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Themes: Defeated, Rough Sex, Fucked Silly

Summary: Based on this image. As a traveling martial artist, she was the kind of fighter always looking for a challenge. More often than not, she was the one giving said challenge, as she went from dojo to dojo, demanding spars and learning new techniques from her victories. From her defeats... well, you win some, you lose some right? Still, not even she's sure what to expect from a dojo famous for its 'Domination Martial Arts'. 


Meihua was what one might call a traveling martial artist. Fighting was in her blood and had been her passion for as long as she could remember. Her father had been a martial artist, and while she might have taken after her American mother more in terms of appearance, she got her fighter’s spirit from her Asian father.

That was why, after growing up in America all her life and feeling like she just didn’t belong, Meihua had gone on a world tour… and just never stopped. Sure, it wasn’t the easiest life. She had to constantly scrounge for money to fund her travels, doing all sorts of odd jobs here and there. She swept up for a place to sleep and cleaned dishes for a homecooked meal.

She had no pride when it came to such things. She was willing to do anything and everything so long as it let her live out her dream and continue her travels. So far, it had. She hadn’t needed to get a nine-to-five job; she hadn’t needed to settle down anywhere. She’d just kept moving and enjoying life… and most importantly of all, she’d kept learning martial arts.

You see, while Meihua might not have had any pride when it came to doing chores and menial labor for a quick buck, a place to sleep, or a warm meal, she had quite a LOT of pride when it came to her martial arts. She had to! As a traveling martial artist, her skills and reputation as a fighter were everything to her. If she didn’t have the skills to back up her confidence, she’d be laughed out of every dojo she came across. And seeing as how the dojos were where she learned new martial arts, that would have been unacceptable.

She was the kind of fighter who was always looking for a challenge, always looking for a fight. More often than not, she was the one giving the challenge even, going from dojo to dojo, demanding spars and learning new techniques from her victories. And sure, sometimes her mouth would write a check it couldn’t cash and she would end up losing. She wasn’t undefeated or anything like that, and sometimes she’d end up cleaning dishes or sweeping up a dojo for free as apology for her arrogance.

That too was just part of this life.

Still, as Meihua stands in front of another dojo, she has to admit… she’s a little curious. Especially since she just watched an entire glass of all women walk out of the dojo, giggling to one another. They’d been like a school of sharks… way too intimidating for Meihua to approach. Still, she’s really not sure what to expect from a dojo that’s known for “Domination Martial Arts”. She’d never heard of such a discipline before, and when she’d asked around, no one else seemed to know what she was talking about either.

Well, except for that one guy, but he was a jerk who’d just smirked and snickered and walked away after goading her by saying she should ‘check it out’. Well, Meihua had never been one to back away from such a challenge. And besides, an entire new school of martial arts? That was too exciting to pass up!

Striding forward, Meihua pushes into the dojo, not exactly being subtle as she stomps inside. She’s come late in the evening and is pleased to see her choice of timing has not been poor. There’s no one else around at this point save for a tall, beefy man who has to be the Dojo Master himself… either that or a high ranking member of the dojo, entrusted with closing the place up each night.

He looks up as she enters and blinks at her appearance, tilting his head to the side.

“Apologies young miss, but classes have already ended and the dojo is closed for the day.”

Meihua just smirks, striding deeper into the building without pause and stopping only a few feet away from him as she crosses her arms over her chest.

“I’m not here for a class! I’m here to challenge you and your dojo to a fight! My name is Meihua, and I’m a traveling martial artist! If I win, you’ll teach me some of your techniques… if I lose, I’ll help you clean this place up, free of charge!”

The presumed Dojo Master stops… and slowly turns to face her, his eyes slowly sliding up and down her form as he wordlessly takes her measure.

“Pretty Flower, hm?”

Meihua flushes, not for the first time silently cursing her parents for giving her such a… cute little name. Still, she stands her ground and scoffs.

“Don’t let my name fool you! I know what you think, looking at me. Girl has too much Yankee blood in her! She has a weak name! She’s a little too busty for martial arts!”

That last one makes his eyes dart down to her chest, and Meihua flushes as she crosses her arms a little tighter.

“I-Ignore that last bit! Really look at me! Do I look like I’m not taking this seriously?!”

To his credit, the Dojo Master gives her another assessing look, before slowly nodding. Meihua feels a spark of pride well up in her chest at his approval. Sure, on the surface level she had some demerits against her thanks to her appearance. But when you looked closer, you would see how muscular her arms were. You would recognize just how much of a killing machine her body was.

Or at least, any martial artist worth their salt would. The Dojo Master grunts, before setting down what he was doing and giving her his full attention.

“Tell me, Meihua… have you ever practiced Domination Martial Arts before?”

Meihua frowns, but shakes her head, seeing no reason to lie.

“I have not. However, I am more than ready to learn… if your martial arts prove stronger than my own.”

He hums at that for a moment longer before nodding again and smiling at her.

“Very well, Meihua. I am available for a spar, if that is what you want. I am the Dojo Master and my name is Chad. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

… Chad? Meihua blinks, staring at the tall man’s distinctly Asian features. He just chuckles at her look.

“I imagine we are actually quite similar, Meihua. I get my physical appearance from my father… but my name was a suggestion by my American mother. My father liked it too much not to use it. He was eccentric like that.”

… Huh, they were more alike than she’d thought. Deciding to accept it, rather than assuming it was a joke at her expense, Meihua just nods and brings her hands together, giving him a bow that Chad happily returns. As they both slowly straighten up, a certain energy passes between them, and each knows the spar has officially begin.

However, Chad doesn’t move from his spot, leaving Meihua to scowl at him as she drops into a stance.

“I shall… let you have the first move, Meihua.”

Seriously? He was certainly cocky. And why would a ‘Domination’ Martial Artist give anyone the first move? Meihua decided then and there that as nice as he was, she was going to make him eat those words!

Three quick and efficient steps forward, building up momentum the entire way, Meihua lifts one of her legs into the air, chambering a particularly nasty, if basic front kick. But its not about the complexity of the attack or the lack thereof… it’s about the power. And Meihua has a LOT of power in her deceptively small body.


With an exclamation of air, she surges forward, aiming the kick right at Chad’s solar plexus, intending to take him down in one move if he was going to-

The traveling martial artist’s eyes widen, as Chad snaps out a hand with the speed of a striking cobra. He moves so blindingly fast that the brunette barely has time to react before he’s grabbed her by the back of her knee, his powerful fingers encircling her leg right at that critical junction. Rather than block her kick, he redirects all of her energy and momentum upwards into the air.


The consequence of this is immediate. As her chambered front kick is pushed upwards, Meihua is suddenly doing the standing splits. Normally, this would not be a problem… but her clothing was reaching the end of its life cycle, and not meant for such fast, abrupt movement. The crotch of her leggings tears open right on the spot, exposing her pussy and her embarrassing lack of underwear in a heartbeat.

Unfortunately, Meihua can’t worry too much about that, because she feels her upper body falling backwards and finds herself singularly off-balance. However, she does not fall because Chad’s other hand snaps out, grabbing her by her wrist opposite of her lifted leg and arresting her movement entirely.

… That’s when she feels it. Something pressing against her d-down there. The explosion of violence, started by her but ended most decisively by him, comes to an abrupt halt as everything falls still. Slowly, Meihua looks down at her crotch… where Chad’s massive cock is currently pressed against her exposed slit, pushing just inside of the folds of her naked pussy.

When had he even had time to take his dick out?! Not to mention, that thing was a weapon of mass destruction! Also… what the fuck?!


Chad’s solemn tone forces her to tear her gaze away from his cock and focus on his face. He looks at her stoically, as though he doesn’t have her in quite the embarrassing position.

“… You know what I must do, don’t you? For the honor of my dojo.”

Meihua blushes profusely, knowing immediately what he’s talking about. And as a martial artist herself… she can’t deny that she does indeed know. Swallowing thickly, the brunette slowly nods her head in understanding.

He’s inside of her a moment later, and he’s not gentle about it. Meihua is no virgin, to be clear. Her name might mean Pretty Flower, but she’s lived a rough life by choice. That said… Dojo Master Chad’s cock is the biggest she’s ever had. And it’s thrusting up into her in a position that leaves her feeling distinctly helpless.

Her free hand is even clenched into a fist, but it’s a punch she’s never going to throw. She can’t even think straight, as he begins fucking her on his dick. All she can do is stand there on one foot, her other foot high in the air, and take it. Her gasps and cries fill the dojo as he plows her silly on the spot, and her body bounces and shakes, her breasts jiggling with every thrust of his big fat cock.

The squeals that come from Meihua’s lips are the most embarrassing part, but even more embarrassing is when she starts moaning and can’t fucking stop. He starts out rough and only gets rougher, but she’s practically built for this kind of balls to the wall, fast-paced sex. Her body can take it, and more than take it, her body ENJOYs it.

It’s not long before she’s shuddering her way through an orgasm, cumming her brains out while still in that unenviable forced standing split position that he’s holding her aloft in. Until finally…

With a single shout, he thrusts forward one last time and cums inside of her. Meihua sees stars, her head rocking back as if she just took a punch to the face. Except, it feels a lot better than that, and her traitorous pussy only cums harder for him as he fills her and fills her for what feels like an eternity with his cum.

But even that eternity does not last forever, and abruptly… it’s all over. He lets go of her leg and wrist and Meihua collapses to the ground, kneeling there in defeat, thoroughly dominated as she pants heavily.

“… Shall we continue the spar?”

Blinking rapidly, Meihua realizes with horrified fascination that… that was just his opening move. Her pussy clenches even as it drools the creampie she just received from him. To be fair, she tries to get up. She tries to rise to her feet, to keep fighting… but her legs are unresponsive, her body trembling as she kneels there, gasping for air.

Finally, Chad steps forward and she lifts her head up just in time for his messy cock to slap down across her face. Only one of her eyes is visible from under his meaty rod, even as he looks down at her and slowly smears the combination of their sexual fluids all over her features.

“I’d be happy to teach you Domination Martial Arts if you think you’re up for it, Meihua. However, I think you’d be more suited for the other school of Martial Arts I teach, if I’m being honest. This dojo’s sister dojo is something I’m quite proud of… you might have seen some of its students leaving earlier just before you entered.”

He lets his words hang in the air for a moment longer before slapping his cock against her button nose and lips briefly, smearing more of his seed and her own juices onto her face.

“I call it Submission Martial Arts. The counterpart to my Domination Martial Arts. Some people are simply more suited for one over the other.”

He tilts his head to the side, studying her for a moment before carefully and pointedly sliding his cock back until its brushing against her lips, pushing into her slightly open mouth. But he stops just short of actually thrusting forward as he looks down at her knowingly.

“What do you say, Meihua?”

In the end, she doesn’t say anything at all. Heart thumping wildly in her chest, creampied pussy clenching madly in arousal and lust, Meihua opens her mouth nice and wide… and envelopes her new Dojo Master’s cock with her lips, beginning to eagerly and submissively clean off his cock right then and there.

Her tongue swirls this way and that, and her lips suction down onto his dick as she goes deeper and deeper. At a certain point, she begins to choke on his cock, causing her to rear back. But Chad just grabs her by the base of her long ponytail and takes over, forcing her further down his cock until her chin is slapping against his balls and her nostrils are being tickled by his pubic hair. Meihua doesn’t mind however. In fact, she’s having the time of her life gurgling around his cock, her eyes rolling up in her head.

She’d learn all he had to teach her about Domination and Submission Martial Arts. And she was sure, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she’d have a lot of fun doing it.


A/N: Also for those who might have missed it, Chapter 3 of Breaking Providence went up yesterday! Check it out. Chapter 4 comes out Monday!



How does Submission Martial Arts work?


That bit at the end where Meihua sucks Chad's cock rather than trying to continue fighting? She doesn't know it yet, but that's one of the very first techniques in Submission Martial Arts :P


This was fun