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A/N: Red's inauguration as Pokemon Champion begins...


An hour later and everyone is assembled. And when Bill says everyone, he means it. Not only is the Champion’s Chamber filled to the brim with reporters who are all clamoring to see the new Champion, but there are also a couple of… additional guests. Lance is here for one, the former Pokemon Champion off to the side and fuming, though he looks all too happy that Blue is so crestfallen. Blue himself is also still in the chamber, but one look from Cam had kept Lance from even one single snipe at the young boy.

There was also Agatha, who had had some surprising words of comfort for Blue, despite clearly being somewhat confused by everything that was happening herself. Bill said surprising, because the old woman had always seemed so damn dangerous. He supposed it made sense, Blue was her flesh and blood, but still… it was odd seeing her tender.

No odder than seeing Cam comforting the boy though. In the end, only now as everything was getting underway, had Cam stepped away from Blue, standing in the back of the crowd, lurking like the mob boss he quite literally was while those two Rocket gals of his kept close to him. It was a testament to how unprecedented this all was that they hadn’t been kicked out by now. They were terrorists after all, just like Lance said.

Bill, meanwhile, had put the time they’d had to good use. Placing a quick phone call, as it were. It was his only option at this point, they had to go full nuclear. He’d hoped not to have to resort to this, but, well, they’d been a little too late to settle things peacefully in the shadows. Now… now it would all be dragged out into the open, into the light of day.

“Hello viewers from both Kanto and Johto! We can barely believe our eyes… two new Pokemon Champions in just one day! I suppose it’s a sign that times really are changing, and who can possibly guess at what the future will hold!”

As the reporter speaks to a camera at the front of the room, Bill can’t help grinning at the way Lance bristles. After all, the whole situation was one big smack in the face to the Dragon Type Trainer, wasn’t it? He had effectively lost the Championship twice today, even if Blue had technically been the one to lose it the second time. Both Blue and Red had wiped the floor with the man… completely shattering his projection of strength and security for all of Kanto with two easy battles.

“Our newest Champ has just finished her Hall of Fame ceremony and will now be returning to the Champion’s Chamber to give her inaugural speech any second now!”

And wasn’t that another interesting thing. Just what the fuck was Oak doing with his pet in there? The Hall of Fame ceremony didn’t take an hour. To be fair, getting all of these people together had taken a little while, but even with that, they’d all been waiting around for another twenty or so minutes. Was Oak coaching his science experiment on what to say? Hmph, possibly. They would all find out soon enough either way…

The door to the Hall of Fame suddenly opens up, and Red steps through. Blank-faced, she looks nonplussed at all of the people staring at her, all of the cameras pointed in her direction. For a moment, she just stands there… and then an old, weathered, wrinkled hand lands on her shoulder, and Professor Oak with his grandfatherly smile is there to gently guide her forward.

As they walk down the steps together, all eyes are on the pair. Oak almost seems to bask in the attention, raking his gaze back and forth across the room. Bill can see it in the old man’s eyes though, especially when they make eye contact for a split second… Oak is taking note, and more than ready to settle old scores.

Coming to the bottom of the steps, Oak and Red step apart, with everyone looking to their new Pokemon Champion expectantly. But Red just looks to Oak, who smiles and straightens his lab coat.

“My, oh my. It’s been too long, people of Kanto! Too long indeed! For those listening by radio, this is Professor Samuel Oak speaking.”

He looks pleased as punch to be addressing an audience again from a position of power. But then, Bill has seen Oak’s video diaries. He knows that the old man only ever surrendered because he had no choice. He’s not the coward anyone thought he was… no, he’s a fucking Arbok in the grass, ready to sink his fangs in at the right moment. And finally, after eighteen long years, Professor Oak was getting his moment.

“I stand here in the Champion’s Chamber once more, side by side with our new Champion. She’s a uniquely talented young woman, who I had the privilege of raising as my own all these years, in our little town of Pallet.”

Bill’s lips thin out, as he hears a shallow gasp from Blue nearby. Poor kid. Fuck, if Oak was half the man that he thought himself to be, he would have scrapped the science experiments after his first clone ran off into the woods and got himself killed. Look at how Blue Oak had turned out while being neglected and fed lies. What could the boy have been if Oak showed him even a modicum of attention, of respect and affection?

“Isn’t that right, Red?”

Red looks at Oak, and then at the crowd. She’s visibly uncomfortable, but after a moment, she gives a single sharp nod.

“… Yes.”

She’s definitely not going to win any awards for the most Charismatic Champion, that’s for sure. But then… that’s where Oak comes in. He always was an excellent speaker.

“Wonderful! Simply wonderful! Now… let’s get to business, shall we?”

Here, the old man chuckles and spreads his hands apart for a moment before bringing them together.

“I know many of you remember the last time I was in this very room. I’m sure some of you aren’t too happy about seeing me standing in it again. Be at ease. I am here, not as the former Champion… but as Red’s caretaker.”

Oak steps over to Red and places a hand on the young woman’s shoulder.

“You see, Red is a very capable Pokemon Trainer, as you all have witnessed with your own two eyes. But that singular focus and drive has come at a price. She cannot communicate in the same way we all communicate with each other. As such, she will not be able to lead the Kanto Region in the way it has become accustomed to being led these past eighteen years. That’s why she’s decided to name me as her second-in-command, her main political advisor… her right-hand man, if you will. Isn’t that right, Red?”

Bill almost wants to see how Oak will react if Red says no. While he’s been monologuing, the young woman’s eyes have been wandering. Her blank face isn’t so blank now as she stares at Cam, all the way in the back of the room. But when Oak addresses her… she refocuses on her creator immediately, and after the briefest of pauses, nods her head again.


Oak smiles a grandfatherly smile with a hint of edge to it. Bill thinks he might only be able to see it because he’s known the old bastard for so long, but there’s… a hidden darkness behind that smile.

“Wonderful! Then let’s begin, shall we? For starters, it’s quite obvious to both Red and I… that the Kanto Region is long overdue for some changes. The previous government was by no means perfect. In fact, some might even say it was very flawed. Yes, I’ve heard quite a lot of people claim that. Certainly, in matters of public safety… the previous government completely failed.”

Clasping his hands behind his back, Oak begins to pace back and forth.

“How else do we explain the violent gang crime that so plagues our Region. Even some of our very own Gym Leaders have proven to be corrupt. Team Rocket has its tendrils everywhere… and nothing that ex-Champion Lance did even remotely slowed down their growth.”

Oak smiles, as Lance’s hands clench into fists at his sides.

“It’s clear… at least to Red and I anyways, that we need to be FAR tougher on crime. The terrorists that plague our Region will be brought to justice… dead or alive.”

Oak nods sharply, before humming.

“And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, of course. Red has great plans for the Kanto Region. Long have we let our Legendary Birds roam freely. Long have certain Legendary Beasts been allowed to hide away in caves and islands along our Region’s outskirts. Well, no more. This is a promise from Red to me to give to all of you… no more.”

Taking a few steps back, and up the stairs, Oak stops so that he towers over all of them, his eyes flashing as he smiles.

“There’s no doubt in my mind that Lance was all flash and no substance. From now on, you can count on me… to carry out Red’s will to the letter. And Red’s will is a stronger Kanto. A better Kanto for everyone who lives within the Region.”

And then, Oak finally looks to Lance himself.

“More than that, it is Red’s belief that Lance did more than just fail Kanto. That he actively and maliciously sought to sabotage Kanto’s development. And so, Red is of the opinion that the former Pokemon Champion must be arrested at once! Isn’t that right, Red?”

Bill’s eyebrows raise at that, even as Lance goes from looking furious and impotent to abruptly startled and fearful in a split second. Red does her customary pause, before beginning to nod her head.


“Hold it!”

Bill almost chuckles in amusement, as Lance is inadvertently saved by Bill’s own nuclear option. As Blaine and Fuji both rush into the Champion’s Chamber, every eye in the room turns to them.

“This inauguration cannot be allowed to continue!”

“That’s right! People of Kanto, please listen! Red is not eligible to be Champion!”

Blaine speaks, and Fuji is quick to back him up. The two old men step forward together, and the people in the room part for them, clearing a path as Oak sputters up on the stairs.

“What?! You old fools! Don’t be ridiculous!”

“It’s true! Red is not a real Pokemon Trainer!”

“She’s not even a real human being!”

That accusation strikes true with Oak, sending the Pokemon Professor stumbling back up the stairs, teetering in shock. Bill is a little surprised. Surely Oak had to have known his secret lab was breached. Or was it possible he truly didn’t know? Was it possible he’d been so distracted, that he didn’t know they’d found out about him?

“That’s absurd!”

But Oak’s own shouted cry is completely drowned out by Blaine and Fuji’s rapid response.

“We have proof!”

“Irrefutable proof!”

“And we’ll be happy to share it too!”

Everyone turns to Oak, waiting for a response. The confident, kindly, grandfatherly veneer he’d been putting on mere moments before is simply gone. Now its Oak who looks hunted, his eyes darting back and forth.

“Nonsense… utter nonsense! You’ll trigger Red’s anxiety with such accusations! She’s been through quite enough for one day, thank you very much!”

And yet, Oak’s bluster is so easy to see through it’s not even funny. Maybe if he’d managed to laugh and brush Blaine and Fuji off, but as it stands… he’s completely on the back foot. And in the end… it’s no surprise to Bill at least when he beckons to Red.

“Red, come! We’ll… your Pokemon Champion needs a moment to retreat and collect herself! Please, do not listen to these fools! I promise you; all will be clear soon enough!”

There’s a brief pause… and then everyone is trying to speak at once. Not just Blaine and Fuji, but also Lance, and the reporters, and Agatha. Even young Blue Oak is piping up, the little boy sounding dreadfully confused.

“W-What do they even MEAN, not a real person?!”

But Oak is already retreating with Red in tow as he speaks, and the door to the Hall of Fame closes behind them, hissing shut.

There’s a general raucous outcry at that, as Bill knew there would be. Everything was going according to plan, when it came to the nuclear option he hadn’t wanted to resort to. That didn’t mean they were quite out of the woods yet, however.

But before he can turn to Cam, Bill stiffens, picking up a snapping noise to his left. Looking over, its to see Agatha holding her cane in two pieces, having broken it in her hands as she stares at the closed door Oak just went through in shock.

“Is it… is it true?”

For a moment, Bill thinks the old bat is angry. But then, something like awe appears on her face.

“All these years… it wasn’t cowardice… but rather, cunning?!”

Oh Arceus, he was going to be sick. Bill recognized that look on Agatha’s face. He just never ever wanted to see it on such an old woman. That look… was one of pure adoration, the sort of adoration and arousal of a woman looking up to a man she deeply admired.

“H-How could I have been so blind? The Kanto we wanted for ourselves, for our son… we could have it… after all?”

Oh shit.

Bill can only watch as Agatha moves far more spryly than any old lady her age should be able to. Even without her cane, she jumps to the front of the room with a sneer.

“Nobody moves! Nobody leaves this room! That man… is a man NONE of you could ever hope to measure up to! His plans will create a perfect Kanto, a place where the strong will prosper! NONE of you are worthy of standing in his way!”

It was as Bill had feared, back before when they’d gone through Agatha’s room. There hadn’t been enough time for even Lance to get his Pokemon healed up from his match with Red. Not for Agatha either. But that didn’t matter… when she had another team in reserve.

Tossing out three Pokeballs, Agatha summons a trio of Ghost Type Pokemon that Bill can’t even fully makeout thanks to all the smoke they’re exuding. Immediately the Champion’s Chamber is filled with a dark miasma. Immediately, Bill’s head begins to spin. His hand scrambles for his own Pokemon on his belt, but he can’t… he can’t get ahold of any of his Pokeballs, his fingers scraping but not finding purchase.

Agatha’s Ghost Pokemon surge forward, and most of the people in the room, even Lance himself, fall to their knees. Everyone… except for one individual in the back. With his slicked back pink hair, Cam steps forward, eyes narrowed, and a purple Pokeball with a distinct M on it in his hand.

Despite his swimming head, Bill can’t help but smile. If anyone could manage to turn this all around… it would be Cam.


A/N: Ah, Agatha, trying to get back in Samuel's good graces. Wonder how that's going to work out for you...

Next chapter is a Red POV, we'll see how well it lands, she's hard to write for tbh v.v

As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Comments and Likes sustain me!



Question because it’s been a while since I played a Pokémon game but after you beat the champion do your Pokémon get instantly healed when you put them into the database of champions

Smile Dip

Hard to say for sure, since I believe that's usually followed by a sizable time cut, in which your pokemon could be healed in any of the more standard ways.


Issue here,in all the pomemon games after beating the elite four and champ its presumed that your pokemon healed with rest not the recorder at the end of the hall of fame cause you appear at your house after the end of the credits


Thanks I was wondering if that gave Blue a enough time to heal his Pokémon before he fought Red


Probably with a bullet in her head. Admittedly, in the game it was a Tauros giga impact to the chest.


Honestly I think things will turn out differently here, I say this because while Agatha probably is incredibly impressed by Oak's plan upon realization it was all an act. When full truth comes out, it would immediately turn into disgust because lets not forget Oak pretty much ruined Daisy's life and by extension poor Blue too. Don't know if Agatha met Gary or not, but considering short list Lance had of threats Gary was probably in it. So fact that Oak killed a promising Kanto native who loved Daisy with all his heart and was Blue's father is totally going to revile her. I also doubt Cam would let her die or at least he'd try to do something. Guess have to wait until tomorrow to see what happens next. Also oh god PLEASE let there be no defeat fetish from Agatha I don't think my stomach could take it.


For the purposes of this fic, you can assume the Database heals your Pokemon. Not even because of Blue because he had hours for his Pokemon to get healed by other means, but because Red's Pokemon are fully healed and ready to fight again next chapter and that's the only explanation why xD


Ooo welp waiting for it yo all fall into place and Cam comes in with and RKO's everyone.


So fucking hipped, I'm thinking of not reading the next few chapters just to read them all at once. What shoud i do? :(


This 'story arc' in the Champion's Chamber and Hall of Fame ends with Chapter 50, so if you want to wait a few days until that comes out, you could and you'd be able to read how it all shakes out all at once!


Ok, i think ill do that. See you in 4/5 days man! I wanted you to know that for me this is the best fanfic you have ever done. Congratulations man, im loving it and im not even sure why haha


Curious why it did take him an hour to convince Red? I assume we'll be going over that next chapter. Also my God the old lady xD Tis too bad Cam's about to wreck her shit with a Pokemon that shouldn't be xD


The suspense is building, the climax will come soon. Which will no doubt be followed up by more climaxes and more coming.


Not necessarily convince, more explain what happens next. After all, until now Red's mission was become Pokemon Champion. Not what happened after that :V