced such tonal whiplash before, as suddenly the other man is falling all over himself to make him happy.

“O-Oh! Of course, sir. Please, head right over to the VIP elevator and insert your card, you’ll be taken right to your suite!”

The VIP elevator? As in, the richest part of what was already the richest building that Peter had ever stepped foot in? Following the man’s directions, Peter makes his way over to the elevator, both amazed and a little concerned about just how much the Five-In-One have spent on this venture. Sure, there are five of them… and sure, as telepaths they probably have much better ways of making money and gaming the system than he does. But even still, this all seems like… way too much.

As the elevator accepts his sleek black card and begins to move, Peter waits for it to reach its final destination, psyching himself up to have a conversation with his girlfriends on what reasonable spending for him looked like. He didn’t come from money and if they were expecting a certain lifestyle, Peter wasn’t sure how he was going to provide it for them.

… Man, this elevator ride was sure taking along time. And the number was only getting higher. Peter knew for a fact that this hotel had a hundred floors to it, mostly because he had actually landed on the roof once or twice while on patrol. But… surely not, right? He’d seen the top floors in passing as he swung through the city as Spider-Man. They were all hopelessly extravagant and…

And yet, the elevator doesn’t stop until he reaches Floor One Hundred. Only then does it open, leaving Peter with a view that takes his breath away as he steps out for a moment and just gawks at his surroundings.

“… Girls? I’m here.”


“In the bedroom!”

“We’ve been waiting for you~”

“Hope that it wasn’t too hard to find the place, heh.”

“Hope they didn’t give you too much trouble downstairs~”

Peter just shakes his head and follows the sounds of their voices until he reaches an utterly massive master bedroom. He finds the Five-In-One stood in front of the huge bed, all looking differing mixtures of excited and nervous.

“Girls, this is… way too much. It’s unbelievably generous, but you don’t need to spend this much money on me. In fact, I’d prefer you didn’t.”

They all blink in unison at that… but before they can respond, someone else speaks up.

“They didn’t spend a dime on you, Peter Parker. I did.”

Wait, what? Peter watches as his girlfriends all split apart and move to the sides, revealing the sixth woman in the room. Laid out on her side on the bed, dressed in a white corset, white panties, and not much else… is Emma Frost. Peter’s eyes widen at seeing the gorgeous blonde telepath in such a provocative pose. Technically, he was sort of aware that the Five-In-One were all clones of Emma. But he had never thought that would lead to this.

“Mm, of course you didn’t Peter. Because you’re a good man. And you don’t take more than you’re given, nor do you think about reaching further than you feel entitled to.”

Peter flushes, blinking at Emma’s praise. It was always nice to be complimented by a pretty woman, but at the same time… he looks to the Five-In-One helplessly.

“Girls? What’s going on here?”

They all smile at him, before explaining themselves.

“As you know, we’re privy to your every thought, Peter.”

“The other day, you were with us and had a fantasy play out in your head.”

“You would never ask it of us… but we know you briefly fantasized about knocking us all up.”

“Unfortunately, we don’t feel ready for such a thing just yet.”

“That’s where Emma comes in. Because she’s more than ready~”

Emma’s eyes snap to the last of her clones who said that line.

“Oi, brat. Don’t think I won’t take you over my lap and paddle you for a jab at my age like that.”

Peter just stares, wide-eyed and a little lost. Yes, he’d definitely fantasized about breeding the Five-In-One a handful of times. And sure, he was aware that they were almost always reading his thoughts. He didn’t mind it; it was just a side effect of dating a psychic gestalt. Besides, a lot of the time it could be a benefit. But to go this far?

Sitting up from the bed finally, Emma smiles at Peter as she crosses her legs and chuckles.

“They went this far because of how much they care about you, Peter. And because they know I have been… considering having a child. Only, it had to be the right man. Most men… most women too, are just so petty. But you, Peter…”

Emma rises from the bed and saunters over to him. Peter can’t help but look at his girlfriends, wondering if this is some sort of test or something. But all five faces, all so noticeably identical to Emma’s if a bit younger, are staring back at him with nothing but naked encouragement and excitement. They want this. They want him to want this.

“They do, Peter. And so do I. This might be our first time meeting as Emma Frost and Peter Parker, but it’s not my first time in your mind.”

No, it wouldn’t be. He’d had a couple of run-ins with Emma Frost as Spider-Man over the years. Some good. Some bad. She wasn’t a bad person though, he didn’t think. Just someone who found herself in difficult situations sometimes.

Still smiling softly, Emma reaches up and brushes her fingers along his cheek.

“The first time I read Spider-Man’s mind, I very nearly tripped over myself. Do you know why?”

Peter swallows thickly and shakes his head, wide-eyed.

“Because it was so beautiful. You were so beautiful. You really ARE a hero, Peter. It isn’t a façade at all. So many are doing it for the ego. For the fame. For the fortune. So many people have such petty, fleeting reasons for everything they do. Not you though. Never you. Peter Parker… I didn’t know there were people as GOOD as you in this world.”

… Wow. Peter doesn’t even know what to say to that. He’s overwhelmed, honestly. Surely Emma is exaggerating though. He’s not anyone spec-!

Suddenly, she’s kissing him, causing Peter’s thought to fizzle out as he finds himself swapping spit with the beautiful older woman. Meanwhile, the Five-In-One all pipe up from the sides.

“You really are special.”

“Honestly, if we had to list your greatest flaws, your self-deprecating nature would be at the top, Peter.”

“You’re so much better than you think you are.”

“You think that you’re just doing what needs to be done, but most people wouldn’t bother.”

“You’re genuine, Peter. You don’t realize how rare that is.”

Once they’re done speaking, Emma pulls back from their kiss and gives him a fond smile before glancing back over her shoulder.

“Girls. Entertain yourselves. Daddy and I are talking.”

Peter goes bright red at THAT insinuation, but none of his five girlfriends take issue with Emma’s words. They all just giggle… and then move to one another. Soon enough, their clothes are on the floor and they’re all engaging in some selfcest. As their soft moans and the squelching of fingers going in and out of holes fills the background, Emma cups Peter’s face, forcing him to look only at her.

“Now then, Peter. If it pleases you… and don’t lie to me because we both know it would, I want you to take me back over to that bed and rail me until you fill me with your seed. Cum deep inside of me, make me a mother, and breed me silly.”

Well… shit. Alright then. Before he can second guess himself, deciding that if six different telepaths all say it should happen, it might as well happen, Peter reaches down and grabs Emma, lifting her into the air.

She’s quick to wrap her limbs around him, even as he easily carries her over to the bed and lays her down on top of it. There’s a bit of fiddling as Peter gets his pants and boxers off, freeing his throbbing erection from its confines, and then a bit more fiddling when he has to pull aside Emma’s panties. Then… he’s inside of her.

Emma’s face contorts in pleasure as he fills her with his cock. Her lips part and let out a particularly wanton moan of enjoyment, even as Peter grunts at her tightness. His hands squeeze down on her hips, and his cock positively glides in and out of her. She’s not loose by any means, but she’s absurdly wet. Was she really so turned on for him? It was hard to believe.

“Believe it, Peter. Just anticipating this meeting had me drenched all day long. I’ve been waiting for a good man like you for so long. Don’t hold back… give me everything you’ve got!”

Peter snorts derisively at that, but nevertheless gives Emma what she wants. He fucks her right there on the bed, even as the moaning of her clones fills their ears. As her pussy walls flex around his cock and the beautiful telepath squirms beneath him, Peter reaches up and yanks at her corset, freeing her bust from its restrictive confines.

As soon as he’s gotten her tits to spill out of her top, Peter leans forward and grabs them both by their base, holding them and squeezing them as he brings his mouth to one of her nipples and then the other. As he swirls his tongue around the top of her breasts and nibbles at her teats, Emma throws her head back against the soft mattress, crying out even louder and arching her spine so that she can thrust her chest up into his mouth further.

Her hands go up behind her head and claw at the bedding, even as Peter continues to fuck her. Only, he’s pretty sure she’s feeling WAY too good for just a normal fuck. Meeting Emma’s eyes, he can tell from the way she blushes that he’s right. He’s not just fucking her right now… he’s putting on a mental show for her, isn’t he? She’s reading his mind as they have sex and basking in the ‘beauty’ of his thoughts as she’d described them.

She’s not just getting off to having his big fat cock buried in her hungering, gushing, constantly cumming twat. No, Emma is also getting off to his mind. It’s like he’s fucking her thoughts at the same time he’s fucking her body. Honestly… it’s kind of hot, Peter won’t lie. And the more he thinks about it, the more responsive Emma gets to him, the harder he fucks her.

It’s a pleasure feedback loop, Peter eventually realizes. He’s not getting anything directly from her, but just knowing how much she’s getting from him turns Peter on like nothing else. Emma’s eyes soon roll back in her head, and her tongue lolls out of her mouth as she cums again and again upon his cock. Meanwhile, Peter doesn’t let up for nothing. He keeps on fucking her. He plows her into the bed and rails her silly, just like she’d asked of him.

But all the while, he feels himself getting closer. It’s inevitable, really. A beautiful blonde bombshell like Emma Frost asks him to fuck and knock her up? Of course Peter has to do it. Fuck, he can’t NOT do it. He’s just lucky enough to have a group of five identical girlfriends who all WANT him to knock up their ‘mother’.

With one last groan, Peter arches his back and fills Emma with every last inch of his throbbing mast. Then, he cums. He cums and cums and it’s most definitely the best orgasm of his entire life as he fills her to the brim and then some. When he’s finally finished, he pulls out of Emma to see her eyes are still rolled back in her head and she’s completely insensate.

However, just because she’s down for the count doesn’t mean he’s done. As Peter climbs back off the bed, he barely even has time to consider what he’s just done and what it would mean if he actually managed to impregnate Emma Frost. Because before he can, five pairs of hands and five naked, nubile bodies rub against him from all sides as the Five-In-One he’s been dating for weeks now all come up and hug themselves against him.

“You were right before, Peter.”

“You are lucky to have such understanding girlfriends.”

“Girlfriends who want to see you happy…

“… and are willing to let you knock up their mother.”

“But please don’t ignore us anymore, daddy~”

Peter’s cock twitches at that last remark, and he chuckles as they all get to work, two of them descending to work on his dick while the other three all demand his attention up top.

… Yeah, he’s just getting started.



Psychic spider babies... there are more terrifying things in the marvel universe. As long as the brood don't get wind of Peter's mutate blood.


Well. That was honestly hot. Looking forward to more of this if it shows up.


The girls should sense the happiness emma has as she is pregnant and cause them to want to have children.