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Professor Potter Ch. 29 (Harry Potter AU)

  • Hermione Granger 304
  • Emma Frost 43
  • Pamela Isley & Harleen Quinzel 204
  • 2022-06-22
  • —2022-07-05
  • 551 votes
{'title': 'Professor Potter Ch. 29 (Harry Potter AU)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Hermione Granger', 'votes': 304}, {'text': 'Emma Frost', 'votes': 43}, {'text': 'Pamela Isley & Harleen Quinzel', 'votes': 204}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 7, 5, 7, 0, 10, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 22, 14, 45, 38, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 551}


A/N: Nymphadora is called in to take care of the nymphomaniac in their midst.


With a growl, Harry abruptly pulls out of Narcissa Malfoy. Before the raging nymphomaniac of a witch can even register this, let alone complain however, he’s already yanked her off of the desk and spun her around. As her feet plant on the ground, Harry bends Narcissa over, lifting her hips up into the air with his hands, and brings her to her tip toes as he lines up and slams right back into her, this time from behind.

The Ancient Runes Professor and Lady of House Malfoy cries out in an incredibly lewd manner, her arms outstretched before her and clawing at her desk as he rams into her again and again, plowing her hard and fast without mercy or hesitation.

But then, it’s everything Narcissa could have wanted. His cock, buried inside of her hungering twat. The only issue is, it’s not just HIS cock the nympho wants. No, she’ll take sex in any form she can get it, and without the ability to pay for discretion, she’s likely to take riskier and riskier opportunities until she gets herself in trouble and finds herself in bed with the wrong people… literally.

Given the sheer amount of schemers in this damn castle, Harry knows one thing for sure… he can’t just leave Narcissa to fall under any particular faction’s sway. The argument that he can just keep his distance now that he knows she’s a ticking time bomb… it just doesn’t hold water. After all, Hogwarts is a self-contained eco-system. Put simply, Narcissa added power to anyone who could get their hands on her, making their cause stronger even if Harry knew to watch out for treachery from her…

Which meant he had to take matters into his own hands. But at the same time, he balked at the idea of being Narcissa’s main… source of pleasure. The sex addict would no doubt tie up too damn much of his time, if he were to commit to taking care of one hundred percent of her needs going forward. No matter how gorgeous the blonde MILF of a witch was, no matter how tight and sopping wet she was for him right now, Harry just had too many damn plates he was juggling already.

He needed a compromise, of sorts. He needed a way to keep Narcissa under control, help her manage her addiction, and also make sure her nymphomania didn’t cut into his own time too much. Fucking her bent over her own desk, plowing the Ancient Runes Professor through orgasm after squealing orgasm, Harry considers the problem for some time before finally deciding on a solution.

Flicking out his wand, Harry summons a patronus with a message for Nymphadora Tonks, before sending it racing off into the Castle to call upon the Hogwarts Caretaker. With that done, Harry leans over Narcissa, and grabs her by her hair, yanking her head back so he can talk directly into her ear.

“Narcissa. Are you with me still?”

“Ooooh… y-yes. Yes. I… your cock… sho good… love your coooock~”

Her wanton moaning makes her sound like a whore, more than the Pureblood Lady she’s supposed to be. It would be funny, if it weren’t so serious. Harry chuckles all the same, needing to find some level of humor from this situation. Cutting off his own chuckle with a growl into Narcissa’s ear, he uses his free hand to spank and palm her ass, slapping it and then groping it as she squeaks and mewls in response.

“From now on, you’re not going to make any decisions regarding your sex life on your own. Do you understand? You can’t be trusted with yourself. You know that, don’t you?”

Panting noisily, squirming beneath him and flexing her cunt muscles in what feels like a very purposeful way around his cock, Narcissa nods as best she can in his grip.

“Y-Yes… yessss… you’ll t-take care of me, won’t you, Harry? You’ll keep me under control?”

Harry shakes his head at that, but Narcissa can’t see it. What she does feel is his cock twitch inside of her at the word ‘control’.

“Call me sir, when we’re alone. If I’m going to be in charge of you, then I deserve your respect.”

“Y-Yes, Lord Potter, sir!”

Narcissa’s pussy is absolutely flooding at being ordered about. It’s possible that when her nympho-engine really gets revving, that her values become inverted. Her Pureblood prejudices and learned discrimination, turning into sexual arousal at the thought of being ordered around by some no-good, ‘dirty’, ‘jumped-up’ half-blood ‘reaching beyond his station’.

It’s also possible that she’s always had such a fantasy and loves the idea of him dominating a Pureblood such as herself. Either way, she’s clearly enjoying herself immensely, moaning at the top of her lungs, red-faced with fluttering eyes as her entire body shudders beneath him.

Either way, Harry takes the moment, in which Narcissa is at the height of her pleasure, to break the bad news to her.

“However, I will not always be around to handle your needs.”

It takes a moment for the cumming witch to hear and process his words. When she does, she goes still. Harry doesn’t stop fucking her, and no matter how hard she tries to freeze up, her body eventually goes right back to pushing backwards into his pistoning prick, betraying her. With a warbling, whimpering whine, Narcissa attempts to crane her neck so she can look back at him.

“W-Why not?!”

Harry just gives her an unimpressed, pointed look, causing the Lady Malfoy to blush and follow it up with a bit more respectful of a response.

“Please! I need it… I need your big fat cock, s-sir!”

As hot as hearing that straight from Narcissa Malfoy’s mouth is, Harry stands firm. Shaking his head, he smirks down at her, giving her ass another slap with his palm to remind her of her place.



“I don’t have enough time in my week to deal with you and everything else, Narcissa. Here’s what I CAN promise you. If you’re very, very good… I will give you one evening of my time each week.”

Panting, mewling, pupils dilated, Narcissa seems to consider this for a long moment, her consideration undoubtedly prolonged when his pistoning cock draws another orgasm from her desperate, needy cunt. But ultimately, she shakes her head.

“W-Won’t be enough… need… need more. Please, sir… I won’t be able to control myself!”

He’d thought as much, if he was being honest. Luckily, he’d already decided on a solution. Before he can begin outlining it to the Pureblood Witch, he’s currently fucking into her own desk however, the door to Narcissa’s classroom opens up, admitting the ‘guest’ he’d invited along.

Narcissa’s head whips over, her eyes widening in seeming horror… but Harry is currently buried to the root inside of her twat, and he knows the truth. He knows that the thought of being found out, of being caught like this with him… it turns her on more than Narcissa would ever care to admit. Her pussy walls clench down around his cock harder than ever before, even as Nymphadora Tonks stops dead in her tracks, the doors to the classroom swinging shut behind her as Harry re-locks them with a bit of his magic.

“Ah, Caretaker Tonks. Right on time. Come here, please.”

“H-Harry… your message said it was urgent. What… what is this?”

Even as she questions him, Tonks walks forward. He can tell that, as confused as she is… she’s still with him. Till the end.

“This is your Aunt. Your Aunt, who it turns out, is a nymphomaniac.”

Harry would be worried about just blabbing Narcissa’s greatest secret to Tonks if not for two things. One, him saying it out loud to the other witch makes the Lady Malfoy clench down on his cock all the harder, a strangled whimper leaving her lips as she experiences yet another orgasm upon his throbbing member. Two… Tonks was his solution to this current situation, and if she was going to be helping him with her Aunt, she needed to know what she was getting into.

Blinking owlishly, Tonks comes to a stop in front of the desk, and just stares at Narcissa blankly for a moment. Harry briefly wonders if she even knows what a nymphomaniac is, given it’s a muggle term, but no… Tonks is a half-blood like him, with a muggleborn father. She knows what it is, she’s just having a hard time accepting it.

“… You can’t be serious.”

Chuckling ruefully, Harry cocks his head, side-eyeing Tonks while fucking Narcissa.

“Oh, I am. I need your help with her.”

Tonks blinks some more at that.



Narcissa’s reply is half-strained, half a moan, the older witch wiggling beneath him and scrambling against the desk as she tries not to moan and cry out so damn much in the presence of her sister’s daughter. It’s a losing battle for her, especially as Harry picks up the pace a bit more, slamming his cock all the deeper into Narcissa’s twat from behind.

“Yes, you, Tonks. You see, Narcissa here needs a firm hand. Her condition is a weakness that could be leveraged by the wrong people… unless we leverage it first.”

The light of understanding dawns in Tonks’ eyes at that, even as Narcissa sputters beneath him.

“I-I’m right here, you know!”

Leaning forward, Harry moves his free hand around to Narcissa’s jaw and grips it.

“You’re right here…?”

Tonks watches on in mild confusion, as Narcissa flinches and whimpers a moment before giving in.

“I’m right here… s-sir.”

Harry grins, even as Tonks’ eyes widen in shock at the submissive and respectful address. Her Blood Purist Aunt, acting so subservient before a half-blood like Harry, would be quite the surprise.

“Good girl. You’ve earned a prize.”

In truth, he’s been ready to blow for QUITE some time now. However, he wanted to wait for Tonks. And… he knew he wasn’t going to cum inside of Narcissa, not now anyways. While the woman had clearly done well at birth control in spite of her sexual mania, seeing how Draco was an only child (so far as Harry knew) he wasn’t looking to knock Narcissa up right now. No sir.

And so, he yanks her back by her hair, dragging her down off of the desk as his cock slips out of her. Spinning her around, pushing her back against the side of the desk he’d just been bending her over, Harry holds her head up with one hand and strokes his cock the rest of the way to completion with the other.

For a moment, Narcissa is stunned… then she realizes what she’s staring down the barrel of and gets ready. Her eyes are filled with need as she looks up at him hopefully, her mouth opening wide and her tongue lolling out in anticipation.

They’re so focused on each other, that the both of them are a little surprised when Tonks suddenly drops down right next to Narcissa and takes hold of her head from Harry’s hand. One hand grabs Narcissa by her blonde locks, and the other squeezes the older witch’s jaw as Tonks presses her face up against her Aunt’s.

“Say ‘ahhh’, Auntie.”


With no choice in the matter, Narcissa presents herself for a cum bath as Tonks does the same. A moment later and Harry finally finishes, cumming all over the two witches. Most of his seed ends up painting Narcissa Malfoy’s face and tits a pearly white, but with Tonks clearly itching to be included, Harry doesn’t hesitate to give her some love too. Her mouth is open, and her tongue catches the stringy, ropey shot of seed he throws her way, slurping it up and gulping it down with a visible look of satisfaction on her face.

She hasn’t said it straight up, but it’s obvious that Tonks is on board with what he wants from her. She’ll be Narcissa’s handler from now on, keeping an eye on the older witch and making sure she doesn’t get too far astray. Tonks makes her willingness to take on the responsibility abundantly clear when she forces Narcissa forward before the other witch really even has time to recover, pushing Narcissa’s head down his cock before it can even go soft.

“Look at the mess you made, Auntie. Clean it up.”

“Gluuuughk! Huuuulghk!”

Despite some mild choking and gagging, Narcissa does as she’s told, not putting up much fight as the Hogwarts Caretaker bounces her head upon Harry’s cock, resulting in less of a post-coitus clean-up session and more of a violent face-fuck session. Not that anyone involved is complaining. Narcissa might have, but her mouth is a little full at the moment.

“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”

As the Ancient Runes Professor deep-throats Harry’s cock under Tonks’ watchful eye and forceful hand, the Hogwarts Caretaker looks up at him, smiling slightly but also with a bit of reproach in her gaze.

“Ciri is gone, by the way. So that opportunity and threat is off the table, at least for now. Her departure was rather abrupt, but as far as I can tell, she’s no longer in the Castle.”

Harry raises an eyebrow, realizing that Tonks has decided to talk shop, even if its in front of Narcissa. Not that there’s much the other witch can take from the conversation, save for a seeming interest in Yennefer’s adopted daughter. Still, he gives Tonks a meaningful look, one that makes her flush and consider her words more… carefully.

“You need to decide whether you want to consolidate or expand from here, Harry. You’ve got a loose end at the moment, as I’m sure you know. But you should also be careful not to neglect those who have been good to you.”

Its her turn to give him a meaningful look. For a moment, Harry thinks she’s talking about herself. But no, he realizes. She’s talking about someone else. Not her mother either. Which only leaves… ah, Hermione.

He’d gotten rather distracted, hadn’t he? But it wasn’t entirely his fault. He’d had a lot on his plate. In comparison, Hermione Granger was… well, she was his best friend, and they HAD become lovers, but she was also a mere student. He didn’t want to put her at risk by dragging her into all of this. Except… it was likely others would drag her into things, even if he didn’t.

As far as the ‘consolidate’ or ‘expand’ comments went, the meaning behind those was obvious as well. He had made in-roads with Emma Frost and Jean Grey, but at this point he could only truly count on Jean. Emma was still aloof, and not necessarily an ally yet. He could aim to make her one in truth though…

Alternatively, expansion was always an option. His power base could stand to be a little bigger, it was true. There were Lodge Witches galore at Hogwarts, but there were also a couple more that were not. Pamela Isley and Harleen Quinzel came to mind.

He needed to make a decision… but first, Harry lets out a groan, pulls back, and cums all over Narcissa’s cum-coated face a second time, making even MORE of a mess of the Pureblood woman and thoroughly disgracing her in the middle of her own classroom. The Lady Malfoy, covered in not one but two loads from a half-blood wizard, doesn’t seem to mind one bit, instead immediately attacking the treat coating her skin with voracity as Tonks lets go of her Aunt’s somewhat messy hair and stands up, raising an eyebrow at him.

“Can I count on you to keep her in check? I promised her one evening of my time each week IF she had been a good girl. You’ll be the one in charge of deciding whether or not she’s earned it or not.”

Glancing down at her Aunt, Tonks barely hesitates before nodding.

“Once a week is too good for someone like her… but yes, Harry. I’ll help you.”

Pulling her in for a kiss, Harry slips her a bit of tongue, which Tonks clearly enjoys judging by her muffled moan. When they pull apart, he gives her an appreciative nod and grin.

“Thank you.”

With that decided, with Tonks’ help, he could look to the future without worrying about what Narcissa would get up to without supervision. And when the time came… well, he could think of a few ways to use the nymphomania in the power struggle going on behind the scenes here at Hogwarts. Oh yes, he could…



I hope we get another shot at Ciri further down the track. It'd be a shame if we were locked out of her path tbh.