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Themes: Dom/Sub, Bondage, Breeding

Summary: Part 7 of In Over Her Head. As Konoha's Resident Gossip Queen, Ino can scarcely believe the rumors she's hearing regarding Naruto. She can't quite figure out why his stock is suddenly rising so fast among her fellow kunoichi. Deciding she needs to find out for herself, she stumbles upon Temari and Tenten enjoying Naruto's massive spear, only to be caught in turn by Samui as she spies on them. 


Ino Yamanaka, Konoha’s Resident Gossip Queen, was not used to feeling like she was out of her depths. Which was why she categorically refused to acknowledge that she might be. There was a perfectly reasonable explanation for her complete inability to explain Naruto’s sudden rise in popularity among her fellow Kunoichi. She just had to figure out what it was.

Still, she couldn’t really understand how it had happened. It was like one moment the world made sense… and the next, women were swooning for Naruto left and right. Sure, he had turned out to be an incredibly powerful shinobi. Sure, Ino had come to respect him for all that he’d done for both the village and her family. After all, Konoha was the Yamanaka Clan’s home. If it had been permanently destroyed, where would she and her family go?

And yet… that did not mean Ino was suddenly head over heels for Naruto. She wasn’t head over heels for ANYONE. Even still, the fact that he was suddenly rebuilding the Uzumaki Clan, and already had one kid… it all just left Ino incredibly confused and utterly baffled. She wanted answers… and she would get those answers, one way or another!

That conviction found Ino here, snooping around Naruto’s new Clan Compound. She was a kunoichi after all. Sneaking was in her blood and also trained into her from an early age! No one was going to know she wasn’t there if she didn’t want them to, and so she’d slipped inside of the Clan Compound and made her way to the main house.

She heard them long before she saw them though. The sounds of muffled moans and heartfelt cooing, along with grunting and the sound of flesh slapping against flesh.

“That’s right Tenten. You love it, don’t you? You love Lord Uzumaki’s big fat cock. You know, when you came here asking to be sponsored, I bet you didn’t expect that you’d be the one being speared with a lethal weapon, hehe~”

Ino’s eyes damn near bulge out of her head. That’s Temari’s voice! Creeping closer, she finally manages to peek in through a window. What she sees takes her aback, but she still categorizes every bit of what she’s witnessing. For one, the room has three people in it. Temari of the Sand, Tenten, and Naruto Uzumaki himself.

Tenten was a year older than Ino and Naruto’s group and a verifiable badass. She was an unattached kunoichi, a nice way of saying she came from a civilian family and didn’t have a Ninja Clan backing her up. And yet, that hadn’t stopped Tenten from taking the opportunity provided by being THE Might Guy’s pupil and running with it. She’d become a Weapon Mistress, and last Ino heard, she was one of the best of their generation.

… However, there was truth in the idea that Tenten’s status as an unattached kunoichi did set her back a fair bit. Clan Ninja just got so many more opportunities. It wasn’t fair, but it was how it worked. So… it made sense that someone like Tenten would catch wind of Naruto restarting his Clan and try and get sponsored by the new Ninja Lord. However… however, it definitely looked like Tenten had bitten off more than she could chew.

The Weapons Mistress was currently tied up and moaning as Temari held her face in her hands. She wasn’t gagged, but she also wasn’t getting much out in the way of words, since Temari was casually kissing her and swapping spit as their tongues danced between the things the Sand Kunoichi was saying to her.

Meanwhile, Tenten’s bondage took the form of her hands being tied above her head and her legs being spread wide and lifted into the air, further restrained up to her wrists by more ropes. All the while, Naruto was beneath her… his massive cock spearing up inside of Tenten again and again as he holds her by her thighs.

Temari was right to call Naruto’s dick a lethal weapon. As Ino stares at it, she can’t help but shiver in disbelief. No man should be that… that large. It just wasn’t realistic. Right? Except… why was staring at Tenten getting fucked making Ino feel so… strange? It looked like it should have hurt, but one glance at Tenten’s flushed, fucked silly expression is enough to make it clear she’s having the time of her life.

“Are you ready, Tenten? Are you ready for Naruto to breed you silly so you can join our clan properly?”

That pulls the Weapons Mistress out of her fugue as she focuses on Temari’s face and whimpers.

“I just… I d-don’t…”

She stammers and trails off, and Ino, being the quick-thinking gossip hound that she is, quickly puts together what’s going on here. Tenten had just wanted to make a business arrangement with Naruto, where she attached herself to his Clan as a Vassal and eventually she maybe got to create her own Clan at some point in the future, if the Uzumaki Clan grew big enough.

It was a great plan honestly… the Uzumaki might be greatly reduced to just Naruto, but he was not only a rising star in the village, but flat out popular with way too many important people to be kept down. The Uzumaki Clan growing big wasn’t just likely, it was downright inevitable.

And yet… Tenten clearly hadn’t intended to be part of the Uzumaki Clan’s ‘growing’ at first. How she’d ended up like this, Ino could only imagine. Fantasize about, really. Temari, meanwhile, just coos at Tenten.

“I know~ You’re afraid. But it’s okay… being a mother is what you were made for, Tenten. And just think… when you give birth to a beautiful baby daughter, you can raise her and train her in all of your techniques, teaching her how to use weapons just as well as you do.”

Tenten’s eyes grow distant for a moment, and then her hips buck, seemingly involuntarily as she cries out, orgasming all over Naruto’s massive fucking dick.


H-Holy shit. This was… Ino blushes profusely as she watches Naruto do just that. He cums inside of Tenten for what feels like an eternity, delivering a hefty, thick, viscous load of his baby batter right up into that womb of hers. Ino can only watch… until she feels a hand clan down on her shoulder, freezing her in place.

“Enjoying the view?”

The icy tone has Ino tensing up even further, as she belatedly realizes she HAD been enjoying the view. In fact, the Yamanaka had been enjoying the view so much she currently had a hand down her shorts and had been fingering herself while she watched Tenten give in and get bred by Naruto’s big honking dong.

Slowly turning her head, Ino blushes as she finds herself looking at a pair of flinty, cold-as-ice blue eyes. The blonde that stares down at her is unfamiliar to her… but she’s wearing the Uzumaki Clan symbol on her vest.

“W-Who are you supposed to be?”

For a moment, the other kunoichi pauses… then she smirks evilly.

“Lady Uzumaki. And it seems I’ve caught a trespasser on my husband’s lands.”

Ino gawks at that, but doesn’t try to resist as ‘Lady Uzumaki’ yanks her by the shoulder and frog marches her into the room. By the time they enter, Naruto has pulled out of Tenten and left the panting brunette dangling in her bondage, dripping his cum all over the floor. Temari is quick to plug up her freshly creampied cunt with her fingers however, while also diving down to begin sucking at one of Tenten’s nipples, much to the brunette’s enjoyment.

“Samui? Ino?”

The now-named Samui hums as she pushes Ino forward.

“Found this one snooping around, Lord Uzumaki. I trust you didn’t know she was here?”

Naruto slowly shakes his head, looking a little confused. But his Lady Uzumaki, his Samui… she’s fully on the ball, much to Ino’s chagrin.

“Then it would seem we have a trespasser on our hands, my Lord. She’s been caught trying to steal Clan Secrets… she’ll need to be punished. If not by you, then we need to take her to the Hokage.”

Naruto’s eyes widen at that, and he looks to Ino with an expression of hurt. But Ino… well, Ino has already come to a decision. She pulls herself free of Samui’s grasp and steps forward… before bowing at the waist.

“Alternatively, Lord Uzumaki… you could tie me up and treat me as your broodmare too, and then I’ll be a part of your Clan and won’t be a trespasser anymore~”

There’s a beat of silence, and Ino can tell she’s shocked even ‘Lady Uzumaki’ into a stupor with that one. Lifting her head, Ino gives Naruto a raunchy grin… one that he slowly returns with a dark chuckle of his own as his cock down between his legs twitches back to life.



Hog-tied! They’d hog-tied her! Tenten got a tasteful and artful dangling from the ceiling bit of bondage… and Ino got stripped naked and hog-tied! More than that, unlike Tenten who wasn’t gagged… Ino had a gag stuffed in her mouth… of her own sopping wet panties followed by some rope! Honestly, if she didn’t know any better, she’d think Samui was holding a grudge!

“No need for words from you, darling. I’ve heard enough about you and how dangerous that mouth of yours can get. You thrive on gossip, don’t you?”

… Okay, so maybe she was. As the ‘Lady Uzumaki’ holds Ino by the jaw, looking into her eyes, Ino averts her gaze submissively.


It’s the closest she can get to promising to be good. Before Samui can reply however, Ino feels the bed shift as someone else climbs on. THEN, she feels Naruto’s hands on her hips… and the tip of his massive, bulbous, bitch breaker of a cock against her sopping wet slit.

“Enough of that Samui. Ino made a mistake, but she’s already agreed to correct it. She’s joining the Clan… so from now on, I want you two to get along.”

Samui pulls back and lets out a sigh.

“Very well, Naruto…”

By now, Ino has correctly identified the woman as the mother of Naruto’s sole child… for now. Now that she knew what she knew, Konoha’s Resident Gossip Queen figured she could confirm the other more outlandish rumors that stated Naruto had knocked up several women at this point. Whether it was a dozen or only half a dozen was more up for debate… but Ino figured she’d learn the true number soon enough. After all, she was going to be added to them quite swiftly~

Naruto’s cock punches into her, and Ino’s eyes immediately go crossed as she moans through her gag. Her tied up body strains and flexes in the uncomfortable position she’s been forced into, but there’s no escape. Not that she would want to. She didn’t mind being hog-tied… if it meant she got to have a piece of Naruto.

She was getting more than a piece now. His cock was so fucking big. It was filling her up like there was no tomorrow. Her pussy was stretching wider and wider with every passing inch as he punched deep into her, only to pull out… and then do it again. Eyes rolling around in her head, Ino squeals.

Before her, Samui hums… before smiling her first smile that Ino has ever seen.

“That’s a good look for you, brat. Much better.”

Still holding Ino’s jaw and thus head aloft with one hand, the other blonde reaches into her kimono and pulls out a tit, groping it casually with her other. Ino, seeing a bead of milk dripping from Samui’s nipple, files away that further confirmation that this is the woman who’s already given birth to a child for Naruto. In that regard, she supposes that Samui WOULD be Lady Uzumaki, as the woman who gave Lord Uzumaki his firstborn.

That said, it’s odd Ino has never heard of the other blonde before. A missing nin, maybe? Or even a defector? Not that it matters. It’s high above her paygrade, and definitely not any of Ino’s business. Though… she’d ask later on, once she was properly knocked up and part of Naruto’s clan. Then, it would be Ino’s business. If they were going to be Sister-Wives, she deserved to know what she had gotten herself into.

Not that she fully understood everything even now. Naruto’s cock was amazing and driving her absolutely wild… but there was no doubt about it, Ino was still out of her depth here. And honestly? She wouldn’t have it any other way. As the young Lord Uzumaki drives into her pussy again and again, drilling orgasm after orgasm out of her, Ino can only gurgle and shudder in happiness and ecstasy, cumming explosively time after time.

Her father would be… unhappy at first. Until Ino explained. Then, he would understand. Inoichi might have been Clan Head, but Ino was never his Heiress or anything so silly as that. In the Yamanaka Clan, Head wasn’t passed down from child to child, but by meritocracy and experience. Basically, she had several cousins who were older and more dedicated to the family than she was, and Ino had never made a secret of the fact that she didn’t actually want to follow in her father’s footsteps.

She loved her family, don’t get her wrong. She adored her clan. But… joining the Uzumaki Clan wouldn’t be so bad. Especially not if she got to get dicked down by Naruto day after day like she was now.

Gurgling happily through the gag in her mouth, Ino quivers in delight… until she feels it. Naruto’s cock pulses inside of her, and she knows what’s about to happen. Her pussy flexes in delight and her quim shivers in excitement. Until finally…

With a heartfelt groan, he lets loose. He cums and cums, filling her up just like he did Tenten. As Ino had observed, his seed just doesn’t stop coming. Once he starts, he never stops. He stuffs her to the brim and then some, and Ino has never felt fuller. She’s never felt more bloated. And yet… it’s a good kind of fullness. It’s a wonderful sensation of bloating.

Naruto pulls out of her… and a moment later the gag is yanked from her lips. Eyes fluttering, Ino looks up to see Samui has spread her legs open and placed her cunt right in front of Ino’s face. There’s an expectant look in the other blonde’s eyes… and so Ino leans forward and begins to lick and slurp and eat out the Lady Uzumaki.

Meanwhile, Naruto comes along and kneels at Samui’s side, providing his cock for the mother of his child. After giving Ino an approving nod, Samui turns her head and begins to suck him clean of the combined fluids from the last two fucks he’s been a part of. In that moment, the hierarchy is clear. Naruto is in charge and Samui happily submits to him. But everyone else… everyone else submits to Samui. As his first woman and first wife.

Ino can live with that. And maybe… maybe she can even live with being just a little out of her depth…


The Milf Emperor

Have Naruto fuck more kumo girls. Mabui and karui are sexy dark skin girls.


Some sort of wildcard like Koyuki or Shion could work as well?

Colin Peden

I honestly would have liked to get the beginning of Tenten's arrival and subsequent bandage, but it was still an amazing chapter. Ino was finally added to the harem!