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Themes: Master/Slave, Monster Sex, Corruption

Summary: During the three-year training arc, unbeknownst to Jiraiya, Naruko's biju training goes a bit... awry. When Sasuki dives into Naruko's head to repress Kurama the first time they meet again, she finds out that the demon isn't caged at all. In the end, seeing Naruko getting pounded into the floor of her own psyche by her Demonic Master is more than enough to make Sasuki beg for her own good, hard dicking. 



The unnatural, inhuman growl in Naruko’s voice might have disturbed Sasuki Uchiha once upon a time. As did the flickers of dark red chakra coming off of the blonde’s body. But not anymore. Now, Sasuki understood exactly what Naruko was. She knew why Naruko was the way she was… and more importantly, she knew how to counter it.

Before the other kunoichi can really ramp up properly, Sasuki dashes down from where she’s standing in a blur of speed that she knows catches everyone by surprise. In an instant, she’s right next to Naruko, one arm draped over the blonde’s shoulder as she makes eye contact with one of the blonde’s blue eyes. She notes the flickering eye color changing from blue to yellow, even as her Sharingan activates, the three tomoe spinning wildly in it.

“Still too slow, Naruko.”

And then she’s inside of the other woman’s mind. Sasuki lands in a dark sewer with a slight frown on her face as she looks around Naruko’s mental space with a wrinkled nose. Seriously? Naruko’s mind was a fucking sewer? How… disgusting. But also, Sasuki is a little confused. The Last Uchiha had only intended to hop into Naruko’s mind for a single second in order to suppress the Kyuubi that was housed within Naruko’s body, allowing her to win their impending fight without the Nine-Tailed Fox interfering.

… Except for some reason her intrusion hasn’t dropped her right in front of the fox’s cage like it should have. Instead, the sewer she’s in is completely empty. Looking around, hand on the hilt of her sheathed sword, Sasuki frowns in confusion. She’s not overly worried, of course. The single second that she was spending in here hadn’t yet passed out in the real world. A single second in the real world could be hours in here if she chose to stretch out time properly.

Doing so to give herself more of a buffer, Sasuki begins moving through the sewer, hunting for her prey. She just needed to find the Kyuubi’s cage and get out of here. Plain and simple. She had no intention of doing anything to Naruko directly. As much as she might despise the other girl for her boundless optimism and ‘can-do’ attitude, she would not visit the same sort of mental fuckery on Naruko that her brother Itachi had visited upon her. That just wasn’t Sasuki’s style.

And yet… the longer she searches the sewers, the more irate she becomes. Minutes pass in ‘mind time’ and though she’s in no danger of hitting her time limit in the real world, it still irritates her to be lost in this maze of a sewer. Trust Naruko to have such a… strange mind.


Though, just as she’s thinking that Sasuki jolts, her head twisting as a moaning sound reaches her ear from down the echoing sewer tunnels. Immediately, she races in that direction. More moaning and wailing reaches her, but as mentioned previously, the sewer is a maze and this place is… acoustic to say the least. She’s able to narrow it down to a certain area of the sewers, but it feels like she’s going around in circles as she listens to the strange moaning sounds.

Finally, Sasuki figures it out. The moans and wails SOUND like they’re coming from all around her… but in reality, they’re actually coming from ABOVE her. She could hit herself for not realizing it sooner. Of course Naruko’s mind wasn’t a sewer. Or at least, it wasn’t JUST a sewer. Finding a pipe that goes up instead of off in another direction isn’t too hard once Sasuki knows what she’s looking for. Then… she ascends.

Very quickly, she finds herself ‘above ground’. In a palace of all things. The place is surprisingly opulent, filled with massive pillars, vaunted ceilings, and expensive-looking tiling. Honestly, Sasuki has as hard a time seeing this as Naruko’s mental space as she did the sewer. And yet… it’s much easier to locate the blonde now that she’s out of those damn pipes. The wailing and moaning leads her right to Naruko Uzumaki.

“Naruko, you-!”

“H-Harder! Nnngh, yes Master! Please, MORE!”

Sasuki’s sharingan eyes widen as she slams open a pair of large double doors and finds herself in a… a bedroom of sorts. It’s not really to scale truth be told. It’s far larger than it should be, and something more like a throne room than a bedroom. And yet… there is a bed. Even if the room’s occupants are most definitely not using it.

“Ah. The Last Uchiha.”

Sasuki freezes as baleful demonic eyes fix on her. But even as the Kyuubi pins her with his gaze, her own eyes can’t help darting down to what’s going on under him. Naruko… Naruko Uzumaki, her former teammate and comrade and perhaps her first and only friend… is prostrated beneath the Nine-Tailed Fox as he fucks her hard and fast, pounding into her cunt like there’s no tomorrow right in front of Sasuki’s eyes.

Except it’s not the Nine-Tailed as Sasuki expected him to be. He’s a lot more… manly rather than bestial? Oh, he’s still very much a demon fox. However, he also has the torso of a man, and the arms of one as well. His foxlike snout pulls back to reveal rows of fangs, even as his clawed hands hold Naruto down, pinning her in place while he keeps on drilling her from above.

“Like what you see, Uchiha?”

Sasuki just stares. The Sharingan being active means everything she’s watching right now is immediately and permanently committed to memory. She literally can’t forget it, not any of it. And yet… she doesn’t turn off her Sharingan. She doesn’t look away. She continues watching, even as Naruko finally lifts her head, the blonde kunoichi panting and mewling in exhaustion… but also satisfaction.

“O-Oh… h-hey Sasuki. You… nngh, you w-wanna join me? It’s, mm… g-good being Kurama’s pet… s-so much more satisfying belonging to him~”

Naruko looks… happy. Deliriously so. She looks unbelievably content with her current situation, like she chose it or something. Sasuki’s tongue darts out to lick her too-dry lips as she croaks out a single word.

“… H-How?”

The Kyuubi, now identified as ‘Kurama’, fields that question.

“Ah, are you wondering how I broke out of my cage down in the sewers? How I built all of this and made Naruko Uzumaki’s mind my home? Simple really… she let me out. She succumbed and released me… and I’ve given her everything she could possibly want in return.”

… Of course. Her technique HAD worked. She’d appeared down in the sewers right in front of the Kyuubi’s cage and not even known it. But then, with the cage blasted open and its occupant gone, how was she ever supposed to know?

A shiver runs down Sasuki’s spine as Kurama chuckles darkly.

“I could give you what you want too, little Uchiha. What you REALLY want.”

Sasuki trembles before forcing a scowl onto her face.

“I want… I want to avenge my clan. I want to kill m-my brother. You can’t give me that. You can’t.”

The Kyuubi just shakes his fox head, still railing Naruko without a care in the world. It doesn’t matter to the monstrous demon fox that she’s right there watching. He just keeps on fucking his toy with every last inch of his big fat inhuman dick.

“That’s not what you really want, Uchiha. That’s not what you really want at all. No… what you want is to give in. To surrender… and to submit.”

Naruko pipes up again, still showing a tired but supremely satisfied face as she grins in Sasuki’s direction.

“It’s so good, Sasuki. Master’s cock feels sooooo good. J-Join me. We can be together again… as his pets~”

Sasuki shakes her head, eyes wide, Sharingan still recording every single instant of what she’s watching. At seeing her non-verbal denial, Kurama scoffs and tosses a clawed hand up in the air in her direction.

“Begone with you then, bitch. If you don’t want it, then there’s nothing I care to do to keep you here. You won’t accept your place at my feet? Then leave. But if you want it… if you want to stay, you’d best drop that sword and come here right fucking now.”

Sasuki jolts, looking down to see she’d drawn her sword and hadn’t even realized it. She was terrified. She was enthralled. She was scared. She was mesmerized. She knew what she wanted, deep down inside… but every fiber of her being was telling her she couldn’t have it. And yet… and yet, if Naruko could h-have it, why couldn’t she? Just another way in which the blonde was allowed to surpass her? N-No… Sasuki refused.

Dropping her sword, the Last Uchiha surrenders her quest for vengeance and hurries forward, stumbling and falling to her knees as she does so. She crawls the rest of the way over to Naruko and the Kyuubi, only for the Kyuubi to grab her by the jaw as soon as she’s in range. The demon fox pulls her in for a tongue-filled kiss that’s more tongue than lips due to his foxlike snout. Sasuki lets it happen though. She lets him dominate her mouth with his tongue, opening wide to grant him access.

At the same time, her hands fly across her body of their own accord. She pulls off her clothing as fast as possible, exposing her naked form to her new Demon Master. When Kurama finally ends their kiss and pulls back to look at her, Sasuki is ready. Seeing Naruko get pounded into the floor of her own psyche is more than enough for Sasuki to know exactly what she wants.

“P-Please Master… please fuck me. Please give me a good, hard dicking with your big fat d-demonic fox cock!”

Even as the Kyuubi’s lips curl back into a foxy grin, Sasuki figures she’ll have to wait a little while for him to finish with Naruko first. But no. In an instant he pulls out of Naruko and she finds herself suddenly on the bed and on her back, staring up into the Nine-Tailed Fox’s eyes as he pins her down. Instinctively, she wraps her legs around his surprisingly human waist, even as his clawed hands pin her wrists above her head.

“Mm… to have a Uchiha submit to me. To have a Uchiha morsel give herself to me… delicious.”

There seems to be more to Kurama’s tone than Sasuki understands… but in the end she’s just happy that her new Master is happy. After all, it means she’ll get fucked faster, hopefully. And indeed, the Kyuubi’s big fat demonic cock, decidedly inhuman and distinctly bestial in appearance and shape… spears forth into Sasuki’s cunt, causing her to cry out as she loses her virginity to the monstrous creature.

Not that it’s her real virginity. This isn’t the real world. This is all in Naruko’s head. And yet… it feels real. Sasuki knows that there’s no going back from this. She’s surrendered completely and utterly and now she’s letting the Nine-Tailed Fox claim her. She’s letting him make her his own. When she finally leaves the blonde kunoichi’s mind space… there will be no escape.

Sasuki doesn’t care. She wraps her legs around her new Master all the more tightly and moans wantonly as he begins to fuck her right on the bed. For her first time, it is decidedly… rough. Brutal, almost. And yet at the same time it’s also quite nice. She’s expecting to be taken like Naruko, on her hands and knees or face down and ass up. But that’s not what happens. Kurama looks her in the eye as he claims her. He stares right down at her as Sasuki cries out and cums for him again and again.

Using her Sharingan, she’s able to record every last moment of their coupling. Of him making her his bitch. It feels so good to just give in, to submit and toss her cares away. Could she have ever even beaten Itachi in the first place? Probably not. Did she even want to? Not really, no. Itachi was her big brother, even after what he’d done. She hated him for the murder of her clan… but she would also always love him.

It would have destroyed her to finally kill him. Sasuki realizes that now, even as she embraces Kurama’s domination of her. As her demonic master claims her for himself, pounding her into the bed, she moans while cumming over and over again for him in response. And then…

“Sasuki~ Sasuki, you’re making such a funny expression~”

Naruko is suddenly there. The blonde giggles tiredly, having climbed up onto the bed and laid out beside her. While the Kyuubi fucks Sasuki in a consummate mating press, the other kunoichi leans in, her blue eyes brighter and bluer than Sasuki has ever seen them as her Sharingan whirls.


Their lips are mere inches apart as Sasuki blushes and Naruko does the same.


Suddenly, a pair of clawed hands grab them both by the back of the head.

“Just kiss already, you two.”

And with that, their lips are smashed together as their Master forces them to makeout. Not that either of them NEEDS to be forced. Within moments, Naruko and Sasuki are moaning into one another’s mouths, kissing each other and swapping spit as their tongue wrestle. Kurama’s hands come off of their heads in seconds and move to Sasuki’s chest, mauling her tits and groping her to his heart’s content as he continues to fuck her.

It's incredible. It’s amazing. Sasuki honestly doesn’t want it to ever end. But… alas, all good things come to a close. Even if it’s just a temporary one.

She and Naruko make out for what feels like hours while their demon master fucks them both silly in a variety of positions. But in the end… the real world does still exist. And the split second of time that Sasuki has stretched out so damn far has to snap back at some point.

Just as Kurama is cumming deep inside of her, just as her new Master is filling her with his seed… their time together ends.

Quite abruptly, Sasuki finds herself back in the real world, one hand draped over Naruko’s shoulder, one eye focused on Naruko’s eye. They both stare at each other for a long moment… and then it hits Sasuki all at once.

Letting out a gurgle, the Last Uchiha shudders and her legs knock together as she explosively orgasms on the spot in front of everyone before collapsing to her knees before Naruko Uzumaki.

“The hell?!”

“What the-!”

“Did she just-?!”

To everyone else, Sasuki literally just went from suave, arrogant, and supremely unconcerned to… this in a split second. But for Sasuki and Naruko… they both know what REALLY happened. Of course, Sasuki was in no position, nor did she have any desire to explain.

… She’d let Naruko figure out how to explain that she was defecting back to Konoha. For now… Sasuki falls back and passes out.



I’m just imagining this evolving into a series where they trick ino into entering naruko mindscape with her families mind jutsu and she becomes a lynchpin in ensaring other kunochi dragging them into the mindscape creating a little cult and they begin seeking a way to give their master a physical body


Next Target: Kushina's Mind Imprint that after being broken and submitting gets kept around by being plugged into the Nine-Tails Chakra (which also allows the Kyuubi to further manipulate its mind and "body" however it wants, surrendering everything it is to her master).