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Themes: Foursome, Big Dick, Rough Sex

Summary: Part Two of That Man. Based on this gif. The Helltaker brought a lot of demons right out of Hell and into his home, all so that he could have a harem of a bunch of sexy bitches. As such, he really had no room to complain over their needs. But of all his demon babes, the three-bodied Cerberus was definitely the most needy of all. He wasn't complaining, however. 


Cerberus was not, in any way, a Good Dog. For one, she wasn’t even technically a dog in the first place. She was a Demon first, the Triple Demon to be exact. One soul living in three bodies, controlling all of them at the same time. It was in her nature to be naughty. It was in her nature to be very, very bad indeed.

And the thing was, when she’d first met That Man down in Hell, the man they would eventually come to call the Helltaker, she hadn’t thought much of him. He was a human… Aaaand that was about it, really. She’d even been ready to rip a couple of his limbs off if he proved to be… intractable in any way. After all, it wasn’t like she needed the human to be fully intact to get her into the mortal realm so she could begin corrupting it.

But it hadn’t come to that. The Helltaker hadn’t hesitated to take all three of her with him the moment she asked. He hadn’t even asked questions! Everything was going perfectly! That is… until he’d managed to snag everyone else too. The Helltaker hadn’t just taken Cerberus out of Hell. He’d taken EVERYONE out of Hell. Even Lucifer herself!

He’d taken the Hell… out of Hell! It was pretty wild, and Cerberus had quickly realized she couldn’t throw her weight around with That Man as she’d initially expected she would. Not only was he completely fearless and entirely unwilling to hesitate in the face of certain death… he faced down stronger demons than the Triple Demon on the daily and lived to tell of it.

There was even rumors about what was going on in the kitchen these days between the Helltaker and the CEO of Hell herself. If even the Boss had fallen for him… there was no helping it. Cerberus couldn’t afford to get on his bad side, no matter what.

Which was why she had been mortified, when she’d drawn the police to his doorstep. The situation had been resolved peacefully enough without further bloodshed, thankfully. Because, while Cerberus herself wouldn’t have minded shedding some mortal blood, the higher-up demons in the House were enjoying their vacation a little too much and wouldn’t have taken kindly to any… permanent interruptions.

Worst of all though, was after That Man had solved the issue and gotten her off. He’d looked at her from behind those shades of his and shaken his solidly built square head back and forth.

“I’m not mad. I’m just disappointed.”

She didn’t know what it was about that! How dare he make her feel guilty! Her ears on all three of her bodies had flattened for hours afterwards, and her spade tails had all drooped for just as long. For the first time in her life, Cerberus felt BAD for being a bad girl! She felt naughty and not in a good way! It was eating at her… which was why she was here now, sneaking into the Helltaker’s room early in the morning.

She wants to make it up to him. She just didn’t know how. Luckily, the rumors of what That Man is doing with the Boss in the kitchen gave her an idea. After all, he brought them all back from Hell for a reason, right? Even if so far he’d apparently only had sex with Lucifer… well, Cerberus could help out in that regard. She was VERY helpful, what with three bodies and all.

And so all three of Cerberus’ bodies sneak up to the Helltaker, asleep in his bed. Wearing her usual red and black form-fitting attire, with black gloves and black ties to complete the ensembles, she uses her three sets of hands to carefully pull back his sheets. Luckily, That Man sleeps in the nude. She’s able to get in nice and close before touching him, three sets of eyes all staring at his cock, which immediately begins to twitch and rise when confronted with open air… and her breath as she begins to pant over it like… well, like a dog with a bone. Or rather, three dogs with a bone.

He'll probably wake up soon, he’s already starting to stir. And so Cerberus quickly gets into position. One between his large muscular legs, one on his left, and one on his right. She’s just in time as he begins to groan and shift. His eyes are hidden behind those shades he always wears, even when sleeping apparently. The Helltaker’s ways are mysterious indeed, and not to be questioned!

She’s certainly not here to question him. She’s here to apologize… with all three of her mouths~ Just as he’s lifting his head to look at her, Cerberus swallows his cock tip with her middle mouth, suckles at the left side of his dick with her left mouth, and begins to lick and lap up and down the right side of his dick with her right mouth.

Having never actually done anything like this before, she’s decided to go for broke, so to speak. She’s attacking the problem from all angles and trying out every different method to see which he responds to the best!

Of course, even as she energetically and enthusiastically sucks his cock with all three of her bodies, Cerberus is staring at him with all three sets of eyes, watching him carefully for his reaction. For a moment, he tenses up and she worries she might have upset him. But then a soft smile spreads across his face, and he does the most unexpected thing imaginable!

He reaches out and pats her left and right heads!

“Good girl.”

No, Cerberus is NOT a good girl. She’s never been a good girl. And thus… she’s never received head pats. Ever. Despite having canine ears instead of horns, despite being as excitable as any hound, she’s never gotten a pat on the head and a ‘job well done’. Not even once.

Her left and right heads freeze up as his hands linger, patting her and then scratching behind her canine ears. Her middle head freezes for half a moment as well… before going crazy, bobbing up and down his cock at a much more frantic pace and all but choking herself out on That Man’s dick. Dangerous! He was really, really d-dangerous!

“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”

“W-Whoa. Heh, you can slow down. You don’t need to go all out like that, you know…”

But she wants to, and so she does. After all, he didn’t tell her to stop. He just said she COULD slow down. She doesn’t want to slow down. She wants… she wants to make him happy with her. She doesn’t want him to ever be disappointed with her, ever again.

Her other two bodies nuzzle into his big broad hands, sporting goofy smiles as their demon spade tails nevertheless smack onto the bed behind each of them like they’re a pair of wagging dog tails. In response, the Helltaker just chuckles and continues to pet her heads, continues to scratch behind her ears. And Cerberus the Triple Demon… can’t get enough of it. Her red eyes on those two bodies practically roll back in her head, while the middle body continues to deep throat his cock like there’s no tomorrow.

“Fuuuck… I’m getting close!”

Hearing that, Cerberus jolts into action. Her other two bodies pull out from under his hands and move into position, pressing their cheeks against her middle body’s cheeks. Her middle head pulls back off of his cock with a pop, and all three of her tongues come out to lick and lap at his dick tip at the same time. Needless to say, it’s an all out assault that That Man can’t possibly handle!

“Oh! Here it comes!”

And so it does. His seed explodes onto all three of her faces, and Cerberus moans as she takes his cum all across her bodies, covering her features, her tongues, her mouths… and also her clothing. He cums a LOT, but best of all… he’s still rock hard when he’s done cumming, mostly thanks to all three sets of her hands coming up to grab his dick and give it a good, hard squeeze, stroking him off so he doesn’t lose a single ounce of his erection.

Pulling back, licking all of her lips and slurping his cum into her waiting maws, Cerberus giggles after a moment.

“”“Please sir… can we have some more?~”””

Grinning back at them, the Helltaker nods.

“Yes. Yes, you can.”

And so, in just a few moments, Cerberus finds herself ‘assuming the position’, so to speak. What this means is that all three of her bodies are now lined up on their hands and knees on the edge of the bed, facing the wall. Her shoes, socks, and pants have all been removed, leaving her in just her red long-sleeve shirts and her black suit jackets.

Her pale booties wiggle back and forth, but of course, Helltaker can only fuck one of her at a time. Just as he only has two hands for head patting, he only has one dick for fucking. Cerberus is prepared for this. She’s ready to be a little disappointed and-

Cerberus’ ears stick up straight and so do her tails as That Man manages to surprise her yet again. No, he doesn’t somehow suddenly manage to duplicate himself so he has three cocks or anything like that. That would have been the shock of a lifetime. But he does do the next best thing.

Just as his throbbing erection pierces into Cerberus’ middle body, both of his hands slap up against the underside of her other two cunts. Without missing a beat, he shoves two of his big meaty digits up into her pussies on either side of himself, while beginning to thrust forward into her middle body, no holds barred.

She never would have guessed he would prove to be such a multitasker! She never would have thought that she’d get to experience such pleasure from all three of her bodies at once. Cerberus’ moans are triplicated by all three of her mouths, her red eyes half-rolling up in her head as she claws at the bedding beneath her with all three sets of hands.

Her canine ears flick and move back and forth as she listens to That Man’s own grunts and groans. Her demonic spade tails reach back, wrapping around either his arms or his waist depending on which body it is. She is, in that moment, just so damn happy it’s not even funny. She can see what the Boss Lady sees in the Helltaker, at this point. He might be human, but he’s also so much more than that.


All three of her bodies climax at the same time. Maybe it’s because she’s still one soul… or maybe he’s just that good. Either way, her toes curl and her squeals and yips and moans reach a crescendo as she orgasms all over his cock and fingers. This, however, only seems to spur on That Man even further. With a growled grunt, he begins to piston in and out of her harder and faster by the moment.

There was a reason he was called the Helltaker, Cerberus was realizing. He was definitely taking her for a ride! Eyes rolling fully back in her head now on all three bodies, tongues lolling out of her mouth as she pants like a set of bitches in heat… she just can’t get enough of it. And neither, it would seem, can he.

He cums, and the middle body shudders as it’s pumped full of his seed. He stuffs her womb with his jizz before pulling out as her middle body collapses prone on the bed. Then, he surprises her again by shuffling her left body over on top of her middle body and plunging right back into her cunt.

He still fingers her body on the right, but now he’s plowing her second body silly, pounding her into her first body and just… Cerberus has never been more confused. The sensations are starting to finally get split up. Her middle body was definitely fucked silly. Her left and right bodies are still in need of some serious loving to reach that point.

Luckily, That Man seems intent on giving it to her. He fucks her left, or second body with reckless abandon, growling and grunting up a storm even now. She’s not even sure he’s truly human! Maybe he isn’t! Maybe he’s some sort of eldritch monster sent to punish them all for their sins! Well, if this is what punishment looks like, then Cerberus is all for it! She loves it, in fact!

Her second body has a positively goofy expression on its face by the time the Helltaker cums inside of it as well. And then, without missing a beat, he scoops her third body up and deposits that one on top of the pile, turning her into a Triple Demon stack of a woman as he plunges into the last of her three bodies, fucking that one’s untouched pussy as well.

By this point, Cerberus is pretty much at the end of her rope. He’s actually done it. He’s tamed her, wholly and utterly. Gurgling and moaning out of all three mouths, yipping and squealing out of the top mouth in particular, Cerberus cums and cums and cums… until finally, the fourth and last load of That Man is deposited into her third womb, pumping directly into her.

Her third body collapses forward on top of the other two, the entire pile exhausted beyond measure. A Demon, somehow exhausted by a mortal human man… it was unthinkable, but Cerberus can already hardly wait for it to happen again.

And just when she thinks it can’t get any better, he reaches out and gives each of her heads a pat.

“I forgive you for getting the police called on the house.”

Cerberus didn’t even know she was looking for forgiveness. She’s never sought absolution before. But in that moment, she feels a warmth in her heart fill her chest… all three of them. She’s happy, and lets out a gurgling noise to showcase that… before the Helltaker pulls his hand back and-


All three of her bodies jolt, as he gives each of her upturned asses a smack across the bow so to speak.

“Just don’t let it happen again, you hear?”

“””Yes Master~”””

It comes out before she can stop herself, and she freezes up after saying it… but ultimately, it feels right. Just… she couldn’t let the Boss Lady here. No sir. If SHE knew that That Man had so thoroughly subverted one of her subjects, she’d be irate to say the least…



I want more of this, fantastic

Tyler smalley

I love helltaker and loved the first one, and this is an even better follow up! Id love to see more