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A/N: Poor Bill thought he was being suave... meanwhile, Kanto's Defeat Fetish continues to pull double duty. Suzie wasn't even defeated!


Her name is Suzie. Not that she expected anyone to care. She was the Silph Co. President’s personal aide, his treasured assistant, and the one who made sure he got to his meetings on time, as well as taking the notes he would peruse later on to make it seem like he had a perfect memory and didn’t need to take any himself during the meetings.

But to everyone who saw her, she was just a pretty piece of ass, and she was well aware of that fact. Didn’t stop her from wishing they’d all catch a fucking hint! The man she and her boss had been forced into an hours-long meeting with while Team Rocket invaded and set up shop in the lower floors of their building was the worst sort, too.

Oh, Bill probably thought he was suave in the way he kept things relatively subtle while negotiating with the President. He only made a few token attempts to include her in the conversation. Nothing truly important, but he would ask for her input and then praise whatever she said, no matter what it was that actually came out of her mouth.

And when he wasn’t doing that, he was throwing her flirtatious winks and light smirks, acting like his shit didn’t stink when they both knew for a fact that it did. Under other circumstances, Suzie MIGHT have been interested in a rich Pokemon Collector. There were just two issues with that. One, Bill was a total turbo nerd while also being the fuckiest of fuckboys, and frankly, Suzie didn’t need either of that in her life right now.

TWO, the man was old enough to be her father! She was half his age! Her boss liked them young, and so Suzie was barely just breaching her twenties. Bill, by comparison, was decidedly in his forties.

Honestly, if she wanted to just be some gold digger, she could have seduced the President by this point. The old man definitely had his fair share of whores and mistresses and escorts parading through his day to day life. Suzie should know, as his PA she was the one who had to set those things up. It would have been child’s play for a cute young thing like her to just seduce the Silph Co. President and get his attention focused solely on her.

And once she had it, wrapping him around her little finger and selling her body for a few years until he kicked the bucket so she could be set for life would be CHILD’S PLAY. Suzie hadn’t done that though. She had a little thing called self-respect. And besides, she was waiting for a real man to come along.

Bill was not that real man. Honestly, she’d been incredibly turned off by his piss-poor attempts at flirting and had particularly hated how he seemed to outright miss or otherwise misinterpret all of the signals she’d make to show she wasn’t interested.

Frankly, with the level of sexual desire the Pokemon Collector had shown for her over the course of the meeting, she’d been afraid that the President was going to order her to ‘entertain’ Bill despite her clear distaste. Thankfully, that hadn’t happened, probably because Bill was so clearly aiming to cut her boss off at the knees, using the Rocket invasion of the Silph Co. Building to drive an incredibly hard bargain that she was sure was leaving a disgusting taste in the President’s mouth.

Of course, it also hadn’t had a chance to happen because before Bill could force the President to finish the deal and transfer the goods, one of those Rockets had finally made it to the President’s Office, and proceeded to rock that nerdy, middle-aged Pokemon Collector’s entire fucking world with just one Pokemon.

… Now, Suzie didn’t know much about Pokemon. And maybe that seemed a little silly, given the world she’d been born into was Pokemon-crazy. Even the company she worked for was focused on Pokemon Capture Devices, aka Pokeballs, as well as other Pokemon Control Technology. But look. Suzie had just never been all that into Pokemon as a kid, and in the end, she’d decided to get a nice, normal job rather than trying to become a Pokemon Trainer like everyone else in the world.

She’d never once had cause to be unhappy or dissatisfied with her decision, and in fact, when the one massive orange dragon had destroyed the table in the center of the office during the Pokemon Battle, she’d only been happier to have never been faced with such wanton destruction and devastation before.

She was a PA for Pete’s Sake, and this whole situation was so far outside of her comfort zone, it wasn’t even funny!

… That said, the Rocket, who Bill had called ‘Cam’… he was kind of cute, all things considered. Looking so stern and serious, with that expression of resolve on his face as he’d shown Bill what-for. Sure, the Pokemon Battle was scary, downright terrifying even… but terror could be an aphrodisiac at times.

Suzie didn’t think it was love at first sight or anything like that, but it was certainly lust at first sight. Not only had this Cam guy saved her from Bill’s unwanted advances, but he’d sent the Pokemon Collector running with his tail between his legs. In one fell swoop, the Rocket had managed to turn her on more than Bill had managed in several hours.

When Cam walks over, Suzie finds herself biting her lower lip and staring at the young man. He doesn’t pay her much mind though, focused on her boss as the old Silph Co. President tries to play the senile trick for a moment before changing tactics when it’s obviously not working. He offers to write Cam a check, and Suzie wonders if maybe the Rocket will go for it. If he does, she’s the one with the checkbook… she could potentially slip Cam her number at some point during the transaction.

But before Cam can respond, if he even was going to respond, another voice rings out through the room.

“I’m afraid my Admins are not so easily bought by the likes of you, Mr. President. And Team Rocket isn’t here for a bribe. No, we’re above such petty concerns as money at this point.”

Suzie can’t help but be a little… well, disbelieving of that, and her boss looks just as baffled as a sharp-looking man with swept-back hair in a suit walks up. This must be the Team Rocket Boss, Suzie figures, though she doesn’t know anything more than that.

“Cam, my boy! You’ve done it again. Not only are the scientists secured by your hands, but even the President himself. Silph Co. has been brought to its knees, and we’ll soon have the Master Ball in hand thanks to you.”

For a beat, the Rocket Boss pauses, before reaching out and placing a hand on Cam’s shoulder. Suzie blinks… is… is the guy getting emotional? Seriously?

“You’ve been nothing but loyal at every turn. Your dedication has proven pivotal to Team Rocket’s goals ever since you joined up. Without you, I don’t know where we would be. There might not be those who understand… but I only have one option, at this point.”

He pulls out a token from his jacket pocket and places it in Cam’s hand.

“You’re an Executive now, my young friend. That token will entitle you to an Executive Uniform, so make sure to stop by the hideout and pick it up!”

Whoa, a promotion? Suzie can’t help but watch, wide-eyed, as the object of her current sexual attraction gets even more attractive in her eyes. A man as young as Cam having that much upward mobility in an organization like Team Rocket… well, in Suzie’s experience as a PA, it meant one of two things. Either the business was doing terribly, forcing the early promotion of individuals unprepared for their roles… or the individual in question was just too valuable for the business to risk losing.

Based on what she’d seen so far of him, Suzie thought it was probably the second one. And so, she comes to a decision n that moment, as the Team Rocket Boss gives Cam a smile and a nod and then steps past him.

“Now then-!”

With a breathless, gasping moan, Suzie swoons on the spot, and then proceeds to drop to the ground in a feigned dead faint. Cutting off the Team Rocket Boss, she keeps up the act to the best of her ability, hoping against hope that the crime boss will have a certain amount of… gentleman’s honor to him.

“Hmph, guess all of this was a bit too much for the little lady. Cam, get her out of here and downstairs, will ya? The President and I need to have a chat.”

Yes! It was exactly as Suzie had planned, and she makes sure to keep the smile from her lips, even as she feels strong arms reach down and scoop her up. She’s carried from the President’s Office a moment later, with the Team Rocket Boss’ voice fading as he clears his throat and starts again.

“Now then…”

As soon as she and Cam are down the hall, she pretends to come back to life in Cam’s arms. The Rocket Executive pauses and sets her down on her own two feet, but Suzie doesn’t let him let go of her altogether. Instead, she goes for broke, grabbing him by the face and pulling him into a deep kiss.

“Oooh, my hero~”

He tenses up for a moment… but then does exactly what she’s hoping for and take advantage of her. His hands slide down to her hips, and he holds her in place as he kisses her back. To say the PA is excited would be an understatement. She may not know Pokemon, but she knows strength and power, both of which this cute guy has in spades. She wants to ‘reward’ him properly for saving her from Bill’s unwanted advances… and hey, why not ‘celebrate’ his new promotion at the same time?

Kicking off the ground, Suzie wraps her legs and arms around the young Rocket’s body, causing him to grunt as he steps back… and then holds himself steady. He’s not just a strong Pokemon Trainer, he’s also physically strong, able to hold her weight without issue as Suzie grinds her sopping wet crotch, her panties drenched, right against his bulge.

His hands go from her hips to her ass, and once she’s sure he has a good grip on her, Suzie reaches down and begins working open his pants. He steps forward again, and she gasps as she’s pressed back against the wall just as she’s freeing his cock from its confines.

She’s never been one for rough sex before, but there’s something so intoxicating about this dirty, filthy… studly criminal. She hurriedly rips her panties to the side, actually tearing them partially in the process, and stuffs his cock up inside of her. It’s a little awkward up until that point, but as soon as she has him sheathed in her sopping wet cunt, its like the stars have aligned and everything is just right.

He begins fucking her against the wall right there in the empty hallway, pounding into Suzie without hesitation, mercy, or pause. Shuddering, Suzie squeals, until he cuts that off with his lips, kissing her again, this time of his own volition, his own choice. His mouth dominates hers, and she happily submits to him in turn.

The Rocket Executive fucks her like an animal. He treats her like she’s nothing more than a piece of meat. To be fair, it’s probably no more than Bill would have done. But at least Cam didn’t try to dress it up. At least he didn’t try to pretend he was something he was not. He doesn’t act like a gentleman with her, doesn’t promise to ‘treat her right’. He just fucks her, and Suzie happily and giddily accepts it as she cums again and again around his rapidly thrusting cock.

Eyes rolling back in her head, the PA groans into Cam’s mouth as her pussy walls flex and clench down around his member. She can’t think straight. All she knows is that Cam feels absolutely amazing inside of her, and she doesn’t want it to ever end.

Alas, nothing lasts forever, and even the best of times comes to a close eventually. Cam forces one last explosive orgasm out of her when he finally blows his load deep in her womb, cumming inside of her unprotected pussy in a way that Suzie knows she should be upset, or at least worried about. After all, while she WAS on birth control as a necessity of her profession, nothing was perfect, and she still probably shouldn’t have let some… some criminal she’d just met cum inside of her.

But she’s too delirious to really care, and she barely remembers the next little while. Eventually, she’ll wake up in a bed later on all alone, but for now… for now she continues to bounce up and down on Cam’s cock as he proceeds to carry her down the hall, taking her to find said bed. And Suzie couldn’t be happier about that.


Stupid, irritating Rockets. They just kept getting in her way. Red knew enough about the organization now to know that they weren’t specifically made to stymy her as some sort of test from the Professor, but even still… the big red Rs on their chests felt targeted even now. And it also felt like they were there, interrupting her efforts at every turn!

She’d mowed through them in Mt. Moon. Beaten their challenge at Nugget Bridge. Fought her way through their Hideout in Celadon, in order to get to the top of Pokemon Tower and save Fuji from them as well. Thanks to her efforts, she’d managed to get five of the eight necessary Gym Badges she would need to challenge the Pokemon League.

The Elite Four and the Pokemon Champion… they were her true goal. They were her real test. After all, how could she be the very best if she didn’t BEAT the very best?

She needed all eight Gym Badges though. And low and behold, she arrives in Saffron City just in time to find the place shut down by the Rockets yet again. They’d even blocked off the Saffron City Gym! It was intolerable!

Luckily, one of the Professor’s aides had stopped by to let her know how to stop it. In front of her, the Silph Co. Building looms. If she gets to the top and defeats Team Rocket’s leadership, then they’ll flee the city. She’s been assured of this by the Professor’s aide. So… here she is.

Just before Red can step forward and enter the building however, someone else steps out, making her freeze in her steps as he does the same. Blocking her path… it’s the Rocket from Mt. Moon and then outside the Game Corner again.

Her heart pounds in her chest. Her nostrils flare as she smells something oddly cloying on the wind. Her thighs rub together ever so slightly in a strange fashion, down betwixt her legs. And at the same time, a sense of danger rises between the two of them.

Is this where they fight? She finds that she both wants and doesn’t want that. For some reason, facing down this man is different from any other Trainer she’s faced in her journey. Everything else has been… not simple exactly, but at least it all made sense. He does not.

Somehow, she knows if they face off, her Pokemon Journey will be at an end. She will have failed the Professor. But is that necessarily a bad thing? And at the same time… she can’t progress forward unless he gets out of her way anyways. So, she might just have to go through him and take her chance-

A sudden ringing sound comes from one of the pouches on the Rocket’s belt. They both look down at it, and after a moment he pulls forth a device, staring at it for a second as Red stares at him. Then, he puts it to his ear and steps to the side, out of her way.

“Cam! Look, you messed things up for me in Saffron, but enough about that. You want to make it up to me? Come and help me out! Meet me at the Pokemon Lab on Cinnabar Island as soon as conceivably possible!”

She stares at him for a moment longer, but the tension has broken… his interest in her has been waylaid. The moment where they might have fought… it’s passed. Feeling a strange fragment of relief, Red steps past into the building beyond… and with him out of the way, with the distraction behind her, she gets back to work.


A/N: Saved by the bell, Red~

As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Comments and Likes sustain me!



Knew Suzie was gonna get some. Another interaction between Red and Cam, and Red getting turned on? Yeah, defeat fetish indeed. Keep up the aweaome.


Kanto definitely has that defeat fetish ingrained into them, now i wonder what other regions fetishes are? Johto's domination fetish?


Its an infestation.... my god, its everywhere


Red isn't wrong about her journey coming to an end when she fights him. Also, looking forward to Erika. She actually DOES have a defeat fetish in the game so she'll probably cream herself when Cam beats her.


Would Cam really leave immediately? I mean don't get me wrong I do think he would eventually go to Bill. But right now Team Rocket is smack dab in the middle of a mission. Things aren't over yet until the team goes back to base. At the very least Cam should realistically be on standby. I can understand if he was sent to hold a certain position for checkpoint in which Red doesn't end up running into. Thus Cam and other Rockets don't get caught up in chaos she causes. But I can't really see Cam just leaving directly to Bill and going to Cinnabar right then and there.


He actually does in the rom hack, Giovanni tells him that he's free to go essentially


You made the Saffron mistake again, otherwise great chapter


Ugh... that's a bad call if I ever heard one. You shouldn't dismiss one of your best assets on literally the biggest mission of your organization's history. Sure they are mostly wrapping things up at this point, but it's not over until you are safely back and secure at your base. Last-minute hiccups and unexpected variables are completely possible. As Red popping in is exactly going to prove that point. It's a shame too because Giovanni KNEW something was bound to go wrong and wanted Cam there as an emergency response to fix it too.


Giovanni told Cam to go to the Hideout and pick up his new uniform. So of course that's what he's gotta go do. Bill's phone call is secondary :P


Thank you for catching that, fixt it! Thankfully we're done with Saffron for the moment lmao


Hehe, I got ideas for Erika, Misty, and Sabrina when we finally get to the bonus chapters. I'll probably start plotting them out around Chapter 40-45 of the main story, I'm thinking.


Honestly, I'm not sure that keeping the most iconic and even semi iconic characters of the game/series completely out of the main plot is a good idea. Unlike in the Elden Ring series, this one relies a bit too heavily on one off characters.


Thats a fair critique and if I'd thought of it back when I was plotting out the story outline I might have worked at least Misty into the story a bit more, like what I've done with Jessie and Fem!James. But at this point we're too far in to change things now. From this point on, we're going pretty much full speed for the next 24 chapters all the way to the end of the main story xD


Another banger of a chapter! I love how Red’s POV feels like it’s more of the game mechanics, rather than a character. The way you describe her POV just works well for it.

lala jhones

Do you think Daisey will be coming back? She reminded me of a female version of the bike salesman. Her interactions were hilarious


Glad you're enjoying that, always unsure if its gonna land right xD