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Poll Winner

Themes: Loving Sex, Transformation, Breeding

Summary: A Spiritual Successor to Love Found. After hoodwinking Glynda Goodwitch, Penny Polendina has gained access to Friend Ruby and everyone else. Needless to say, Ruby convinces Jaune to use his powers for good... namely modifying Penny so she can enjoy the fun just like everyone else. Penny is more than happy to try new things as well... 


“Salutations Friend Ruby! Have you been consuming too much food down here? Several of you look quite overweight!”

That’s the first thing Penny Polendina says to any of them as she enters the room, the doors closing and locking behind her. The group, all women save for Jaune, all pregnant because of Jaune, and all transformed into half Grimm including Jaune, exchange nonplussed glances for a moment before Penny’s eyes flicker and she blinks.

“Ah! Apologies! You are not fat; you are all simply pregnant. My goodness, what HAVE you been doing down here?”

By a silent, unanimous vote, the rest of the girls decide that Ruby is going to be the one to deal with Penny. After all, Penny is Ruby’s friend. Of course, just because Ruby is dealing with Penny doesn’t mean Jaune can just walk away as well. As the Alpha of the Pack, he sighs and crosses his arms over his chest, stepping up alongside Ruby as they both move to interact with Penny.

Hands on her pregnant belly, Ruby Rose gives Penny a fond smile.

“We’ve been doing exactly what you think we’ve been doing, Penny. Jaune… Jaune returned to us a little while back very changed. The Headmaster was kind enough to house him under the school. Meanwhile, all of us… well, we knew where we really belonged. Jaune represents a brighter future for our world. A future where the Grimm no longer treat us as fuck toys, as slaves. We can be MORE… by becoming like them.”

Penny blinks at that, her eyes quite literally flickering. Meanwhile, Jaune is frowning slightly, his own red eyes narrowing as he sniffs the air questioningly. After a moment, he lets out a low growl, his tone guttural as he leans in.

“… Penny… you’re not exactly human, are you?”

Turning her attention towards the half Grimm male who’s left her very first friend in the Family Way, Penny’s smile becomes a little fixed.

“Ah, what gave me away, Friend Jaune?”

“Your scent. You don’t smell human. And yet… you still have a soul. How does that work?”

And so, Penny tells them. After all, they’ve been so honest with her so far. Perhaps she shouldn’t… but she does anyways. She tells them all about her true origins, how she’s not an actual human being, but a robot with an awakened soul. As she explains that she’s been manufactured, not born and raised, Ruby looks concerned and even downright sorry for her, oddly enough.

When Penny finally finishes, Jaune at least appears satisfied with her answer. Ruby, meanwhile…

“But that’s not fair! They can’t just… they can’t just treat you like property, Penny!”

Blinking, Penny cocks her head to the side.

“My creator has always acted very fatherly towards me, Friend Ruby, but that does not change the fact that I am property of the Atlesian Military. It is simply the cold, hard truth that they spent millions and millions of lien on my production.”

“So what! People spend money on other people all the time! It doesn’t mean they get to own them! Slavery is wrong! You don’t owe them anything for bringing you into this world!”

Both Jaune and Penny are a little taken aback by Ruby’s outburst, with Penny somewhat flummoxed and Jaune wondering WHY Ruby is taking such a hardline stance. But then, all becomes a bit clearer when Ruby suddenly flushes slightly, the pregnant huntress in training biting her lower lip.

“You were designed to fight off Grimm, weren’t you? Designed to… to be a replacement for us huntresses. They want to make more of you, so that they don’t have to send out us humans anymore as… as bait.”

While no one had ever told her exactly that… the truth is, Penny had long deduced that was indeed Atlas’ plan. Going from a reliance on hunters and huntresses to fully automated and mechanical defenses had clearly long been Atlas’ game plan. However, machines without aura couldn’t ever truly be capable of standing up to the Grimm, especially in large numbers. And if the Grimm didn’t get their… enjoyment out of a few huntresses every once in a while, they tended to go into a frenzy.

It was a sad fact of life, but the mindless bestial Grimm that hemmed in the Four Kingdoms were violent monsters who were only held back by the sacrifices of the good hunters and huntresses. Mostly the huntresses. Penny… if her kind could be mass produced and be sent in place of human beings, wasn’t that a good thing? It would be fine… it would all be fine… right?

“Friend Ruby… if it means keeping humans safe, I would be happy to give myself up to the Grimm. My life, my sanity, my soul… all of it, I’d gladly give for humanity’s sake.”

Jaune looks impressed, but Ruby…

“But you don’t have to anymore! Don’t you see? There’s another way! OUR way! Jaune… show her. Make her see.”

Raising an eyebrow, the Pack’s Alpha looks at Ruby and frowns.

“What exactly do you expect me to do, Ruby? She’s not even human… I don’t know if I can transform or impregnate her, truth be told. Even if she wanted me to…”

Pouting, puffing out her lips angrily, Ruby stomps her foot.

“You have to TRY at least, r-right?!”


Looking between the two of them, Penny is silent for a long moment… before finally speaking up.

“I would be interested in a test run.”

Startling, Jaune looks over at her, red Grimm eyes wide as he raises both brows in surprise.


Smiling, Penny nods.

“It is as Friend Ruby said, I was made for something like this. If nothing else, it is important to discover how compatible we are… and if I am capable of withstanding a Grimmified human such as yourself. If I am not, then I am willing to concede that my creator’s way of solving the problem is faulty.”

Right… that was reasonable enough. Ruby, of course, squeals in delight, jumping in the air.

“Yes! Penny, you’re going to join our family! Don’t worry, you won’t regret this!”


For the sake of the experiment, and for the sake of Penny’s first time being semi-private, the three of them retreat to a different room, bringing one of the beds with them. Between Jaune and Penny, they’re more than strong enough to move the furniture. Ruby, meanwhile, follows after, a happy, giddy smile of excitement on her face as she runs her hand across her pregnant belly.

After they’ve got the bed, all situated, Penny begins stripping down. Underneath her clothing, her robotic nature becomes far more obvious, her pale body segmented and jointed in a visibly inhuman way. But then to be fair, neither Jaune nor Ruby are exactly human anymore either. Where Penny is synthetic, the two of them are almost monstrous… and yet also eerily beautiful in their own way.

As Penny is stripping naked, Ruby drops to her knees in front of Jaune and takes his massive Grimm prick in her hands, placing her lips against his glans and swirling her tongue around his cockhead. Before Penny’s eyes, her friend begins to suck her lover’s cock, descending down Jaune’s length at both an impressive and somewhat frightening rate.

Indeed, Ruby forces herself to take her Alpha’s dick to the base… but never chokes on his member. Despite his huge shaft bulging out her pretty little throat, it’s as if her gag reflex has simply ceased to exist. Bobbing up and down his shaft a few times, Ruby gets him nice and lubed up, as well as very erect and very hard.

When she finally pulls back, his huge Grimmified dick swings around and points at Penny, leaving the gynoid to flinch a bit and feel a hint of fear for the first time.

“… I am not convinced that will fit inside of me, Friend Ruby.”

Giggling as she gets up off the floor and crawls up onto the bed, Ruby grabs Penny and pulls her back, until ultimately Penny is laid out on the bed with her head between Ruby’s milk-laden tits, her back resting against Ruby’s pregnant belly. As she runs her hands up and down Penny’s gynoid body, Ruby smirks.

“They all say that at first, Penny. Even I had that worry. But don’t fret… it ALWAYS fits.”

As Ruby assuages Penny’s worries, Jaune climbs onto the bed. The half Grimm man grabs Penny by her thighs and spreads her legs apart, his cock slapping down atop her abdomen and then sliding down to touch at her pussy lips, leaving a trail of slime as he goes. Fully functional in matters of sex, Penny nevertheless has never engaged in coitus, not with human males or Grimm. Now, it appears, her first time will be with someone who is half of both.

“You absolutely sure about this, Penny? You can still back out, if you want.”

Jaune’s offer is met by a whine from Ruby, while Penny just chuckles and shakes her head.

“I am in too deep to back out now, as they say. Go ahead, Friend Jaune. Test my… capacity.”

With a shrug, Jaune begins to lean in. Admittedly, his Grimm instincts are… confused right now, to say the least. It’s leaving him in a slightly more passive state. While Penny has an awakened soul, and thus aura, she is not actually human. Meaning that the Grimm in him really isn’t sure what to do with her like it was sure what to do with all the others.

Even still, as he slides into Penny, feeling her faux pussy tightening up and even lubricating itself for him, Jaune grunts at the strange, almost mechanical experience. Quickly, he begins to fuck Penny harder, seeing no point in holding back once he’s lodged halfway inside of her cunt. In response, Penny’s body shakes, but the robot girl herself makes no actual noises, none of the normal human sounds one would expect from a woman being fucked hard and fast by a big fat dick.

Brow furrowed, lips drawn down into a frowning pout, Ruby looks between her robot friend and her Alpha and shakes her head.

“It’s not right, Jaune. Surely… surely there’s something you can do. She’s not right like this.”

Penny looks between the, quizzically, acting as if they’re still just talking rather than her getting fucked. Meanwhile, Jaune considers Ruby’s words for a long moment… before leaning forward and giving Penny a kiss. The gynoid’s eyes flicker and then widen as he deepens the kiss, his tongue forcing its way past her lips and into her mouth.

She doesn’t have an actual throat, but nevertheless, black Grimm-stuff begins to pulse from Jaune’s mouth into Penny’s own. And though it has nowhere to go directly… it still begins to suffuse into her body from the inside of her mouth cavity.

At the same time, Jaune’s fingers dig into Penny’s jointed robot figure and black veins start to pulse into her metal flesh. Penny twitches and shudders as Jaune, for the first time, actually forces the transformation rather than it simply happening as a result of him fucking and impregnating one of his girls.

Indeed, Penny spasms and begins to change right before their eyes. Her awakened soul is transformed, and with it her synthetic body. No longer can she be considered a robot once Jaune is done with her… instead, she’s half Grimm, just like them.

When Jaune thrusts into the new Penny a moment later, a truly wanton moan leaves the former gynoid’s throat. Her eyes, now red like his, flutter as she looks up at him, panting and breathing truly for the first time.

“You have… you have rapidly proven that my makers’ way of solving the problem w-would not have worked, Friend Jaune…”

Ruby just giggles, while Jaune grins and begins to really give it to Penny. Fucking the new Grimmified Penny Polendina, he gets much more of a reaction now. Her legs lift up and wrap around his waist, and she pulls him all the deeper into her, eyes rolling back in her head and spine arching beautifully in abject pleasure. Meanwhile, Ruby rubs her hands over Penny’s breasts. No longer a facsimile of a human, Penny is now a Grimmified soul… and has become something like a Grimm cyborg, more of her shell organic than before.

She can certainly feel everything that Jaune and Ruby are doing to her better than before, as the two tag team Penny between them. Jaune’s cock jackhammers in and out of her and Ruby’s hands wander all over the place, until finally… Penny cums. She climaxes beautifully along Jaune’s pistoning prick, her mouth wide open in a silent scream of ecstasy as new, fresh bodily fluids squirt down his length, lubricating the passage in a more organic fashion.

Jaune keeps fucking her of course, and Penny finds herself on a hair trigger, unable to stop cumming with every single thrust that the half Grimm… no, that her Alpha, makes inside of her. He fucks her and fucks her, until finally… finally he fills her with his seed. And while the old Penny’s body was not made for reproduction and never could have gotten pregnant, the same cannot be said of the new, Grimmified Penny.

The Grimm Cyborg smiles as she rests her hands on her belly, all of them knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jaune has just knocked Penny Polendina up. She’s very much going to be pregnant with his baby in absolutely no time at all.


Back in her… observation room, Glynda can only stare at the screen in open-mouthed horror. If she’d known exactly what Penny was, she surely would have tried harder to keep the girl from going down there. Or maybe she wouldn’t have… because at the end of the day, Jaune was her Master, and she wouldn’t pass up a chance to send him a sacrifice.

Still, Penny’s… subversion and transformation were going to cause problems. She wasn’t just a visiting huntress from Atlas as Glynda had initially assumed, she was top secret, highly advanced Atlesian Military Tech. The revelation that Atlas had discovered a way to awaken a soul inside of a robot girl was almost as shocking as the revelation that Jaune could then turn said robot girl with a soul into a Grimm cyborg.

Penny’s disappearance would likely cause something of an international incident, almost certainly. But there was no helping it, in the end. From the moment she hoodwinked Glynda into letting her go down there, she’d been lost. And frankly, Glynda would do everything in her power to help her Master see his dreams, his vision for the future, made into a reality.


Kyo Amamoto

*chef's kiss* this is gold. and if it never goes further is a better ending than the cliffhanger we were left at with part 8 many thnks to cam and to all those who voted.