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Themes: Virgin Sex, Rough Sex, Dom/Sub

Summary: After Artemis confesses to having a crush on a certain Demigod, her twin brother Apollo does what he does best and recklessly puts a plan into motion. In no time at all, Percy Jackson finds himself betrothed to the virginal goddess as a reward for his great deeds. Much to his surprise, she doesn't seem to mind all that much, despite claims to the contrary. If anything, she seems to want him to take charge.


“I think there have been some misconceptions about this betrothal… so you two go ahead and talk, alright?! And if anything more happens… I won’t tell!”


As the doors to the bedroom slam closed, Percy Jackson stares after them, bewildered. Or more accurately, he stares after the vanished figure of Apollo, God of the Sun and the divine being who had just shut him in this room with… well, with Apollo’s Twin Sister. Percy’s betrothed.

It was still something that Percy struggled to properly wrap his head around. The Demigod had been left reeling when it had been announced that the reward for his good deeds would be a betrothal to Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt. Specifically the VIRGIN Goddess of the Hunt. That felt like a pretty damn important distinction, and yet… and yet here they were, betrothed all the same.

Feeling like he’s been trapped in a bedroom with a damn wild animal, Percy slowly turns and lifts his hands up in surrender. At least he hasn’t seen Artemis naked or anything like that. He knew what she did to men who witnessed her nude form in its full glory.

“… I just want to reiterate that this wasn’t my idea. I had nothing to do with this betrothal.”

The Virgin Goddess, with her auburn hair and beautiful features starkly contrasted by her cold yellow eyes, narrows said eyes at him as she crosses her arms over her insubstantial chest. Lithe and taut, like a bowstring, that’s how Percy would describe her body type. Though at least the eons-old Goddess wasn’t wearing the form of a preteen girl like she was one of the times he’d met her.

No, this time around she was more like an Olympic Athlete in appearance, somewhere in her early twenties with a body made for competition, for hunting, for all sorts of physical activity. N-Not that Percy was staring. He was doing his absolute best NOT to stare in fact.

“Of course it wasn’t your idea. It was my brother’s.”

That makes Percy blink, however. His brow furrows in incredulity and he once again glances back in the direction of the closed doors that a smiling Apollo had just gone through. This was all HIS fault?! And seriously?! What kind of reward even was this? Though, given all he knew about Greek Mythology, Percy supposed it was only par for the course, wasn’t it?

Letting out a sigh, slightly relieved but in no way actually at ease, Percy slowly lowers his hands as he nods, taking in this new information for a moment before finally speaking.

“… Right. Okay, so… that’s good to know. Still. I understand you have your boundaries. I know you hate men. And not just men, I know you have never desired marriage or childbirth either.”

He knew these things both from research AND first-hand. He was confident in his understanding of the divine being stood across from him. Though, when Artemis doesn’t initially speak up in agreement, he finds himself at a bit of a loss. Finally, he just lets out another sigh.

“Look, I can’t seem to do anything about the betrothal. Calling it off is apparently impossible. But maybe we can just make it an extended betrothal and you’ll never actually have to marry me before my natural mortal death? And I promise, I have no intention of doing anything… untoward to you.”

Now Artemis’ face scrunches up into something curiously like an expression of irritation.

“… You will not bed me?”

Something about her tone makes alarm bells go off in Percy’s head. But he just shakes his head.

“Of course not. I know how you feel about-!”

“I do not hate men.”

Artemis’ sudden declaration cuts him off. Percy just blinks, even as the Goddess of the Hunt flips her auburn locks back over her shoulder and sniffs haughtily.

“I just despise the unworthy and disrespectful, and in my experience, men tend to fall into one of those two categories more often than not.”

… Fair. And Percy supposed he did too. Hopefully he just fell into unworthy, instead of disrespectful.

“Understood. I promise, I’m not trying to get into your pants or anything like that. I-!”

“And why not? Am I not beautiful enough for you?”

Percy freezes, suddenly feeling like a mouse caught in a trap. His eyes widen as Artemis takes a few steps towards him.

“Is that it? Do you find me ugly?”

This… this was a claymore on top of a buried landmine with a fucking missile silo underneath for good measure. And yet… Percy couldn’t just NOT answer. In the end… he goes with the truth.

“You’re easily one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever met, Goddess.”

For the briefest of moments, a smile flickers across Artemis’ face. Suddenly, Percy feels like maybe there’s more to this situation than meets the eye.

“Then why would you not want to slake your unnatural masculine lusts upon my body, Percy Jackson?”

His mouth opens and closes like a goldfish at that… which is highly appropriate, given who his father is. Still, in the end Percy falls back on Artemis’ own words, using them against her without hesitation.

“I-It would be disrespectful!”

Artemis narrows her eyes and that, and for a second he thinks he’s overstepped. But then the Goddess of the Hunt leans in and presses a finger against his chest.

“I do not consider you disrespectful, Percy Jackson.”

He’s just about to sigh with relief when she finishes the sentence off with a real bombshell.

“… Nor do I consider you unworthy.”

It takes his brain a second to parse that sentence. When he finally does, he figures he MUST be misunderstanding. And yet… and yet…

“Artemis… do YOU want this betrothal?”

Never in a million years did he think he would be asking such a question. The answer had seemed foregone to him. But it turns out it was the RIGHT question, because the moment the words leave his lips, Artemis’ eyes snap wide open, her face turns red, and she hastily steps back from him.

“W-What?! Of course not! My fool brother simply took something I said wholly out of context and is running with it, playing out one of his r-reckless plans, as he loves to do!”

Percy just stares at the Goddess… no, at Artemis for a long moment in disbelief. Then, slowly, he takes a step towards her. When she doesn’t immediately step back again, he takes another step and enters her personal space.

“… So you don’t want me to kiss you?”

Artemis, rather than turn him into an animal or vehemently deny the assertion with a scowl, averts her gaze.

“W-Who would?”

Suddenly, he thinks he might just understand what’s going on here. As baffling as it seems… maybe Artemis actually wanted this? No, more than that… somehow, she wanted HIM to be the instigator here. It went against everything Percy thought he knew about the beautiful auburn-haired Goddess, and yet… he finds himself reaching out and tucking his fingers under her chin all the same.

While she stiffens, she doesn’t stop him from turning her back to face him… nor does she stop him from leaning in and kissing her right there on the spot, his lips against her lips as she lets out a shuddering breath into his mouth.

For a long moment, Percy takes things slow. He’s hesitant, still half-expecting to get smote by the Goddess of the Hunt. When that doesn’t happen, he deepens the kiss, applying tongue… and finds that in spite of Artemis’ claims to the contrary, she all but welcomes it, submissively allowing him to place his tongue in her mouth and dominate hers right then and there.

When they finally pull apart for air, Percy still half-expects to be smote or transformed by an irate Goddess who’s suddenly come to her expenses. But Artemis doesn’t do any of that. Instead she just stands there, looking… well, looking like the blushing virgin maiden she actually is, Percy realizes.

Finally accepting that this is what his betrothed wants, Percy reaches up and takes Artemis by the shoulders. She doesn’t stop him from kissing her again, or from walking her back to the bed. Nor does she stop him when he finally reaches down and begins hiking up her dress. In fact, she seems to enjoy the rough treatment, the way he stops holding back or moving quite so slowly. So… Percy keeps it up.

Yanking her dress over her head, he pauses only briefly at seeing her fully nude body underneath. The Goddess of the Hunt didn’t wear underwear, apparently. To be fair, her breasts were small enough that she didn’t necessarily need a bra. But to not even have panties on? Percy reminds himself that she’s not exactly from the same era as him, but still can’t help admiring her naked beauty.

Reaching out before he can second guess himself, he cups a small breast with one hand and her pussy mound with the other. The lithe, athletic Goddess gasps as he touches her directly, a cute little moan leaving her lips before she clamps them shut, blushing bright red. When he grins at her, she scowls at him, but honestly it’s more adorable than threatening.

“N-Not a word…”

Snorting derisively, Percy doesn’t call her out on it. Though privately, he does think to himself that he’s just getting started, and if he has any say in matters, then that cute little moan will be the LEAST of the sounds Artemis makes for him tonight. Rather than say this out loud and risk crossing an invisible line, Percy leans in and kisses his betrothed once more, dominating her mouth with his tongue as he dominates her body with his hands.

Never in a million years had the Son of Poseidon expected to get to do this… but he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t fantasized about it. Artemis was Forbidden Fruit after all. It was hard not to wonder what it would be like to fuck her. Well… it would seem he was about to find out.

Pushing her back onto the bed all of a sudden, Percy watches as she lands with a huff, looking up at him with surprise in her eyes. But the surprise rapidly fades when he begins stripping himself down as well, and her gaze turns hooded as she watches him, staring at his body as it’s revealed to her more and more.

She especially seems to enjoy staring at his abs… right up until Percy divests himself of his boxers and frees his throbbing erection from its confines. Then, Artemis’ eyes become fixed on his cock, a hint of trepidation warring with some very obvious desire in her eyes.

Once he’s as naked as she is, Percy moves forward and crawls up onto the bed… and on top of her. Artemis blushes again, but willingly spreads her legs for him… before scowling up at him as she places her hands on his chest and halts his movement for a moment.

“I suppose you’ll… t-take me like a barbarian now. My first time… and you’ll make me squeal with that sizable phallus of yours, won’t you? You’ll make me into your woman without any consideration for my own pleasure…”

Percy tilts his head to the side, VERY tempted to once more ask her if that’s what SHE wants. But he knows she’ll just deny it. And he also knows better than to push his luck. Grinning slightly, he reaches down and grabs Artemis by her hips, sinking his fingers into taut, corded muscle as his cock presses against her virgin slit.

“… With how beautiful you are, I’m not sure I could stop myself from doing anything else. Forgive me, Goddess, but I don’t think I’ll be able to hold back.”

Artemis’ yellow eyes widen and her face reaches a new level of incandescent as she stares up at him for a moment before averting her gaze. However, after a moment she speaks quietly.

“Y-You are forgiven…”

Chuckling softly, Percy thrusts in. He takes Artemis virginity in one simple motion, watching her cry out from the pain of having her purity claimed. Not stolen though. Not robbed. No… regardless of what she might say to hold onto her own pride, it’s obvious now that this was what she wanted. Not her brother. Not anyone else. This was what Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt wanted.

With his mandate secured, Percy sets about giving her precisely what her maiden heart most desired. He doesn’t hold back, but instead fucks her like a barbarian. He takes her long and hard, thrusting deep into her again and again. As anticipated, Artemis yelps, squeaks… and ultimately squeals as he plows her silly. Her hands reach back above her head to clutch at the bedding above her, and she gasps and moans as she’s held down by his big, strong hands and fucked soundly into the bed.

However, the other part… the part where he fucked her and made her his woman without any consideration for her own pleasure? That, Percy couldn’t abide by truth be told. As much as he wanted to give her what she wanted, he just wasn’t built that way. After a time, he reaches up with his hands again. Even as his cock continues to plunge into Artemis’ formerly virgin depths, he pinches one of her nipples between his fingers and takes hold of her clit as well at the same time.

Her yellow eyes, which had fallen shut while he fucked her, snap open again at this new development. Staring up at him, a surprised and utterly wanton moan makes its way out of Artemis’ lips as she shudders beneath him. Toying with her while he fucks her quickly yields precisely the result Percy is looking for… the inexperienced virgin of a Goddess shrieks as she orgasms HARD all over his pistoning prick, gasping her way through an unexpected and explosive climatic finish.

Percy, for his part, continues to fuck her hard and fast. He pounds into her with all his might, slamming home into her cunt time and time again. He gives her the domination she seems to desire, still baffled that he’d somehow earned the right from the notorious man-hater. Instead of smiting him or turning him into a boar or a woman, Artemis is moaning and writhing beneath him like a bitch in heat, her body and eyes both wordlessly begging him for more.

He gives it to her all night long. He fucks his betrothed into the bed through orgasm after orgasm, slamming home into her welcoming pussy, making himself right at home inside of her. He makes her his woman, yes… but also shows her just how much pleasure can be had from sex with a man. More specifically, he shows her what sort of pleasure can be had from sex with HIM.

… Maybe this betrothal isn’t the catastrophe Percy assumed it would be. Maybe they can make this work after all…


Jack Reaver

Amazing. More of this is all I ask.


I submitted the prompt and am quite happy with the result, so I reckon I'll submit a prompt for a second part too. I'm currently leaning towards another one focused around Percy and Artemis, specifically a wedding night since that seems a solid follow-up, but I am of course open to suggestions. Involving parts of the Hunt could be fun too. In a similarly aged-up form as opposed to a bunch of immortal preteens, naturally.

Jack Reaver

I'm a massive sucker for Percy x Artemis. I think the wedding night thing would be great. I also find in fun how she's kinda a tsundere

Zitronen tee

If you go with another huntress there's really only Talia. As a scenario you could go with the hunter testing his commitment to Artemis but her seeing through the plan and giving Percy a free pass beforehand. But a wedding night with some blushing romance to contrast this time might be even better.


Btw, will "asking for it" come back anytime soon? Really love the story! Maybe a super talking to animal would be good? Control fire/temperature/weather would be cool as well!


And even better if both Artemis and said hunter/hunters become pregnant as well as Artemis modifying her hunter oath to allow non-maidens to join


More please

Bi Zuko

Tsundere girls are so much fun, loved this

Void Walker

“I just despite the unworthy and disrespectful, and in my experience, men tend to fall into one of those two categories more often than not.” um sorry but is it despise?