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Themes: Breeding, Rough Sex, Fucked Silly

Summary: Part 9 of In Over Her Head. Visiting Konoha as part of her responsibilities as the Mizukage, Mei Terumi hears rumors of Naruto’s sexual exploits and decides to check them out. Once at the Uzumaki compound, she finds the rumors really don’t do him justice as he fucks Temari and Samui into a stupor. Mei can’t help but want to join in and so Naruto adds the Mizukage herself to his conquests. 


“Oh fuck YES! Harder! Please beloved, HARDER!”

“Yes! Don’t stop Lord Uzumaki! FUCK US BOTH HARDER!”

Grunting, Naruto does precisely as Samui and Temari beg of him, pounding into the two blondes nonstop. Laid out on his desk on top of one another, their breasts are smashed together and so are their cunts. With great precision, hyper-focus, and the strength of a Ninja Sage, Naruto plows them both at the exact same time, one thrust into Samui and the next into Temari. With how fast he’s moving, he’s able to give them both the pounding of a life time, until finally at long last…

With a hoarse groan, Naruto cums inside of the pair, filling the blondes up with his seed to the brim. They shudder and shake and quiver beneath him, before ultimately flopping atop each other. Their limbs splayed out every direction, their eyes rolled back in their heads, and their tongues sloppily and instinctually swapping spit with one another, they’re completely out of it.

Pulling back, his cock still twitching, Naruto considers the pair for a moment. If he wants to get any work done today, he’ll have to move them… on the other hand, that WOULD be rather inconsiderate, wouldn’t it? He COULD leave them here to sleep it off and go find another of his women to… continue dealing with his impressive libido. There were bound to be a couple nearby. There always were.

However, before Naruto can decide between work or play, there’s the sudden clicking of heels against the floor as a previously hidden presence makes herself known.

“My oh my… the rumors really didn’t do you justice Lord Uzumaki~”

Blinking owlishly, Naruto looks over to see the last person he expected to visit his Clan Compound. Sure, he’d known that Mei Terumi was in Konoha for some negotiations as part of her duties as Mizukage… but he’d been told in no uncertain terms by the Sixth Hokage, aka Kakashi-Sensei, to avoid her at all costs. Rumors of… Naruto’s prowess had spread beyond the village borders apparently. It was beginning to make Konoha look… not necessarily bad, but certainly a little lecherous. Opinion over his exploits and his unique way of rebuilding his clan was drawing mixed opinions, from what Naruto had been told.

Rather than risk him starting an international incident by propositioning the Mizukage, Kakashi had simply ordered Naruto to stay in his Clan Compound until she was gone. Which… Naruto had done. So really, this wasn’t his fault, now was it? It certainly wasn’t his fault that Mei had sought him out all on her own. Nor was it his fault that she was even now biting the tip of her finger between those beautiful blue lips of hers.

Slowly, the red head steps forward, her beautiful, bountiful bust bouncing with each step she takes as her heels continue to clack on the floor as well.

“I’d heard tell that your sexual exploits were out of this world… mm, but the way you handled those two kunoichi… and with such a fantastically big, fat cock…”

Naruto just stares as she gets closer and closer. Honestly, he’s not even surprised anymore. Not really. He’s certainly not surprised when Mei promptly drops into a crouch, bending her legs at the knee and spreading them apart so that she’s suddenly eye-level with his cock. Reaching out, she trails her blue nails down under his dick, sliding them up so that his member is lifted to her lips. Naruto shivers at the light raking sensation across his throbbing shaft.

Meanwhile, Mei… kisses his cockhead. It seems entirely chaste at first, if you ignore WHERE she’s kissing. Just a simple peck on the dick tip. But then it quickly turns into something more as she deepens the kiss like one would a long-lost lover. Her tongue comes into play and her blue lips spread open wider and wider, until they’re to an obscene place on his equally obscene, bulbous cockhead.

As she tongues out his glans, her other hand comes up and casually fondles his ball sack down below. Naruto tenses up for a moment, worried that her nails will rake here too… but no, Mei is an expert apparently, because he never feels anything but the softness of the Mizukage’s fingers on his churning nuts.

Finally, she slides her lips down his cock, taking him nice and deep… and without a single gag either. Naruto’s eyes widen slightly in surprise as Mei’s own gaze twinkles up at him, her green eyes filled with smug impish delight as she continually swallows his member, taking him all the way to the base without ever gagging or choking on his cock.

Then she rears back, slowly pulling away… only to do it again. Naruto lets out a lustful growl as she goes to town on him, until eventually he can’t take it anymore. His hand comes down on her topknot, the Mizukage’s signature hairstyle simply too tempting for him not to grab. She pauses as he takes hold of it, her eyes flicking up to meet his again. Then… she nods.

With another lustful growl, Naruto uses his grip on Mei’s topknot to begin fucking her face. Quickly, the beautiful Mizukage loses her composure. When she had control of the encounter, she didn’t choke a single time. But once he’s in charge, the pace he picks is too much for her, and she’s soon gagging on his cock just like the rest of them.

“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”

Not that she seems to mind even a little bit. Even as his cock goes barreling down her throat again and again, Mei’s tongue remains writhing and active on the underside of his dick. Even as he fucks her face with reckless abandon, she stays in her crouch, perfectly perched on the high heels that she’s wearing, one hand on one of his legs and the other down between her thighs, her fingers working away at her cunt.

The more he looks down at the euphoria present in her gaze, her cheeks sucking in so she can suck his pistoning prick all the harder, the more Naruto realizes she came here hoping this would happen. She didn’t just come by to investigate… no, she wanted to join in. From the stand-out blue lipstick she’d worn, to the high heels… to the fact that she had no undergarments under her signature blue dress.

His cock, twitching and throbbing with need, finally blows in Mei’s throat as he realizes all of this, his seed exploding down the back of her esophagus and into her gullet as she chokes and gurgles, her eyes half-rolling up in her head. Some of his seed even comes out of her nostrils as well as the sides of her mouth before he’s done.

Finally letting go of her topknot, the young Uzumaki Lord watches as Mei rocks back on her haunches, still maintaining her crouching position as she pants heavily, blowing a cum bubble for a moment before licking up the outside of her lips.

“Mm… delicious~”

Eyes narrowed now, Naruto frowns.

“… What do you truly want from me, Mizukage? No games… give it to me straight.”

Mei blinks at that, and then finally straightens up. She discards her dress then, exposing her body fully as she stands there in her high heels, wearing nothing but some of his cum on her face along with a smile. Doing a slow turn, the most powerful woman in Kirigakure lets him see all of her, from her massive tits to the way her heels lift her ass in just the right fashion.

Then, she pierces him with her gaze.

“No games, Lord Uzumaki. What I want… is for you to give me the same treatment as any of your women. What I want is for you to fuck me silly, just like you did those two girls over there on the desk. What I want… is for you to knock me up and get me with child. An heir that I can raise in my own image, to one day take over the Terumi Clan… and perhaps even as Mizukage if they prove worthy of it.”

Naruto’s eyes widen at that, taken slightly aback. Sure, he’d told her to give it to him straight… but he hadn’t expected her to be THAT honest.

Smirking, Mei licks her lips again, drawing in more remnants of his cum and puckering them in a soft moan at the ‘delicious taste’. Then she steps forward and places her hand, nails and all, on his chest.

“Well, Lord Uzumaki? Do you think you have what it takes to handle me like you handle all of your other women? Or… should I look elsewhere for a real man?”

She taps his chest with just one finger, before pulling back with a smirk and turning away as if to leave. Obviously, she doesn’t even get fully turned away from him before Naruto is reaching for her…



In the end, despite being one of the most powerful women in the Elemental Nations, both personally and politically… Mei Terumi WAS just another woman at the end of the day. She was a kunoichi, and Naruto knew damn well how to handle kunoichi at this point. Of course, that didn’t mean he’d underestimated her. He hadn’t wanted to go easy on her… so he’d broken out the big guns.

Which was why the Mizukage was currently impaled on his cock in a full nelson. The points of her high heels are directed up into the air at the ceiling, as his powerful, bulging, muscular arms wrap under her legs and then back around behind her head, his fingers lacing together at the nape of her neck. Folded up into a human pretzel, Mei can do nothing but take it as Naruto pounds into her. Her own hands have gone to her thighs, gripping them tightly for dear life as he fucks her upon his cock again and again and again.

Her vocal cries of ecstasy make it clear how much she’s enjoying the rough treatment. At the end of the day, while Mei’s true purpose for coming here might have been to have a strong, virile, capable shinobi of Naruto’s caliber knock her up… there was no denying that she was loving the journey as much as the destination. Perhaps even more so, in fact.

Pounding her pussy into the shape of his cock was the work of moments. After that, Naruto found himself thrusting up against her cervix itself, railing into it and battering it down until he was fucking her womb directly. She did make it clear she wanted a child after all, and Naruto didn’t do anything by half-measures.

Of course, Mei’s vocal cries and blissful moans have an additional effect… they wake up the insensate pair of blondes that Naruto had left sleeping off their stupors on his desk.

“Wha- how the fuck?!”

“Ah… to think, we leave our Lord alone for one moment and he somehow bags the Mizukage herself.”

“But we didn’t even leave him alone! We were in the room the entire time! Where did she even COME from?!”

“Does it matter? Clearly she heard the Siren’s Call that is Naruto’s cock and came to answer it all the same, regardless of where she was before… just as we both did.”


As Temari and Samui finally appear on either side of him, circling into view, Naruto snorts derisively, looking at the two of them and Samui in particular as he grins a shit-eating grin.

“If we’re talking about Siren’s Calls… I’m pretty sure it was the both of you and your lewd cries that acted as a Siren’s Call for Mei here, girls.”

Temari blushes at that, but Samui just smirks, her hands coming up and grabbing hold of Mei’s bouncing breasts, giving them a good harsh squeeze. Eyes that were rolled back in her skull roll forward again as Mei cries out from the sudden pleasure. She’d been lost in her own little world for a second, but when the Mizukage felt four hands on her body instead of Naruto’s usual two, she found herself brought forcibly back to reality.

Samui’s icy blue eyes peer into Mei’s emerald green gaze for a long moment, a moment in which Naruto doesn’t stop fucking the red head, not even temporarily. But finally, Samui nods at whatever she sees there… and promptly drops down to her knees. Her tongue goes to work on Mei’s clit and Naruto’s cock, swirling away as she adds to the pleasure of the experience, even while Naruto continues pounding the Mizukage in a full nelson.

Temari squawks at this, and hurries to be included as well, dropping to her knees too… only for Samui to exercise seniority by grabbing her fellow blonde kunoichi by her hair and yanking her forward, down to between Naruto’s legs where the Sand Ninja is forced to latch onto and suckle at his ball sack.

Naruto certainly isn’t complaining and frankly neither is Temari as she happily gets to work while Samui does the same. With the two blondes going to town on his cock, balls, and Mei’s clit, they add a lot to the experience, prompting Mei to cum even more often and even harder on his dick as he pounds up into her from below without hesitation and without mercy.

Gurgling, squealing, and shrieking noises continue to overwhelm the area, along with the sound of flesh against flesh, squelching, and now the slurping and lapping and suckling of two very enthusiastic blonde kunoichi.

The whole experience is out of this world, but Naruto keeps a firm grip on reality… and on Mei Terumi as he fucks the Village Leader silly and then some. Sure, maybe Kakashi had been hoping something like this WOULDN’T have happened… but if the Sixth Hokage truly didn’t want Naruto to fuck and breed the Mizukage, he should have said so! Instead, the Hokage had left a big honking loophole in his orders to Naruto by only confining him to his Clan Compound.

In the end, it was Mei who had sought out Naruto. It was Mei who had initiated the fun. And it was Mei who was about to get a womb full of nice, hot, thick cum. With a loud groan drowned out by Mei’s shrieking squeals, Naruto proceeds to impregnate the Mizukage right there on the spot. He fills and fills the green-eyed red head with his seed, pumping a hot, thick load directly into her womb from where he’s managed to push past her cervix.

When he’s finally done, Samui and Temari are perfectly positioned to catch any of his cum that comes slopping out of the insensate, limp Mizukage. Naruto, meanwhile, just chuckles to himself. Sure, Mei’s child would be for her to raise in her image… but no matter what, they would always be a Uzumaki as well. Naruto would not be an absentee father, even if it meant having to make… regular visits to Kiri going forward. Just try and stop him.


Zitronen tee

Well, as expected it was Michelangelo painting a dick pic. Awesome craftsmanship as usual, but the fact that this is on volume 9 is why I hate democracy.

Pure Dingo

Nice, followed every part of this story I am hoping to see Shizuka, Shion, Hanabi, and Koyuki, hell for a twist I would love to see Kushina pop up somehow.

Colin Peden

Not sure how Kushina would pop up, other than in Naruto's dreams. I'm honestly more interested in if we can get some of the chicks from the Shippuuden movies in this.

Colin Peden

I really wish we could get another few chapters in this story. Any chance of that Cambrian?