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Poll Winner

Themes: Competitive Sex, Breeding, NTR

Summary: Had Eris known what would’ve happened when she threw that apple at those three…well, she likely would’ve done it anyway and brought more popcorn. Paris inadvertently manages to avoid triggering Troy's downfall by stating the most beautiful goddess would be the best lay with him. It shouldn't have worked. And yet... 


“I want to have sex with the three of you.”

Paris knew he was already fucking boned. So why not go for broke, right? The moment that not one, not two, but THREE Goddesses arrived at his farm, Paris’ fate was sealed. Even knowing from Hermes himself that Zeus had given Paris permission to set any conditions he saw fit in this contest didn’t make the mortal man feel any better. He’d been hung out to dry by the King of the Gods, that much was abundantly clear to him.

So yes, he’d gone ahead and made Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite all strip naked as one of his first conditions. If he was screwed either way, he might as well go out in a blaze of glory, right? But… they’d all been surprisingly willing to do that. Almost as though they WANTED to show off their beauty to him.

Afterwards, each of them had stood there in all of their glistening divine glory and offered him their respective gifts. The Queen of the Gods had offered ownership of all of Europe and Asia. The Goddess of Wisdom had offered him skill in battle and the abilities of the greatest warriors known to man. And finally the Goddess of Love had offered him the love of the most beautiful woman on Earth… Helen of Sparta.

Hah! So much for coming to him because he was such an impartial and honest judge! They were all offering significant bribes for him to pick them over the other two. Ignoring the fact that no matter who he chose, his life was over! He would earn the fleeting favor of one fickle Goddess in exchange for the lifelong enmity of two others!

On top of that… the trio of Goddesses were literally standing before him naked. And he was supposed to be thinking about owning land, or having skills in battle, or even the beauty of a mortal woman at a time like this?! No… no there was only one thing Paris wanted. And if he was screwed either way, then why the fuck not, right?

Hera and Athena respond as expected, both sputtering at his declaration. Aphrodite, meanwhile, smirks and flips her hair back over her shoulder with a shrug.


Even as the Goddess of Love gives her agreement, the other two are very much not pleased.

“I am known as Athena the Virgin, mortal! Do you spit on that meeting?!”

“And I am the Goddess of Marriage! Breaking my vows is not so simple, boy!”

Shrugging and maintaining a calm façade despite feeling like he’s about to die at any moment, Paris gives the two irate Goddesses a bland stare.

“Beauty implies sensualness, does it not? And to be sensual is to be sexual. How can I possibly judge a competition of beauty fairly if I do not partake of each of your flesh? There is only one solution. I must lay with each of you. Any Goddess who cannot lay with me is automatically disqualified from this competition of beauty.”

He knew he was staring death in the face, but the way he saw it he was screwed either way. As such, at the very least he would get to fuck Aphrodite herself before Hera and Athena made it their mission to ruin his life. And as beautiful as Helen of Troy was SAID to be… she couldn’t possibly compare to the beauty of the Goddess right in front of him.

Smirking, the blonde Goddess of Love begins to strut forward.

“I suppose it’ll be my win then, girls. Better luck next time~”

Paris licks his lips and begins removing his toga as Aphrodite’s bountiful breasts bounce up and down, perfectly round and perky in their temperament, just as perfect as the rest of her in fact. He was seriously going to get to fuck a Goddess. With this he could die a happy man and-!

“Wait! You think that we’d let you win this easily?!”

“That’s right! We accept the mortal’s condition! We will ALL lay with him, at which point he will decide which of us is the most beautiful Goddess in all the land!”

Both Paris and Aphrodite give Hera and Athena incredulous, amazed looks at that as the other two Goddesses ALSO hurry to approach him. Wait, seriously? Was this really happening?!

“You two… tch, fine but I’m going first.”

Athena just smirks at Aphrodite’s declaration.

“Go ahead. Do you think going first gives you some sort of advantage? You’ll lay with the man and by the time he’s gone through the two of us, he’ll have forgotten all about you.”

Hera nods alongside the Goddess of Wisdom… before smiling beatifically.

“Indeed, which is why I shall go last.”

As Athena suddenly looks sour, like she sucked on a lemon, Aphrodite just scowls furiously at the both of them.

“Fools. As if someone as sensual and sexual as me NEEDS a handicap or advantage like that. Pah!”

And without further ado, the Goddess of Love reaches down, grabs Paris’ already rock hard cock… and promptly turns around. Paris watches in amazement as the gorgeous divine woman bends over for him right then and there. She doesn’t even get on her hands and knees… no, she remains standing, placing herself properly and aligning his cock with her cunt. Then she drives herself back onto his member so fast and so hard that Paris has to reach out and grab hold of her hips in order to keep from falling flat on his ass.

… Her cunt is absolutely divine. Paris lets out a shuddering groan as he digs his fingers into Aphrodite’s plush hips and begins thrusting away like… like a man possessed. And maybe he is. Maybe he’s being overtaken by a spirit, because holy hell he can’t get enough of the Goddess of Love’s perfectly shaped pussy. He fills her with his entire dick again and again, making Aphrodite moan in response. Her inner walls flex and clench around his dick quite rapidly even as she puts her hands on her knees, holding herself steady with ease for him to plow as hard and as fast as he can.

“Mmm… f-for a mortal, you have a good technique, Paris. K-Keep it up… a-ah~”

He’s not sure if she’s just acting for the sake of their audience or for him specifically… but Paris doesn’t care. Especially not when she arches her back and reaches up, caressing and groping one of her own tits while he continues to jackhammer into her sex with all his might. He grunts and growls, really giving it his all, really filling her with his length. He didn’t think he’d ever get an opportunity to do something like this again, so he had to make the most of it, right? Besides… besides, Aphrodite’s pussy was so amazing that he felt stronger than he ever had before. Her glistening cunt juices slicken his passage too, making it easier and easier for him to fuck her.

With a squeal, Aphrodite suddenly falls forward onto her hands and knees as Paris redoubles his speed and growls.

“O-Oh FUCK! He’s getting BIGGER! FASTER! NNNNGH!!!”

Paris doesn’t pay her much mind… he just keeps fucking her. Sure, maybe he could have made a family and life with Helen of Troy… but would that have compared in the slightest to fucking a literal Goddess? Not just one either… but THREE?!

With a triumphant roar, Paris thrusts into Aphrodite one more time… and fills her with his cum. It’s hands down the best orgasm of his life and he fills and fills her with his seed, making sure to pump it all right into her womb. Aphrodite, for her part, doesn’t complain about this. In fact, she doesn’t say much of anything at all as Paris pulls out of her, panting a bit… but surprisingly not out of breath. In fact, he feels stronger than ever before.

“… The fool came all over his cock so many times she blessed him without meaning to.”

“… Yes, he’s at least at the level of a demigod now.”

Paris blinks, looking at Hera and Athena as they stare at him with looks of trepidation and contemplation. Athena glances at the Queen of the Gods uncertainly.

“What… what do we do?”

Hera just raises an eyebrow at her in turn.

“Well, if you no longer wish to be in the running for most beautiful Goddess, feel free to step away. It’s only the logical option… after all, we both know I am more beautiful by far.”

Athena squawks at that… and stomps her way over to him. Suddenly, Paris finds himself on his back with the naked Virgin Goddess popping a squat over him, blushing as she glares at him heatedly.

“Sex… sex is like war. You must always approach the situation from a position of control.”

Paris blinks at that advice even though it seems more like it’s meant for herself than for him. A moment later and the Goddess of Wisdom’s breath hitches as she touches her untouched virgin cunt to his cockhead. A moment after that… and he grabs her by the hips and SLAMS her down on his dick right then and there.

Blessed? Demigod? Paris didn’t quite know what that meant. He knew one thing though; he wasn’t going to let Athena second guess this decision. If he was doomed, he might as well go down in history as the man who claimed the virginity of the Goddess of Wisdom!

In response, Athena chokes on her own spit, looking absolutely furious with Paris for all of a moment before her eyes abruptly roll back in her head and she lets out a gurgling moan as she suddenly orgasms upon his throbbing mast. Paris grunts as the second Goddess of the day’s juices flow down his length but he’s already getting a move on. One hand on Athena’s hips to hold her in place as he thrusts up into her from below, and the other on her chest to grope her breasts and pinch her nipples one at a time.

Despite her words… Athena is very much not in control as he fucks her from underneath. Pounding up into her, groping her breasts, holding her steady. It’s all Paris and the formerly Virgin Goddess can do nothing but hold on for dear life as she howls and creams herself on his cock again and again.


From the side, Hera growls.

“Idiot girl! You’re only making him stronger you mutt! Moron! Control yourself!”

“I can’t… I CAN’T!”

And with that, Athena cums SO HARD and for so long that it takes Paris right over the edge as well. He grunts as he fills her with his seed just like he did Aphrodite, delivering another biggest load of his entire life to her womb without failure. As he finishes… Athena flops backwards off of his cock, sprawled out on the ground next to Aphrodite’s still-face down form. The two Goddesses lay there, unmoving save for the occasional twitch and quiver as their creampied cunts slowly pour his cum onto the ground.

As Paris rises back to his feet, his cock throbs with need, still rock hard and ready to go. Meanwhile, he finds himself facing down Hera, Queen of the Gods herself. The Goddess narrows her eyes at him.

“… Tch. Idiots, both of them. They shed parts of their power and now you’re on the cusp of nascent godhood. A God of Sex if I’m not mistaken.”

While the Goddess speaks, Paris marvels at how good he feels. How POWERFUL he feels. Finally focusing on Hera… he offers a crooked smile.

“Will you be participating in the contest or not, my Queen?”

Hera’s eyes flash with challenge.

“Oh, I shall be participating. But do not think that you will take me as you have taken these two fools! I am the Queen of the Gods… YOUR Queen. When I am done with you, you will name me the most beautiful Goddess of all for you will understand just who it is you’re dealing with!”




“What was that, your majesty? Weren’t you going to make me understand who I was dealing with? Should I stop so you can do so properly?”


“Heh, as you wish, my Queen~”

Paris exults as he fucks Hera, Queen of the Gods, into the ground of his farm like… like some common trollop. Hera is in the most humiliating position of all right now… she’s been flipped half-upside down, with her weight on her neck and shoulders and her legs in Paris’ hands, folded up onto her body as he crouches over her cunt and pounds into her from above with all his might.

But not only that… the Queen of the Gods is making the silliest facial expression of the trio as well. Eyes crossed, lips forming a perfect ‘o’, she looks absolutely ridiculous as he fucks her and she begs him to go harder, pleading with him to pound her silly. Something Paris is more than happy to do. The more Hera cums on his cock, the more he feels what she was talking about. He’s ascending to something… more. Maybe not full godhood. Maybe he’s still destined to die after all this is over.

But he’s not some mere mortal man anymore. No, him and his cock have become something more than mortal… something divine. God of Sex was pretty accurate. He felt like he was at his most powerful with a woman impaled on his cock being fucked by his throbbing pillar of man-meat. And even more so when that woman was a Goddess like the three he was fucking his way through right now.

More than that though… he thinks he might not just be a God of Sex. There’s something else… something crystallizing in his senses even as he fucks Hera silly, making the Goddess of Marriage break her vows all too willingly and beg him to break them even harder for her.

It hits him just as he’s about to nut. He’s the God of Sex, yes… but he’s ALSO the God of Breeding now. He can feel the divine life growing in Aphrodite and Athena’s wombs, his ascension to godhood retroactively making the babies he’s foisted upon them into gods themselves instead of demigods.

In that moment, Paris COULD have pulled out and NOT knocked up the Queen of the Gods as he’d knocked up the other two… but seriously, why would a God of Breeding willingly choose to not breed the Goddess of Family, right?

With a hoarse shout, Paris throws his head back and proceeds to cum with even greater force than his last two releases. He cums and cums, filling Hera’s womb with his seed and impregnating her on the spot. He knows he did because of who and what he is now.

Smiling, he pulls out and lets the Goddess drop to the ground. Staring at all three of them, the newly ascended Greek God rolls his shoulders and hums. He’s… probably still dead when Zeus catches wind of this. But as he gazes down at Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera’s fucked silly expressions, twitching divine bodies, and creampied cunts… he can only think one thing.

Worth it.


Talia Rock

Just a FYI for anyone who reads the comments, the idea of a virgin goddess didn't mean she was chaste but that she was unwed. Lingual drift amirite?


Damn, want more now; Paris breeding his way through the pantheon.


I'd like to see more on this premise. Especially the reactions of the other gods lol.

Ike Vann

Yeah, he's probably going to be killed by zues for fucking and knocking up Hera, the hypocrite.

Ike Vann

Hopefully you do a part 2 where he fucks the other goddesess. Not just as the God of Sex and Breeding but maybe Dominance as well. It'll be great to see him dominate and breed all the other goddesess and possibly some mortal women as well.


Unless Paris throws Zeus' words right back. He did allow Paris to set *any* conditions...

Josh Snider

Greek Mythology became at most 15% hornier.


Unless Zeus takes advantage and uses this as an excuse to keep having affairs with out Hera having any right to complain or get upset.


Please continue, suggestions for the next time being Artemis, Hestia, Amphitrite, Demeter, and Persephone so as to finish three sets being: the Three virgin goddesses, the three queens of the gods, and the three daughters of Kronos.