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Themes: Threesome, Rough Sex, Fucked Silly

Summary: Part 7 of A Feisty Form of Worship. Percy's travels once again take him somewhere new, this time to a Scottish Kingdom in medieval times. But much like his trip to America's past, not all is what it seems. He finds himself helping out another Princess... but her sister is a familiar face from his own past that Percy finds himself shocked to be seeing again. 


After everything, Percy supposed he shouldn’t be surprised to once again be kissing a Princess. Nor should he be all that surprised that the Princess was the one initiating the kissing. As the Scottish red head Merida does the tonsil tango with him, the young demigod, Son of Poseidon, is very respectful on where he holds her body. His hands rest on her hips but not going any lower as she wraps her arms around his neck and lifts herself up on her tip toes to attack his mouth with her own.

It wasn’t really all that surprising, save for the fact that she was apparently willing to go for him even though he’d been completely upfront about… well, everything there was to be upfront about. For one, he’d told her from the beginning that he was world-hopping. He’d done so in the same breadth that he’d introduced his harem to her.

Princess Merida had taken it all in stride, before recruiting him on her little hairbrained adventure. Things had been wild from start to finish, even though this particular adventure wasn’t quite like most of the others. Beyond a single enchanted evil bear, there was no true villain for Merida to need saving from. In the end, what needed saving was her bonds with her family, specifically her mother, and that was something only she could do anything about.

… Percy did end up taking down the enchanted evil bear, to be fair. But Merida had been the one to save her mother from a similar grizzly fate, and ultimately he felt sort of like he’d played much more of a supporting role in this particular tale than some of the previous ones. A role he didn’t mind one bit.

Still, when he and Merida come up for air, he can’t help giving her a look.

“Are you sure about this, Princess? I have no control over whatever it is that causes me to… travel. Once we come together, you’ll be joining me and the others going forward.”

The others were all situated in the guest wing of the castle at the moment, honored guests of Merida’s parents after how he and his girls had helped out. Percy had honestly wanted to just… let Merida enjoy her rekindled bonds with her family and hopefully slip away before anything like this could happen. But just as he’d been leaving the banquet hall to go to his… harem, Merida had caught him in the hall and pushed him up against the wall.

Now here they were, with the red head grinning wickedly.

“Aye, I’m sure. Already spoke to mother. She knows I’m not cut out for this life. I’m meant to be free… I want to see faraway places and meet new people. I want to be who I am, rather than who everyone expects me to be. That’s where you come in, Percy Jackson.”

Percy slowly nods at that. Maybe that WAS where he came in. There wasn’t that much for Percy to save Merida from on this trip. But maybe he was here to facilitate her journey out into the wider multiverse or… or something.

“Though… before we go any further, we should probably speak with my sister.”

That brings Percy up short. He thought he’d met all of Merida’s family. The mother who got turned into a bear and then back again. The father with a missing leg. And the three younger brothers. What was this about a sister?

Taking him by the hand, a coy smile now on her lips, Merida begins to lead Percy down the hall… to a castle tower that clearly doesn’t see much foot traffic.



“Hello, Percy.”

“Wha- how do you two know each other?!”

At least Merida is surprised too. But not nearly as surprised as Percy is. Standing there in the doorway of a bedroom located at the top of the tower, the young demigod’s jaw is dropped open as he stares at Rachel Elizabeth Dare… the Oracle of Delphi.

She also, at least with the dress she’s wearing and the wild untamed fashion of her hair, actually looks like Merida’s older sister would look. But there’s no denying it… she’s definitely Rachel. The recognition on her face is all the proof he needs of that.

“Rachel… what’s going on? How is this happening? Why am I traveling? Why are you here?”

With a tired smile, Rachel sighs and stands up.

“Good to see you too, Percy.”


Merida’s confusion splits the Oracle’s focus, and she lets out another sigh before shaking her head.

“Merida, this is my good friend Perseus. I used to tell you stories about him when you were younger.”

Eyes going wide, Merida looks at Percy in an entirely new light… one with a lot more awe in it.

“THIS is Perseus?! But… how?!”

He’d like to know that himself. And, seemingly sensing his frustration, Rachel turns back to him, smiling even then.

“How indeed. No one knows the ‘how’, Percy. Not even I. As for the why… I can tell you that much at least. To save people, like you’ve been doing. There is no greater purpose than that. No overarching goal. If you’re wondering if there’s something missing, or something you need to be doing… stop. You’re already doing what’s needed of you. You can be proud of that.”

Percy blinks rapidly, his mouth opening and closing wordlessly. Rachel has never been so direct in her prophecies. But then, IS this a prophecy? She speaks with a knowing voice, but there’s not a single riddle to be had. It’s still quite hard to stomach though. Even if he does feel proud of all he’s accomplished, he HAD felt like there was something more. And now Rachel was telling him… there wasn’t. He was already fulfilling his purpose, just by existing.

That’s a lot to take in, so Percy does the healthy thing… and bottles it all up, choosing to let himself get distracted as he focuses on something else entirely.

“… Rachel, why are you here in this tower?”

The Oracle of Delphi just smiles and shrugs.

“Waiting for you, why else?”

But Merida, her younger sister, speaks up then, sounding nervous but also stubborn.

“Mother and father put her here. They were afraid if news of her powers got out, she would be hunted. They said it was to keep her safe… but they’ve locked her up.”

One look at Merida tells Percy that that was not a policy the younger red head agreed with. Rachel, meanwhile, rolls her eyes.

“I should tan your hide for speaking ill of our parents, little sister. Besides, it wasn’t like I was truly locked up. Do you think mother didn’t know every time you snuck me out of the castle for a sojourn in the forest?”

Judging by Merida’s wide eyes and gobsmacked face, she hadn’t suspected that at all. Percy watches on in some amusement, until Rachel turns her focus back to him.

“Well, Percy? Are you going to get on with it?”

He blanches, already suspecting what she means.

“Uh… get on with what?”

Eyes twinkling, Rachel reaches up and begins pulling open the ties holding her dress together.

“There’s only one way I and my sister get to go with you when you leave, Percy. So… let’s get started, shall we?”

Percy gulps, as a glance towards Merida shows him the red head is following her sister’s lead. Soon enough, he’s facing down not one but two fire-haired Princesses.



“F-Fuck, Percy… your t-tongue…”

Laid out on his back, Percy grins even as he keeps working away at Rachel’s cunt with his tongue. He had two women to pleasure and only one cock to go around. That meant finding other ways to keep the first busy. And that’s how he found himself with Rachel Elizabeth Dare sitting on his face while her younger sister impaled herself upon his cock.

Merida had squeaked when she’d lost her virginity to him but had not let that stop her. The Scottish Princess was intent on having the time of her life and she wasn’t going to let something like a little pain stop her. She was as headstrong in this as she was in everything else.

His only regret was that he couldn’t see Merida’s face like this. He could only hear the freckled beauty’s moans and groans as she bounces up and down on his dick without fail. Meanwhile, the demigod’s view is completely covered up as he drives his tongue up into Rachel’s cunt, flexing it back and forth and driving her absolutely wild.

Rachel had had a knowing look on her face when she’d gone to straddle his face. One of trepidation, but also anticipation. She’d known he would eat her out like no one’s business but their own. But knowing was one thing. Experiencing was a whole other beast.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

Crying out quite suddenly, Rachel tosses her head back, arching her spine and grinding her pussy down onto his mouth. Percy has no problem with this. In fact, he even gives her clit a sharp little pinch right as she slips over the edge. She was already cumming, but with that extra push, she has a TRULY spectacular orgasm, climaxing so hard that she squeals and shrieks and bucks her hips right off of his face, leaving his jaw, chin, and upper chest splattered in her pussy juices as she flops over to the side.

Spasming for a moment, Rachel takes the time to get control of herself… time that Percy takes to reach out and grab Merida by her hips. The Princess’ eyes widen as they dart from her older sister to Percy’s suddenly revealed face. Then and only then does he start properly fucking the beautiful young woman from below.

Merida is a tough as nails Princess who doesn’t take shit from anyone and always prefers to fight her own battles. She’s a total tomboy, something Percy really likes about her. But she’s also still a woman, as evidenced by the way her face contorts cutely in pleasure as he spears up into her tight, clenching cunt from below.

Until finally, he grunts as she climaxes one too many times and milks him of his release. He fills Merida with his seed, pumping a hot thick load right up into her womb. Merida’s eyes flutter and her mouth forms into an o for a moment… before she too flops to the side, panting and mewling.

Percy slowly rises to his knees, looking at the two sisters laid out next to one another and staring up at him. One of them has been creampied now, and the other has not… so in the end, his next port of call is quite obvious, at least to Percy.

Moving into place between Rachel’s legs, Percy grabs his friend by her thighs and places his cock against her slit.

“You ready, Rachel?”

He notes how her hand finds Merida’s, and the two sisters’ fingers intertwine before Rachel finally nods.

“I’ve been waiting a long time for this, Percy. Don’t… don’t you dare hold back.”

Percy has to resist the urge to scoff. Him, hold back? Still, he can’t imagine having to take the long way around. So he doesn’t scoff, he just thrusts forward. It’s the least he can do, given how Rachel had to grow up in this time period, and apparently ended up imprisoned for her own good due to her abilities. It wasn’t right, but this was a harsh time and Percy could sort of understand where her and Merida’s parents were coming from.

In the end, it didn’t matter… as he buries himself inside of Rachel, beginning to fuck her properly and earnestly, Percy reflects that soon enough, they’ll all be gone from this place.

His lips do thin out a little at that. As he fucks Rachel, her face almost as red as her hair and her eyes somewhat glazed over with pleasure, Percy leans forward. He fists a hand through Rachel’s red curls and grips down tightly, forcing some semblance of thought back to her eyes.

“I’ve got a question for you, Rachel.”

Half-groaning, half-moaning, Rachel rolls her eyes as she bucks her hips against his thrusting cock.

“Of course, Percy. Of course you do. Nnngh, ask your question. Just don’t stop fucking me.”

That, he can manage. Pounding into the Oracle of Delphi, Percy lets out a shuddering breath… and asks.

“Does it ever end? Do I ever settle down? All of these girls… I’m going to get them pregnant if I haven’t already. It’s inevitable. This sort of life is no life to raise children in.”

Eyelids fluttering, Rachel chuckles.

“You’ll, mm, be a great father, Percy.”

A flash of pride hits him at her words, a smile coming unbidden to his face. Coming from Rachel, that statement has so much more impact, truth be told. At the same time though, it doesn’t answer his question. Rachel recognizes this though, and before he can say anything or start to slow down, she groans and answers properly.

“Y-Yes Percy. It ends. You won’t, mm, be doing this forever. Just… until you’ve done your part.”

Percy grunts at that, feeling Rachel’s walls flexing around his cock, noting how she’s cumming for him as he fucks her into the bed while her younger sister watches them go at it. A glance at Merida shows her fingering herself even though she’s been thoroughly creampied. She blushes when Percy looks her way but doesn’t stop.

“My part, huh? What exactly is the… breadth of my part?”

Here, Rachel grins.

“That would be telling, Percy. Now come on… fucking do it. Fill me up. I know you’re almost there.”

Of course she does. It’s obvious at this point that Rachel’s abilities work differently in this life than in the last. Still, that’s something to discuss later. With a lustful growl, Percy turns the last few moments into a sprint, thrusting into Rachel harder and faster than before until finally, he fills her with his seed, pumping a hot thick load right into her womb just as he did her sister. Speaking of which…

No sooner has Percy pulled out of Rachel, then Merida is suddenly there. Kneeling beside him, she leans down and takes his cock in her mouth. Percy blinks in surprise at the maneuver, but true to her nature, Merida doesn’t see fit to explain herself. She does what she wants when she wants, and right now what she wants is to clean his cock with her tongue until there’s nothing left of her or her sister on his member.

With a breathless sigh, Percy just shakes his head. He had answers now, but also more questions. Still, it was good to have Rachel back. And also good to have her and her sister on board.

“… Come on you two. Let me introduce you to the rest of the harem.”

Neither red head seems at all put out by that, even as the three of them get dressed and make their way to the guest wing to join the others.



Hey Cambrian I Just noticed you didn't tag this chapter AFFOW


Roka-Ra be like: fuck around and find out, and oh Lord Is she going to find out


Haha, you posted this on the wrong post xD glad you're enjoying BP tho!

Jonathan Kurtzman

Hear me out, whenever you're ready to introduce Annabeth to the story, do it through frozen. There are theories that Frozen and rapunzel are set in the same universe (mainly sparked because of a scene in frozen where we see two people who look like flyn and Rapunzel arriving fir elsas coronation). So have Annabeth be Rapunzels sister and thus he adds 4 at once...