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Chef's Kiss Ch. 6 (Fate/Grand Order)

  • Might as well just tell Ritsuka the rest now, right? Once they're done fucking, of course. 283
  • No, respect Rin's effort to keep at least some of their secrets, focus on the sex. 205
  • 2023-03-23
  • —2023-04-05
  • 488 votes
{'title': "Chef's Kiss Ch. 6 (Fate/Grand Order)", 'choices': [{'text': "Might as well just tell Ritsuka the rest now, right? Once they're done fucking, of course.", 'votes': 283}, {'text': "No, respect Rin's effort to keep at least some of their secrets, focus on the sex.", 'votes': 205}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 4, 5, 7, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 23, 14, 30, 28, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 488}


A/N: As some commenters predicted, the key word of last chapter's winning option was... 'tries'. Lmao.


Shirou’s first instinct is to just tell her. If he was alone, he very well might have. Luckily, he’s surrounded by his girls, all of whom are watching the interaction at this point. Even Rin, who was just being fucked in the ass, is drilling holes in the side of his head with the force of her gaze. Shirou got the impression that telling Ritsuka everything was a bad idea, or at least Rin believed so.

At the same time, how could he tell her nothing? She was the last active Master of Chaldea, and apparently that gave her enough authority to invade their personal apartment suite! Even if Ritsuka had apologized for the intrusion, that didn’t change the fact that she’d clearly had some significant sway. If he tried to stonewall her… she might accept it, but who knew what sort of consequences it would have later on for them?

They were stuck between a rock and a hard place, weren’t they? They didn’t want to tell Ritsuka their secrets, but they also couldn’t afford to alienate her and make her hostile to them. So really… there was only one path forward, wasn’t there?

Taking a step towards Ritsuka, Shirou lets a somewhat crooked smile spread across his face. He feels a little… weird doing this, but if nothing else, his four-way relationship has given him some small amount of experience with women. He knew when a woman was aroused, for instance. He knew when a girl couldn’t stop herself from staring at his cock.

“Is that… really what you want, Ritsuka? You want answers? Or… is there something ELSE you want?”

Sakura’s sharp intake of breath makes her opinion on Shirou’s seduction of the young Master of Chaldea clear. But his darling, oh-so-terrifying kouhai doesn’t make any effort to speak up or question his decision making in this moment. Instead, Sakura watches on as Ritsuka goes almost as red as her hair, freezing in place. Her eyes dart down to his cock, which is still out and rock hard and swaying back and forth as he takes slow, pondering steps towards her.

“I… I…”

Her desire is obvious. Her arousal is palpable. Stepping into her personal bubble, Shirou slowly reaches down, giving the young woman every chance to stop him as he wraps a hand around her wrist and guides her hand in turn to his shaft. Rather than stop him, or pull away, or reject him in any way… Ritsuka wraps her hand around his throbbing erection, gasping at the feel of it. She licks her lips, slowly shifting her palm up and down his shaft.

“So… so warm.”

It was working! Shirou resists the urge to fist pump in victory, though he does throw a grin Saber’s way, hoping that the blonde will at least be proud of him for defusing such a difficult situation. However, Saber is… also looking at Ritsuka with narrowed eyes. Artoria Pendragon isn’t quite so stricken as Sakura, but she does look… slightly aggrieved. Don’t they understand? This is the only way to get Ritsuka off of the topic of their true identities and what they’re all doing here!

“You can… keep touching it, if you want. Since you seem to be enjoying yourself so much.”

Ritsuka flushes at that, fidgeting and squirming but pointedly NOT removing her hand from his cock. Instead, she continues to slide it up and down his length, giving him a handjob in front of everyone and-

“A-Alright, that’s enough!”

To Shirou’s utmost surprise, it’s not Sakura or Artoria who spoke up… but rather, Rin. Pushing herself up off of the bed, the naked young woman scowls as she frowns at both Shirou and Ritsuka. Shirou, meanwhile, gives Rin a bewildered look. He’d thought that she of all people would understand! This was the only way to keep their secrets!

Of course, at hearing Rin’s words, Ritsuka blushes and jolts back as if stung, removing her hand from his cock as though the contact has suddenly burned her. In an instant, Chaldea’s only active Master seems to realize not only what she was doing and where she was… but also that she wasn’t alone in here with him. All of his girls are there too, all of them were watching. Rin was just the only one who spoke up.

“Look, as much as we all might want to keep our secrets… I don’t think forcing Shirou to whore himself out is the best way to go about things.”

Shirou winces at that, while Ritsuka sputters and quickly tries to deny it, her face positively burning with embarrassment.

“I-I don’t want… I w-would never want t-to force anyone to do anything!”

At that, Sakura speaks up from behind Ritsuka, her arms crossed over her substantial chest.

“Hmph. Then maybe take a second to understand what’s going on in front of you. You barged in on our alone time with Senpai and started demanding answers to things we don’t want people knowing about while staring at Senpai’s cock. What else was he supposed to do?”

Ritsuka whimpers at Sakura’s harsh words. Meanwhile, Shirou’s head is spinning just a little bit. Was Sakura defending him or mad at him? Or maybe… both? As usual, it was difficult to decipher exactly what was going through his kouhai’s head…

“Look, let’s make a deal. In recognition of your… status, we’ll let you in on SOME of our secrets. But in return, you don’t try and pry any deeper unless it becomes absolutely necessary.”

Standing now, Rin crosses her arms over her chest as she dictates terms to Ritsuka. Shirou can only watch, the two women seemingly sizing each other up. Ritsuka is quick to recover from her moment of humiliation and embarrassment, focusing on Rin now as she frowns slightly.

“… What defines ‘absolutely necessary’, exactly?”

Rin sighs and tilts her head to the side.

“If our problems start causing problems for you and Chaldea, then we’ll tell you more. But given what just happened to everyone outside of this base, I don’t really think that’s likely to be an issue… at least not for a while anyways.”

Ritsuka slowly nods at that, seeming to mull over the offer for a few moments.

“… Alright, d-deal. I don’t… I’m only being nosy because I don’t want anymore surprises! After the day we’ve all had, I hope you can understand that.”

Shirou definitely could. And Rin was surprisingly sympathetic as well, nodding along before shrugging her shoulders.

“It is what it is. Anyways, you wanted to know what we’re all about. Without going into TOO much detail… we’re in hiding. We came to Chaldea to get away from our pursuers. Simple as that.”

The red-haired Master of Chaldea goes wide-eyed at that confession, looking around at all of them for a moment. Funnily enough, her eyes focus on Sakura of all people… then again, Sakura was still giving off some shadowy energy even now…

“What… what did you do? Why are you being hunted?”

Clearing his throat, Shirou draws Ritsuka’s attention back to him.

“It’s not Sakura that they’re hunting for. Or at least, not Sakura alone. It’s me that they want. As for what we did…”

Before he can figure out what to say, Rin steps back in.

“The details aren’t important right now. Suffice to say, it wasn’t so much anything anyone did… but rather, what certain members of our group ARE. The point being, in order to avoid being kidnapped and dissected in a lab somewhere, certain members of our group needed to lie low… and other members of our group had no intention of letting them lie low alone. Hence, our retreat to Chaldea.”

Shirou watches as Ritsuka takes this all in, processing Rin’s words. Finally, the young woman speaks.

“You chose Chaldea as your hideaway and showed up the day that all of humanity was going to be burnt to a crisp? That’s pretty lucky!”

Rin lifts an eyebrow at that, frowning slightly.

“… I would have expected you to accuse us of working for the man behind all of this. It seems a little too coincidental after all, and I know that it IS a coincidence…”

But Ritsuka just smiles and shakes her head at that.

“I know you’re not working with him. I saw how he reacted when Director Animusphere was saved. If not for your actions, he would have made the Director suffer a fate worse than death! So I know you’re not on his side… and I want to believe I can trust you all.”

Shirou and his girls all exchange glances at that. For a moment, silence hangs in the air before Rin finally lets out a sigh.

“We’ll tell you one more piece of information, as a show of trust. Put simply… this isn’t what we look like. We’re all wearing Mystic Codes that I created, which obfuscate our real identities. So even if you do save humanity… which we ALL want you to do, don’t get me wrong… we should be able to stay hidden. Anyone who comes looking for us will hopefully not see through our disguises, and just think we’re some kitchen staff… which technically, we are.”

Ritsuka is surprised again by that admission, her eyes darting between them all once more as she takes in their appearances… which she now knows aren’t really their appearances. Not that Shirou has any idea what she’s seeing. He sees Rin, Artoria, and Sakura for how they actually are, after all. Rin had tried to explain it to him, but he still struggled to fully wrap his head around HOW the disguises actually worked, other than they DID work.

Regardless, Ritsuka gives up on trying to see ‘past’ the effect after just a few moments, before pouting mightily as another thought seems to occur to her.

“Ah… so then… you probably aren’t using your real names either? Those are made up too, huh?”

At that, Shirou winces while Rin scowls and shoots him an irritated look.

“… No, actually. A certain someone has a really bad memory, and decided he wasn’t going to be able to learn undercover names in the first place, so we might as well not even try. I really am Rin. He’s Shirou. She’s my younger sister Sakura. And…”

Rin trails off then, and Shirou freezes as Ritsuka’s eyes slowly turn towards… Saber… aka Artoria Pendragon. Silence falls over the room for a moment, before Ritsuka slowly points a shaking finger in Artoria’s direction.

“E-Earlier… you called her Saber…”

In Ninety-Nine Percent of the world, hearing someone called Saber would mean absolutely nothing. Of course, as of this moment, Ninety-Nine Point Nine Percent of the world had been destroyed. Fortunately, Chaldea was the Point One Percent that remained. Unfortunately, it was part of the One Percent that would immediately recognize the moniker ‘Saber’ for what it was… a Servant Classification.

“Y-You’re a Servant! One of you is a Master!”

Well. That cat was out of the bag. Shirou, before he can really consider what he’s saying, pipes up.

“Technically… we were all Masters, at one point in time.”

Rin’s palm meets his face, while Sakura groans out a quiet, exasperated ‘Senpai’ under her breath. Meanwhile, Ritsuka’s mouth has dropped open and she stares at him, gobsmacked.


“I change my mind! Let’s go back to the ‘whoring Shirou out’ strategy!”


Rin’s exclamation, followed by Sakura’s growled use of her name, causes silence to fall again for a moment. Both Artoria and Sakura are looking at Rin disapprovingly, while Shirou is watching Ritsuka, waiting for her to… well, either ask more questions, somehow figure everything out on her own… or faint. He figured it was an equal chance of any of the three options happening.

Instead, she surprises him by blushing and ducking her head shyly for a moment before speaking up.

“I-I wouldn’t mind.”

When the gazes turn her way, now a bit murderous, Ritsuka blanches.

“N-Not that I want Mister Shirou to be forced to do anything he doesn’t want to do! I just… I would like to join… if you would have me…”

Slowly, hesitantly, Ritsuka peeks at everyone, clearly trying to gauge their reactions. Shirou can’t help but do the same. Ritsuka’s somewhat adorable attempt to be included finds easy purchase with Artoria at least, who is now looking at the young woman with something akin to pity. Meanwhile, Rin has a somewhat exasperated look on her face, as though she knows what comes next.

Sakura is the only one who looks somewhat mulish at the idea. As Ritsuka realizes that the woman who chased her in here might just be her greatest obstacle, Sakura steps up, approaching slowly. Ritsuka turns to face her, the two of them quite close in height.

“… So you think you have what it takes to satisfy Senpai? You think you can handle his unnatural, unfathomable lusts?”

W-Whoa! What was Sakura even talking about?! It was her and the others who had the unnatural, unfathomable lusts! Shirou was the one forever trying to keep up with THEM, not the other way around! Perhaps the purple-haired girl was trying to scare Ritsuka off or something… but if that was the case, she was failing. A look of pure determination appears on Ritsuka’s face as she nods swiftly.


Sakura’s eyes narrow even more at that, becoming outright slits… before suddenly springing open as she smiles a not-nice-smile.

“Then why are you still standing? You should be on your knees, worshipping Senpai’s cock already!”

Shirou blushes at Sakura’s declaration, opening his mouth to tell Ritsuka she doesn’t have to do that… but then the Master of Chaldea swiftly spins back around and drops to her knees right then and there. Before he can say a word, Ritsuka has taken Shirou’s cock in her mouth and is sucking him off on the spot. As she bobs up and down his length, Shirou meets Sakura’s gaze over the top of Ritsuka’s head and finds a stupefied expression on his darling kouhai’s face. Apparently, Ritsuka had caught her off guard as well.

Looking around at the others, Shirou sighs and rubs a hand through the back of his hair, even as Ritsuka’s enthusiastic dick sucking fills the room.

“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”

This wasn’t how he’d intended things to go… he’d really just wanted to give all of his girls something to think about for the time being, other than the complete annihilation of everything outside of their current place of residence. Now… now, here they were, getting far more involved than Rin had ever wanted and Shirou had ever intended.

But then, you knew what they said about intentions…



I mean is there really a point to the secrets? There is really only one person that would try and maybe kill shirou if he learned who he is and that’s Archer……and that’s a maybe


Also I love how ritsuka IMMEDIATELY jumps to Sakura as the thing that’s being hidden away as some eldritch monster in human form

Bob Miller

I mean, the most in character thing for Shirou is to immediately share everything, or at least most of it. He is not a very subtle or sneaky person.


Well, looks like the vote is actually close, FOR ONCE!


Imagine if EMIYA got summoned - on one hand, here’s a Shirou who got to be happy. On the other, Chaldea is a Vacation for Counter Guardians - seeing as how it’s both guilt free (especially relative to their normal tasks) and there are periods of downtime to relax in


Poor Ritsuka… she’s trying her very best. I appreciate that she did manage to get some of them on her side. Besides, she’s under a lot of pressure and could use some happiness every once in a while.


Didn't expect Sakura to keep referring to Shirou like some sort of Eldritch God to be so funny but here we are.


Definitely a Shirou thing to do. The dude instantly trusted and relied on Rin in the grail war despite her repeatly telling him they're going to be enemies. Given Ritsuka is one of the maybe two dozen humans left in existence, and Chaldea's master it makes sense he'd spill the beans.


I can’t wait for Sakura to meet Medusa again, I hope she kept her memories, that way she’ll be REALLY surprised, or maybe not, on how things turned out!


They should probably tell Ritsuka that Saber is Artoria Pendragon.


Also, that Rin is an extremely talented magus, maybe that Sakura is a rare user of the Imaginary element (Imaginary Number Element?).


Honestly I'm looking forward to all the Saber faces and all the Sexy versions of Artoria Shirou is bound to get it on with. Also when Morgan comes into picture to play, same with Mordred.

Max Turry

I honestly kinda want to keep a mysterious air around shirou for ritsuka


So here is a point people may not have considered: knowing that everyone at one point in time was a Master might be enough for them to be made Provisional Masters (Beggars can't be choosers and Chaldea *are* down to one Master). Utilizing the FATE System would take most of the burden off maintaining a servant allowing even a third-rate Magus like Shirou to summon and sustain multiple Servants within Chaldea, even if he would still be limited to only taking one or two with him when deploying outside of Chaldea. Well, unless he stacks his party with those who have the Independent Action and/or Independent Manifestation skill or he keeps a lot of horny women willing to act as a Tantric Prana Battery for him on hand (I mean a Prototype Merlin willing to give him Prana as someone who is someone who is technically still alive rather than a true servant, would make Shirou's Prana issues disappear for example).


If she has been summoned via the FATE System then there is no reason she can't. On rare occasions, Servants summoned using the FATE System are able to retain most or even all memory of their previous summonings, including memories of past Holy Grail Wars after all.


While I agree with this I also think he does value Rin's opinion and would take that into account so I do think its also reasonable for him to not give away anything else for now.