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A/N: By popular demand. Seriously, I got this suggestion too many times not to do it lol. And it worked well for a send-off POV of Jessie and Jamie being their zany selves.


“I’m telling you Jamie, he definitely knows. It’s the only thing that makes sense!”

“But Jessie… we only just found out yesterday. And we haven’t told him yet! So how can he possibly already know?”


“Hush Meowth, Mama Jamie and Mama Jessie are talking!”

Jessie rolls her eyes as Jamie coddles and babies their newest Team Member. To be fair, Meowth is barely hatched, so it sort of makes sense. Except, on the flip side, it’s just a Pokemon… not a kid. Jessie isn’t sure why Jamie insists on keeping it out of its Pokeball or anything like that, but eh, she’s not going to make a big fuss about it.

The two of them are walking the streets of Celadon City, taking a similar path in fact to the one they took all those months ago, when they first met Cam and showed him the ropes of Pokemon Thievery. They’re out and about in their white Team Rocket Uniforms, just as they were in the black Rocket Grunt uniforms back then. Except now, they’re respected. People see them, and while some glare, it’s impotent sort of glares.

Most of Celadon City is happy to smile and nod at them however. Celadon was always a Rocket Stronghold after all, and Giovanni had a policy of avoiding doing too many major jobs where they lived. As such, the population of Celadon City had a bit better impression of Team Rocket, even back when they were a criminal organization.

… In hindsight, their very first act as Rocket Grunts being stealing from a little girl in the middle of Celadon City was one of their earliest fuck ups, truth be told. Jessie supposed it was only lucky that that hadn’t come back to bite them in the ass. Hell, maybe that was why Cam had sent them on this mission. Well, that and the other thing.

You see, as of last night, both Jessie and Jamie… were pregnant. They’d taken the tests not once, not twice, but three times. They’d confirmed it as best they could. They were going to both be having babies. And there was no doubt in either of their minds who the father was. Cam was the only man the two female Rockets had been with in the past few months.

Sure, Jessie had her ‘informants’ within Team Rocket. The guys she’d flirted with and led on in order to get some intel so she and Jamie could get ahead. But she’d never fucked any of them. So unless flirting could get you pregnant… yeah, there was no doubt about it. Cam had knocked the two of them up. And while that was pretty crazy… it was sort of something they should have anticipated.

After all, it wasn’t like either of them had used protection. They hadn’t even tried to stop Cam from cumming inside of them both. In fact, it was the exact opposite, with them pushing him to creampie them as much as he wanted… more than that, really.

Regardless, Jessie was convinced that Cam knew. How could he not? And so she nods to Jamie, accepting Jamie’s point… but nevertheless sticking to her guns.

“He’s Cam, Jamie. Think about it. Of course he already knows. After all, how else would you explain this total milk run of a mission? We’re big bad Rocket Agents now! Cam said it himself, we’re going to be his eyes and ears, his hands to do what he needs done, when he can’t do it!”

Jamie scratches her head with one hand as she holds Meowth aloft with the other.

“Uh… I guess? I’m not sure that’s exactly what he said, Jessie…”

Waving a hand airily, Jessie scoffs.

“Semantics! The point is, we’re Rocket Agents now. We answer only to Cam! And the first mission he sends us on is THIS? Yeah, there’s no way he doesn’t know.”

“… Yeah, you’re right…”

Jessie nods, as Jamie agrees with her in the end, like always. Sometimes the purple-haired woman needed to hear Jessie’s arguments first, but she always came around to Jessie’s way of thinking eventually. With that taken care of, they could now focus on the mission. Looking around, Jessie frowns.

“You see her anywhere?”

Jamie also looks around, before shaking her head helplessly.

“Not yet. Hey Meowth, let us know if you see a little girl around, alright?”


Jessie rolls her eyes, but also smiles a little bit at the interaction. How Meowth was going to point out their target when she and Jamie were the ones who had actually interacted with the child before now, she didn’t know. Still, she wasn’t about to ruin Jamie’s fun. The other woman was certainly enjoying acclimating Meowth to his new life as a member of their Team. She was even trying to teach him to speak human.

Apparently, she was convinced that Meowth could join in on their little introduction. Jessie wasn’t so sure about that, but hey, it wasn’t hurting anyone, right?

“Well, we need to find her. I know I said this mission was a milk run, but it’s not like I want to FAIL it or anything. That would be incredibly embarrassing. We need to prove to Cam that we can handle things like this. And pregnant or not, we need to prove we’re ready for bigger and better things!”



For a moment, Jessie thinks Meowth is just agreeing with her like Jamie. But then she and Jamie both realize… Meowth is pointing frantically from his place in Jamie’s arms. Both of them turn their heads, and together lay eyes on their target… the little girl that they stole those Bird Type Pokemon from, all those months ago.

“There she is, Jessie!”

“I know, Jamie. Hush! We need to do this just like we practiced! I’m sure we didn’t leave her with the best impression, last time… so THIS time we’re going to knock her socks off, got it?”

“Right! I’m ready when you are!”

Jessie was BORN ready. Together, the two of them sneak over, moving in the little girl’s blind spot. Only once they’re in position does Jessie clear her throat, causing the little girl to whip around and look at them. As her eyes go wide, before she can even truly react, Jessie begins with Jamie right behind her.

“Prepare for trouble!”

“And make it double!”

“To protect the world from devastation!”

“To unite all peoples within our nation!”

“To denounce the evils of truth and love!”

“To extend our reach to the stars above!”



“Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!”

“Surrender now, or prepare to fight!”

“Meeeeowth! That’s right!”

Wait, what? Jessie’s head whips over to the Meowth in Jamie’s arms, just as Jamie’s head is whipping down as well. The two of them stare at the Cat Pokemon who just managed to speak human words. Sure, Jamie has been working with him on it… but still!


Jolting, Jessie whips her head back around. Damn it! Meowth’s outburst had totally taken her off her game! The little girl in front of them… she’s the main target! All of this, their motto and everything, was supposed to put her… not quite at ease necessarily, but definitely focus her in the right manner. After all, the last time she saw the two of them, they were stealing her Pokemon. Now, they were here… well.


Huh? Jessie gapes, as the little girl looks at the two of them with veritable stars in her eyes, gasping and bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet as her hands clench into fists and she thrusts them in the air above her head.

“Team Rocket is the coolest!”

Jessie shares a glance with Jamie at that, as the other woman gets over Meowth’s interjection and looks right back at her, just as baffled. Finally, Jessie turns back to the little girl, blinking rapidly.

“You think so, kid?”

“Yeah! Champion Blue said so! And you guys were like, wham, bam, surrender now! Sooo cool!”

Well… well! Jessie puffs out her chest, feeling pretty good about herself. Only for Jamie to ruin it a moment later.

“But… didn’t you have your Pokemon stolen by Team Rocket?”

Jessie looks at her partner askance. Sure, Jamie had the good sense not to point out that it was THEY who did the stealing, but STILL! And yet… the little girl ponders the question for a moment before shrugging her shoulders.

“Oh. Yeah, I guess! By daddy got me some more, so it was fine.”

… Holy shit, kids were fucking stupid weren’t they? Jessie doesn’t even know what to say for a moment. Neither does Jamie, given her response.

“… Oh.”

Finally though, Jessie manages to gather herself and clear her throat.

“Listen, kid. You got a name?”


“Right, Little Suzie… we’re here on a mission, you see. A very secret, very special mission.”


“That’s right. And it… involves you.”


Little Suzie’s face lights up like a Christmas Tree, her eyes positively sparkling with excitement as she squirms in place. Jessie, watching the girl vibrate in eagerness… begins to have doubts. Did Cam really know what he was doing here? Was this really the best idea? And yet… she was loath to fail their mission. Especially a ‘milk run’ like she’d called this multiple times.

… Even if it resulted in a dead little girl. Swallowing, Jessie smiles sweetly and pulls a Pokeball from her belt.

“Here, Little Suzie. This right here… is one of the Pokemon that Team Rocket, uh… borrowed from you. It was a Spearow, originally. Now… it’s a Fearow. It’s a big Pokemon… for uh, a big little girl.”

Jessie’s finish sounds lame even to her ears, as she hands the Pokemon over. But to be fair, none of this was going like she thought it would. You’d think having both of your Pokemon stolen from you would be one of the most traumatic days of your life, but apparently kids were remarkably resilient… and to reiterate, utterly fucking stupid.

Little Suzie in particular, however, might just be a fucking sociopath with how eager she is to idolize them as members of Team Rocket, despite being a criminal organization just a couple months ago. Grinning giddily, the kid grabs the Pokeball from Jessie’s hands and holds it up excitedly with a disturbing gleam in her eye.


Then, her tone turns downright solemn, and that look in her eye gets a little frightening, especially set into a little girl’s face.

“Joey is going to regret stepping on my dollie.”

Jessie gapes, as Little Suzie opens the Pokeball right then and there. Fearow comes out in a flash of light, and for a brief moment Jessie fears she’s going to witness a murder.

… But that’s not what happens.


The little girl throws her arms around the Fearow’s neck… and the evolved Pokemon actually nuzzles into its former Master without a care in the world. After a brief moment of them reuniting, with Jessie gawking the entire while, Little Suzie pulls back, patting Fearow on the beak and leading the Pokemon away, yammering the entire time they go about all the things the Fearow has missed and how they’re going to have so much FUN together.

A shiver of fear goes down Jessie’s spine. While she’d never actually seen Cam use Fearow in battle, that didn’t mean anything. It was still a Pokemon trained by Cam… the strongest Trainer Jessie had ever seen. She doesn’t know what Little Suzie is going to get up to with that Fearow… and frankly, she doesn’t think she wants to know either.

“… J-Jessie…”

Tearing her eyes off of the skipping little girl and the incredibly terrifying Fearow plodding along after her, Jessie looks over to Jamie. The other woman doesn’t need to say anything else. They’ve known each other long enough to be able to hold a silent conversation. They’re partners after all, they can practically read each other’s thoughts!

In that moment, they come to unanimous agreement on something. Turning about face, they both head back to the hideout post-haste. Not because they need to report mission success, though they had at least completed their first mission as Rocket Agents without any hiccups. No, because right then and there, both Jessie and Jamie have decided they have to tell Cam, on the off chance he somehow DOESN’T know already.

Because children… children aren’t just fucking stupid. They’re pure evil.

Jessie and Jamie are going to need all the help they can get.


A/N: That Meowth is a natural. Still a baby, but definitely a natural.

I'm sure Little Suzie won't do TOO much damage with a Fearow trained by Cam himself.

As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Comments and Likes sustain me!



Joey was later found later found buried in three shallow graves

Nicholas Draper

That was somehow both hilarious and terrifying. You essentially gave a little kid a nuclear weapon. Side note, is that ‘Joey’ the one who claims his Ratatta is in the top percentile of Ratatta. If so, he may have this coming.


Woo, I was waiting for the meowth to start talking, and lol Suzie is going to come back a few years later terrorizing everyone and become a rocket agent


Children commit the most evil in all the world. No one is as cruel as children. Suzie is going to be a right terror. Loved seeing Meowth at least get his line down, even if he can't actually talk.


Loved this chapter hey can u do one with Leaf/Green from pokemon leaf green or her lets go verison?


Fantastic chapter! Very fun, well done!