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A/N: Hey guys, just some cross-story shilling: Please go and read The Soul Engine for me! It's my new Free Write and my second ever original novel! Would really appreciate your feedback!

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Themes: Dom/Sub, Breeding, Mind Break

Summary: Part 5 of A Raw Deal. The news of that loser pervert somehow becoming the husband of all three Schnee women has caused a huge uproar in Beacon, especially when he even has the guts to return. As the Deputy Headmistress, Glynda has a duty to maintain the Academy's reputation. Though if he did manage to impregnate Lady Willow… perhaps she too could finally have children of her own. Glynda is confident that she could cut a deal with Issei in exchange for a one night stand.


“Mister Hyoudou. I assume you know why you’re here.”

Issei pauses briefly at that… and then shrugs and sits down in the chair across from her. Glynda Goodwitch, Beacon’s Deputy Headmistress and Professor for Battle Studies, narrows her eyes at the implied disrespect. She hadn’t given him permission to sit down just yet…

“Not really, Professor Goodwitch. I’ve kept my head down since coming back, haven’t I? I’ve even made sure my Team kept their heads down and their noses clean as well. So… what’s the problem?”

Glynda’s eyes narrow even further at his response. He’s too… confident. Back before this mess all started, back when he was just the team leader of a team filled with perverts (against her very strenuous objections, not that Ozpin ever really listened to her anyways), he had at least been afraid of her. Indeed, every time Glynda had to call him into her office to take him to task for this or that, he’d been sufficiently cowed, keeping his head down and his eyes averted as she read him the riot act.

Not anymore. The Issei Hyoudou of yesteryear was no more. The Issei Hyoudou of today was a much more confident and self-possessed young man. Normally, Glynda would be happy to see one of her students so thoroughly coming out of his shell. Just… not this one.

If she’d had her way, Issei Hyoudou would never have been a student at Beacon to begin with. Unfortunately, Ozpin had overruled her on that. Just as he’d overruled her on allowing the boy to come back to Beacon Academy to finish out his tutelage. Never mind that Issei Hyoudou was now the husband of Willow Schnee, while also being the father of her and BOTH of her daughters’ babies.

No, when you were rich enough, such scandal was just… par for the course, apparently. Lady Willow Schnee had seen fit to kick her previous husband to the curb and take back the SDC for herself. And then she’d married a perverted young man half her age. And somewhere in all of that, he’d knocked her up.

It was patently ridiculous, but Ozpin had been all for Issei and Weiss returning to Beacon and resuming their studies. And so Glynda was forced to make the best of a bad situation, as it were.

“You haven’t done anything since coming back, no. But there are the things you did before leaving. Like for instance, impregnating a fellow student. And impregnating her older sister, who was a visiting guest. Both of these events took place on Beacon’s Campus. Or do you try to deny that?”

She almost wished he would try and deny it. She had evidence! But Issei just shrugs and shakes his head.

“Nope. That definitely happened.”

Scowling now, Glynda rises from behind her desk, pulling up her signature riding crop and slapping it into her hands. Her weapon was called ‘The Disciplinarian’ for a reason.

“Such inappropriate behavior is not tolerated, Mister Hyoudou. Unless…”

She trails off here, fully intending to make the boy sweat. She’s going to make him crack. That confidence of his is a façade and she just knows she’ll-!

“Unless I fuck you too, Professor? And knock you up?”

Glynda Goodwitch freezes in place. What did he just say? Her eyes are wide as she stares at Issei, not quite comprehending the words that just came out of his mouth. Because… he’s right, technically. That WAS what she’d been building up to.

Look, Beacon was her life. Always had been. But that didn’t mean Glynda hadn’t ever wanted kids of her own. She loved her students, don’t get her wrong, but having children of her own flesh and blood had always been a priority for her. It just… it’d kept getting pushed back further and further truth be told. Until she found herself a childless middle-aged woman, listening on as one of her most perverted students in the entirety of her career knocked up not just Weiss Schnee, not just Winter Schnee, but also Willow Schnee as well!

It was obvious that, setting aside his perversion, Issei Hyoudou was an incredibly virile specimen. And given his proclivities, he might just be what she needed. Even still, for him to just come out and say it l-like that was… it was entirely uncalled for!

“E-Excuse you?”

Standing up as well, Issei gestures down to his crotch meaningfully.

“You want me to breed you, Professor Goodwitch. Willow said it would be like that.”

L-Lady Willow said that?! There was no way! And yet… and yet it’s true. But obviously Glynda can’t admit that! No, she’ll have to pretend like it wasn’t the plan… until he’d brought it up.

“I assure you; I had no intentions of… partaking in your debauched tomfoolery, Mister Hyoudou. H-However… since you’ve brought it up, perhaps we can reach a deal, you and me. A simple… arrangement. I will look the other way regarding your past transgressions, and you will keep the noses of you and your team clean going forward. In exchange, we shall have… a single solitary dalliance, resulting in a child that I and I alone will raise.”

She slaps The Disciplinarian down in her open palm as she narrows her eyes at the student standing on the other side of her desk.

“Is that acceptable to you?”

Obviously, he’ll leap at the chance. His show of thinking it over is just a pathetic attempt at trying to make her sweat, nothing more. Finally though, he nods.

“Sure… but lose the crop. I’m not into that kind of thing.”

Glynda bristles at how he presumes to order her about. He’s acting like he’s in charge or something! Still… she knows what she wants. And he remains her best opportunity of getting it. So she’ll play along… for now.

Setting her riding crop aside, the Deputy Headmistress saunters around the edge of her desk to where Issei is standing. Her intention is to push him back into his chair and straddle him so they can get right to business.

However, just as her hand comes down on his chest, but before she can actually apply any pressure, Issei’s hands grab her by her hips and yank her up off of her feet. At the same time, his lips slam against her lips in a kiss that takes Glynda completely by surprise. Her eyes widen as she finds herself subsequently sat back down on the edge of her own desk, with her legs forced apart and her thighs spread wide by Issei’s body taking up space between them.

Her hand is still on his chest as he kisses her like she’s never been kissed before. Admittedly, while Glynda is NOT a virgin… it has been quite some time for her. She hasn’t had sex in decades. She hasn’t been kissed like this in just as long, in fact. Actually, as the impromptu makeout session goes on, Glynda is forced to admit that she’s NEVER been kissed like this.

Issei Hyoudou is a shockingly good kisser. While he started out rather rough, he quickly fine tunes his approach, almost like he’s managing to read her reactions and body in real time to give her the best experience possible. But that’s crazy, right? Unless… unless it’s not. Ozpin HAD to see something in the boy to not only allow him into Beacon but also give him his own team. And he couldn’t have knocked up all three female members of the Schnee Family without seducing them first.

… Was it possible that Issei Hyoudou was something of an idiot savant? Was this just what he was good at, where all his talent lay? Glynda had to admit, the way he was touching her… it was doing things for her. Unexpected things.

Before she knows it, he’s got her skirt hiked up and her panties pulled down so that they’re dangling off of just one of her ankles. Meanwhile, her blouse has been unbuttoned and pulled open and her bra has been yanked up to release her breasts from their confines. Issei’s hands fall upon them like a pair of voracious fiends, molesting her even as he continues to kiss her and swap spit with her, leaving the older woman shuddering at his touch.

And yet… despite her being all but exposed to him, he doesn’t seem inclined to remove his hands from her body long enough to free his cock from its confines. He’s more interested in… in toying with her, than actually giving her what she wants!

As much as she’s enjoying all of this… far more than she should, Glynda still has her eye on the prize. She needs Issei to fuck her so she can get pregnant. That’s all this is. A simple transaction. But he’s insistent on taking l-liberties with her! Well, no matter. Glynda can handle this next part. Even if her hands are currently roaming up and down his chest without any input from the Deputy Headmistress herself… she still has her Semblance to call upon.

Reaching out with her mind, Glynda uses her Telekinesis to unbuckle Issei’s belt and unbutton and unzip his pants. Then, she reaches into his boxers and grabs hold of his cock, drawing it out… only to freeze up as his dick flops out onto her crotch. She… he was… he was huge. Maybe it wouldn’t have been such a shock or so mentally redefining if she’d used her actual hands instead of her Semblance, but… she hadn’t done that.

In that instant, Glynda Goodwitch had unthinkingly wrapped her mind around Issei Hyoudou’s entire length. She knew it like the back of her hand. He wasn’t even inside of her yet, but she knew him intimately all the same, because while his cock had yet to penetrate her cunt, it had effectively penetrated her mind.

The size was one thing. The girth was undeniably impressive. But every bit of it was designed for exactly what Glynda wanted. Impregnation. His balls were hefty and swollen, churning with seed. He was going to fuck her and he was going to breed her. Of that, Glynda Goodwitch suddenly has no doubt. She’d known he was virile before… but now she knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that he’s going to knock her up right here and now.

A shudder runs through the Deputy Headmistress and a muffled moan leaves her lips only to be swallowed by Issei’s. Her telekinetic touch slowly, lovingly almost, wraps around his throbbing cock again and lifts the heavy and meaty member up so that he’s lined up perfectly with her cunt. She pushes herself forward so she’s on the verge edge of the desk, feeling the bulbous tip of his massive schlong spreading her slit wide.

However… when she tries to yank him into her… she finds she can’t do it. Issei Hyoudou stands his ground and fights against her attempt to pull his entire body forward. Finally pulling back from their lip lock, the young man gives Glynda a confident, cocky grin.

“Now, now Professor. Ask nicely.”

Sputtering, Glynda goes red faced at the demand. She was never going to stoop so low to-!

“Just kidding.”

And then he thrusts forward and the blonde’s eyes go wide as that amazing cock, perfectly built for the purposes of knocking up needy, horny bitches past their prime like her… fills her in a heartbeat. Literally, her heart stops beating for a moment as he punches deep inside of her, going all the way straight to her womb. Then, it starts beating like crazy, going absolutely wild in her chest as a truly wanton moan leaves Glynda’s lips and her wide eyes proceed to roll back in her head.

She clutches at Issei’s shirt for dear life as he doesn’t even pause to give her a chance to recover. No, instead he begins to piston in and out of her with almost violent speed, pounding away at her clenching, gushing cunt. Her pussy walls try to slow him down, try to push him out, try to hold him in place… all to no avail. He’s like a rampaging Grimm, and Glynda is just a helpless civilian before his might, rather than the trained Huntress she’s supposed to be.

… It’s fantastic. As she mewls, moans, and cries out, cumming on Issei Hyoudou’s cock in quite an ugly manner, it’s not HIS façade that’s broken, but rather HERS. A façade that not even Glynda Goodwitch herself had known she was putting on. The façade of a stern disciplinarian, of a hardass authoritarian. How much time had she wasted, pretending that she didn’t want to get fucked like this?

The desk rocks beneath them with the force that Issei pounds into her. Papers and other things fall off of it, scattering across the floor. But Glynda doesn’t care about any of that. She simply can’t bring herself to care. In the end, the only thing that matters in this moment is Issei and his big fat cock barreling into her again and again.

In more recent times, Glynda had worried that she ran out of time. That the opportunity to have children had passed her by. But now… in this moment, she knows that wasn’t the case. She just needed to find the right man. And much to the Deputy Headmistress’ shock… Issei Hyoudou was that right man.

He doesn’t waste time either. Glynda cums half a dozen times in what feels like an eternity but also just as many minutes. And then, with a grunt, Issei proceeds to thrust forward and spill his seed deep inside of her womb. Reaching out with her telekinesis, Glynda has every intention of guiding his individual sperm to her eggs, making sure that they penetrate. But in the end, she doesn’t have to. She ‘watches’ through her Semblance as Issei’s seed makes its way directly to her eggs all on its own with single-minded focus. In mere moments, conception is assured.

And not just assured, but subsequently overachieved. Only through the unique nature of her Semblance is Glynda able to see that she’s not just having one baby… she’s having triplets. The realization causes her eyes to roll back in her head as she experiences one last explosive orgasm upon Issei Hyoudou’s cock.

Then, he pulls out of her and despite having gotten what she wanted… Glynda feels rather empty all of the sudden.

“Well then, Professor. I suppose our transaction is complete, right?”

His knowing, teasing tone should have raised her hackles. But instead, Glynda shakes her head, shakily slipping down off of her desk and onto her knees.

“N-No… please… we need to make sure…”

It’s a lie, of course. An obvious one too, as she wraps her naked breasts around Issei Hyoudou’s messy cock and takes the tip of his dick into her mouth, beginning to noisily suckle on it. She already knows she’s pregnant. And she suspects Issei already knows it too.

… But he’s kind enough to allow her this little white lie, even as he grins down at her and rests his hand atop her head while she begins to give him a titjob-blowjob combo right there on the floor of her office.

She understands how he bagged all three Schnee Women now. She understands… and she knows she can’t go back.



Can’t wait for next chapter we’re she wears a maid outfit while he does homework in her office. I’m joking of course unless


What I think would be crazy, Lisa Lavender the reporter going for an In-Depth interview. Or maybe Neo trying to kidnap him for ransom only to be held hostage by his cock. And the Malachite twins, they def want that hunk of man meat.