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Themes: Threesome, Rough Sex, Cheating

Summary: In an AU where everyone lives, that doesn't mean everyone is happy. Both Kushina and Mikoto are dissatisfied with their husbands at this point in time. The two men have so little time for their wives, and while it's understandable given their responsibilities, that doesn't make it right. Seeing Naruto working around the Namikaze Estate in nothing but shorts, the two beautiful MILFs decide enough is enough... 


“O-Oh my… is that… Naruto? They really grow up so fast~”

Blinking, Kushina Uzumaki lifts her head at Mikoto Uchiha’s words, watching as Naruto in triplicate, wearing nothing but a pair of shorts, continues to do yardwork, and clean up around the Namikaze Estate. Back in the day, Kushina and Mikoto had been some of the best of their generation. They’d trained together, they’d come up through the ranks of Konoha together… they’d very nearly gotten married together, but neither of their husbands was the sort to want a joint wedding, especially with the other. Unfortunately, Minato and Fugaku just weren’t as close as their wives.

That wasn’t to say they were at odds either. In fact, Kushina and Mikoto would both argue that the relations between the rest of the village and the clan manning it’s Police Force had never been better. There was potential for the Uchiha to grow apart from the village, especially after the Kyuubi attack had been orchestrated by none other than Madara Uchiha himself, supposedly… but with both Minato and Kushina surviving the night, well, things had turned out differently. They’d turned out better.

That didn’t necessarily mean everything was fine though. Over a decade and a half later, Kushina and Mikoto had long since retired from active duty in order to properly care for their children. Mikoto had Itachi and Sasuke, while Kushina had Naruto, who was honestly more than enough of a handful to count for both of Mikoto’s children.

And for a long time, being mothers and raising their kids, most of the time together, had been enough for them. These days though, they were a pair of Grade A MILFs in their late thirties, and their boys were all grown up and active duty ninja in their own right. Which meant that Kushina and Mikoto didn’t really have anything to do but lounge around the Namikaze Estate’s private onsen all day long, chatting about this and that and reminiscing about the good old days.

Which, funnily enough, weren’t the days that the two women had been active duty kunoichi. Or rather, they were, but that wasn’t why they were the good old days to Kushina and Mikoto. For the two gorgeous middle-aged MILFs, the good old days referred to the time period where both Minato and Fugaku’s passions were fiery enough that they still took care of their wives’ needs. 

These days… both men had seemingly lost all sense of passion. Certainly, their libidos were dead in the water. They were more married to their jobs as Clan Elder and Hokage then they were to their wives. As a result, Kushina and Mikoto were left distinctly unfulfilled. Even still, at Mikoto’s words, Kushina cracks an eye and looks over at her friend with a derisive snort.

“You… what are you on about, you horny bitch? You see Naruto multiple times a week.”

Pretending to fan herself, Mikoto lets out a breathy sigh.

“Oh certainly, I see him in those bulky flak vests they give every single chunin these days. No individuality in the new generation allowed, I swear… but I don’t think I’ve seen Naruto in nothing but shorts since he was a boy. And he’s certainly not a boy any longer, Ku-shi-na~”

The red-haired wife of the Hokage flushes at the way her friend draws her name out, unable to keep from glancing over at Naruto again. She has to admit, Mikoto has a point. Mikoto, meanwhile, isn’t done talking.

“And really, isn’t it supposed to be the ANBU’s job to keep the Hokage’s Estate nice and tidy? I thought it was their version of D-Ranks or punishment duty or what have you. What’s Naruto doing taking their work away from them?”

Kushina sighs and rolls onto her back, her generous chest jiggling in the red bikini she’s currently wearing. The two women are sunbathing next to the private onsen, with Mikoto still on her front and Kushina now looking up at the sky.

“… I sent them all away. They remind me too much of HIM.”

Mikoto doesn’t need to ask for clarification on that. Her marriage is in just as choppy waters as Kushina’s is at the moment. Yet, neither gorgeous MILF is necessarily in a position to demand a separation. Not that they think either of their husbands has enough spine to stop them from leaving if they wanted to, but if they did, where would they go? Oh sure, Itachi and Sasuke were good boys, and Itachi certainly made enough money from his routine S-Ranks to take care of his dear mother. But the Uchiha Elders wouldn’t like it very much if Mikoto made waves.

Meanwhile, Kushina would have to leave the admittedly quite nice Hokage’s Estate behind, and she wasn’t really cut out for life as a kunoichi anymore. That’s not to say her skills weren’t there… but neither of them were precisely in shape. They were pillowy, soft, voluptuous housewives these days, not hardened, seductive, sultry kunoichi ninja warriors.

Mulling over Kushina’s words for a moment, Mikoto suddenly brightens up.

“Well then, that’s perfect isn’t it. Let’s get Naruto over here, and take him for a spin~”

“M-Mikoto! Think what you’re saying, I… I…”

“Oh c’mon, like you haven’t been lusting after him just as much as I now am. Kushina… did you have ulterior motives for making Naruto work around the Estate in nothing but shorts, hm?”

Kushina’s face goes as red as her hair, and before the MILF can answer her friend, Mikoto is calling out.

“Naruto! Hey Naruto, can the real one of you spare a moment for us two old ladies please?”

Groaning, Kushina rolls over onto her back again and hides her face in her hands as Naruto trots over, beaming.

“Auntie Mikoto, neither of you are what I would call old, heh! What’s up?”

“Oh, well it’s nice to know we’ve still got it, sweetheart. Mm, can you summon up another one of those shadow clones? Then, the two of you can rub some lotion into Kushina and I at the same time!”

Kushina jolts at the thought, the MILF’s blush all the redder. She doesn’t protest is though, and Mikoto has a knowing grin burning into the side of her head, even as Naruto chirps out an eager ‘Sure!’ and does as he’s told. As the two Narutos quickly get to work, one the real deal and one the shadow clone, both needy housewives are soon moaning and groaning under the young man’s surprisingly skilled hands. 

He’s really getting into it, and truth be told, so are Kushina and Mikoto. They get so into it, that the Grade A MILFs don’t even notice his hands going lower and lower at first. They continue to not notice, right up until both Narutos slip off their bikini bottoms at the same time as they slap down thick, fat slabs of cock meat right between their bubbly ass cheeks. 

Both Kushina and Mikoto jolt up at that, though Mikoto has a look of honest delight on her face compared to Kushina’s surprise as they look back at their respective Narutos.

“N-Naruto, w-what?!”

“Oh, you naughty young man, you… did Auntie Mikoto make you that hard, truly?”

Naruto just snorts derisively at both their responses, his and his clones’ cocks sliding back and forth quite easily as the two identical young men hot dog the gorgeous MILFs.

“… You guys know I’ve been training with the Toad Sages in how to use Nature Chakra, right? Well, part of that training is being able to expand my senses through the nature around me. Did you really think the wind wouldn’t carry your naughty words to me if I didn’t want it to?”

Both MILFs have the good grace to blush then, at hearing that their gossiping conversation wasn’t as private as they’d originally thought. That Naruto had heard every word they’d said each other, including the implications Mikoto had made about why Kushina had him running around in just a pair of shorts… was certainly embarrassing for the two middle-aged women.

“So? Did you want to take me for a spin or not?”

Mikoto doesn’t even wait. She pushes her hips up into the cock of the Naruto behind her and arches her back as she looks back over her shoulder at him with a wide grin.

“Hell yes!”

That Naruto chuckles and slides his cock back, lining up with her twat and quickly sliding in, right there on the spot. As the Uchiha MILF gets her first dicking in a long time, by a young man who is much more well-endowed then her own husband, she moans wantonly and all too eagerly thrusts backwards as Naruto begins to thrust forward, the sounds of a fat cock stretching a needy wet cunt filling the air right alongside the sounds of booty being clapped by powerful pounding.

Meanwhile, right beside them, Kushina is clearly having a bit more difficulty making her decision. In the end, the red head mimics her friend all the same, blushing like a tomato all the while as she slowly lifts her hips up high, giving Naruto access to her own dripping wet twat. Chuckling at seeing Kushina so much less… enthusiastic compared to how she’s been all his life, the young man nevertheless gives her what she wants, just like he’s giving it to Mikoto.

Within little time, both MILFs are having to contain their cries and their moans as the two Narutos behind them take them to pound town. There might not be any ANBU watching the Estate right now after Kushina used her authority as the Hokage’s wife to send them all on their way, but sound carried quite easily in Konoha, and if they get too loud, well, someone might come checking. It would be the scandal of the century if anyone came across the two gorgeous women getting pounded hard by Naruto Namikaze. The Hokage’s Wife and the Uchiha Clan Leader’s Wife, getting railed from behind by two copies of the Hokage’s son?

They’d never live it down. And yet, it spoke to just how unattended both Mikoto and Kushina had been left that they just didn’t care. Perhaps if their husbands had paid them the slightest bit of mind over the past decade and a half this wouldn’t have happened. Certainly, both Kushina and Mikoto loved the men they married, back when they first got together.

But everyone has needs, including middle-aged MILFs who have retired from the military forces and finished raising their sons to be bright, strong shinobi in their own right, and powerful contributions to the village. Put simply, Mikoto and Kushina have done their part for Konoha… so why shouldn’t they be a little selfish, finally?

Reaching forward in unison, the two Narutos grab their respective MILFS by their hair and yank their heads back. For a moment, Kushina and Mikoto’s shrieks of ecstasy can be heard loud and clear before they remember themselves and manage to cover their mouths and silence any further yells. Naruto just snickers, even as he begins to climb up off of the ground with both of them.

In the end, Naruto, and his clone guide Kushina and Mikoto into the Estate itself on their hands and knees, practically riding the soft, pillowy bodies of the two MILFs as they crawl along like… like the hungry, horny sows they’ve become. Neither of them have any room to censure or talk down to Naruto, not when they started this in the first place. Meanwhile, the young Sage seems to know exactly what he wants to do with them both, as he takes them into the living room and fucks them on the floor there, nice, and hard.

They can let their voices out a bit more, once they’re inside the Estate. Not as much chance as their orgasmic cries carrying on the wind or anything like that. The two MILFs cum again and again around Naruto’s cocks, as he and his clone bring them to the heights of ecstasy over and over, until finally, he cums. 

Of course, cumming for a shadow clone is about the same as strike with some decent force behind it. Even as Naruto cums deep inside of Kushina, his shadow clone groans and then pops out of existence behind poor Mikoto, leaving the Uchiha MILF pouting as she finds out that she was the one with a fake, all this time.

But she doesn’t get to pout long before the real Naruto grabs her by her hair and leans down as he pulls her up into a kiss, their tongues dueling with one another while he finishes creampieing the red-hot Uzumaki bitch beneath him. Mikoto moans into Naruto’s mouth, only to pant heavily when he pulls back from her, a wicked, confident grin stretched across his face.

Pulling both of them along by their hair, Naruto sits down on the couch and guides their mouths to his cock. Neither Kushina nor Mikoto raise much protest at this… in fact, they’re all too eager to submit, to use their mouths and tongues to clean off this S-tier stud who’s just put them both in their places. In the end, that was really all either housewife genuinely wanted. Deprivation had turned them both towards depravation, and the two retired kunoichi just needed a good hard dicking from a man who wouldn’t take any of their shit.

Naruto had turned out to be that man, so Mikoto and Kushina are all too happy to kneel side by side before him and run their tongues and lips up and down his big fat cock, slurping away the remnants of his seed and Kushina’s pussy juices, even as they stare up at Naruto with hazy, lust-filled gazes. Of course, Mikoto is fully intending to demand that she’s the next to get the Real Deal, so to speak.

It might be a little late in her life… but part of her wants to give Itachi and Sasuke one more little brother or sister, even as she sticks it to Fugaku in the process. Meanwhile, Kushina knows this is wrong, she knows she shouldn’t have let it happen… but whenever she looks up at Naruto, she sees Minato as he used to be. No, she sees… she sees an improved version of her husband, who won’t just forget that she’s a woman with needs, who won’t put his job ahead of his wife.

Kushina wants that… she wants it bad. So, if this is wrong, she doesn’t want to be right. And if she has to share Naruto with Mikoto… then so be it. It’s obvious that he’s far too much man for any one woman anyways.



Very hot~

Pedro Jose Bello Belen

I’d love a sequel where Naruto impregnates them as well as Hiashi’s Wife

Buck Futter

Love it! Looking forward to more of this as well as broader world!

Hadrian v.E.

Naruto has better become OP soon, acquire his own base, have his women officially divorce their husbands, and breed lovely daughters into them.