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The Successor Ch. 7 (My Hero Academia)

  • Accept the Duel here and now 83
  • Blow her off, get to class 74
  • Suggest they do the Duel after school 525
  • 2021-11-02
  • 682 votes
{'title': 'The Successor Ch. 7 (My Hero Academia)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Accept the Duel here and now', 'votes': 83}, {'text': 'Blow her off, get to class', 'votes': 74}, {'text': 'Suggest they do the Duel after school', 'votes': 525}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 11, 2, 16, 28, 16, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 682}


A/N: Here we are with the latest chapter. Here's some character art for the genderbent Katsumi Bakugou


Izuku was well aware that he had a dark side to him. Call it what you will, nature or nurture. Personally, he considered it a mixture of both. His father’s shadow would always loom over him, it seemed. He was his father’s son after all, having inherited Hisashi’s love for all things Quirk-related, his insatiable drive for knowledge, and his ambitious bent.

On top of that, there was the nurture side of things to consider. There was no denying it, Izuku had been raised in a very specific way by his father. They were a pair of control freaks of the highest order, the both of them, and not only had Izuku inherited that controlling nature, he’d had it taught to him as well.

And yet… and yet, he wanted to be better. He didn’t want to be forced into the shadows, like his father was all those years ago. He wanted to be on top of the world, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t have anyone beside him. It would be a very lonely existence, if Izuku didn’t seek to correct the faults in his character now.

His instinct is to punish Nana for overstepping her bounds. For the briefest of moments, he tightens his grip on her hair, knowing that he’s doing so to painful levels from the barest wince on her face. But then… Izuku relaxes his hold, releasing her hair altogether. For a second, Nana slows to a stop, but when she sees the smile on his face as he gazes down on her, the beautiful buxom older woman goes back to sliding her tits up and down his cock, and gliding her mouth across his length. As she continues the titjob-blowjob combo of her own volition with no input from Izuku, he sighs and rests his hand atop her head instead.

“You did well, Nana. Just be careful, please. I don’t want you to get in trouble on my behalf.”

Pulling her mouth off of his cock with a pop, continuing to move her tits up and down his member, Nana smiles a somewhat wicked smile, her eyes dancing with delight.

“Of course, Master. I won’t let anyone pull us apart. And… Nezu needs me right now. With Yagi out of commission and on his last legs, the Principal can’t afford to say no to me when I ask for little things like the right to interview you personally… or when I sweep the interview room for hidden recording devices and disable them without his input.”

Izuku’s eyes widen at that, the young man jolting in surprise. He hadn’t even considered the idea that they might be being recorded. Stupid of him, really. But Nana just smiles and nods.

“It’s alright, Master. Like I said, I won’t let ANYONE pull us apart.”

… She’d come a long way from the comatose woman trapped in that strange Quirk-created crystal his father had had her in. Izuku figured that more and more of her original personality was asserting itself as time went on, but from the look of things, since she’d imprinted on him, her loyalty would always be to him first and foremost.

It likely helped that Nana Shimura was a woman out of time. Her family was gone, and her protégé was a dying, decrepit husk of a man. Izuku was the only person left for her to latch onto, and latch on she had.

Abruptly pulling away from his cock, Nana falls back on her haunches, adopting the pose of a crab for a moment as she spreads her thicc thighs and reaches down between them, splaying her pussy lips open to him.

“P-Please, Master. Please fuck me now!”

Well, after everything she’d done for him today, how could Izuku do anything else? Dropping to his knees before her, slapping his cock down on her wet cunt with a juicy smack, he pushes into her, sliding into her slick but tight depths with a heartfelt groan. Then, lurching forward, he grabs one of Nana’s tits and brings it to his mouth, slurping and sucking at the nipple as she squeals and shakes, cumming immediately for him.

Her body was so very sensitive… when he was involved. His cock, his mouth, his very touch… all of it was just too much for Nana, and the dark-haired woman was all too eager to indulge in the decadent pleasure that he represented for her. Izuku was also all too eager to indulge. He might have pushed back on some of his darkness, but this… this he couldn’t hold back from.

According to his father, he got this ALL from his mother. All For One was ever the analytical soul, the type to plot and plan out every single little thing. The vast majority of people were nothing more than pieces on a gameboard for him. Even Izuku’s mother had only been a means to an end. Izuku liked to think he was different, that he was special, and their final interactions definitely lent credence to that idea. But there was no changing the facts. Hisashi had been… very, very slow to love.

By comparison, Izuku had always been something of a people person, or at least more of one than his father. Of course, the forced isolation and rampant bullying from being thought Quirkless for much of his life had caused some issues, had led to him withdrawing inwards and turning down a more analytical path like his father. But Izuku’s true self was more empathic than that. He was more emotional and always would be.

He loved and when he loved, he loved deeply. He might have plans for how to best utilize Momo as an asset in the far flung future, but at the moment he’d mostly approached her because she was a cute girl who he thought had a cool Quirk. After their interaction, he found himself liking her quite a lot, and wanting to spend more time with her for the sake of such a thing.

Nana, meanwhile, was growing on him by the day. As he fucks into her and gnaws at her breast, the older woman cries out, cumming around his cock. And those cries, those lurid moans… they’re like music to his ears. He loves her, Izuku can’t help thinking. He loves Nana Shimura… and he doubts she’ll be the last woman he loves, by a long shot.

With a low grunt, Izuku proceeds to empty his balls inside of Nana, uncaring of the possible complications of doing so. He just can’t help himself… he longs to spill his seed inside of her, and so he does so. Of course, there’s the possibility of something happening because of it… or maybe not. They’ll cross that road when they get there, one way or the other, and Izuku doesn’t intend to let what may or may not be stop him from enjoying himself in the moment.

Still, once he’s done and Nana has recovered from her rather funny embarrassing O-face, Izuku pulls out and sits back on his ass, panting a little as he grins at her. They’re both somewhat sweaty now, covered in a thin sheen from the exertion of their… physical activities.

“So. Got any actual questions for me, or was that the interview?”

Pushing herself up into a seating position as well, Nana lets out a sheepish laugh.

“A-Aha, no… there actually are some questions I should probably ask you, to get your answers down for the record. But we both know you’ll answer them perfectly, at the end of the day… you’re a shoe-in, Izuku. Though technically I’m not supposed to just say that.”

Nana winks, even as Izuku nods and grins. To be fair, the interview portion of the Recommendation Exam was mostly a formality designed to weed out the truly mentally unstable.

You didn’t necessarily want to let a potential future serial killer into UA, as it were… or maybe you did, but you definitely wanted to know who had those sort of tendencies so you could try to steer them clear of such a terrible path. That was what an institution like UA did after all, taught the young and made every effort to build them up properly for life.

Of course, Izuku was already taught. He was already built up. In fact, he was probably going to be the most mature student in the entire school. Not that he wouldn’t gain anything by going to UA, but Izuku expected it to be more in terms of connections for his future than anything else.

Still, Nana was right. As they started going over the questions and she recorded down his answers, Izuku said what he knew needed to be said. That was the problem with interview tests like this one. If you were smart enough, if you knew the game being played, it was all too easy to game the system and make sure that those listening heard what they wanted to hear.

At the end of the day, Izuku was indeed a shoe-in for UA. It would be interesting to see who else made it in… interesting indeed to find out just who got past both the Exam he’d taken, as well as the regular Entrance Exam, the one he’d avoided by having Nana vouch for him in Yagi’s place.

Very interesting indeed…


“The fuck do you think you’re doing, shitty Deku?! Loitering around a place like this… don’t tell me you were thinking of sneaking in, you idiot!”

And there it was. Izuku had been wondering when he would be confronted by his childhood bully. Katsumi Bakugou was… well, she was supposed to be some sort of catalyst for everything he wanted to be as a hero, or something. A stepping stone, if you will, on his path to becoming Number One. Admittedly, for a long time, he’d just considered her a nuisance. Partially because… even after all this time, he still somewhat cared for her.

Turning to face the girl in question, Izuku lays eyes on Katsumi Bakugou for the first time since their graduation from middle school and the start of Summer Break. She looks… good in UA’s school uniform, he has to admit. The blouse and skirt combo really suit her mature body, and Izuku has to keep his eyes from dipping downward at the sight of her blouse unbuttoned near the top and showing off way too much cleavage.

Of course, she doesn’t make things better when she crosses her arms over her chest and glares at him angrily.

“I asked you a question, Deku. The fuck are you doing here, wearing that uniform? I KNOW I told you already to give up on this stupid dream!”

Sighing, Izuku shakes his head.

“I was accepted to UA, Katsumi. I passed their Recommendation Exam.”

That gets wide eyes from Katsumi, because even though she’d been the closest thing their school had ever had to a prodigy, the closest thing they’d ever had to a star… she pointedly had not received an invitation to participate in UA’s Recommendation Exam. No, rather, the bombastic, fiery young woman would have been forced to participate in the Entrance Exam instead.

… When she hadn’t seen him there, she must have assumed he’d finally given up on his dreams to join UA. In reality, he’d gone over her head, going above and beyond and getting in another way. It clearly rankles something fierce, and Katsumi’s red eyes narrow as her hands curl into fists.

“Don’t… don’t fuck around, you shitty Deku. You, get into the Recommendation Exam? Don’t make me laugh!”

And then, despite it being in front of the school they were now supposed to both be attending, despite it being in public, Katsumi tries to do what she always does when a situation confuses or perplexes her. When something doesn’t make sense, the explosive girl resorts to violence, plain and simple. Leaping forward, she aims what will obviously be an explosive punch right next to him. Not actually AT him, lest she blow a hole through him or something, but just close enough to fuck up his hearing and singe him a fair bit.

Izuku should know, he’s well used to experiencing her… less than tender ‘mercies’ from years and years of bullying. However, this time things are different. This time, he doesn’t actually have to hold back anymore. With a combination of Quirks backing up One For All, Izuku lashes out faster than Katsumi can make her fist explode, grabbing her hand just as her sweat ignites.

The explosion still happens, but only against the inside of his palm as Izuku stops her dead in her tracks and doesn’t even jolt, planting himself like a brick wall. Except, more than a brick wall, because Katsumi had enough power to go through brick walls, if she truly wanted to. Admittedly, she might have been pulling her explosion in the same way she was pulling her punch, but given he doesn’t feel anything, Izuku can’t help but smile, even as Katsumi stares at him in gobsmacked disbelief.

Almost immediately, she goes for another swing with her free hand. This one, is aimed directly at his face. He’s half tempted to let it hit, just to see if he can tank it… but no, he catches that hand too, and suddenly he’s holding onto both of Katsumi’s fists as she pulls against him to no avail, red eyes as wide as dinner plates.

“Y-You… w-what?!”

Leaning in close, Izuku lowers his voice to a whisper.

“I’ll only say this once, Katsumi. I’d really appreciate if you wouldn’t call me Deku anymore. As you can see, it’s no longer applicable.”

He’s trying to be kind about it. Perhaps that’s his mistake. Or perhaps… perhaps Izuku knows exactly how his soft, tender tone and kind voice will be received. Perhaps that’s why he does it anyways, just to provoke her without provoking her. Either way, Katsumi reacts exactly as he would have expected and proceeds to headbutt him, the beads of sweat on her forehead igniting. Izuku lets his own head be rocked back by the explosion, knowing full well that they’re attracting some attention by this point.

And yet, when the dust settles and he’s no worse for wear… no one says anything. No one tries to stop them. Katsumi is left trembling, glaring at him in disbelief as he just grins cheekily and shrugs.

“Bit of a late bloomer, apparently.”

“… N-No… No! I refuse to accept this! You… someone like you can’t be strong! You don’t have a Quirk, you’re Quirkless!”

“Apparently, I’m not.”

“S-Shut up! You and me, right now!”

Lifting an eyebrow, Izuku looks at where he’s still holding Katsumi by her fists.

“… Thought we were already doing that, Katsumi.”

“A proper fight! To decide our place at UA! I refuse to go to school with you, you shitty Deku! S-So duel me for it! And if I win, you go away! You leave me alone!”

Izuku just cocks his head to the side.

“And if I win?”

“Then I’ll go! Fuck it, whatever!”

“But I don’t want you to give up on your dream for me, Katsumi.”

“Just shut up! If you win, it’ll be whatever, got it?! Let’s do this!”

Sheesh, she sure was eager… and after three of her attacks on him had absolutely no effect. Was she holding back that much? Or was she just so frazzled and out of it that she wasn’t thinking straight? Honestly, could be both. Either way… Izuku better decide fast how he wanted to handle this.

He could go off and duel her… or he could blow her off and get to class. It’d probably make her angrier than ever though, he wasn’t sure how she would respond. Alternatively, could make plans to fight after school instead, to try and keep her from blowing up any further until then…



After school so they have some privacy for when he makes his lewd victory conditions known ;)

Collar Spider

Yeah either not fighting or waiting is the best option. Personally I think not fighting would be best since both fighting options could result in a crowd seeing her lose and that could be bad. Cause if she loses in front of everyone that is way more humiliating and could mean we can't take advantage of her deal to do whatever Deku wants, cause he wouldn't want to tip his hand to the whole school. Also not fighting now means we can have the rest of next chapter to new teachers. Also not fighting now could mean Mirko doesn't see and she'd probably like seeing Deku kick some ass. Anyway that those are just all of my thoughts on how this could go down.


Really good chapter, I’m exited for the new teachers to be introduced but the pacing is really good


While the Tsundere wants to make sure she isn't dreaming and her 'childhood' is 'available', and probably does want to be beaten publicly, skipping class is kind of stupid. Better beat her ass like a drum later.