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Themes: Virgin Sex, Tit Play, Breeding

Summary: After seeing Shinji’s first battle with the Angels, the governments of the world give him a free pass to do whatever he wants for the rest of his life as long as he continues to pilot. Hearing this Misato decides to show Shinji the benefits of such an arrangement, such as free food, free drinks (for her until he’s ‘legal’), and most importantly, wild depraved sex with anyone, anytime, anywhere, starting with her. 


“Those must have been some good fucking waffles, eh?”

Shinji freezes up as the amused tone of Captain Misato Katsuragi drifts over to him from the entryway to the lounge area. His face immediately heats up, going bright red as he slowly lowers the plate he was licking the syrup off of from in front of his face to meet her eyes. Standing there, leaning against the doorway, Misato smiles as she sips from a beer.

For a long moment, Shinji doesn’t know what to say or do. In the end though, he settles on blunt honesty as he glances down at the plate he just got done literally licking clean.

“… They were amazing. Best waffles in my entire life.”

The Captain chuckles at that, stepping into the room a little further.

“Better be. I hear that they got a whole group of five star chefs from all across the world and flew them in as soon as humanly possible to take care of your needs. If you want, Shinji, you can have waffles every day for the rest of your life. Though maybe not for every meal… some protein now and then would do you good as well.”

Shinji stares at the plate some more at that, before frowning slightly.

“… They didn’t have to do that for me.”

Truth be told, the young man was completely out of his depth at this point. He had been for quite a while though. Ever since Misato had first picked him up in fact, though he hadn’t really realized it originally. When his father had called on him, Shinji had had absolutely no idea what he was getting into. To be frank, he still didn’t.

And yet… he was here all the same. After piloting the EVA Unit, after beating the Angel, Shinji had been unconscious for a day. When he woke up, he barely remembered what happened, but Misato had been there to show him a recording of what he’d done. That recording just might have saved him, because even though it was hard to accept that he’d been the pilot of that bestial robot as it tore the Angel limb from limb, it had given him the confidence he needed for what came next.

He'd been hustled into a room filled to the brim with dozens of men in suits shortly after Misato had him watch the recording of his fight. There, he had been asked point blank if he thought he could repeat his feat. Apparently, they were convinced that there would be another Angel… maybe even more than one.

If not for the recording, Shinji thinks he probably would have demurred. He probably would have kept his gaze on the floor and honestly told them he didn’t know if he could or not. He’s not sure how they would have responded to that.

Instead, in a rare moment of resolve, the view of that poor blue-haired girl in casts flickering through Shinji’s mind, he had felt his jaw clench and his hands curl into fists as he’d looked as many of those men in suits in the eye as he could before giving them his answer.

“I’ll damn well try.”

That, even with the cursing, had been the right answer apparently. After a few moments of quiet murmuring amongst themselves, the men in suits had told Shinji what they were going to do for him. They’d told him that so long as he kept piloting the EVA Unit, so long as he continued to fight the Angels, he could have anything he wanted. They’d been very explicit in fact. It wasn’t just having anything he wanted but being allowed to do whatever he wanted as well.

He had the ultimate Get Out of Jail Free Card. If he wanted to kill someone, he could. If he wanted to hurt someone, he could. Say the word, and they would see his Will done, so long as he continued piloting.

Shinji hadn’t known what to say to all of that. A very small part of him had wanted to have them fire his dad right away… but he’d bitten back on that impulse, his insecurities refusing to let him go that far. Instead he’d let himself be escorted to this place, his new home. A bunker that had apparently been refurbished and outfitted with all of the things his heart could desire, just in the day he’d been unconscious.

When he’d asked for waffles, Shinji didn’t know what to expect. He certainly hadn’t expected the best waffles in the goddamn world. Though, if they really had flown a bunch of world-class chefs in to cook just for him… then Shinji supposed it made sense. Even while at the same time, it really, really didn’t.

“Yes they did, Shinji.”

He flinches as Misato suddenly stands right in front of him, her arms crossed under her chest as she looks down at him. Looming, the beautiful Captain smiles as he glances up at her and then away again.

“Shinji… you can do whatever you want now. You can have whatever you want. Maybe it’s not right. Maybe it’s not fair. But then, the world isn’t fair. We live in a world where extraterrestrials are trying to wipe us out. And you, Shinji, are the only one standing in their way. Do you understand the sort of power that gives you?”

Not trusting himself to speak, Shinji just shrugs, continuing to avert his gaze until…

“Shinji, please look at me.”

Shinji looks up… and immediately goes wide eyes and flushed as he drops his gaze again.


Dropping to her knees in front of him, Misato purrs as she brings her suddenly naked chest back into his field of view. While he’d been averting his gaze, the Captain had gone ahead and stripped out of her jacket, top, and bra, leaving her full, beautiful breasts on display. Now, her rack lands on top of his legs as she grabs him by his knees and spreads said legs apart, leaning in between them.

“You’re our savior, Shinji. Did you think that when they told you that you could have anything you wanted, it didn’t include people? I’m yours, Shinji. Every woman in the world is yours to do with as you please. All you have to do is ask.”

“I-I don’t… I wouldn’t-!”

Misato chuckles and reaches for his crotch. Shinji squirms but can’t stop the beautiful woman from extracting his cock from its confines. He half expects her to call him small, but to his mild surprise, his rapidly hardening member is actually pretty sizable compared to her chest. To be fair, the young man has never had anything else to compare it to before. He’s just always assumed he was… small.

“And that’s what makes you the perfect hero, Shinji. You wouldn’t take advantage of such power… but I’m here to tell you that you should. Any day could be our last. It’s up to us to live every day to the fullest.”

Blanching, even as he holds back a groan at how good it feels to suddenly have Misato’s breasts wrapped around his cock, Shinji shakes his head and tries again to dissuade her.

“You don’t have to do this… you don’t owe me anything.”

Misato stops briefly and gives him a fond smile.

“I know Shinji. I WANT to do this.”

The young man sputters at her blunt honesty, his face bright red as he stares at her with wide eyes. Misato slides her tits up and down his cock and grins wickedly up at him.

“Who do you think convinced all of those stuffed suits to give you this, Shinji?”

“… W-What?”

“Your father is an idiot. He wanted to manipulate you into continuing to pilot. He gave us… frankly deplorable orders about how to treat you after you woke up. His plan was to make you dependent on us in ways that were honestly horrible. So I refused.”

Shinji’s eyes damn near bulge out of his head at that. Misato had… refused his father?! The thought boggled the mind. Continuing to give him the best (and only) titjob of his young life, Misato grins rather crookedly.

“I went over his head, Shinji. I went all the way to the top. And I convinced those men in their boardrooms and their tailored suits that it wasn’t Gendo Ikari who saved us from that Angel, but his son. You. Shinji Ikari.”

He doesn’t know what to say to that. Misato’s grin just widens and she seems to take his silence as permission to go even further. Sliding her tits up his length one last time, the gorgeous purple-haired Captain rises to her feet. For a second, Shinji assumes that she’s done, that she’s made her point… but no. Right before his eyes, Misato unwraps her skirt and removes it from her body. Then, she hooks her thumbs into her panties and drags them down her legs and off her feet one by one.

Before Shinji can properly register that the beautiful woman has just gotten entirely naked right in front of him, Misato has climbed into his lap. He finds himself pushed back into the couch he was sat on, staring right into her chest as she hooks her arms over his shoulders and brings her slit down atop the tip of his engorged, throbbing dick.

As she teases his cockhead with her entrance, Shinji can only stare at her, absolutely shocked. This can’t be happening. And yet, at the same time it definitely is. Which means he’s about to have sex. He should probably try a little harder to put a stop to all of this… but Misato had said it herself. She didn’t feel obligated to do this, she WANTED to do this.

That, more than anything, keeps Shinji quiet as Misato grins down at him and finally impales herself upon his cock. In that moment, Shinji loses his virginity in the best way possible, to a vivacious older woman with an absolutely killer body. Moaning, Misato throws her head back for a moment… and ‘inadvertently’ thrusts her breasts right into Shinji’s face.

He sputters briefly, but ultimately finds himself enjoying the soft pillowy jugs as she rubs them back and forth, slowly and sensually. His hands, which had been sitting on the couch on either side of him up until this point, are suddenly grabbed and brought to her hips.

“Hold onto my, Shinji. Please… I’m begging you.”

He blushes but does as she asks, gripping her hips as Misato rides him slowly and sensually… at least, at first. She quickly picks up the pace, and it’s all Shinji can do to hang on for dear life in more ways than one. Both physically and… well, physically. He clings to Misato’s hips, even as she does all the work, but he also finds himself clinging to his sanity, holding back the release he can feel building in his genitals.

His balls are churning and his cock is pulsing, but Shinji knows he can’t let himself cum so quickly. His nonexistent pride as a man is on the line here. It’s all well and good to pump out a load in a masturbation session in the privacy of his own bedroom but this… this is different! This is-


Startling at the sound of his name coming from Misato’s lips in a husky tone, he looks up past her breasts to meet the Captain’s eyes once more. As she bounces up and down on his cock, she giggles girlishly, wiggling her tits and hips back and forth.

“What do you want, Shinji? What do you want most in the world?”

Reeling and trying desperately to hold back his release, Shinji nevertheless attempts to give Misato’s question the consideration it deserves. For a moment he thinks of his father… but doesn’t even get all the way to contemplating Gendo Ikari’s approval before his mind forcibly shuts down that line of thought. He does NOT want to be thinking about his dad while he’s ball’s deep inside of Misato Katsuragi.

That said, what DOES he want? Maybe it’s the fact that she’s bouncing on his dick… but Shinji eventually hits on exactly what he wants. A somewhat lewd fetish of his that he’s never in a million years believed he would get to satisfy. Certainly not with a bombshell like Misato.

“Its… its embarrassing.”

Misato raises an eyebrow at that and lets out a light laugh.

“Really, Shinji? There’s no need for secrets between us. You’ve seen all of me… let me see all of you.”

Somehow, he doesn’t think Misato means getting to see him nude. Still, it’s hard… but in the end, it comes out all the same.

“… I want to knock you up…”

He says it so quietly at first that Misato pauses, tilting her head to the side.

“What was that Shinji? I don’t think I quite heard you.”

Shinji scowls, his fingers digging into her hips a bit more.

“… I want to k-knock you up!”

Rather than getting offended or disgusted with him, Misato’s suddenly grinning again, leaning forward and pressing her forehead against his.

“Is that right, Big Man? Is that what the savior of the world wants? And you thought that was embarrassing?”

Blushing profusely, Shinji just stares down at Misato’s jiggling breasts. He never would have thought that gazing upon her chest would become less difficult than looking her in the eye, but here they were.

“It’s your right, Shinji. It’s no less than you deserve. You should knock me up, if that’s what you want. Cum inside of me. Pump me full of your seed and impregnate me. Use me as your broodmare, Shinji. Make me your woman and breed me, you big damn hunk!”

Misato’s voice grows louder and louder, until she’s practically shouting herself hoarse as she slams down onto his cock, grinding her crotch into his crotch. With a shuddering gasp… Shinji lets go. He stops holding back and finally finds his release.

He explodes inside of Misato, filling the Captain with his cum. His seed flows out of his balls, down the length of his cock, and up into her womb.

Has he impregnated her? Shinji doesn’t know. It probably won’t be that easy, to be fair. But the feeling of possibly breeding her, of having potentially knocked her up with not just her permission but her verbose approval as she’d egged him on… it’s more than enough for the young man.

Misato just giggles as he collapses back onto the couch, shuddering from the experience. She rolls her hips, gyrating upon his cock as her inner walls flex and clench on his dick.

“Are we done, Shinji? It’s perfectly fine if we are. But… a young man like you probably has a healthy libido. If you want to keep making use of me, just say the word. I’m yours. The world is your oyster, Shinji Ikari. And I’m going to show you that, no matter what it takes.”

Shinji believes her. And as his cock begins to harden again and he starts to catch his second wind, Shinji decides… maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Being a little selfish while he risked his life saving the world. No, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad at all…


Colin Peden

Okay, I love this so far, but honestly, why did you stop with just one chick for the first chapter?


I know this is just a story... bit one small nitpick that you're probably going to hear from the more hard-core Evangelion fans. Misato can't have children. The wound she took at 2nd Impact destroyed her uterus. She is barren, thus the reason for her scar and the reason she agrees to become Shinji's caretaker (Wanting to be a mother). Other than that, noice. Shinji could use his 'Free Pass' on Rei to make her more loyal to him and more emotive, give her a true sense of self and self-preservation. On Asuka, make her realize that Kaji is a baby-weiner haver and that Shinji is a real man. Steal Ritsuko from his dad, help Maya Ibuki realize she's Bi and put something else up Hikari's (Class Rep) ass instead of that rule following stick.


When canon gets in the way of lewd baby making... it is no longer canon /nodnod


Fantastic. I envy Shinji here. Always loved Misato.