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Themes: Breeding, Rough Sex, Loving Sex

Summary: Part 4 of A Late Easter Surprise. Based on this image. Izuku arrives home after dropping off the twins with his mother to find Rumi is waiting for him. She's gotten back in shape in the months since she gave birth, and wants to celebrate their 'anniversary' by going for an Easter Day Ride. That and she's also hoping to get a cute baby girl to go along with their adorable sons. 


Izuku Midoriya can’t deny it… as he unlocks the door and enters his house, he’s brimming with curiosity and excitement.

“Rumi! I’m home!”

“I’m in the living room~”

He hums, even as he makes sure to lock the door behind him. A lot can change in a short amount of time, as the young man has discovered. On the one hand, he was married now. Married to Rumi, aka the Rabbit Hero Mirko. She’d even taken his last name, making them Izuku and Rumi Midoriya. A pair. A couple.

That in and of itself would be mind-blowing enough, but on top of that… they had children together. A pair of bouncing baby boys, twins that took after their father more than his mother, but still had a little bit of a tan to go with Rumi’s darker skin tone.

A couple weeks ago, Rumi had nonchalantly mentioned that he needed to save this date. Specifically, she’d asked him to go ahead and check with his mother to see if she wouldn’t mind looking after their sons for the night. The babies were just getting to the point where both Izuku and Rumi were willing to leave them with someone else overnight, being a few months old at this point. They were a hardy young pair, both with healthy set of lungs.

Of course, Inko Midoriya absolutely adored her grandsons and so that hadn’t been much of an ask at all. With two weeks’ notice, Izuku’s mother had been more than happy to take the babies off of their hands for the night.

That still didn’t quite explain why Rumi had asked him to save the date in the first place. As Izuku makes his way through his wife’s house, now THEIR house and arrives in said living room, he has a question about exactly that on the tip of his tongue. However, the words die before they can leave his lips, with Izuku stopping dead in his tracks at the glorious sight before him.

Leaning down to fiddle with something, Rumi Midoriya stands there with one foot up on a chair… her back profile towards Izuku. This means he gets quite the eyeful, considering what she’s wearing. At least she IS wearing clothes… but they’re not the kind of clothes that leave much to the imagination. The black leggings she’s wearing glisten in the room’s artificial light with whatever material they’re made out of, hugging Rumi’s incredible curves and showing off every damn line of her exceedingly plush ass.

Meanwhile, her top is as low-cut in the back as they come, a tank-top that probably does a fine enough job of covering her breasts (while still giving a great show of her cleavage) but does absolutely nothing to hide her beautiful back, along with her rippling muscles.

After giving birth, Rumi had really put her all into getting back into shape. Being ‘fat’ as she’d called it was anathema to her, and so she’d fought hard to get fit again, regaining her athletic physique quite rapidly. Of course, some things had still carried over from her pregnancy. Her ass was definitely bigger than it’d been before, and so were her breasts. In fact, she was still lactating at this point, having not stopped as of yet.

Izuku’s mouth opens and closes as he stares at the absolutely gorgeous sight of his wife. As she finishes fiddling with whatever it was she was fiddling with, she straightens up, one hand going back through her white locks and the other resting on her knee as she looks back at him, grinning wickedly. Her red eyes sparkle with amusement, even as she throws her hair over her shoulder and lets out a laugh.

“Oh? Cat got your tongue, hubby? Like what you see?”

Izuku did in fact like what he saw. Very much. That said, while his first thought had been ‘hubba-hubba’, his second thought is that Rumi looks dressed to kill. She looks ready for a night out on the town if he’s being honest, clad in the sort of stuff you’d expect to see on some sexy as fuck club-goer. And don’t get him wrong, Rumi WAS sexy as fuck and more than capable of pulling such a look off… but he didn’t like the idea of her out at some nightclub, being ogled by guys. Even if she was with him at the time, he really didn’t want anyone else staring at her…

That said, she asked him a question, and it fell to Izuku to answer it.

“You look amazing, Rumi. Special occasion?”

Finally stepping off the chair and turning towards him, Rumi giggles as she reveals that her white top is indeed low-cut in the front as well as the back. Not AS low-cut, but still low-cut enough to show off her cleavage, her braless chest bouncing with every movement she makes.

“The most special. Don’t tell me you forgot, I-zu-ku~”

Izuku blinks at that, before panicking a little bit. He frowns, furrowing his in confusion. Their wedding anniversary was still months away, with the ceremony having taken place a little under half a year ago. Their sons weren’t even close to being one yet, so that wasn’t it either… and besides, he was with Izuku’s mom for the evening. So what exactly what Rumi talking about?

“It’s our anniversary, Izuku~”

He opens his mouth to tell her it isn’t, but Rumi rolls her eyes, cutting him off before he can.

“Not our wedding anniversary, silly. It’s our Easter Anniversary~”

Furrowing his brow, Izuku shakes his head at that as well.

“What? Easter was weeks ago…”

Stepping up right into his personal space, Rumi presses her chest against his with a laugh, planting her hands on her hips and grinning at him.

“You’re so dumb sometimes. But that’s okay, I like that about you. On this day, exactly one year ago… you fucked me for the first time. Knocked me up too. Made me a mother. Started us down this path of you making me into your wife.”

Izuku’s mouth opens… and then closes. Huh, he supposed that this was the day last year where she’d had him collecting eggs and one thing had led to another and he’d… well. Alright then. So it was their special ‘Easter Anniversary’. He still wasn’t inclined to go anywhere with Rumi looking like such a snack. He knew he should be less possessive though. So, he swallows heavily and tries not to let any of his worry show.

“Let me guess… you want to go out dancing to celebrate?”

Rumi hums for a moment, before taking a step back, making enough room between them that she can run a hand down his chest. Then, planting her palm firmly on his chest, she guides him around and walks him backwards. Izuku doesn’t fight it, and soon enough he finds himself pushed down into the very same chair she’d had a foot up on as Rumi towers over him.

“Well… that WAS the plan originally. But plans change. The moment I saw you, I knew I didn’t want to waste any time.”

She nudges his legs apart with a knee, and then proceeds to sit in on one, grinding along the top of hie leg with her covered crotch, revealing that she’s not just braless, she’s also not wearing panties. Hooking her arms around his neck, Rumi looks into his eyes and grins wickedly as she uses him as a masturbatory aid.

“Why go out… when we can have all the fun in the world right here, right hubby?”

Izuku wastes no time in nodding at that, and not just because he’s immensely turned on by his sexy as fuck wife. He’ll gladly take the opportunity to avoid having to share her with anyone else, even if it’s just sharing her with their eyes. Rumi Midoriya is all his now… they have wedding vows that say so~

“Y-Yes… I mean… yes, let’s celebrate our ‘Easter Anniversary’ right here… right now.”

Rumi giggles at his enthusiasm, as he reaches down and grabs her waist. She moans as he begins to bounce the leg she’s currently humping, vibrating it almost with his Quirk to give her some extra… friction. Her entire body shakes in a most pleasing manner, her tits bouncing in her top and her large bunny ears jiggling all over the place as they flex and fold.

“O-o-oh f-f-fuck I-i-izuku~”

He grins and leans forward, capturing her mouth with his own and kissing her deeply, even through the vibrations. Moaning, Rumi kisses him right back, his beloved chocolate bunny happily melting into his embrace. For a moment, at least. She pulls back soon enough, the two of them coming apart for air. And when they do that, she acts.

Pulling off of him, she thrusts her crotch forward, giving him a grin.

“Make me a hole, darling~”

Blinking, Izuku glances incredulously between the expensive looking club-pants and Rumi’s face.

“You sure? These look expensive…”

“They weren’t bought to survive the night, Izuku. They’re practically painted on… do you really think I have the patience to take them off the proper way? Either you tear them off of me, or I do~”

Hm, it would certainly be sexy to watch her do so in front of him, but he IS stronger than her and will have an easier time of it. Nodding, Izuku reaches forward and grabs at the crotch, pulling as hard as he can, using some of his Quirk to make sure-


The incredibly tight black leggings tear, ripping open to reveal Rumi’s mocha skin and puffy pussy lips, already drooling with her wetness and arousal. The Rabbit Hero gasps in delight, before squeaking in excitement when Izuku yanks her back into his lap. Her hands, meanwhile, instantly go to his belt, unbuckling it with lightning speed and working open his zipper so she can pull his cock out as well.

As the married couple work frenziedly to get him lined up with her, Izuku’s cock throbs with anticipation, only for Rumi to stop just short of the finish line. His cock is against her slit, but instead of sliding down his length, she halts for a moment and looks him in the eye.

“I should be honest with you, Izuku. I didn’t just set up tonight for our special anniversary, and I don’t just want to fuck because I want to fuck. All of that is very real too… but more than anything, I want you to knock me up again. I want you to breed me silly. Nine months from now, I want to give birth to a baby girl, so our sons can grow up with a little sister who bugs them and follows them around everywhere.”

Izuku blinks, taken aback for a moment by Rumi’s intensity… but then falling into the world she’s describing. He can see it in his mind’s eye, and in the end… he nods.

“I want that too.”

Then, he pulls her down his cock himself, impaling her on his member right then and there. The gorgeous dark-skinned Rabbit Hero moans, her smile radiant as she shudders. His wife tosses her head back, her little poof ball tail no doubt twitching and shivering like mad as he grasps her by her butt cheeks and begins to bounce her on his cock.

Straddling him, she rides him for all she’s worth, bouncing up and down on his dick as he thrusts up into her from below. The two of them have insane compatibility. Always have. Ever since that first time… neither of them can get enough of the other. And where Rumi has struggled with feeling fat from her pregnancy and then getting rid of her baby weight, Izuku has only gotten taller, buffer, and better built over the past year.

Holding her in his lap, he kisses his wife with unadulterated glee, their tongues wrestling with one another, their mouths smashing together. His fingers dig into the fabric of her pants, and over time, inch by inch, he rips them off of her ass just like he ripped them off of her crotch.

As he digs into her plush backside directly, Izuku’s mouth finally breaks away from hers. Rumi tosses her head back again, this time letting out an incredibly loud and altogether lewd cry that’s followed by her pussy walls contracting and squeezing down HARD on his length. She cums for him, climaxing explosively… and Izuku’s eyes fall to her chest.

In the wake of all of the bouncing, shaking, and shuddering, Rumi’s top has not survived the experience. Rather, the low-cut nature of said top has resulted in the tank-top coming down off of her shoulders, and her tits fully bouncing out into full view, her beautiful chocolate breasts right in front of his face. Izuku is more glad than ever that they hadn’t gone out clubbing to celebrate. He could just imagine how mortified he would have been if Rumi’s top had decided to come off on the dance floor…

Regardless, now he’s left staring at each of her throbbing nipples, both of them leaking a droplet of breast milk, one of the final holdovers from her pregnancy. As Rumi throws her head back, she’s also arching her spine… and inadvertently thrusting her fat teats and milk-laden tits right into his face. In the end, what else can Izuku do, right? He leans forward and captures his wife’s breasts in his mouth, sucking on one nipple and then the other.

Sweet milk fills his mouth and Izuku swallows greedily, drinking down the substance. Rich in protein, it gives him the energy boost that he needs to continue pounding up into Rumi from below, fucking the dark-skinned Rabbit Hero to kingdom cum. Orgasming over and over again, eyes rolling around in her head, Rumi howls and squeals, shrieking and moaning in equal measure. Until finally, at long last… her pussy walls manage to milk him of his release.

As he drinks of her breast milk, Izuku lets out a muffled groan and proceeds to pump a hot, thick load of his own cream right into Rumi’s womb. He fills his wife to the brim and then some, not stopping until his churning balls have emptied out. But then, even then… he’s not done yet. Neither of them are. In fact, they’re just getting started.

Pulling back from her sensitive, lactating tits, Izuku meets Rumi’s eyes and sees the desire inherent in his wife’s red gaze. With a grin, he surges up out of the chair, lifting her into the air. Then, he begins walking the two of them through their house, making Rumi moan and squeak with every bouncing thrust upon his cock. Slowly but surely, he takes her to their bedroom, lays her down on their bed… and pushes her legs up into the air as he starts Round Two.

After all, if they’re going to give their sons a little baby sister to look after and dote upon… they’re going to have to go all night long. Just to be sure.


Pen Jr. Jr.

Can this be tagged "ALES" so it nests in with the first three chapters


Is this gonna get more chapters?

Colin Peden

Awesome story overall. I also ask, like Just_Zek, will we get more chapters? I'd personally love a few more chapters.