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Themes: Virgin Sex, Bondage, Threesome

Summary: Part 3 of A Quiver, An Arrow. Percy had foolishly thought his life couldn't get any weirder. Arriving home to find his wife waiting for him with her normally assertive lieutenant, the latter naked but for the rope restraining her, quickly disabused him of that notion. Artemis preferred to 'submit to his whims', but it was clear she intended to remain in charge of her Hunters. Even in bed. 


After marrying and deflowering the Virgin Goddess of the Hunt (and not even in that order) Percy had been confident that his life couldn’t get any stranger. Needless to say, he should never have been so certain of that. Hadn’t his entire life been one long series of ‘it can get weirder’? Because frankly… he probably should have known that just marrying a Goddess wasn’t the oddest thing that could happen to him.

“Goddess! I’m home!”

Barely a moment after Percy has stepped through the door of the not-so-humble abode that he now shares with Artemis, the Goddess of the Hunt all but appears before him. He hasn’t even finished getting his coat off before she’s helping him divest himself, and she even goes down on her knees to help him with his boots. Percy sighs at this, which prompts her to glance up at him almost petulantly.

“What? A wife is expected to tend to her husband’s needs, after all.”

It was an old argument between them at this point. Though, it couldn’t even really be called an argument, could it? It was just something Percy had had to get used to. Artemis was a strange one, to say the least. Her history was filled with examples of misandry, though to be fair most of the men in myths concerning her usually deserved what they had coming to them. Still, she was a Virgin Goddess by choice… until she wasn’t.

Put simply, Artemis LIKED submitting to him. She enjoyed being his submissive little wife and having Percy dominate her behind closed doors. It might not have looked like it on the outside, but that was just the way she was. Crunchy exterior, creamy and soft interior. And Percy was essentially the only one who got to see that side of her.

So really, he knew he couldn’t complain. He lets Artemis take off his shoes and socks for him and just thanks his lucky stars that his new wife doesn’t go so far as to suck on his toes or anything like that. He’s not into foot stuff and fortunately neither is Artemis. Once she’s helped him get comfortable, the Goddess of the Hunt rises to her feet… and slips her hand into his, intertwining their fingers together.

“I have a surprise for you.”

Percy blinks at that, tilting his head to the side.


Smiling a small, secretive sort of smile, Artemis just nods and begins tugging him along. Having no reason not to just go with her, Percy allows her to pull him through the house… which is honestly less a house and more a modern day mansion. He DID marry a Goddess after all, and to put it bluntly, there was pretty much nothing older than the ‘old money’ that Artemis came from.

Still, the place was quite modernized, while also being surrounded by hundreds if not thousands of acres of nature, from forests to other biomes, all of them teeming with their own kind of wild life. Perfect for a Goddess of the Hunt and her new husband, Percy supposed.

Though, she doesn’t lead him outside for a hunt or anything like that. Instead, she leads him up to their bedroom. Percy finds himself considering her cute little sundress and wondering if there might be surprises hidden underneath it for him to find out about once they’ve reached their bed. Or maybe she’s gotten in some new equipment because Percy would swear on the Styx that Artemis has introduced a new toy or tool for domination into their sex life damn near every day since they got back from their honeymoon.

Finally reaching the door, Artemis looks up at him and bites her lower lip for a moment, startling Percy with just how… worried she appears for that brief instant. Then she turns away and throws open the door to reveal what’s waiting for him. Or rather… more accurately, WHO is waiting for him.

Percy finds himself looking into a very familiar pair of eyes… that come as a package deal with a very familiar girl. However, that very familiar girl, aka Thalia Grace, is much more naked than Percy has ever seen her before… and bound and gagged besides.

Artemis’ Lieutenant blushes as Percy looks upon her nude body, but she doesn’t try to call out to him through the gag or hide her nude, bound body in any way. She doesn’t struggle to escape or anything like that. She just lays there on his and Artemis’ marital bed, letting him stare at her as she quietly waits for his response. Beside him, Artemis isn’t nearly as quite as she tugs a stupefied Percy further into the bedroom.

“Well? Do you like her, Percy?”

Did he like her? Percy flushes as he realizes he’s just been staring at Thalia’s body like… like he’s allowed to. Averting his gaze, he’s almost grateful for the chance to turn to his wife instead… though at the same time, Percy feels like he’s walking a tightrope as he grimaces.

“Artemis… I…”

He trails off, not sure how to phrase what he wants to say without impugning on his divine wife’s honor. Still… forcing their subordinates to do things like this was right up the Greek Pantheon’s alley, wasn’t it? He didn’t necessarily want to accuse Artemis of abusing her position of power to make Thalia do what she wanted, but he also couldn’t ignore the possibility and just… enjoy his friend’s body when she might not be into it.

Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately depending on how you look at it, Artemis picks up what’s bothering him with nothing more than his uncomfortable look and those two words. Her eyes widen and then she pouts mightily.

“I have not made my Lieutenant do anything she does not want to do, my husband. I have not forced her to offer herself up to you. It was HER idea, in fact!”

Wait, what? Percy can’t help but look over at Thalia at that, though this time he’s careful to keep his eyes ABOVE the gorgeous tomboy’s neckline. Thalia, for her part, is blushing crimson in a way that most definitely goes down PAST her neckline and averts her gaze the moment he tries to look her in the eye.

With a growl, Artemis lifts a hand and the gag in between Thalia’s lips spirals out of her mouth, pulling back and freeing her to speak.

“Tell him! Speak nothing but the truth, Thalia Grace. If I have erred or wronged you in any way, let my husband know and be assured that he will take me to task and punish me for my transgressions!”

Artemis sounds so very confident… even as she casually speaks of Percy ‘punishing’ her in a way that has HIM blushing as well as Thalia lets out a shuddering breath and finally speaks.

“I-it’s true, Percy…”

She finds the strength to meet his eyes again before continuing her explanation.

“I really thought you’d somehow forced the Goddess’ hand at first. Sorry for that. But… Artemis explained the truth. She explained that none of this was your doing… and then she went into great detail describing the sort of things you and she had done together. I…”

Here, Thalia trails off. But Artemis is quick to take over for her now that her Lieutenant has clarified that she’s not some sort of sex offender. Leaning in close, the Goddess of the Hunt whispers into his ear… though still loud enough for Thalia to hear every word.

“It turned her on to hear about how you claimed me, my husband. In the end, my Lieutenant wants the same thing I wanted… a good man. There are so, so few good men in this world, however. At any given time, maybe only a handful exist who are worthy of the title. So… I have decided to share my Lieutenant with you. You are my husband and I must submit to your desires, obviously. My Hunters are merely an extension of that. They belong to me… and I belong to you. As such…”

She trails off there, but the meaning is obvious. Percy finds himself processing everything a little more slowly than he would have liked. For one, he doesn’t necessarily agree that there are only a handful of good men in the world at any given time. Artemis’ standards are just too damn high. Then again, she is a Goddess and he somehow meets those standards so he supposes he shouldn’t complain.

For two, it sounds more like Artemis has decided to share Percy with Thalia rather than the other way around. Then again… Percy wasn’t exactly complaining, nor was he about to start. Thalia Grace was… well, gorgeous. She was beautiful in a somewhat lethal, dangerous way. And she was laid out before him on the bed, bound and waiting for him to fuck her.

“Ah… my husband likes my gift~”

Artemis’ teasing tone causes Percy to blush as she reaches down and feels up his growing bulge. Thalia blushes too, and neither of them say a word while Artemis descends to her knees and divests Percy of his pants and boxers. He finds himself staring into Thalia’s eyes as his divine wife bobs up and down on his cock for a few moments, mostly just getting him hard as fast as possible and ‘preparing’ him for fucking Thalia as his ‘fluffer’.

Shortly after, she pulls back off of his cock with a pop and licks her lips before guiding him over to the bed. Truth be told, Percy doesn’t need any more encouragement. Still, as he lines himself up between Thalia’s spread legs, he can’t help but look into her eyes.

“You sure about this?”

Thalia nods enthusiastically, panting needily now and all but humping the air.

“F-Fuck me, Percy. Fu-mmph!”

The gag slides back into her mouth and Artemis sighs from where she’s climbed onto the bed beside him.

“Apologies, my dear husband. My Lieutenant should know better than to make demands… but if she can’t even beg properly, she’s better off not speaking at all.”

Thalia flushes at the chastisement and lowers her gaze. Percy, meanwhile, just shakes his head in amusement and places his cockhead against Thalia’s gushing lower lips. A moment later and he’s inside of her… fucking her. They’ve known each other for years at this point. Percy had to admit, he hadn’t really thought that they ever had a chance together. But then, that was at least partially because she’d joined the Hunters of Artemis.

One of the requirements for being a Hunter of Artemis was to reject love for as long as they lived. This didn’t necessarily mean you had to be virginal like Artemis herself was, but it did mean you couldn’t take a lover once you were in. Or rather, it used to mean that.

Having just claimed Thalia’s maidenhood and now fucking her on the bed as her Goddess watched, Percy couldn’t help but feel that things were changing as far as the Hunters of Artemis were concerned. Then again, Artemis herself was no longer virginal, so maybe that was to be expected.

As Thalia moans into her gag and shudders beneath him, her back arching and her body shifting and shaking from his powerful thrusts, Artemis curls her hands in the hem of her sundress and subsequently pulls it up and over her head in one smooth motion. Percy glances over… and then has to do a double take, because under Artemis’ dress she DID have an additional surprise for him in the form of complex rope bondage that tightly compacts her tits.

It doesn’t restrict her movement at all, but it does show off her body in a brand new way that draws the eye in quite an artistic, aesthetically pleasing manner. Artemis bites her lower lip as Percy stares at her, still jackhammering in and out of Thalia’s cunt.

“Like what you see, husband?”

“Yes. Very much so.”

Percy’s blunt, honest answer makes Artemis blush and turn her head away so he doesn’t see her slight smile. Then, after a moment she moves over the top of Thalia, sliding into place over her body in a sixty-nine. From the look of things, a flex of the Goddess’ will makes the rope cutting through her pussy lips and the rope gagging Thalia’s mouth pull away, allowing Artemis to promptly plop her cunt right down on her Lieutenant’s face.

At the same time, even as she grows flushed and moans from Thalia’s enthusiastic cunnilingus, Artemis leans forward, her hands sliding along Thalia’s thighs and her eyes watching Percy’s cock piston in and out of the Daughter of Zeus’ quim. It was kind of crazy to think that this was where his life had ended up. The Son of Poseidon could hardly believe this was really happening… but it was.

As he pistons in and out of Thalia, the young woman cums for him over and over again. Her wanton moans and loud squealing cries reverberate up through Artemis’ cunt in turn, causing the Goddess of the Hunt to cry out and climax all over her Lieutenant’s face. It’s a chain of pleasure… one that Artemis proceeds to turn into a proper loop when she finally leans forward and begins alternating between licking at his thrusting cock and nibbling at Thalia’s engorged clit.

The demigod positively creams herself at this reciprocation from her Goddess, while Percy lets out a groan of enjoyment at feeling Artemis’ tongue all over his cock, lapping up Thalia’s pussy juices. For her part, Artemis just gets more and more enthusiastic, looking up into his eyes with a gaze of absolute submission even as she dominates her Lieutenant, putting Thalia in her place.

Percy got the impression that this right here… this was going to just be the way his life was from now on. Almost entirely out of his control, at the whim of a Goddess who apparently loved to be his plaything. It wasn’t a bad life to live, to be fair. And so long as his boundaries weren’t crossed, Percy couldn’t bring himself to be mad.

Thalia was on board… so he was on board. And as he fucks the gorgeous tomboy while his divine wife watches and even participates, Percy knows he’s probably the luckiest man alive.

After who knows how long, Percy lets out another heartfelt groan and proceeds to seed Thalia’s womb right then and there. He cums and cums as Artemis watches with an excited look on her face. Then, the moment that he pulls out of her Lieutenant, the Goddess of the Hunt grabs him by the base of his cock and puts him back in her mouth, sucking his member clean of both his and Thalia’s juices.

Percy lets it happen, knowing that the evening is just getting started. Though at some point they’re going to have to stop to eat dinner. Not everyone has a divine constitution, after all…



Hey Phraxius? I got a suggestion if you decide to commission this to Cam again. Percy not able to leave the bed when a jealous Artemis learns Thalia is pregnant from this first interaction, of course with Artemis being who she is; she can't take charge... Just a suggestion to keep on hand.

Jack Reaver

This story is the best ongoing vote one imo


I appreciate the suggestion but pregnancy-related stuff isn't necessarily my thing; that said, don't consider this a hard no, especially if there's significant interest. It's not like I've got a clearly defined plan for this series of prompts!


Another good one! I like how Thalia, despite being tied up, periodically gagged, and in the presence of the Goddess she's pledged to serve still expressed her wishes much more explicitly than Artemis. That's pretty much exactly what I envisioned. Anyway, I reckon my next prompt will involve Artemis mustering the courage to set up a scenario in which she's 'hunted down and defeated' by Percy. You know, despite (or because of) her being the literal Goddess of the Hunt. After that (assuming the prompts continue to be popular) I reckon it would be fun to involve someone else and/or Thalia again. If anyone has any suggestions for that (people, scenario, or both), feel free to throw them my way below.

SylverIron (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-01 17:50:58 Don't misunderstand; it would be a Percy/Artemis focused chapter, she's just simply jealous of Thalia that she (the loving wife) wasn't first, after all the supposed times they've been in bed together.
2023-07-01 15:48:20 Don't misunderstand; it would be a Percy/Artemis focused chapter, she's just simply jealous of Thalia that she (the loving wife) wasn't first, after all the supposed times they've been in bed together. Completely clear of that tag.

Don't misunderstand; it would be a Percy/Artemis focused chapter, she's just simply jealous of Thalia that she (the loving wife) wasn't first, after all the supposed times they've been in bed together. Completely clear of that tag.


That was actually how I read it too, but my reply could definitely be read differently; to clarify, I'm just not a huge fan of pregnancy in general. Like I said before though, it's not a deal breaker or anything, so we'll see! (Sex with the visibly pregnant on the other hand would be a deal breaker, at least in the context of 'what I'm interested in submitting a prompt for.')

Osiris Sundavr

I honestly love this series.


If you think about it, you realize that Thalia is eating out her sister. 😳😛😻