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Themes: Big Dick, Fucked Silly, Breeding

Summary: Weiss has known all her life that her father intends to sell her out to some rich old Atlesian fuck. She's doomed to an arranged marriage, it's why Winter ran when she did. Either Weiss' would-be husband will end up in control of the SDC, or Whitley will. Weiss' fate is to be a broodmare. So why not stick it to dear old dad and ruin his plans by giving her first time to Beacon's resident loser pervert, Issei Hyoudou? Except, she gravely underestimates just what the pervert is capable of.


“Are you… sure about this, Weiss?”

Weiss grits her teeth, bristling as she whips around and narrows her eyes at the young man following her down the corridor.

“Tch, who are you to ask me if I’m sure? A pervert like you should be leaping at this opportunity! Suddenly, you’re growing a conscience?”

Letting out a laugh, Issei Hyoudou scratches the back of his head.

“A-Aha, oh, don’t get me wrong… I’m all for this. It’s just… you don’t seem very excited.”

Scowling, Weiss crosses her arms over her insubstantial chest, flips her ponytail over her shoulder, and continues her way down the hall. Issei follows, having at least enough sense to shut up as she leads him to the empty classroom, they’ll be using for this… rendezvous.

The leader of Team IMMA is right, of course. Tch, Issei Hyoudou should never have been made a team leader, especially when she herself had been passed over for Ruby. But Weiss had mostly gotten over Ruby’s appointment to leader of Team RWBY. It didn’t make Issei’s leadership role any easier to stomach, however.

Still, from a logical point of view, she knew it made some small amount of sense. Team IMMA consisted of Issei Hyoudou, two boys named Matsuda and Motohama, and a girl named Aika Kiryuu. They were, without a doubt, the four most perverted individuals in the school. Weiss didn’t expect them to last out the year before they got expelled for sexual harassment if she was being honest. That was probably why they’d all been grouped together, so they could be kicked out all at once when they finally crossed one too many lines.

But before that happened, Weiss had decided to enact her plan. See, Issei and his team’s perverse tendencies mattered little to Weiss. While they loved to ogle the all-female team that was Team RWBY whenever they were in the cafeteria, they knew better than to try anything when Yang was more than willing to punch their faces in, and Weiss had the weight of the SDC to throw around if need be.

The Schnee Dust Company… was where all of her current problems stemmed from though. Or rather, the family in charge of it. HER family.

Weiss had known all her life that her father intended to sell her off to some rich old Atlesian Fuck. She was doomed to an arranged marriage unless she could find a way to change her fate. Winter had done so by leaving the family entirely and joining the Atlesian Military, putting herself beyond their father’s reach. But Weiss? Weiss didn’t want to just run. As much as she loved, respected, and looked up to her sister, she didn’t want to follow her path.

Unfortunately, all of Weiss’ efforts, all of her hard work… had amounted to nothing. Maybe Winter had always had the right idea, because no matter how hard Weiss tried to show their sexist pig of a father that she could take over for him, he’d never listened. Oh, he’d humored her. He’d let her spin her wheels for years and years.

And now, as of his latest letter to her, he was telling her that she would not be returning to Beacon for another year of tutelage. She was, instead, going to be marrying her new husband over the summer. It wasn’t QUITE as bad as she’d thought, the man was only three times her age instead of four or five times. But that didn’t make it better. It just meant her father had found a protégé he actually liked enough to gift his daughter and her virginity to. Didn’t mean anything for Weiss, in the grand scheme of things.

Her fate… her fate was to be the same as her mother’s. That of a broodmare. Well, if she was going to be a broodmare, fuck her father and his plans. She would rather lose it all on her own terms.

“Sit down.”

“… Sure.”

“Like I told you, I’m in charge. You don’t do anything. You don’t say anything. You just… sit there.”

“And look pretty?”

“W-What did I say?!”

Issei chuckles but falls silent. Despite his quips, he looks about as nervous as Weiss feels… no doubt still finding all of this hard to believe. Which is fair. It’s not every day the so-called ‘Heiress’ of the SDC propositions you for random sex. Heh, if only he knew how fake her title was… no, he’d still be happy to fuck her. He was a degenerate like that, it was how she knew she could approach him for this in the first place.

Stepping forward, Weiss frowns for a moment… before bending over at the waist to begin working open his pants.

“Remember, if you tell ANYONE about this, including those pervert friends of yours, I will find out and I will castrate you.”

Gulping, Issei just nods. Weiss, for her part, is struggling with his pants. Not because she can’t figure out how to undo them, but because she’s shaking. She’s really… she’s really going to go through with this. She’s going to take out his cock and get in his lap and she’s going to… she’s going to…

Weiss’ thoughts are thoroughly derailed as she finally pulls out Issei’s cock… and finds her hand encircling a truly massive member, only half hard by the look of things but still absolutely huge. Weiss’ jaw drops open, and she just stares at it for a moment in disbelief.

“Heh, like what you see, Weiss?”

Letting go of his huge fucking cock as if burned, Weiss shrieks.


Issei blinks, and then laughs.

“Oh, don’t worry about that. It can fit. Just need the proper preparation first.”

Trembling, staring at his twitching, throbbing THING in horror and fear, Weiss darts her eyes up to his face, surprised to see Issei actually looks a little more confident.

“Prep… preparation?”

Nodding, Issei raises his hand and without breaking eye contact, spits into his palm. He then gives his cock a stroke before replying with a succinct one word answer.



“Have you ever touched yourself before, Weiss?”

Issei’s conversational tone is definitely at odds with his question, and Weiss sputters indignantly for a moment before stopping as she’s forced to recognize the fact that she’s… well, staring at his dick and here for the express purpose of fucking him. In that context, the question isn’t all that odd, now, is it?

“I… I might have…”

“Well, go ahead and do it now. You’ll get wet, and your pussy will get ready to be penetrated. Masturbation is just foreplay without the sex, after all.”

Was that… true? Issei WOULD be the expert on this kind of thing, she supposed. Still, this was incredibly embarrassing. She’d deliberately not worn underwear today, so she didn’t have to take any of her clothes off to… to do the deed. Now, Weiss reaches up under her skirt… and brushes her fingers across her slit.

Having Issei watch her as she touches herself, while he strokes that huge member of his… it’s a very different experience than any masturbation session Weiss has ever done before. As she presses her fingers into her slit, the Schnee ‘Heiress’ shivers and shudders, biting her lower lip and going scarlet as a whimper leaves her lips.

Issei just keeps watching her, his stare intense as she… as she gets wetter and wetter. F-Fuck, it’s actually working.

“You know, if you really want to make sure, you could use your mouth to get me all wet and ready. Oral sex is an excellent form of lubrication and foreplay.”

Weiss flushes and sputters.

“D-Don’t be stupid! If you think I’m putting my mouth anywhere NEAR that… that THING between your legs, you have another thing coming!”

Issei doesn’t seem all that put out by her declaration. He just grins lazily and shrugs, like it’s no skin off his back. Shivering, Weiss can feel her pussy lips clinging to her fingers, messy and sloppy at this point as they are with her juices. She’s… as ready as she’s ever going to be. So is Issei, his cock now fully hard and standing up mostly straight, pointed unerringly in her direction.

This is it… the point of no return. She could still back out.

“You still wanna do this? It’s alright if you don’t…”

Tch, even the school pervert was taking pity on her. How far she’d fallen. A single tear makes its way out of Weiss’ eye, but she marches forward all the same.

“I thought I told you to b-be quiet. We’re… we’re doing this.”

Issei just shrugs and Weiss… Weiss awkwardly climbs aboard. When his hands immediately go up under her skirt and grab her ass to give her support, Weiss almost snaps at him… but quickly realizes she needs the help to ‘stay aboard’ so to speak. His cock ends up under her skirt, pushing it up as her pussy lips ride along his length. She has to raise herself up quite high, several inches in fact, before her slit is pressing against the bulbous glans of his member.

One hand on Issei’s shoulder to anchor herself, the other down below grabbing his cock to hold it steady. It’s awkward as all hell, but then, Weiss wasn’t here to have the best first time ever. She was here to stick it to her father and if nothing else, Issei’s big fat cock would likely ruin her pristine, perfect, virgin pussy for whatever pissant her dad was going to force her to marry.

Weiss smiles a vindictive, gleeful smile at the thought of her future husband’s cock not measuring up to Issei Hyoudou’s one bit. Of her ruined cunt, left cavernous and stretched by Issei’s dick. Of course, it didn’t at all work like that, her pussy would recover from today… but virgin that she is, having never used more than her fingers and having been told all her life how important it was for her to stay ‘pure’, Weiss didn’t know that.

All she knew was that this was it… and without further ado, she impales herself on Issei’s cock. It’s… it’s like nothing she’s expecting. Maybe if she’d gone straight to the sex without the foreplay, it would have been the agonizing pain she thought it would be. But instead, Weiss has taken Issei’s advice and fingered herself in preparation for this moment. She’s more turned on than she thought she would be, more aroused and hornier than she thought Issei capable of making her.

There’s a twinge, as he tears through her hymen and she sinks halfway down his cock in one go, but also… a clenching, as Weiss shudders and lets out an involuntary moan from her parted lips.

“Fuck Weiss, you’re so fucking tight…”

She undoubtedly was, given she was virginal until now. But also… he’s so fucking big! Weiss doesn’t say that, she just whimpers and leans forward, past his face as she slowly pulls herself a bit up his cock… and then slams herself back down again. She won’t let any part of herself remain pure. She won’t leave any doubt to whether or not she’s been utterly, THOROUGHLY defiled.

“D-Don’t talk, i-idiot… just FUCK ME!”

Issei grunts… and follows her orders to a Tee. Weiss’ eyes go wide as he begins to thrust up into her from below. She positively HOWLS as he starts to really move his hips. Until now, she was the only one who’d moved. Belatedly, as he starts to plow her from the bottom, Weiss remembers she’d initially told him he wasn’t ALLOWED to move.

Then, in the heat of the moment just now, she’d accidentally countermanded her own orders. That was… a mistake. But Weiss can’t find the breath to correct it. As he fucks her, as she bounces up and down on his cock, there’s nothing the white-haired Schnee Girl can do but hold on for dear life. Moaning wantonly, jolting and shuddering with every breath, Weiss whines quite keenly… only to suddenly be muffled when Issei’s lips fall on her own.

Her eyes widen at that, and she smacks against his shoulders for a moment. K-Kissing?! No one had said anything about kissing! She wasn’t… she didn’t want him to KISS her! Not that Weiss thought she would ever find a man she did want to kiss, especially not her future would be husband, but still… s-still! And worst of all, Issei Hyoudou was GOOD at it.

When they finally pull apart for air, Weiss is left panting and flushed even as she scowls at him.

“W-Who told you to kiss me, H-Hyoudou?!”

Grinning unrepentantly, almost lazily, Issei just shrugs.

“You looked like you could use a kiss, Schnee.”

And then, before Weiss can further take him to task, he suddenly stands up. The School’s resident pervert rises from his chair, takes two steps forward, and sits her ass on the desk as he continues to fuck her. His hands move up her body, from her ass to her hips and then beyond. Weiss, for her part, has to cling to him for dear life as she whimpers and yelps from the sudden movement.

All the while, his big fat cock continues to stretch her insides. Its what she wanted, to be utterly ruined for any other man… she just didn’t expect Issei to ruin other men for her at the same exact time. Eyes rolling back in her head, Weiss cries out and squeals as she orgasms for the first time on a man’s cock… on Issei Hyoudou’s cock in particular.

Clinging to him, wrapping her limbs around his body, Weiss comes back to herself only to find his lips on hers again… but this time, she can’t even muster up an ounce of outrage. Instead, she finds herself kissing the big dicked pervert back, her legs wrapping around his waist as he pistons in and out of her and makes her cum her brains out again and again upon his cock.

They kiss and they fuck and its… its more than Weiss ever thought she’d get. She’s DROWNING in pleasure. Issei could do whatever he wanted to her right now, and she really wouldn’t care. And despite that… despite that, he eventually pulls back from her mouth, looking at her seriously as he slows his pumping in and out of her quim.

“Weiss, I’m getting close… you’re going to have to leg go so I can pull out.”

Weiss shivers… and then shakes her head vehemently.

“N-No! Inside… cum inside of me!”

Issei’s eyes go wide at that, but Weiss is already yanking him into another kiss, pulling him all the deeper into her as she tightens her grip on him with all of the unseen might her small body contains. In between kisses, she explains in disjointed and broken sentences.

“A-Already a broodmare… n-never meant to be anything else… mm, w-wanna be your broodmare… knock me up, Issei! … B-Breed me!”

The young man doesn’t have to be told twice. His eyes wide with shock, he nevertheless grunts and a moment later begins to cum inside of her. Squealing, Weiss throws her head back and cums right alongside him, squirting as his seed fills her womb and then some. It’s everything she wanted and more. Not only is it sticking it to her father, but it’s also a truly insane amount of pleasure.

Too much, in fact. As Issei pulls back, Weiss’ limbs release their hold on him, and the exhausted girl drops back onto the desk, completely out of it. Weiss hears Issei’s concerned voice calling out to her, but she just smiles lazily and waves him off as she starts to drift. Her last conscious thought, unfortunately, is of her father. But to be fair, it’s not an unreasonable one.

Suck it, dad.



I want to see this continue. Maybe fuck in front of Weiss’s father as he is forced to watch


I liked the row where it says: "Still, from a logical point of view, she knew it made some small amount of sex" one word got changed and it got me laughing.


Really want more of this! Became patron again just to read and vote for more!


I'm Commander Shephard, and this is my favorite prompt in a long time. Ty Cambrian


Just have to say I am repeatedly rereading this. I just love it that much!


Rereading this one again!

Orlando Valdes Santos

I hope this series wins a pool angain soon, just discovered it and it is great, sad it only has 2 chapsters so far