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Themes: Moresome, Breeding, Dom/Sub

Summary: Another Prequel to Making Babies. When Yang gets called to Glynda's office after hours, she's a little suspicious but not that much. After all, her and Ruby are taking a year as assistants under Glynda's tutelage after graduation. But when she arrives to find Ruby leaking cum and Glynda spit-roasted between Jaune and a strap-on wearing Pyrrha, Yang doesn't think this is the sort of tutelage the Professor had in mind. 


As Yang Xiao-Long makes her way down the corridor towards Glynda Goodwitch’s classroom and office, she’s a little disgruntled. Don’t get it twisted, the blonde firebrand is very grateful, very thankful, and all around very appreciative of the opportunity Professor Goodwitch has given her and her sister. When Team RWBY had graduated from Beacon, there had been a heartbeat where Yang didn’t quite know what they were going to do next.

Both Weiss and Blake had their own things they needed to take care of, and thus couldn’t commit to sticking together as a team. Blake’s might be only temporary, but Weiss’ was looking very… permanent. Meanwhile, Yang and Ruby were left in the lurch. So, when Professor Goodwitch had offered them both an apprenticeship, a year in which they would receive further training from one of the best huntresses in all of Vale, and act as her assistants… Yang and Ruby had jumped at the chance!

It was a win-win situation, to be sure. There was just one tiny problem… Yang was very attached to her personal time and beauty sleep. Soooo, receiving an evening message at dinner telling her and Ruby to stop by Professor Goodwitch’s office after hours was really not cool. Ruby had been all gung-ho for it, but Yang had had plans! Okay, so they were just plans to spend some time in Beacon’s Gym, but still!

In a small show of defiance, Yang had decided to still do half her workout, while Ruby had gone on ahead. She figured Goodwitch would probably be a little upset, but it was important to test boundaries, especially if she was going to spend the next year learning under the older woman. They weren’t kids anymore, even if Ruby was the youngest Beacon Graduate in history. They were women now, Professional Huntresses, and just because they were spending a year as Glynda’s Assistants didn’t mean she got to boss them around.

… Okay, so technically that was exactly what it was supposed to mean, probably. But Yang was going to make every effort to keep that from happening!

Still, as she reaches Glynda’s darkened classroom, Yang figures she’s just about ready for anything. Slipping into the classroom itself, she makes her way towards the light coming from the slightly ajar door to the Professor’s Office. From where she is, Yang furrows her brow as she hears… odd noises coming from within.

“Professor? Ruby?”

No one answers her, even as Yang reaches the door and pushes it open. The reason WHY nobody answers her becomes instantly apparent, even as her purple eyes go wide, and her jaw drops open in shock.

“Huuuuulghk! Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”

Within the office beyond, Yang finds herself witnessing what looks, at first glance, like sexual assault. Glynda Goodwitch, the proud and prim disciplinarian Professor of Beacon Academy… is stripped naked, bent over, and spit-roasted between two cocks. One of them is real and the other is fake. Both of them belong to familiar faces.

Jaune Arc holds Glynda by her hair and slams his cock down her throat, while Pyrrha Nikos grasps the older woman by her hips and slams a large strap-on right into her cunt. At a first glance however, Yang can’t tell what’s bigger. Jaune’s very real, throbbing dick, or Pyrrha’s faux, glistening phallus.

It’s not just Glynda though either. Yang’s eyes sweep across the office, to the Professor’s desk. There, laid out on her back with her legs dangling off the desk, is Ruby Rose. Yang’s younger sister is just as naked as their Professor and has clearly already been fucked silly. White, sticky seed dribbles from her creampied cunt as she lays there, recovering.

For a moment, Yang is incensed. For a moment, she finds herself assuming the worst. Because she can’t imagine a world where Glynda Goodwitch would be alright with this. The woman was so straight-laced it wasn’t even funny. She had a stick so far up her ass that the idea of her loosening up enough to be spit-roasted between two of her former students… it was laughable!

But before Yang can act, her observant eyes pick up something else, something that throws her entire understanding of the situation into question. Put simply, Glynda’s hands are not restrained in any way. And rather than trying to free herself, or even just dangling there helplessly between the real and fake cocks… Professor Goodwitch has her arms wrapped around Jaune’s waist, her hands digging into his ass, and is busy gargling his cock WILLINGLY as he pistons in and out of her throat.

That realization stymies Yang completely, long enough for Pyrrha and Jaune to finally notice her presence.

“Oh, hey Yang! You’re late!”

Well yes, she was, b-but…

“Don’t worry, we just got an early start. Ruby went first… and since you weren’t around, Glynda went next.”

What… what was even happening? Yang’s mouth opens and closes like a goldfish, no words coming out. She watches as Jaune suddenly begins to cum without warning… and yet, Glynda guzzles his seed down like a champ to the absolute best of her abilities. Her cheeks still expand outwards, and some of his cum still ends up trickling out of the sides of her mouth, but most of it goes right into her belly.

Without a word between them, Pyrrha pulls out of Glynda’s cunt and Jaune spins the older woman around. Gasping, still bent over, the Beacon Professor’s face is revealed to Yang in all of it’s flushed, freshly fucked glory. Yang even gets to watch Glynda’s eyes widen and then her expression contort in pleasure as Jaune slams home into her sopping wet cunt with the Real Deal and starts to go to town on her.

Pyrrha, meanwhile, saunters over to Yang with a big, shit-eating grin. The Invincible Girl has never looked finer… even with the small baby bump she’s sporting as she runs a hand along Yang’s arm.

“Don’t you think you’re a little overdressed for the occasion, Yang?”

Yang is used to being the bluntest, most upfront badass in a room. She’s also used to being the most sexual creature in any given room as well, mostly on account of her shamelessness. But said shamelessness is only skin deep, and when confronted with the sight before her, of her sister already fucked silly and Glynda now being plowed from behind… Yang doesn’t know what to do.

“I… I…”

“Get, a-ah, undressed Ms. Xiao-Long. Nnngh, c-consider this part of your training.”

Up until this point, Yang had been laboring under the mistaken assumption that all of this was NOT what Glynda had in mind when she offered her and Ruby this apprenticeship. Now, she finds herself staring at the older blonde with wide eyes as Pyrrha takes advantage of her inaction in order to start undressing her.

“D-Do you think… that our world can, mm, survive without s-sacrifice, Ms. Xiao-Long?”

Her jacket comes off, and then her top and bra. Pyrrha gives Yang’s tits a quick grope as they’re exposed, before going lower. Yang, meanwhile, just stares at Glynda, uncomprehendingly.

“I-I don’t understand…”

Smirking as best she can while clearly being brought to orgasm after orgasm upon Jaune’s cock, Glynda Goodwitch shakes her head.

“Clearly. Nngh! You are a, mm, huntress now, Ms. Xiao-Long. And with that c-comes a duty…”

She knew that! She knew she had a responsibility! To fight the Grimm! To protect the Kingdoms! To-!

“A duty to breed.”

Wait, what?

Yang blushes, as Pyrrha moves into position behind her. The red head buries her face in Yang’s hair and breathes in her scent, and normally Yang would get angry that her hair is being touched, but she’s just too caught off guard right now.

“It is our d-duty as huntresses to find a proper huntsman with which to breed the, nnngh, n-next generation! Mr. Arc, with his impressively large aura reserves, is that proper, hah, h-huntsman!”

Talking is clearly getting harder for Glynda the more Jaune fucks her. At his last name being mentioned, Jaune gives Yang a friendly little wave along with a sheepish grin and shrug, as if to say, ‘what can you do?’. But that… there was a lot he could and could not do! Starting with not fucking her little sister into a stupor, f-for one!

“Don’t worry, Yang. Neither you nor Ruby are being bred tonight. Only Glynda.”

Pyrrha’s words might have had greater effect if the red head wasn’t pressing her strap-on into Yang’s cunt from behind… and if Yang couldn’t see her sister from where she was, with Jaune’s cum clearly leaking out of her.

Seeing where her eyes go, Glynda chuckles throatily.

“You are a Huntress, Yang. You have your Aura Unlocked. There are benefits, to wearing our Souls as Armor. One of those benefits is choice. You can choose whether a man’s seed will take within you or not. You have to want it, to get pregnant. Ruby has, nnngh, already been told to hold off, f-for now. No matter how badly she, mm, begged…”

O-Oh. That was… wow. Yang was certainly learning a lot here. Too much, one might say. Too much, too fast. But there’s nothing she can do, as she’s bent forward by Pyrrha and fucked from behind, moved over to where Glynda is being plowed silly by the real deal.

Well… there’s a lot she could do, actually. And yet… and yet, despite her initial misgivings, the more Glynda talks, the hotter Yang gets. The more Pyrrha stripped and touched her, the more aroused the blonde bombshell was. Knowing now that Ruby was fully gung-ho with it all… well, that just about cinches it for Yang, making the last of her resistance fall away.

When she finds herself face to face with Professor Goodwitch a moment later, the glasses upon the older woman’s face askew, Yang blushes and quite can’t help herself.

“M-Ms. Xiao-Long, I’m not sure I like that-mmph!”

Yang initiates the kiss with her Professor, smashing her lips into Glynda’s and pushing her tongue into the older woman’s mouth. She’d wondered briefly, if what Glynda was saying was true, why she had no family. Wasn’t it her duty as a Huntress to breed then? But now she realizes Glynda is wholly inexperienced in such matters, despite her age. Yang is easily able to dominate the kiss with the older woman, even as they’re both dominated by Jaune and Pyrrha.

When they finally pull apart for air, it seems like Glynda reads the question in Yang’s eyes correctly.

“… I have been barren all my life, Yang. It’s not u-until now, with Mr. Arc, that there is h-hope for me to carry a child. His Soul… truly is something else.”

Oh. Wow. Yang blushes, as she watches Glynda’s eyes roll back in her head a moment later. The reason for the woman’s sudden expression of ecstasy becomes apparent when Jaune grunts and thrusts into her one last time before very clearly and deliberately dumping his load inside of Glynda’s womb. Yang’s heart goes out to the older woman. She really hopes this is what Glynda needs. She can tell… it’s definitely what Glynda wants.

Walking Glynda over to her desk, Jaune leaves the blonde draped over it, next to a still recovering Ruby. Yang’s sister hasn’t said a word, but she has raised her head by this point, meeting Yang’s eyes with her own silver irises and looking quite satisfied and content. And so, as Jaune steps away from Glynda and over towards Yang… the blonde doesn’t hesitate.

Maybe she was caught off guard. Maybe she was taken by surprise… but she’s adjusted now. And so, bucking her hips back into Pyrrha’s, dislodging the red head from her cunt, Yang Xiao-Long lunges forward… and leaps right into Jaune Arc’s waiting arms.

Wrapping her arms and legs around his body, the blonde bombshell impales herself upon Jaune’s cock right then and there, letting out a truly wanton moan as he grunts, rocked back by the impact but able to steady himself without issue.

As she locks her legs behind his waist, Yang leans back and gives Jaune a wicked grin.

“Well then, big boy. Show me what you’ve got.”

Grinning right back, Jaune chuckles and grabs her by her ass, before beginning to rapidly bounce her upon his cock. Yang’s own grin lasts for all of five seconds before it’s replaced by stupefied pleasure, her mouth forming a wide ‘O’ as her eyes go crossed. But more than that is Pyrrha, who steps up behind Yang again with a laugh of her own.

“Oh, you’re as unruly as ever, Yang. But that’s alright. Makes things spicy.”

Before Yang can respond, Pyrrha takes that strap-on of hers and puts it in the only place it can go… Yang’s ass. The blonde’s eyes damn near bulge out of her skull as she’s DP’d by the married couple. Her mouth drops fully open, and a low keening noise emits from it, followed by squeals and yelps and moans galore.

Jaune doesn’t let up for even a second, and now with Pyrrha in her ass, the whole experience is entirely magnified. Yang cums her brains out again and again as her pussy walls clench around his cock and her anal muscles squeeze down on Pyrrha’s strap-on. She can’t stop cumming, in fact, and Jaune chuckles at her, forcing Yang to focus on his smiling face.

“Don’t forget, Yang… don’t let yourself get pregnant now. No matter how badly you might want to.”

Blushing at his teasing tone, Yang scoffs and shakes her head.

“W-Who… who would want to get pregnant with you, V-Vomit Boy?”

Jaune just laughs, letting the old moniker wash right off of him like it’s nothing.

“That’s the spirit! Here it comes!”

Yang squeals, as Jaune creampies her just like he did Ruby and Glynda. She throws her head back onto Pyrrha’s shoulder, and her eyes roll back in her skull as she shudders and shakes, sandwiched between the two lovebirds. She can feel his seed filling her womb, her Aura shuddering and her soul flexing as he pumps into her. She shouldn’t let herself get pregnant. She shouldn’t…


In the end, neither Yang nor Ruby get pregnant that night. Which is actually quite good, because for one Glynda Goodwitch, barren her entire life… Jaune’s massive Aura and seed breed true. More than simply breed true, in fact, because Glynda ends up not just pregnant at long last, but pregnant with triplets.

In the ensuing months, after Jaune and Pyrrha have left and Yang and Ruby continue their apprenticeships under Glynda, neither sister forgets that night. It’s rather impossible, when Glynda is getting progressively rounder day by day, growing heavier and heavier with the triplets. As Yang and Ruby take over more and more of the Professor’s duties while she gets closer to their due date, they share their feelings with one another.

Their desire is mutual… when things are done at Beacon, when Glynda has given birth and can return to her duties, when their year is up… Yang and Ruby are going to seek Jaune and Pyrrha out again, and finish what was started. After all… it’s a huntress’ duty to breed.


James Trammell

Very nice! Hope to see more in the future! Keep up the great work!