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Professor Potter Ch. 4 (Harry Potter)

  • Regular Tonks 48
  • Post-Pregnancy Tonks 218
  • Wait just a tad too long and find out the MYSTERY OPTION 431
  • 2021-01-20
  • 697 votes
{'title': 'Professor Potter Ch. 4 (Harry Potter)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Regular Tonks', 'votes': 48}, {'text': 'Post-Pregnancy Tonks', 'votes': 218}, {'text': 'Wait just a tad too long and find out the MYSTERY OPTION', 'votes': 431}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 1, 20, 18, 23, 22, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 697}


A/N: Can you all resist... the MYSTERY BOX?!


“Wotcher, Harry.”

Harry blinks as Tonks give him a knowing little smile. Standing there on the other side of the door, the older witch looks slightly flushed. Is she a little tipsy?

“Tonks, hey… uh, come in I guess?”

Stepping aside, he immediately wonders if he should have invited her in so fast. Wasn’t he supposed to be getting a good night’s sleep? Wasn’t he supposed to be putting his best foot forward tomorrow? Wincing slightly as Tonks strides past him, Harry wonders if it’s not too late to rescind his invitation and ask her if she can leave. But no, that would be disrespectful. He’s sure that the mother of his godson has a perfectly valid reason for being here.

“What can I do for you, Tonks?”

Not answering right away, Nymphadora hums as she looks around his quarters appraisingly, nodding her head up and down slowly.

“Nice digs, Harry. Mom really went all out for you.”

The mention of her mother, Andromeda Tonks, brings to mind all the things that the older witch had done in her pursuit of him. She really HAD gone all out to get him here this year in this capacity, as DADA Professor. But Harry wasn’t about to tell Tonks the specifics of that. Instead, he lets out a noncommittal noise in the back of his throat and shrugs.

“Yeah, the quarters aren’t bad…”

Tossing a look at him from over her shoulder, Tonks giggles a little.

“I suppose it’s nothing compared to the Potter Manor, now is it? Still, I’ve been exploring the Castle more than ever before thanks to my new position. I can honestly say your new digs are second only to my mother’s quarters, at least as far as Hogwarts is concerned.”

Tonks really was acting quite… strangely. Not necessarily out of character, not enough to make him worry that it wasn’t really her. More like… she was flirting with him. She’d never done that before. Their relationship had always been very close, very familial, but now it was like she was putting distance between them just so that she could act all giggly and girlish and… seductive?

Blinking owlishly at that realization, Harry frowns and finds that he’s repeating himself.

“Tonks… I do have classes tomorrow. What, uh… what did you need from me? Was there something Hogwarts-related that you needed to talk about.”

Now stood in the center of the room, Tonks twirls back around to face him properly. Then, a slow wicked smile spreads across her face.

“Sure, it’s Hogwarts-related. C’mon now Harry… you didn’t think dear ole mum would stop throwing incentives at you just because you said yes, did you? She’s relying on you. Which means even I’m fair game.”

And then, with a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders as she pulls open her robes, Tonks shucks off the outer garment to reveal that she’s wearing some incredibly sexy, lacy and racy lingerie underneath. The black outfit crisscrosses over her body in all the right places, cupping her full breasts and sitting high on her wide hips. Her pale flesh is accentuated by the lingerie perfectly, and as she disrobes, her multi-color hair turns the same black as her outfit, even as she gives him a carefree smile.

“Like what you see?”

Harry is, needless to say, speechless. Had Andromeda really sent Tonks to… incentivize him? He actually HAD thought that she was done throwing incentives at him once she got him here. What was Harry going to do now… quit? Not after that speech he gave in the Great Hall he wasn’t. No sir, Harry was in this for the long haul. He’d never been the sort to run away from his problems.

So what if he was worried about his first class. Yes, his nerves were on absolute fire over it. He was already pretty sure he wasn’t going to get a wink of sleep anyways. Perhaps that was partially why he’d been so quick to invite Tonks in. But he was still going to see it through. He wasn’t going to back out without even trying.

It seemed that the Headmistress was worried he might though, and she’d sent her only daughter to try and make sure he… what, didn’t run off in the middle of the night? It was a little insulting, but honestly, it was difficult being angry when a very beautiful, nearly naked Tonks was standing right in front of him, showing off her lingerie-clad body and giving him a wide grin.

“Tonks… I mean… a-are you sure about this?”

Tossing her head back, the currently benched Auror lets out a laugh before stalking forward. She prowls up to him, invades his personal space, and reaches down to grab the front of his pants, to grab his crotch right then and there and give it a good squeeze. Harry lets out a light groan, his half-chub giving her quite a lot to work with. Cooing over that, Tonks bats her eyelashes and gives him an undeniably sultry look.

“I’m VERY sure, Harry.”

Then she takes a step back, releasing her hold on his groin in order to run her hands up and down her body. As she does so, as she speaks, her body begins to change in some considerably noticeable ways.

“You don’t think I didn’t notice the way you looked at me back then, Harry. Obviously, with Remus still in the picture, you were never anything but the perfect gentleman. But you were also a growing teenage boy… still are in some ways.”

Her eyes dart down to his crotch and her smile grows even as her breasts slowly do the same, filling out the bust of her black lingerie quite nicely.

“In other ways, you’re all man. Just like I was all woman shortly after Teddy’s birth. My tits were as full as they’ve ever been, my hips were nice and wide, and my waist… my waist went back to being tiny as my pregnant belly disappeared. Those first couple of months after Teddy’s birth, my body was MADE to be fucked again. Unfortunately, then wasn’t a good time. But fortunately…”

And here, Tonks pauses for a moment, finishing up her work and flaunting her body as she strikes a pose, showing off her perfect post-pregnancy figure remade in now-tight black lingerie for Harry’s viewing pleasure.

“Fortunately, my unique set of skills allows me to recreate that figure in every possible way. Down to the last… painstaking… detail.”

It’s then that Harry sees the cups of her already black bra growing darker as her nipples begin lactating. Staring at her tits, somewhat fixated at this point, Harry… isn’t sure what to say. He’s speechless, in all honestly.

Giggling at his reaction, Tonks steps forward again, moving into his personal space once more and dropping down into a crouch. The gorgeous, buxom MILF of a metamorphmagus pops a squat and splays her knees as she reaches into his pants and pulls out his cock, now fully erect and straining against it’s confines. Cooing over his sizable, throbbing member, the beautiful witch wastes no time at all in shoving his dick down the top of her cleavage, rubbing her tits all over his cock and shaking them around as she slides them up and down his length.

Moaning, her lips unbelievably pillowy and pouty at the moment, Tonks looks up at Harry and bats her eyelashes suggestively.

“We can stop any time, Harry… but I think if you let me, I can help you relax for tomorrow.”

Is it really even a choice? His breathing erratic, Harry slowly nods.

“Y-Yeah… I guess I’d like that.”

While it did hurt a little that Andromeda thought he might do a runner and had sent her only daughter to effectively whore herself out to him, there was no denying how eager Tonks was for all of this. A small part of Harry worried that he was doing Remus’ memory a disservice here by getting involved with his wife so soon after his death… but no, Harry knew better than that.

Remus would never blame him or Tonks for seeking comfort in one another’s arms. More than that, the older man would have wanted them both to be as happy as possible. Harry… Harry was going to be there for Teddy as his godfather no matter what. But it seemed this might be the only way he could be there for Teddy’s mother as well.

In a way, it was so, so wrong… but on the other hand, there was something undeniably erotic and exotic about tasting of a forbidden fruit.

“I knew you would~”

Leaning forward, Tonks licks at the base of his dick for a moment as it bends into her cleavage, his cock feeling absolutely amazing encapsulated in between her tits. But at the same time, it’s not the most comfortable position and Tonks seems to sense that, eventually pulling back so his member pops back out from between her breasts, very nearly striking her in the chin.

Grabbing her bra, she yanks it down off of her fuller, lactating tits and offers up her breasts to him properly, leaning in to wrap her tits around his cock the other way this time around, with the bulbous head of his sizable, pulsating member pushing out from betwixt her massive mammaries now. As she rubs herself up and down his length, Tonks leans forward and takes the head of his shaft in her mouth, swirling her tongue around his crown.

Harry groans in response, one of his hands coming down atop her head, sliding through her currently black hair. The mother of his godson is currently giving him a titjob with her lactating breasts, the milk leaking from her nipples dripping down the length of her body and onto the floor beneath them. Harry would be more bothered by that, but he can always just vanish it away with some cleaning charms so there’s nothing to worry about. Nothing to do, really, but relax and enjoy the moment.

And there’s certainly a lot about the moment to enjoy. Tonks’ eyes twinkle as she looks up at him while sucking his cockhead and rubbing her tits up and down his length. The tight feel of her fat milkers squishing down on his shaft brings no end of pleasure. The tongue swirling around his bell end is even better. Harry isn’t sure how much longer he can last if he’s being honest. But then, it’s only right to warn Tonks of that, isn’t it?

“Tonks… fuck, I think I’m getting close.”

Rather than take that as the warning it’s meant to be, Nymphadora seems to take it as a challenge and a promise at the same time. Her eyes flash and her lips suction down on his cock in a way that feels both distinctly unnatural and insanely pleasurable. She’s almost certainly using her metamorphmagus powers to get that level of suction, leaving Harry’s eyes rolling back in his head as he lets out a hoarse shout and finally begins to cum.

Not missing a bit, Tonks swallows down every last drop. She doesn’t even struggle doing it. Her throat convulses and she gulps and gulps and gulps some more, every single ounce of his white hot cum disappearing into her belly just like that. By the time she’s done, it feels like she’s honestly drained something from him. But at the same time… he’s never been more turned on.

The foreplay over and done with, Tonks pulls back from his cock and gives both it and him a smile when she sees that he’s still rock hard. Standing, she backs up a step and disappears her lingerie from her body, exposing her naked, womanly form to him in its entirety.

What do you think, Harry? Do you like me better like this… or like this?”

In the span of moments, she switches between her usual form and her post-pregnancy form. The change is subtle but still quite noticeable, with her bust growing and shrinking between the two, and her hips and ass doing the same. That isn’t to say her normal body isn’t quite the gorgeous figure, however. It’s just a bit slimmer and a bit sleeker then what she’s working with otherwise.

Harry swallows dryly as he stares at her shifting figure, trying to decide how he wants her. Does he want Tonks as she normally is… or does he want Mama Tonks, as she was shortly after Teddy’s birth? Fuck but she’s right, he HAD stared at her more than once during that time period. He’d also felt guilty over it, after all she was Remus’ wife. He’d done his level best to limit his looking, but now he was getting a good, long look at her.

It’s clear that she expects an answer from him. Regular Tonks, or MILFY post-pregnancy Tonks? There was no way he was getting to sleep without fucking her now, so it was going to be one or the other for sure… right?


R Brown

No. We can't.

That black guy

...mystery box can be anything, even a tonks, you know how much we wanted that?