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Themes: Rough Sex, Big Dick, Fucked Silly

Summary: Based on this image. He always was the one she wanted, but he was too damn nice for her tastes. He needed a spine in her opinion, so she pushed, and pushed, and pushed before finally finding the right button. Flirting with the school bad boy quite blatantly really got him going. She can hear him pulling up right now and she hopes she ready as she opens the door in nothing but the risqué shorts and top she knows he likes.


The knocking at her door doesn’t surprise her. Nor does the angry voice of her childhood best friend and next-door-neighbor.


Giggling to herself, she reflects that he’s lucky her parents aren’t home. But then, so is she, given what she’s hoping will FINALLY happen today. Prancing over to the door, Sam licks her lips and throws it open, smiling at the boy on the other side.

“Hey Ryan. What’s up?”

For a moment, he doesn’t answer. His eyes are caught on what she’s wearing. For all that he’s the most chivalrous, unfortunately honorable man that Sam knows, he’s still a growing young lad with a healthy libido and an eye for feminine beauty. She’s made sure of that, out of fear that he might be asexual or batting for the other team. But no, Ryan was very much into girls… and he liked her looks. He was just too damn nice to make a proper move.

Right now though, she’s got him speechless. Clad in nothing more than a pair of risqué shorts and the top she KNOWS he likes, Sam cuts an ALMOST inappropriate figure. She can see his mouth opening to take her to task on it, but instead his teeth click shut as he realizes he can’t exactly get mad at her for how she’s dressed in her own house.

Instead, he chooses to get mad at her for the other thing.

“What the fuck are you doing with that bastard Skylar? Why are you playing games with him? You KNOW what he’s like!”

Sam smirks… and instead of answering, she turns and practically flounces back into her house. Ryan has no choice but to follow after her, closing and locking the door behind him like the good, well-mannered boy he is. But she also feels his eyes burning holes into her shorts, into her ass… and she makes sure to put some extra sway in her hips to keep his gaze there, even as she moves towards the stairs.

“I don’t know what you mean, Ryan. Skylar is the school quarterback. I’m a cheerleader. Why shouldn’t I be feeling him out?”

Another growl comes from her childhood friend, rumbling right out of his chest in a way that makes Sam shiver in excitement and anticipation. Today’s the day. She just knows it. After all, she’s not going to leave Ryan any choice! Muwahaha!

Unaware of her maniacal internal cackling, Ryan stomps up the stairs after her, following her all the way to her bedroom.

“You know exactly why, Sam. He’s a Grade A douchebag and a literal fucking bully. This isn’t the twentieth century anymore, Samantha. You’re way out of his league!”

Ryan wasn’t wrong, to be clear. Skylar was all of those things. He WAS their football team’s quarterback… but he was also an immense douchebag and bully. He’d only gotten his position because of nepotism, since his dad was the Head Coach. More than that, Ryan was also right that this wasn’t the twentieth century anymore. This wasn’t some teen movie either.

Skylar might have been the quarterback, but that didn’t make him anywhere near the most popular guy in school. Fuck, the dude was so abrasive and impossible to get along with that most girls avoided him like the plague, even among the cheerleaders. Sam figured that was part of why Skylar had become such a bully. The dude was a literal walking stereotype, treating girls like property and guys like shit, all to get the attention he thought he was due.

But then, Sam wasn’t trying to get with Skylar. She never had been. As she flounces across her bedroom and lands on her bed, hugging a pillow and grabbing up her phone from where she left it however, she doesn’t say that. She just giggles and wiggles her hips, seemingly unconsciously. As she lifts up her phone, Ryan chokes on his own spit at the sight, clearly seeing more than he feels is appropriate of her outlined crotch in her tight, tight shorts.

“What… Sam, w-what are you doing? We’re having a conversation here!”

Scoffing, Sam just looks back over her shoulder at him.

“No, you’re talking AT me Ryan, not to me. You’re talking to the version of me you have built up in your head. The good girl you think I am. The girl next door. As for what I’m doing… why don’t you come see?”

She waves her phone at that, and Ryan finally steps forward, his brow furrowing. Slowly, hesitantly as if the bed is going to turn out to be a mimic and eat him whole, he approaches. Finally, he’s close enough to lean forward and see what’s on the screen of her phone as she holds it up for him. Immediately his eyes widen and he tries to snatch her phone from her.

“Sam! You can’t!”

He sounds positively horrified… terrified for her, even. Good. She’s got him right where she wants him. Giggling, Sam glances at her phone… where she currently has a text conversation going with Skylar. It’s just a bunch of vague, meaningless flirting… but the last message from the douchebag is asking for a titty pic. And in the unsent box, Sam has a message composed with a picture of her holding up her top, showing off her breasts, captioned ‘don’t show anyone okay?’.

She hasn’t sent it. She hasn’t sent Skylar anything too risqué yet in fact. But the threat is there all the same.

“Why shouldn’t I? It’s not like anyone else pays me any mind. You say Skylar is out of my league… but what if I don’t care about that? What if I want a boyfriend and don’t care who it is at this point?”

Ryan sounds positively stricken as he shakes his head back and forth.

“But… but you can do so much better than him!”

Eyes lidded, looking back over her shoulder at him, Sam licks her lips.

“Yeah? Well my first choice has never given me the time of day, so…”

Finally… finally, she sees a light go on in Ryan’s head. His eyes widen as he finally understands what she’s saying. Sam wiggles her hips suggestively and hovers her thumb over the Send button threateningly… and finally, Ryan snaps. With a snarl, he all but leaps onto the bed. Sam squeals gleefully as he grabs her by the hips and pins her to the pillow she’s bent over. His hand immediately yanks the phone from her grasp and tosses it to the side as he holds her down.

“No! No, I won’t let you ruin your life… the moment that bastard has that pic, he’s going to blackmail you for more. He’s going to… ruin you Samantha.”

He would too. That was precisely how Skylar was. Luckily for Sam, she never had any intention of sending that message. But Ryan didn’t need to know that.

“Well it’s either him… or you. So… what are you going to do to stop me from sending that picture the moment you leave, Ryan? How are you going to… convince me?”

She’s breathless as she squirms under him. Not to escape, but to remind him of her body. Beautifully chiseled by her cheerleading, but also voluptuous and curvaceous in all the right places. She’s not the girl next door anymore, she’s not the childhood friend any longer. She’s all grown up, and she’s got a body MADE for sinning.

“… I’ll do it. I’ll be your boyfriend Sam. But please… we can’t just… I don’t have any condoms!”

Sam smirks at that… and reaches over for her nightstand. The feeling of triumph that wells up inside of her as she pulls forth a whole band of condoms from the drawer and all but tosses them back to him.

There’s a momentary pause… and then the telltale sounds of a wrapper being ripped open and pants being unzipped. Then, his hands are on her hips again, hooking under them as he lets out another growl. This time, it’s more of exasperation than anger as he sighs.

“You little minx… you planned this from start to finish, didn’t you?”

Smiling like the cat that caught the canary, Sam half-giggles half-gasps as he yanks down her shorts and slaps his wrapped cock between her ass cheeks.

“Mm… praise me more~”


He scoffs as he spanks her ass, shaking his head before sliding his dick down between her thighs.

“I’m not praising you, damn it. I thought you were better than this, Sam…”

Sam wiggles as she feels the tip of his cock against her slit. Her engorged, slippery, wet pussy lips part easily as he slowly slides into her. There’s no physical proof of her virginity to be taken, she lost that to toys a long time ago. But he’s still her first… just as she’d always intended.

“A-Any desperation… was borne of how pigheaded my chosen target p-proved to be. Mm, if you wanted me t-to be better… you shouldn’t have b-buried your head in the s-sand all this time~”

Ryan sighs as he fills her with his cock. His hands grip tightly at her hips, even as Sam marvels at how HUGE he is. She knew already of course. That he was hung like a fucking HORSE. But there’s a difference between knowing… and experiencing.

“You’re right. I guess… all I can do is say sorry. And begin to make up for lost time.”

With that, he starts to properly fuck her. At least they skip the part where he tries to take it easy on her and she has to demand he fuck her harder. No, whether it’s because he’s still angry at her, or because of her position on the bed, or because she’s just so damn wet, Ryan doesn’t hold back, not even from the beginning.

Sam howls as she gets every inch of his big fat dick drilling into her from behind. She squeals as he grunts and plows her right into the first of many climaxes on the end of his amazingly massive cock. And she moans as he leans over her, panting almost right into her ear, mounting her and making her his woman, just like Sam always wanted.

See, Ryan would never admit it… but HE was the most popular guy in school. In this modern era, he was the guy everyone liked. The dude who not only did a couple of sports, but also helped out on the Student Council. Who went around cleaning up the campus, and helping the younger students with their work.

Ryan was everyone’s favorite human being… but long before they all got to find out how good he was, Sam had figured it out first. She’d grown up with him and fallen in love with him a long, long time ago. Unfortunately, while he had a spine when it came to things like Skylar and making sure the bully got his even with his Coach daddy backing him up, he didn’t have nearly as much of a spine when it came to women.

He was just too damn chivalrous by far… so of course, Sam had to resort to drastic measures.

As he fucks her, her eyes roll back in her head and she gurgles and groans, clutching at the pillow under her. This… this was what she wanted. This was all she ever wanted. He grunts and she groans, he growls and she moans… until finally, she feels it. Him cumming in the condom.

Even as he pulls out, Sam lets out a wanton groan.


“Fuck… you want to go again?”

“Yesss… do it. I know you’ve got more in the t-tank you big dicked b-bastard…”

“Language, Samantha.”

But even as he chides her, he pulls off the condom and gets the next one. And then he’s inside of her again, and she’s squealing up a storm as he fucks her hard and fast from behind, railing her like there’s no tomorrow. Her eyes go crossed this time, and she bites down on the pillow, her pussy walls flexing and clenching around his dick.

Her parents are as absentee as they come, so there’s no worries to be had about them showing up and ruining their fun. She and Ryan can fuck for hours… and that’s exactly what happens. Condom after condom, orgasm after orgasm, Sam gurgles in delirious ecstasy and overwhelming pleasure as Ryan grunts. His big dick and his equally big muscles let him keep going for longer than even she thought possible… but Sam definitely isn’t complaining.

No, she has absolutely no reason to complain… until Ryan finally finishes off the last condom, panting as he pulls out and drags it off of his dick. A glance back shows that he’s STILL hard even after all of that… and Sam will be damned if she can’t take care of her man.

“Keep. Going.”

Ryan gives her an incredulous look.

“You’ve got more condoms hidden somewhere, Samantha?”

“N-No… j-just pull out. D-Do it bareback.”

“Sam… I’m not going to do that. It’s too dangerous.”

And yet, she can hear it in his voice. He LONGS to fuck her bareback. He’s probably been imagining how good it would feel without a condom all this time. Sam definitely has. He’s doing that stupid chivalry thing again. Which means he just needs another push.

Reaching out with twitching fingers, her other hand gripping tightly at her hair as she moans into the pillow from all the pleasure she’s experienced already, Sam picks up her phone and brings back up her conversation with Skylar. Ryan notices immediately, of course.

“Sam! What the fuck?!”

“I bet… I b-bet Skylar would fuck me bareback.”

And that’s all she needs to say. Ryan slams back into her, this time completely unprotected, and starts fucking her hard and fast with every inch of his meaty cock. Sam squeals and then moans wantonly, loving every last bit of it. Bareback IS better than with a condom, just like she knew it would be.

This time, when Ryan snatches her phone from her hand, she doesn’t even try to fight it. She can feel him slowing down a little as he deletes her unsent message and sends one of his own. Then she can hear him grunting as he viciously stabs a finger onto the phone’s screen from over her head.

When he tosses her phone down in front of her again, Sam giggles at what she sees, practically feeling like she has hearts in her eyes as her childhood friend and now boyfriend really settles in to give her the rough, brutal pounding that a little bitch like her deserves.

sorry but i just realized I don’t actually want ur small dick anywhere near me, so buzz off. ive found someone better~

He’s even written it in the way she would have. Not only that, but he’s gone ahead and blocked Skylar and deleted his number from her phone for her. He’s taken control… and she’d have it no other way.



“Sam cuts AND almost” - should be AN

Sonny Edgerton

Well damnn i think i wanna see more of this story and how it continues to grow from here

Thomas Carrier

I love this story, I hope you can add more parts to this. While I like the normal stuff you make oc/oc content is awesome.


same. Cambrians oc/oc content is great. Am interested in reading more

Lord Mehmeh

Fuck skylars mother who is sorry after some fight happens in school to recede the complaint

Lord Mehmeh

also she is a single mom


Oh I want this to be a regular thing lmao this duo has more chemistry than most of the other stories, I like it a LOT!


I want a continuation!!