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Themes: Rough Sex, Outdoor Sex, Breeding

Summary: Based on this image. In an AU, Nomad V meets with Panam when they're both first entering Night City, detouring him from Jackie and her from Nash. This leads to sparks flying much earlier as V and Panam take the edgerunning scene by storm. Panam however wants something more than just thrills and has been more than hinting at it, so she sends a pic and address of her private camp, then waits knowing he'll be there any second. 


“Fuck, Panam…”

She knows the moment that she sends him the pic and the address, he’ll be on his way. So really, Panam Palmer didn’t have any problem getting ready and waiting to… heh, greet him properly. Biting her lower lip, the caramel-toned nomad looks back over her shoulder at her partner as he slowly approaches her, having stepped off his bike and walked into her private campsite on foot.

“Oh, hey V… like what you see?”

Okay, so even though she’s trying to have this casual, devil may care tone… there’s nothing really casual about what she’s doing right now. Sure, she’s dressed down and lost the pants, meaning that she’s only wearing the tank-top leotard she likes to have on as a top at all times. Her sizable ass is hanging out and given her position, which is kneeling on the floor with her legs spread and her hands down between them… yeah, it’s all on display for him right now.

V can’t get enough of it, of course. He stares at her back profile; the way she’s arching her spine ever so slightly to accentuate the sizable booty she’s got sat on her heels. Finally, he finds his voice again, coughing as he clears his throat.

“Uh… yeah, Panam. Yeah, I like what I see a lot.”

Smirking, Panam lifts a hand and curls a finger on it.

“Then get over here already~”

As he walks over, he has to adjust himself, his crotch clearly uncomfortable from the erection she gave him. Both the pic she sent, and the state of her now… yeah, he’s ready and raring to go. As soon as he’s in range, she reaches out with that same finger and hooks his belt, yanking him around so he’s in front of her. Then, she reaches for his pants, unbuckling his belt and undoing his trousers, reaching into his boxers to grab hold of his meaty fat cock and pull it out.

She would be a liar if she said she hadn’t fantasized about this more than once. Her and V… they went way back at this point. The two of them were both Nomad Kids, and they’d stumbled into one another on their first respective runs to Night City. Just as they were dipping their toes into all that bullshit, they found one another. Talk about serendipity.

Panam’s not sure her first mission would have gone nearly as well without V’s help. She KNOWS that V’s wouldn’t have done so well without hers in turn. In the end, they’d both agreed… the two of them made a great team. But… that was all they’d been. A pair of edgerunners, taking Night City and the Badlands by storm, making their mark on the world one successful gig at a time.

As she strokes his cock up and down now, marveling at its size, V groans and catches her attention, sounding… conflicted.


Looking up into his eyes, she can see the worry there. He doesn’t want this to become something that breaks them apart. And to be fair, it’s not exactly a silly concern. After all, she was the one who’d told him that their arrangement was going to be strictly platonic, back in the day. Sure, he was a handsome face even then, but Panam had long since learned not to trust handsome faces.

Frankly, she’d never trusted anyone. Not really. Easier not to, in her experience. Even the Aldecaldos, the closest thing she’d ever had to a family, hadn’t lasted forever. That’s why she’d gone mercenary. Struck out on her own. Given everything she knew, V shouldn’t have lasted either. At some point, the fairy tale had to end, it always did.

And yet… and yet, he’d never left her. Never betrayed her. And never let her down. Panam was tired of running. She was tired of hiding from herself.

Taking his cock in her hands, placing her lips against the tip, Panam looks up into V’s eyes and smiles.

“It’s okay. I want this. I want you. And I know you want me too.”

He certainly doesn’t try to deny it, as she opens her mouth wide and begins sliding his big, fat cock past her lips. All natural. She likes that about him. Oh, he’s got some chrome of course, no edgerunner worth their salt would go completely chrome-less. But where it counts, V is who he is because he was born that way. As she slobbers up and down his nob, swirling her tongue this way and that, Panam tries to show the male nomad just how much he means to her.

However, when he suddenly reaches for her top, she wonders if maybe she made a mistake. Is he trying to rush things? Does he not care?

“Panam… trust me?”

Looking up into his eyes, mouth still suctioned around his member… Panam finally nods. Smiling at her, V moves in.

Before she knows it, the whole situation has changed on her. Somehow V is the one who’s on the ground now. She’s still on her knees… just on top of him, kneeling on either side of his head. And her leotard has been undone, pulled off of her. She’s completely naked now, as V gropes her ass cheeks with both hands and drags her crotch down to his- ooooh fuuuuck~

Panam gurgles helplessly as V’s tongue finds her sex. Immediately, he singles out her clit, drilling the tip of his flexible mouth muscle against it like he might drill a bullet from his sniper rifle in between a scav’s eyes. Panam shudders, her own eyes going crossed as she arches her back for a moment. Then, she remembers where she is… and realizes she can’t just let him do all the work. That wasn’t fair.

Leaning forward again, one hand holding his cock at the base and the other fondling his balls, Panam takes V’s dick back on her mouth, sucking on it enthusiastically in an effort to match his tongue down below on her snatch. He’s a master at this, moving on from her clit to her actual slit after just the right amount of time. His tongue dives deep into her cunt, leaving Panam shuddering some more in pleasure and gurgling around the cock in her mouth.

In response, she tries to take him as deep down her throat as she can get him. Easier said than done, of course. He’s huge and she’s… well, she’s not very experienced with oral sex. Doesn’t mean she doesn’t try though. Fuck, she can’t let herself fall behind. This was supposed to be all about her proving how much she loved HIM. And now, suddenly, she feels like he’s derailed everything and is showing her up. Damn it V…

“Glughk… Glughk… Glughk!”

Still, even as she chokes on his cock and curses him out in her mind, Panam can’t stop the pleasure he’s pushing upon her. She can’t hold it back, as he brings her to climax with just his tongue, working and wriggling the muscle around inside of her until she clenches down on it and squirts all over his face. In turn, he starts humping up into her mouth some more… and Panam can tell he’s closing in as well, especially from how his balls are churning in her fondling grasp.

But that won’t do. She doesn’t want his load in her belly, or on her face and tits. No, Panam wants V to cum one place and one place only. And so, abruptly stopping, she tightens her grip on the base of his cock to make sure he can’t cum too early as she abruptly pulls her mouth back off of his dick and looks back over her shoulder at him. Scooting down the length of his body, she gives him a wicked, salacious grin.

“I’d say you’re ready for the main event now~”

V chuckles back at her, his eyes flickering with amusement as he tilts his head to the side.

“So are you.”

Tch, why’d he have to be so smooth all the time? Why couldn’t he be a little more of a stammering mess right now? Then again, would he be V if he started stuttering like some embarrassed virgin? Would he be the man she’d… fallen in love with.

Wiggling her way down Panam tilts her head back and looks up at the starry night sky overhead as she lifts her hips and lines his cock up with her dripping, drooling slit. Thanks to his efforts, she’s caught off guard by how easily he goes into her. She’s expecting to have to work her way down his length, but his tongue has left her insides too slick for that. An honest-to-god squeak leaves Panam’s lips as she DROPS down his cock, impaling herself on his throbbing shaft in the reverse cowgirl position before she can even blink let alone be ready for it.

Meanwhile, V grunts, his hands going to her hips, his thumbs rubbing into her ass cheeks. Panting heavily, Panam hangs her head for a moment as she gets used to his size. Then… she begins to ride him. Gyrating her hips at first, and then eventually starting to bounce, Panam moans, her voice carrying through her private campsite as she slaps her crotch down on his again and again.

Whap! Whap! Whap!

It feels… so good. So, so fucking good. Having him inside of her at long last. Being joined at the crotch with him. But that doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll be up for the other thing Panam wants. Briefly, she’d toyed with the idea of not telling him. Of just… seeing if it happened naturally.

But no. She would never do that to him. Not to someone she’s decided she loves. She wants him to go into this with both eyes wide open… or not at all.

And so, pushing backwards, arching her back as she continues to ride his spectacular cock, Panam looks back at V, panting and moaning while he grunts and groans. Making eye contact with the other nomad, she bites her lower lip.

“V… I want you to cum inside.”

It takes him a moment to process that, and a moment longer to get exactly what she means.

“You want me to… cum inside?”

It’s clear he’s asking for clarification. Under normal circumstances, Panam would probably refuse to give it to him. She’d make things difficult because that’s just who she fucking was. She ALWAYS had to make things difficult. But surprisingly enough, she’s feeling different right now. Impaled on V’s cock, she just… says it. She tells him exactly what she wants.

“I want you to fill me up, V. I want you to breed me, i-if possible. I want… I want you to seed me in the hopes that you k-knock me up… so we can start a family together.”

There. Her great confession. Panam closes her eyes in anticipation and expectation of rejection. This is where it’ll happen if it does, after all. V might be up for fucking her, but breeding her? Starting a family with her? That was-!


Suddenly, he’s pulled her back against her chest. Panam squawks and wiggles for a moment, but V has a good, strong hold on her. One hand is loosely on her neck, while the other gropes her breast. Meanwhile, he takes up the task of keeping the action going down below, thrusting up into her as he locks her down. She might be on top… but he’s suddenly in control.

Then again, Panam loves it when V takes control, especially on missions. Because she knows she can trust him. She knows he won’t ever let her down. With that in mind… she relaxes into his hold, moaning as he fingers one of her nipples while continuing to plunge that big fat cock of his up into her hungering twat.

“Yeah, Panam? You want me to knock you up? To make you my woman and get you with child?”

He sounds turned on. Not upset. Not angry. Not disgusted. He sounds… eager. Panam’s heart leaps in her chest and she doesn’t trust herself to speak. So she just moans and nods instead.


V grunts, quiet for a moment… and then speaks.

“That I can do. I’ll make you my woman. We’ll start a family together. We’ll be husband and wife, whether we really get hitched or not. And from now on… there won’t be nobody but the two of us. Just you and me.”

Yessss… that was what Panam wanted as well. It was half why she’d even done this in the first place. She knew V had other bitches sniffing around him. They didn’t even care that she and he were practically attached at the hip as a mercenary duo either. As soon as they found out that Panam had mandated things be strictly platonic between them, they made their plays at V.

And yet, to her knowledge, he hadn’t fucked any of them. Just like she hadn’t fucked any of the guys sniffing around her, either. Because… because at the end of the day, their hearts knew what their minds didn’t. That they belonged to one another. That they were made for each other. Panting, moaning, gurgling from the pleasure, Panam nevertheless forces herself to say the words.

“J-Just… just you and me, V. Till the end of the l-line.”

He growls at that, right into her ear. A rumbling growl filled with promise. He was going to fuck her. He was going to creampie her. He was going to knock her up. Inherently, Panam knows these things to all be true beyond a shadow of a doubt. Maybe he wouldn’t successfully impregnate her tonight… but he’d damn well try. And if not tonight, then tomorrow. Or the next day.

They had all the time in the world. For now, Panam just basks in it. She basks in being able to love someone wholly and unconditionally. She basks in trusting V with not just her body, not just her heart… but her entire future. Because she knows whatever happens next, they’ll take care of it together. No matter what.

With a loud groan, V proceeds to empty his balls inside of her. With a loud moan, Panam cums right alongside her partner, her eyes rolling back in her head as the caramel-toned nomad girl squeals and shuddering in ecstasy and orgasmic bliss. Together, the two of them ride the wave of pleasure all the way to the finish line, with her womb full of his seed and his cock pulsing inside of her cunt with need.

Of course, the night is just getting started. And so are the rest of their lives together. Panam can hardly wait.


That black guy

Very well done , cute and sweet. Now that's 2 lifepaths down ...1 to go.


Love this one, wish you did more with this game and genre!


Oh I love this.