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“They’re here! The orcs are here!”

“Hush! I’m trying to listen!”

Inquisitor Sally Whitemane pays her fellows little mind, even as she scurries forward, pushing her way through the crowd gathered in front of the Scarlet Monastery. She’s a little late to the party so to speak, but she manages to get into place at High Inquisitor Fairbanks’ side with mere moments to spare. The aging priest and close advisor to Highlord Alexandros Mograine gives Sally a single nod before turning his gaze forward.

Standing front and center ahead of them is Highlord Alexandros Mograine himself, wielding the Ashbringer in his hands. The Highlord of the Scarlet Crusade stands with his head held high and his two sons at his back on either side. Glancing over at her, Renault in particular gives her an encouraging smile and a nod that has Sally flushing and ducking her head just a bit.

Ever since word of this… parley had reached the Monastery; Sally had been somewhat beside herself with emotion. Renault assumed it to be fear of the orcs that they were meeting today, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. If he knew why she’d really been so antsy however… he would have gazed upon her in sickness and disgust. He might have even brought up her true nature to his father or the High Inquisitor. So Sally had let him continue thinking that she was afraid. Better than him knowing what she was actually feeling…

A hush falls over the crowd as their ‘visitors’ arrive. Sally’s eyes are wide as she looks at the other group, studying them all. At the head of the contingent is the biggest, greenest orc she’s ever seen. He’s green in a weird way… almost a forest green, rather than the sickly green that Sally had been taught to associate with Fel and Demons.

At either side of him walks elves of all things. One seems to be a ranger if her cloak and her bow are anything to go by. The other elf is in full plate armor and wielding a sword like she’s some sort of Paladin. Though, Sally notes that she doesn’t seem fully used to her armor yet. A recent development perhaps?

Behind those initial three are dozens more orcs, all dressed in the same leather robes as their hulking leader. While some wield axes and other weapons on their backs like he does, many others wield only staves, something that Sally finds to be utterly fascinating.

And then… behind even those come the creatures that actually set the young Inquisitor’s teeth on edge. Undead. Or as they might wish to be differentiated… Forsaken. The so-called ‘intelligent’ undead that had been operating out of the Undercity for years now under the command of the Banshee Queen might have thought themselves different from the Scourge, but Sally and her cohort knew better. The Scarlet Crusade did not differentiate in matters of necromancy or plague. All undeath needed to be culled or Lordaeron would never be free again.

This, Sally knew beyond a shadow of a doubt. But… she also trusted in Highlord Mograine. And for some reason he’d agreed to this parley, even though it seemed like the worst had come to pass. Rumors and tales of a new Horde establishing itself across the sea on a faraway land called Kalimdor HAD reached the ears of the Scarlet Crusade’s leadership. And as High Inquisitor Fairbanks’ protégé, Sally was directly privy to more information than most.

As such, she knew that the Banshee Queen had sent word to this Horde to try and entreat their aid. The Forsaken could not survive the pincer attacks of the Scarlet Crusade humans and the Quel’Thalas elves forever. Even if they weren’t working together, both factions had been making excellent headway against both the Scourge holdouts AND the Forsaken of the Undercity.

Except… now the orcs were here. And they’d apparently gotten both the elves AND the Forsaken on their side. Sally feels a shiver go down her spine as the hulking orc leader’s eyes trail over her for half a second, moving back and forth across everyone assembled in front of the Scarlet Monastery before focusing on the Ashbringer. Both the man AND the sword, as it so happened.

“Greetings, Highlord Alexandros Mograine. I am pleased to see you in good health.”

Sally watches as the Highlord’s grip on Ashbringer tightens. She can tell from what she can see of his back profile that he is not nearly as pleased as his orcish counterpart. Still, he’d agreed to this meeting when a missive had been sent by Quel’Thalas to set it up. He’d even agreed to hold it here in front of the Monastery, rather than in Hearthglen where the seat of the Scarlet Crusade’s true power could be found.

They were by no means weak here… but it was a good middle ground for a diplomatic meeting such as this.

“Are you, orc? I wonder why.”

Flashing his teeth, the orc chuckles.

“Because I know you to be not just a righteous man, but a reasonable one as well. And because your continued health means that neither the Legion nor the Scourge managed to infiltrate your movement and remove you from the inside.”

Both the Highlord and High Inquisitor stiffen in offense at the very idea. Sally does too, just a little bit. The gall on this orc… to think that they would ever allow the demons or undead to infiltrate them. Pah! There’s also plenty of rustling from the watching crowd of humans out in front of the Monastery. A show of force that is unfortunately matched in turn by their visitors.

Before anyone can speak, the orc continues on, his tone one of authority and commanding everyone’s attention. He certainly commands Sally’s attention, there’s no doubt about that.

“I am Rognak. Chieftain of the Warsong Clan. Archdruid of the Horde. Emissary of the Warchief. I imagine you think you know why I am here.”

Straightening his back, holding his head even higher than before, the Highlord scoffs.

“Indeed. You are here to put us on notice, are you not? You travel with elves and undead. Am I to understand that they have both joined your Horde? Am I supposed to be afraid? The Scarlet Crusade will not be cowed by savages from across the sea. If you truly hope to stamp us out, I hope you brought a lot more orcs.”

Sally thinks she sees a flash of something in this Rognak’s eyes at that. The self-proclaimed Archdruid snorts even as it’s his fellows’ turn to shift back and forth and rustle behind him. The elven women on either side of him look particularly offended… but beyond that flash across his face, Rognak doesn’t lose his good cheer.

“Fortunately for you, that is not why I am here. No, Highlord. I am not here to put you on notice. I am here… to make amends.”

That causes stillness to fall over the entire area. Sally isn’t sure she heard right… but then, it seems that everyone else isn’t sure either.

“Excuse me? Make amends?”

The Highlord himself voices all of their confusion for them, causing Rognak to smile a more amicable smile and nods his head up and down.

“Indeed. Many years ago, those who came before me did great harm to these lands. The Old Horde did more damage than can be reasonably asked to forgive. However, I was born on this world. I was raised in your camps until I freed myself and lived off of your forests. I do not consider myself part of the Old Horde anymore than my Warchief, who fought in your gladiator pits for the amusement of his human master does.”

Rognak looks back behind him, the hulking orc’s eyes trailing over both his fellow orcs and the Forsaken beyond them alike. The Highlord doesn’t seem to know what to say, letting silence reign for a moment before the Orc Archdruid begins speaking again.

“That said, I am here all the same. As I said, to make amends. I am here, Highlord, to solve all of your problems.”

With that, he looks to the two elves on either side of him. The first to step forward is the one in full plate armor. As unused to it as she looks, Sally nevertheless clocks her as a dangerous warrior. She stands tall with her head held high and her eyes glowing with golden light. Wait a second. Amid the orcs and undead standing before them, Sally had initially missed it.

Didn’t all the reports say that the elves of Quel’Thalas were all green-eyed these days? That their King or Prince or whatever he was had even renamed them from the High Elves to the Blood Elves given what they’d lost? Without the Sunwell, they’d had to turn to alternative methods to fuel their incredibly magical existences from what Sally recalled reading.

“Greetings, Highlord. I am Lady Liadrin of Silvermoon. I stand here today to tell you that with the Sunwell reborn and Quel’Thalas with it, Prince Kael’thas Sunstrider and the Blood Elves will suffer no further bloodshed on these lands. The Plague of Undeath will be wiped out… our way.”

Needless to say, Lady Liadrin has dropped quite the bombshell on all of them. But that last part… that part clearly makes the Highlord angry. Sally can hear the eldest Mograine’s teeth grinding from where she’s standing. And she can’t really blame him either. It’s patented elven haughtiness at its finest to say that they were effectively ‘taking over’ after literal years of their two organizations both handling the undead just fine separately.

However, before the Highlord can make his displeasure properly known… the other elf next to Rognak steps forward and pulls back her hood. The ranger elf’s eyes are green like Sally is expecting… but as she looks closer, she realizes it’s not a Fel green. Rather, it’s more of a verdant forest green, almost like Rognak’s skin.

“And I… am Sylvanas Windrunner, formerly Ranger-General of Silvermoon, formerly the Dark Lady of the Undercity… and formerly Banshee Queen of the Forsaken.”

THAT gets the biggest reaction yet. Sally very nearly reels back in shock though luckily she doesn’t because next to her, her aging master High Inquisitor Fairbanks has to suddenly reach out and grab her arm for extra support so he doesn’t collapse from surprise.

… It doesn’t make sense. There are even cries of disbelief from those assembled in front of the monastery as they gaze at the very much alive elf claiming to be the undead Banshee Queen. Those cries and some rather loud muttering only grow until finally Highlord Mograine raises his hand and clenches it into a fist.


It’s a testament to the Highlord’s presence that he doesn’t need to say it a second time. Silence falls as Alexandros steps forward. Renault reaches for him, but the Highlord shakes his son’s concerned hand off and continues striding forward, until he’s within stabbing distance of the self-professed ‘former Banshee Queen’.

Peering at her, he looks down at the Ashbringer and then growls.

“… You expect me to believe this farce? Any elf could dress up in this garb and stick a bow on her back and claim to be the Banshee Queen resurrected.”

The one who calls herself Sylvanas simply juts out her chin, unafraid and unphased by his disbelief. She is not the one to answer him however… no, that falls to the orc right behind her. Rognak claps his hands together, making a few of the people around Sally jolt from the loud sound as the orc grins.

“Well now! Of course we don’t. Not without proof anyways. But then… that’s why we brought volunteers!”

The Highlord goes still as Rognak turns his back on him completely. The Orc Archdruid looks away from them all… to the Forsaken that have followed him and his fellow orcs up the hill to the Monastery. As Sally focuses on the disgusting, filthy undead properly, she realizes that none of them are armed or armored.

In fact, they all look just about as pitiful as an undead can be. Of course, no matter what… no matter how intelligent they might seem, every zombie, ghoul, and wight is deserving of nothing but cleaning holy fire. Burn them to ash and let their souls move on to become one with the Light. That was what Sally had been taught. That was what she believed.

And yet… as Rognak turns, so do his fellow orcs. All of them suddenly split down the middle and then move to surround the nervous-looking Forsaken. Sally doesn’t quite know what is happening and from the way the Highlord just stands there tense, he doesn’t seem to know either. Nor does he seem to know what to do. What precisely is going on here?

Suddenly… the orc named Rognak lifts his hands into the air and undergoes a partial transformation. Sally squawks and lifts up her staff as the orc grows horns atop his head, a tail from his lower back, and claws on each of his large hands. She would have assumed him to be half-demon… but just as soon as he goes through with this transformation, his hands begin to glow with the Light. Or at least, it looks like the Light?

She can’t properly explain it. There is… this energy swirling around the Archdruid and all of his fellow orcs. Lady Liadrin steps forward and brings up her own hands, giving off even more Blazing Light. Is this the Sunwell? But then… what is that verdant green power underneath it as well? Is that Nature itself? The domain of these… druids?

They gather up so much power that Sally begins to tremble from the pressure. At her side, High Inquisitor Fairbanks must lean on her all the heavier. And before them all, Highlord Mograine lifts the Ashbringer. He shouts over the roaring power in the air around them.

“Enough! What is this?!”

“You’re about to see, Highlord! Don’t blink or you just might miss it!”

And then… all of that power goes washing into the Forsaken. It hits the undead that the orcs have brought to this parley with blinding intensity, so bright and unyielding that Sally has to shield her eyes. She suspects everyone else does as well. The glow is so powerful that the Forsaken vanish beneath it entirely.

A trap, perhaps? Were they about to strike under the cover of this… this display of magic?! But no… even though Sally prepares herself, the attack never comes. And eventually… the bright glow fades away, the Blazing Light of the Sunwell disappearing first and the Nature Magic underneath it fading last.

Blinking spots out of her eyes, Sally straightens back up along her comrades and her master and gazes at the sight before her in utter stupefaction.


Beside her, High Inquisitor Fairbanks isn’t much better. He can’t believe what he’s seeing anymore than she can, it would seem. For… standing before them, where once stood undead… are living human beings once more.

Of course, it’s not perfect. Many of the Forsaken had been little more than tattered skin and visible bones. Some were even missing jaws, eyes, or limbs. And while they have been brought back to life… they have not been HEALED.

Screams of pain and agony come from the now living humans and Sally jolts, every fiber of her being wanting to rush forward and call upon the Holy Light to heal them of their injuries. However, she wouldn’t know where to begin. Everywhere she looks she sees some of the most grotesque wounds she’s ever witnessed. All of them leaking fresh blood, all of them gushing red viscera… for a few moments anyways.

The Archdruid Rognak and his fellow orcs were prepared for this it would seem, because they don’t even hesitate. Even before the glow had fully faded, they’d already been reaching out. This time, there is no Light involved except for on the Elf Paladin, Lady Liadrin’s part. But the druids are more than capable of repairing the grievous injuries rendered by their undeath with Nature Magic alone. Blood slips back into open veins. Flesh grows back over visible bone. Jaws and eyes and noses are regrown alongside arms and legs.

Within the minute, the screams have died down. And those who had once been Forsaken have been completely resurrected. They stand there just as human as Sally or any of her cohorts, staring down at pink fleshy fingers with undisguised shock and awe.

“I hope this is proof enough for you Highlord. With the Sunwell restored… and the Blessing of the Life-Binder herself, I have devised a method of bringing back a significant portion of the Forsaken. Think of it. You no longer have to kill every single undead that plagues the lands of Lordaeron. They say that the best revenge is living well… but wouldn’t an even sweeter revenge be making sure as many of the people killed by Arthas and Kel’Thuzad also get to live well in spite of their vile and horrific efforts?”

In the face of such earnestness from Rognak… as well as direct proof of their claims, what else was the Highlord to do? The Scarlet Crusade existed for one purpose and one purpose alone. To do what the Order of the Silver Hand had failed to do and eradicate the Plague of Undeath from Lordaeron and all of its surrounding lands.

And now… now they had a path forward that, as Rognak said, would not just result in more and more death… but in life. Renewal. Resurrection. Rebirth.

Sally lets out a shuddering breath as the Highlord makes the call and he and Rognak wind up shaking hands in front of all of those assembled. High Inquisitor Fairbanks slumps against her, the poor aging priest’s heart struggling to keep up with all of these… occurrences. Meanwhile, Sally finds herself tensing up and staring into the glowing green eyes of one Sylvanas Windrunner, former Dark Lady.

In that moment, Sylvanas smiles and Sally has never felt more SEEN. In that moment… the young Inquisitor blanches, knowing instantly in her heart of hearts that she’s been made.


“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”

Alright, it was official. This was starting to get ridiculous. Liadrin was one thing… but Whitemane as well? And yet here he was. Rather, here they were.

After the demonstration in front of the Scarlet Monastery, everything had begun moving into motion. With Rognak and his druids’ proven resurrection technique and the Scarlet Crusade’s resources, they would be able to make good progress in curing the vast majority of the Forsaken of their affliction while at the same time finally cleaning out the larger pockets of resistance in the form of unintelligent Scourge and too-far-gone undead warlords.

The fact that they knew plenty of undead WOULDN’T be in a state of mind or body to be resurrected actually went a long way to placating the militant and somewhat over-zealous Scarlet Crusade leadership. They liked the idea that they would still get to cleanse the lands of many of the mindless undead who unfortunately couldn’t be brought back to life.

Rognak was just glad that Balnazzar and Kel’Thuzad had never gotten the chance to sink their respective claws into the Scarlet Crusade. It meant he was dealing with the slightly more reasonable Highlord Alexandros Mograine and High Inquisitor Fairbanks.

That all said… Rognak wasn’t sure how Sylvanas had managed it, but she’d gotten a young Sally Whitemane, apprentice to the aforementioned High Inquisitor, assigned as their attaché. And then she’d led the white-haired woman into his tent and proceeded to bully her into gagging on his cock.

Not that Inquisitor Whitemane seemed opposed in the slightest. In fact, even now she was swirling her tongue around his cock as she choked on it, her eyes watering but also staring up at him with lust and arousal evident in them as Sylvanas pushes her head up and down his member. The kneeling Scarlet Inquisitor gurgles and gags, but also moans… which sends reverberations up and down his length that make Rognak groan in satisfaction.

“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”

“Hnnngh… I’m getting close, ladies…”

Sylvanas goes to pull Sally back, but the human woman fights her on it, ultimately yanking herself free of the elf’s grasp and choking herself FURTHER on his cock. Seeing Sally Whitemane’s eyes cross as her jaw is stretched to the breaking point by his big fat orc dick is… well, it’s enough to send Rognak over the edge, his seed exploding out of him.

For a moment, Sally’s cheeks inflate like a chipmunk’s… and then she’s sent rocketing backwards into Sylvanas from the sheer force of his ejaculation, the two of them tumbling back as he cums all over them both. There’s barely a moment hesitation before they turn on one another after that, positively ravenous to lick and slurp up his cum off of each other’s faces and chests.

It’s rather odd. Rognak at least understands why Sylvanas is acting this way. He even comprehends why Liadrin is in the corner having stripped off just her chestplate and greaves so she can finger herself and play with her breasts while still wearing her gauntlets, boots, and pauldrons.

But where the fuck is all of this coming from when it comes to Sally Whitemane? The girl seems way too eager by half and Rognak doesn’t fully understand it…

Eventually, Sylvanas and the Scarlet Inquisitor pull apart, having mostly licked each other clean. Then, Sylvanas grabs Sally by her white hair again and yanks her head back, forcing her to look Rognak in the eye. She whispers something in the human woman’s ear, prompting Sally to go bright red in response. But after a moment, she finally speaks.

“P-Please Sir Orc… please ravish me. It has… long been a deep, dark secret of mine. This d-desire in my loins. A desire to… to be captured and fucked by an orc. To be used and abused by a… g-greenskin. I want your cock inside of me. I want to feel helpless… I want to feel like little more than a d-doll.”

Well. Casual racism aside, that was quite the confession. Rognak’s cock twitches at what Sally asks of him, and he chuckles softly before slowly nodding.

“Mm. And if I were the kind of orc to capture and fuck you… how would you have me claim you, Inquisitor Whitemane?”

Sally’s blush intensifies but after a moment she describes her fantasy. It takes Rognak a moment to parse what she’s asking for and when he does he can’t help his incredulous response.

“You want me to take you in a Full Nelson.”

Obviously, the Inquisitor doesn’t have the words for it… but Rognak, once he processes her request in his head, does. His old set of memories has all sorts of strange words to describe all sorts of strange sexual positions.

Sally, Sylvanas, and Liadrin ALL blink at his words, clearly not parsing them very well. In the end though, he doesn’t ask so much as he speaks, so Sally just nods hesitantly, trusting in his expertise. Snorting derisively, Rognak rises to his feet and walks forward.

“Not even sure if this is possible, truth be told…”

Still, he reaches down and picks the naked Inquisitor up all the same. And then… he folds her. His thick green arms wind up under her legs, folding her in half even as he slides his hands up behind her head and laces his fingers on the nape of her neck. The end result is a Sally Whitemane that quite literally can’t do anything but clutch at his biceps as he holds her dripping, drooling quim over his twitching and throbbing cock.

“Is this what you desired, human?”

“Y-Yes! Please… please don’t hold back!”

Snorting in amusement, Rognak just shakes his head… and then drops Sally onto his cock. Impaling her cunt on his dick, he’s a little surprised to discover that she’s still virginal. His other memories tell him that she would have eventually been in numerous relationships over the coming years… if the timeline had actually progressed as it should have without his interference.

However, in this moment he is the one who takes young Whitemane’s virginity, spearing the Inquisitor’s purity along with the rest of her pussy with his big fat orcish cock. Sally cries out in some mild discomfort… but also an undertone of pleasure, her gushing wet cunt clenching down hard around his shaft as she sinks inch after inch down his massive mast.

She’s incredibly turned on and it makes it all the easier to fuck her in the Full Nelson, all while Sylvanas and Liadrin both watch. Well, Liadrin watches. The newly minted Blood Elf Paladin doesn’t ever actually move to join in, preferring to stay on her side of the room and observe. He’s not quite sure why, but maybe she just has a thing for seeing other women get railed by an orc’s big fat cock.

Sylvanas DEFINITELY has a thing for watching that, but she equally has a thing for participating and even helping in the debasement of the women she’s fed to Rognak so far. The resurrected elven woman eventually crawls forward and begins to ply her tongue, lips, and teeth to where his cock is joined with Whitemane’s cunt.

When she’s not licking at his pistoning shaft or sucking on his hefty balls one after the other, the former Banshee Queen is biting at Whitemane’s clit, tugging it out from the Inquisitor’s body and making the human woman positively HOWL in ecstasy.

Again and again, Sally cums on his cock. Again and again, she squeals as she’s fucked in the Full Nelson, receiving everything her heart desires. Rognak is well aware that Sally is… perhaps a little mentally unwell. In fact, the original version of her would undeniably have counted when it came to the age old adage of ‘don’t stick your dick in crazy’.

However, this Sally was… much more mellow. She wasn’t forced to adapt to being the High Inquisitor at too young an age, nor was she in a toxic relationship with a Renault Mograine who had drank demon blood from a disguised Balnazzar.

In fact, this version’s Sally was a decent representation of the Scarlet Crusade of this time as a whole. Sure, they were a little zealous and more than a little dedicated… but this Scarlet Crusade wasn’t nearly as bad as the one from Rognak’s memories. Without Balnazzar and Kel’Thuzad around to orchestrate the betrayal of a father by his eldest son, both Highlord Alexandros Mograine and High Inquisitor Fairbanks still lived. And because they were still in charge, the Scarlet Crusade was actually still reasonable.

Of course, as he continues to impale Sally Whitemane on his cock, feeling it as she orgasms again and again, Rognak reflects that a proper display of his abilities probably went a long way. Quite literally resurrecting and healing a group of Forsaken right in front of a large portion of the Scarlet Crusade had definitely been a massive step in the right direction, he figured.

Now, together… they would end the Forsaken. Not by Moonfire and Holy Light as Rognak had initially assumed he would have to when he came to these lands, but through the resurrection of all who could be brought back. The Forsaken as a whole would not exist by the end of the month… but not because they’d been exterminated in mass. Rather, they wouldn’t exist because the vast majority of them would be given a second chance.


Rognak blinks as Sally suddenly squeals, calls him Master, and then begs to be bred. He slows himself down for a moment and lets her catch her breath before asking her seriously.

“Was that in the heat of the moment, or do you actually want to carry my child, Inquisitor Whitemane?”

There’s a brief pause… and then Sally Whitemane confesses the truth.

“P-Please… I want it… I want to carry your child…”

With that, Rognak grunts and picks up the pace. At the same time, his eyes momentarily glow green as he gives his balls a minor boost. He’s gotten better at controlling his own super-virility spell at this point, so rather than anything too crazy, he just charges a single normal sized load… and then lets it loose. Of course, a normal sized load for him is still quite a lot for a human woman like Whitemane to handle.

Sally moans throatily as she’s stuffed to the brim with his seed. She shudders upon his cock until he finally pulls her off of it and sets her down on the bed. By that point her pregnancy is all but assured. Looking down at her as she smiles dopily up at him, Rognak scratches his cheek for a moment… and then nods.

“By the way, I should probably let the Highlord and High Inquisitor know that Calia Menethil is alive. Her and a daughter, in fact.”

Everyone else in the room jolts at that, but Rognak isn’t paying them any mind. He’s staring off into the distance for a few seconds, after which he shakes his head.

“On second thought… let’s save that for the end of the month, shall we? I don’t want them to retrieve Calia and then have it turn out the Princess is also a huge sucker for orc dick or something. I think… that would be a step too far, even for me. I’m going to draw the line there.”

Sure, it wasn’t like Rognak hadn’t fucked royalty before at this point. But even still, he’d much prefer to get off of this continent and back to Kalimdor without adding another Princess to his belt…

Of course, even as he’s nodding to himself, the room suddenly explodes with questions. Turns out that dropping a bombshell like the last Menethil’s survival into a room occupied by Sylvanas Windrunner and Sally Whitemane was a recipe for interrogation. Who could have guessed?


A/N: Just two more bonus chapters after this one, with Wednesday's chapter being a fair bit shorter and more of a bonus epilogue scene than anything. 

Tomorrow's chapter is gonna be the last BIG one. Hope people like it~

And as always hope everyone enjoyed and be sure to let me know what you think!



Is there a religious organization that wont get Orck'd?


Considering that we've now added Sally Whitemane to the tally... if not, there soon will be.


Alright, are we taking bets on Rognak traveling to Stormwind and winding up getting a third dragon wife? After all, haven't seen scale nor talon of Onyxia.


I gotta admit you really do capture how someone from our world would just drop reveals like that out of nowhere once they had a good excuse to not be paranoid about it. just like 'oh ya Calia is still alive, I completely forgot about that' "Hey by the way now that I have finished inside you and made you bear my children you should probs know Calia is still alive along with a daughter of her own."

Sam Kemp

This was a wonderful chapter. I definitely called the subject on Sally though. I was expecting a lot more crazy though. Like Noodlehammer’s depiction in Metagaming. But that is because, despite how much WoW I played when younger, I never really looked into the back story of the Scarlet Crusade.


The difference between Sally in Metagaming and Sally here is that a bunch of bad shit that happened to Sally/the Scarlets in Metagaming didn't happen here. So Sally didn't get the chance to go off the deep end and mad with power, heh.


Also it's worth noting that Noodlehammer exaggerates his characters..by quite a lot in some circumstances.