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Vibe Check: A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away

  • Wrap up A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away and start a new Star Wars Fic 200
  • Continue writing A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away for the foreseeable future 611
  • 2022-11-05
  • —2022-11-21
  • 811 votes
{'title': 'Vibe Check: A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away', 'choices': [{'text': 'Wrap up A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away and start a new Star Wars Fic', 'votes': 200}, {'text': 'Continue writing A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away for the foreseeable future', 'votes': 611}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 11, 21, 8, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 11, 5, 3, 1, 24, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 811}


Alright, Vibe Check Number Three. 

Now, A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away somehow became my most popular Patreon Exclusive Story out of seemingly nowhere. It was the one of my first four stories that people were the LEAST excited about originally in fact, but when I took a census a while back of why people were even on my Patreon, APGFFA was the number one reason among my eight Patreon Stories.

That said, I'm still putting it to a vote. I'm not exactly expecting you guys to vote for me to wrap it up, but maybe things have changed, in which case I do want to know.

As far as ideas for what should replace APGFFA go, the only one that comes to mind is a Male OC in the time of the Empire. 

Maybe a Bounty Hunter of some sort, running around. Only thing is, this would probably have lots of OCs in it... or maybe somewhat more obscure characters from the new Disney+ shows like Andor or Kenobi. Oh and also Rebels, though I haven't personally seen Rebels. But I could still probably plumb it for ideas.

Regardless, that's just one potential idea, it might not even be what I go with.

That said, vote down below on what you think I should do regarding my Star Wars slot. 

And feel free to give me feedback in the form of comments about how you feel about APGFFA and what you want to see from it or any Star Wars fic I might write going forward.



You should definitely see Rebels, it’s great.


We gotta see Tylo gettin' all the babes.


Honestly, the sorry does not have too much interest for me so I can’t say either wau


I'd like to see this continue but I do think the story could move forward a bit though. Unless you're planning to speed run a bit through the clone wars?


I'm planning a minor timeskip very soon to bounce us forward a year or so into the Clone Wars, maybe do a little bit there, and then bounce towards the end of the Clone Wars if Tylo doesn't manage to totally change the canon with his actions.


At this point i feel like he should change canon somewhat. I imagine the biggest change would be the end of the clone wars given Annie's status but even in the middle some stuff should change. If he's reading minds shouldn't he learn about things like order 66 existing fairly early on? I assume the clones think about them (or the inhibitor chips in their heads)


I've heard good things about it, I'm just not much of an animation guy. I don't tend to enjoy anime or cartoons, even the ones regularly described as S-tier or made for adults over kids. Haven't seen The Clone Wars either. That said, I'm not about to let that stop me from using any of it for my Star Wars stories! xD


It would be cool to have another story of Ezra having the same powers. Or Luke having them. Or shit get pervy with Daddy Din. But hey that's up to you bro.


Yeah I'd say Tylo has already started to cause changes to canon, you're right. Its just a matter of whether he can avert the major catastrophe at the end of the Clone Wars and save himself, his loved ones, and the Jedi Order.


I do think averting the rise of palpatine would be the best place to close the story out. You're still at least 20+ chapters away from it I figure. Probably 30/40 actually. Palps potentially now has to choose between tylo and Annie and meanwhile without being able to scare her over Padme dying the biggest incentive to switch is gone. Even if she is being tempted, Tylo should see those fears coming a long way out and be able to head them off


Yeeeah like I said, just not my personal jam. But be aware I know those cartoons are considered GOAT and I incorporate them into my stories where I can because of how popular they are lol


Though there should probably be epilogue chapters in the SW4-6 Era of how Tylo lives and screws around in the peaceful world


Yeah, Tylo can keep running around IMHO. Can always do a "Tylo the Bounty Hunter hired to get Jyn Erso/Dr. Aphra/Mon Mothma/Leia/female Luke/Ahsoka for the Empire before he switches side" spiritual sequel series at some point. Or some What If one-shots like that "bodyguard sleeping with Princess Rey of the Empire" story. (That does remind me that Mon Mothma is around in the CW era and is just 2 years older than Padmé https://lumiere-a.akamaihd.net/v1/images/mon-mothma-3-retina_d142ca96.jpeg?region=0%2C0%2C1200%2C509 )

Collar Spider

I'm determined to catch up on this story... eventually but yeah keep it going


Also technically I think Padmé might already be pregnant at this point after Tylo’s night with her and Annie. This time she’s on the capital of the galaxy and has the highest quality medical care around to help with any complications. Next time we Tylo meets her in person she might have a handmaiden or two as babysitters :P


the problem there is that the clones don't know about the inhibitor chips or the 150 secret orders. the chips are placed during development and the public reason for the chips is to combat the clones agression. SLIGHT SPOILER for the Clone Wars show but the only reason some of the clones even learn about the chips is that trooper Tup of the 501st chip malfunctioned and he killed a jedi by shooting her in the back during battle. It took arc trooper Fives going to kamino with tup disobeying orders and removing his own chip to learn about the sinister plot at which point he was hunted down and killed while trying to reveal the truth.


APGFFA has to be my favorite Patreon Exclusive Stories/CYOA-ish of yours. I love how you have used the lore of the universe to your advantage and made it your own unique story, with your own OC as a main character that is easy to like and see the story through their perspective. The way you tied in the mystery of the prequels and TCW and how Tylo has to handle it, coupled with the fact of talking to, training with, and bedding many of the beautiful women of Star Wars truly has blasted this to top of my list of why I became a patreon and I am glad that so many other patreons love this story too!


Thanks! Yeah so far all four Vibe Checks have basically fallen exactly where I thought they probably would. Its nice to know my patrons agree with my estimations lol.


Btw, if you need a quick intro to Ahsoka without having to watch all of the early CW show: Just watch Tales of the Jedi(the recent mini show)episode 1(shows Ahsoka as a kid until she joins the order)and episode 5(shows Ahsoka in the middle of the war during a training exercise which gives a pretty good showing of her personality). They’re like 14 minutes long