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Themes: Master/Slave, Fucked Silly, Humiliation

Summary: Inspired by this image. At first glance, it seems like over-confidence. Some Tiefling comes in with far too little coin and even after losing it, she sticks around. Starts betting her clothes, even. At first, the Sorcerer at the table assumes she's just an idiot. But then he realizes she's blushing like mad as she strips naked. She wants this... but she doesn't know what sort of men she's trying to give herself to. So he steps in and takes her for himself. At least that way she won't be abused... too badly. 


“What a stupid little bitch.”

“Honestly. What kind of idiot joins a card game where she doesn’t even know the rules?”

“And with so little coin too… little cunt was betting her clothes within three hands, bahaha!”

As the other three players at the table laugh and make jokes at the expense of the table’s centerpiece, the fourth player stays quiet. His eyes remain fixed on said centerpiece, which happens to be a very naked, very adorable young Tiefling woman. Stripped down to her birthday suit, the only thing the half-demon is wearing at this point is a collar and leash… the latter of which is in HIS hand, wrapped around his fist.

Blushing furiously, the Tiefling pouts and scowls at the men all around her but doesn’t say a word. Instead, she shifts back and forth on her knees, her hands between her thighs to ostensibly protect her crotch. Though the way her arms currently are, she’s certainly framing her naked chest in an exquisite fashion.


“Oi. Wizard. How much for a go with the little slut, huh? Fifty gold sound right to you?”

And there it was. Not only was fifty gold a frankly insulting sum for a woman of this pedigree, but also… shaking his head, Alfred abruptly rises to his feet, giving the Tiefling’s leash a sharp tug as he does so.

“I’m done for the evening. Retiring to my room.”

The other three men around the table all lean back at that, one of them looking bored, another mulish, and the third angry. But then… they all want a piece of HIS new property. His new pet. And he means that literally.


But Alfred isn’t hearing it. Not tonight. His eyes glow with magical might and he lifts his free hand, showing off some sparks. See, he’s not a Wizard despite the mislabeling. He doesn’t need some spell book in order to cast his magic. He’s a Sorcerer, specifically of the Draconic Bloodline variety, and his magic comes from within.

At this… gentle reminder, the other three men at the table all back off, watching silently as he yanks his Tiefling prize off of the table, drawing a yelp from the half-demon as she falls to the floor. Alfred has to resist the urge to roll his eyes when she doesn’t bother getting to her feet and instead crawls after him. Waving her hips in the air, her tail swaying back and forth… she couldn’t be more obvious if she tried.

But even still, she’s fucking lucky he was here tonight honestly. Really lucky. He drags her none-too-gently up the stairs and into his room, making sure to bar the door behind him and then set up an arcane trap for good measure. He wouldn’t put it past those idiots downstairs to get drunk enough to try and come barging in all the same later in the night… but if they do, he’ll be more than ready for them.

Once that’s taken care of, Already narrows his eyes at the Tiefling now knelt at his feet. She looks back at him with a glare, baring her teeth and hissing up at him.

“Brute. Savage. Going to have your way with me now, huh? Now that you own me, I bet you just can’t wait to-!”

“Shut up.”

He cuts her off and watches as she falls silent immediately. As he thought. If she really hated this, she wouldn’t have stopped talking, she would have remained defiant until the end. But no… no.

“You might have fooled those idiots downstairs, but do you really think I don’t see right through you brat? What’s your name.”

Sniffing haughtily, the Tiefling sneers at him.

“What’s it matter? I’m just your property aren’t I? Just your-urk!”

Tugging HARD on the leash, Alfred growls.

“Name. Now.”

“… Nethie. My name’s Nethie…”

Sighing, Alfred runs a hand through his hair.

“Well Nethie, you’re right. I do own you now… for as long as you want to be owned anyways.”

The Tiefling blinks, jolting in surprise at that. Snorting derisively, Alfred shakes his head.

“I already told you I’m not an idiot like those bastards downstairs. But you know what? You ARE.”

Nethie sputters, but Already is just picking up steam.

“I get it, you think you’ve got it all figured out. You think you can lose a few hands of Three Dragon Ante, sell yourself into slavery, spend a night getting used and abused, and then slip away in the morning. I can tell you’ve got the skills of a rogue. I wasn’t born yesterday.”

Shifting from side to side, Nethie pouts mightily.

“… Was it really that obvious?”

Snorting derisively, Alfred nods.

“Course it was. Just as it should have been obvious to you that you were in over your head.”

Very real outrage appears in the Tiefling Rogue’s eyes, but he holds up a hand to keep her quiet as he explains.

“Those men down there wouldn’t have just fucked you all night long. They would have ruined you. One of those men is a slaver by trade. He would have had you drugged to the gills even before he stuck his dick in you and by the morning you would have been shipped off to some market in the south without ever even having the chance to escape.”

The Tiefling freezes at that. But Alfred isn’t done.

“Another of them is known for being especially brutal with his girls. As in, he likes to remove their limbs during sex. You’d be lucky if you lost just one arm or just one leg. Hell, you’d be lucky if you didn’t bleed out afterwards, because he doesn’t bother bandaging his girls up.”

Now Nethie looks ill. Good, if she’d actually looked interested in either of those two fates, Alfred would have tossed her back downstairs for those assholes to fight over. He didn’t want anything to do with girls THAT freaky.

Still, he falls quiet and lets her work up the courage to ask the next most obvious question herself.

“What… what about the third?”

Alfred smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes.


Nethie just stares at him.



For a long moment, the Tiefling is quiet. Then, she bites her lower lip.

“And… you? What are you going to do with me?”

She wiggles as she does it, the nasty little slut. Alfred rolls his eyes at just how horny the girl is and yanks on her leash again, dragging her over to the bed and pulling her up onto it. She crawls up willingly, getting up on her hands and knees and looking back at him as he waves his hand and magically vanishes his robes, freeing his cock from its confines. Her eyes alight upon it and she licks her lips when she sees his size.

“Me? I’m going to use and abuse you until morning. I won you fair and square after all, so you’re my property. But I hope that since we’re on the same page, you won’t fucking slit my throat or steal my coin purse when you slip away tomorrow. If you try… there will be consequences.”

Alfred’s eyes flare with magic again at that. Just a cantrip to be honest, but he still means the threat. Nethie, of course, mewls and nods her head before lifting her hips high into the air.

“Of course… Master~”

With a sigh, Alfred steps forward… and reaches out with his free hand to grab hold of his Tiefling Pet’s tail. Nethie squeaks as he grabs her right at the base rather firmly, watching as her pussy squirts out some juices right there on the spot.

“… Yeah, I know how sensitive you Tieflings can be. I know all about your kind, girl.”

Then he thrusts into her. The wanton moan that Nethie lets out might have drawn those bastards downstairs up to his room if not for the warding spell Alfred had cast on the walls. No sound in, no sound out. The only ones who would hear what he did to this tasty little Tiefling Bitch would be Nethie and him.

With that in mind, Alfred doesn’t hold back. There’s no need. Every last inch of his big fat cock drives into his pet Tiefling from behind, drilling into her core and making her cry out and arch her back all the more. Holding her by the leash and the base of her tail, Alfred quickly sets a brutal and unforgiving pace… that Nethie loves so much she’s clenching down rapidly and squeezing the life out of his dick.

“O-Oh f-fuck… what… w-what kind of wizard even a-are you?! I thought wizards were supposed to all b-be turbo-nerds!”

Chuckling throatily at that, Alfred leans forward so his lips are right next to Nethie’s ear.

“I’m not a wizard, darling. I’m a sorcerer.”

Nethie’s eyes flick back at him when she hears that, going wide. She moans for a few moments more as he fucks her from behind, before finally mustering up the ability to speak once more.

“W-Wild M-Magic?”

Shaking his head, Alfred grins wickedly, showing off rows of pearly white teeth. His eyes glow again as he lets out another deep, throaty chuckle.

“Draconic Bloodline.”

“O-Oh… s-so…”

“Yes. I can go all night long.”

And then he puts those words to the test by picking up the pace and fucking her even harder. The little bitch squeals as she cums from the explosive movement, her eyes half-rolling back in her head and her tongue sticking straight out of her mouth.

Indeed, your average spellcaster was usually defined by not just their control over the cosmic forces of reality… but also their weak and feeble physicality. Being an incredibly powerful wizard and also incredibly weak physically were things that went hand in hand, really. Hell, most sorcerers fell under the same umbrella too.

Even if they didn’t have to spend decades in dusty libraries doing research in order to learn mind-blowing magic at the expense of their physical health, your average sorcerer wasn’t all that inclined to go out of their way to stay fit and athletic. After all, they all had fucking magic at their fingertips. Why bother working out when you could just cast a spell instead?

But there was an exception to every rule and Alfred was that exception. His father was a dragon who had transformed into a humanoid guise in order to fuck his human mother. Nine months later, he was born. Of course, when dragons fucked non-dragons, their children tended to always take after the non-dragon more than anything.

Alfred wasn’t half-dragon. He was in fact mostly human. BUT… he had that draconic bloodline rushing through him, making him stronger… tougher… and of course, magically inclined.

Releasing his hold on Nethie’s leash and tail, Alfred surges forward and grabs the Tiefling Rogue by her horns. He yanks her head back and enjoys the squeal that emits from her lips. Music to his ears. Grinning from ear to ear, he begins to fuck her even harder from behind, fully intent on giving her every last inch of his cock and then some.

In response, Nethie cums for him over and over again, the adorable little Tiefling’s cunt walls flexing and clenching and doing their damnedest to milk him of his release. However, one of the benefits of having a dragon father was a much greater constitution. He wasn’t cumming until he decided he wanted to cum.

Instead, using the lithe Tiefling’s horns as handlebars, he fucks her with brutal intensity. It wasn’t often that Alfred really got to go all out with a lover. Most couldn’t handle his full strength or his rougher speeds. But Nethie wanted this. She wanted the pain. She wanted the abuse. Frankly, she wanted the indifference.

She’d come here tonight, to the seediest tavern in the darkest corner of the city, because she wanted to be someone’s slave. Even if it was only for a night, she’d wanted to ‘accidentally’ sell herself into sexual slavery and then get used and abused as a fuck toy all night long.

… Alfred was happy to cater to her perverse whims. SHE was lucky he’d been able to win her instead of one of the others. In the end, they were both coming out ahead.

Still, that doesn’t stop him from taking her cunt and making it his. He fucks her and fucks her, enjoying making her squeal, loving to feel her squirm. Until finally, at long last… he lets her milk him of his load. He cums inside of her, uncaring of the risk, and pumps her to the brim with his seed. In response, Nethie groans and orgasms one last time as well before collapsing face first onto the bed, passing out on the spot.

Alfred blinks and then snorts derisively before pulling out of her and collapsing onto his back beside her. He runs a hand down her sweaty form for a moment and smiles. She’s a good little piece of ass, he’ll readily admit it. He was honestly tempted to claim her as part of his hoard for real. But… no. Call this his good deed of the year. So long as she didn’t try to take from him on her way out, he’d let her slip away in the morning, ‘escaping his clutches’.

His eyes drift shut as he falls asleep, fully ready to wake up tomorrow to her already gone.


… Alfred comes awake with a heartfelt groan as a pair of enthusiastic lips does their level best to suck the soul right out through his cock. As his morning wood gets slobbered all over, the sorcerer slowly opens his eyes, staring up at the ceiling and trying to remember where he got a bitch to warm his bed the night before. Last he recalled… oh, right.

Slowly, Alfred looks down to see Nethie still there. She’s nestled between his legs and dutifully bobbing her head up and down his cock as he watches her, confused. The moment she realizes he’s looking at her, she freezes up… and then slowly pulls back off of his cock with a pop.

“Mm. Oh no… it looks like my Master has woken up before I could make my escape. I suppose I’ve missed my opportunity and now I’m stuck as his slave for who knows how long~”

Alfred stares. Nethie stares back. Then, her eyes flicker to the side… to where the leash still attached to her collar has been draped over his leg and the end of it has been placed inches from one of his hands.

Slowly reaching for said leash, Alfred grunts. The sorcerer just knows he’s going to regret this… but fuck it. Wrapping the leash around his hand and making a fist, he growls down at his Tiefling Pet.

“Get back to work, bitch.”

“Yes Master~”

And so Nethie does, returning to taking care of his morning wood while Alfred watches her, somewhat nonplussed… but enjoying the sensation all the same.


Jack Reaver

Great story. I was hoping she'd stick with him for possible future hijinks


I like the first instalment, but do you have a working image link?