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Weekly Poll Winner

Themes: Dom/Sub, Oral Sex, Flashback

Summary: Based off of this image. Part Two of The Duality of Schnee Women. A prequel to Part One, this piece focuses on Weiss and Jaune, and the former's desire to give in to the latter. But first, Weiss has to at least make a show of things. Jaune has to beat her in a duel before she can let him have his way with her. Now if he'd just catch a hint that she's trying to throw the fight, they could get to the good stuff... 


He’s sitting there, watching the absolutely gorgeous Winter Schnee cleaning him off with her tongue and lips, when the door suddenly opens and in steps Weiss Schnee in all her glory… wearing the exact same ensemble of lingerie she’d had on their first time together. A wicked grin spreads across his lips as she poses in the doorway, eyes twinkling with mischief.

“Is it my turn, sir?”

Jaune swallows as his cock immediately jumps in Winter’s mouth… while he finds himself taken back for a moment along memory lane, truly scrutinizing just how they ended up here in this place.


“So, do any of you have dates to the dance yet? Or ideas of who you want to go with?”

It’s Yang’s teasing voice that sounds out along the length of the crowded cafeteria table. Obviously, the line is more meant for her teammates then anyone else, but Team JNPR is also sitting there, as they spend every meal at the same table as Team RWBY. As Ruby sputters in embarrassment at her big sister’s eye waggle, and Blake hides her face just a bit further in the book she’s currently reading, Jaune finds himself studying the white-haired member of the group most closely.

Weiss Schnee, Heir to the Schnee Dust Corporation, doesn’t visibly react to Yang’s question. She doesn’t seem to care all that much, one way or another. Which… is pretty much all Jaune decides he needs? He was just looking for the smallest sign… and maybe he was manufacturing said sign, but a neutral response from Weiss was better than a negative one, right?

So, gathering his courage and doing his level best to swallow his nerves, Jaune clears his throat and pipes up.

“Well, obviously Weiss-cream is going to the dance with me. After all, we all know she has the hots for me.”

He probably wouldn’t be nearly as confident if Weiss had even once rejected him so far… but he’d been flirting with his ‘snow angel’ since arriving at Beacon, and Weiss had been seemingly… receptive. She’d certainly put up with his antics, smiling at him and even blushing here and there at his comments. He was also fairly sure he’d caught her checking him out once or twice and given all of the help Pyrrha had given him in working on his strength and stamina and body, Jaune knew she was seeing visible changes.

Still, his comment does draw the whole table into things, everyone going silent for a moment as their eyes turn towards him and Weiss. The Schnee Heiress has gone ramrod straight, staring at him with wide eyes as Yang leans in close, a shit-eating grin on her face.

“Ohhh? Is that true, Weiss? Did you say yes to dear Jaune over here?”

“… H-He hasn’t asked…”

It’s Jaune’s turn to blush, because okay, maybe he’d gotten a little ahead of himself. Ruby pipes up at that, a scowl on her adorable face as the younger woman stands.

“Hey! Not cool Jaune! You shouldn’t be trying to make Weiss do anything she doesn’t want to!”

Despite being the youngest at the table, Ruby had definitely taken her role as leader of Team RWBY to heart. Before the rest of the table can truly turn on him, Jaune takes the out offered, really the only path available to him at this point and clears his throat again.

“Weiss Schnee… would you do me the honor of going to the dance as my date?”

There, she’d either say yes or no now, and whichever that was, he’d be okay with. Ruby didn’t need to teach him to be a gentleman, Jaune Arc had grown up with seven sisters, and he knew how ladies worked-

“I-I can’t… n-not unless you best me in battle first.”

… Huh? Jaune glances at the rest of the table and is gratified to see looks of confusion on the other members of RWBY and JNPR as well, as they all stare at Weiss, nonplussed. From there, the whole deal between Weiss and her sister is drawn out of the white-haired girl. Apparently, Weiss has a kickass, badass older sister named Winter Schnee who’s actually a bonafide Atlesian Specialist, which is pretty cool, not pun intended (except when Yang says it, she definitely meant it there.)

But the kicker was, Winter had made Weiss promise she wouldn’t date any boy who couldn’t beat her in a duel. So now… now Jaune was on the hook for a sparring match with Weiss in order to find out if he could date the young woman he’d taken to calling his ‘snow angel’ in his head. As Team JNPR and Team RWBY part ways, with Ruby, Blake, and Yang clustered around a flustered Weiss, Jaune turns to his teammates… to Pyrrha in particular, a pleading look on his face and a beseeching tone to his words.

“Guys… guys, you’ve gotta help me train. Weiss is gonna kick my ass and I REALLY want to take her to the dance!”

In the end, Nora and Ren are very much ready to help, each in their own way. Pyrrha is a bit more reluctant… but in the end, the girl who unlocked his aura and gave Jaune remedial lessons when she found out that he was a fraud came through, like she always had so far. Truly, Pyrrha Nikos was the best friend that a guy could ask for.

When the day of the fight finally came, Jaune was… as ready as he’d ever be. Or so he thought. Truth be told, he really wasn’t prepared at all for how things actually turned out.



It’s Nora’s encouraging cry from the sideline that finally makes Jaune pull out of his stupor and act, stepping forward and finally placing the tip of Crocea Mors under Weiss’ chin. Their eyes meet, and for a moment Jaune is lost in her gaze… but then he remembers himself, and coughs before finally speaking.

“U-Uh… s-surrender?”

This really wasn’t how he expected their fight to go. He knew how good Weiss was, he’d seen her fight a bunch of different people in Professor Goodwitch’s class. So really, there was no reason at all for him to win this fight. Other than, he’d just kind of hoped he’d win because he wanted it the most? Maybe if Weiss’ heart wasn’t in defending her virtue or something, he could win?

Even still, he hadn’t expected Weiss to… to just faceplant right there on the ground not once, not twice, but thrice. It was on this, the third time that Weiss had tripped and fallen flat on her face, that Jaune was finally taking advantage of her sudden clumsiness. And as he demands her surrender in a questioning tone, Jaune begins to get a better idea of what’s happening here as Weiss gives him a small, shy smile… and agrees.

“Y-Yes… I surrender. You win.”

Her voice, though soft, carries to the rest of Team RWBY and Team JNPR… and is followed by cheering from both sides as the others all rush out and congratulate the two of them. From the way Ruby, Yang, and Blake are acting, Jaune is starting to suspect they had something to do with this. Still, even in the midst of his suspicions to the legitimacy of this duel and his victory, even as the others all celebrate (though Pyrrha is oddly quiet) Weiss’ hand finds his, and their fingers twine together. Jaune gives the white-haired girl a big smile, and Weiss’ smile grows in turn.

Looks like he has a date to the dance after all… man, he can hardly wait.


The day of the dance comes, and Jaune can’t help but beam as he escorts Weiss into the ballroom on his arm. She looks absolutely beautiful, while he feels almost shabby next to her… but it doesn’t matter, because he’s here with Weiss Schnee, they’re on a date, and it doesn’t matter what everyone else thinks. 

As it turns out, he and Weiss are the only two of their teams to actually come with a date. In the end, Blake, Yang, and Ruby didn’t accept any offers, and just came with each other instead. Jaune suspected that Nora and Ren would have qualified as a couple, though their relationship seemed to run so deep and with so many roots that one couldn’t simply quantify them as just boyfriend and girlfriend… but in the end, they hadn’t made any official announcements, and instead they were here with Pyrrha, the three of them mirroring Ruby, Yang, and Blake’s choice to just come as a three person squad.

Regardless, he’s here with Weiss, and she has his total, undivided attention. As they dance and laugh and chat together, Jaune’s heart sings. Weiss is… a smart, amazing girl, as clever as she is beautiful, and Jaune can’t believe how lucky he is. Until, halfway through the night… Weiss drags him off of the dance floor and out into an empty side hallway.

“Weiss? What’s going on?”

“J-Just come with me…”

She pulls him off to the side, and suddenly Jaune finds himself in a shadowy, out of the way alcove. Despite the dim light, Weiss almost seems to glow in the moonlight coming from a nearby window, and Jaune can see every line of her… as she reaches down and suddenly pulls away her skirt. Jaune’s eyes widen as Weiss half-exposes herself.

She’s not showing anything in full detail, but there’s no denying that her new look is… highly scandalous. For the night’s festivities, Weiss had come dressed in a truly ornate, exceptionally made version of her usual battle dress, like a more formal-wear sort of thing. She’d looked absolutely gorgeous… but now… now she looks downright sexy.

Without her skirt, Jaune can see her garter belt attached to her frilly, snow-white stockings, as well as her matching, snowy-white panties. He can also see her naked thighs and taut tummy, a view that leaves his mouth dry and his pants suddenly very uncomfortable around his growing member. Weiss… Weiss just smiles and steps forward, dropping to her knees right then and there, not even seeming worried about ruining her high heels as she brings delicate fingers up to his crotch.

“W-Weiss, what are you doing?!”

Looking up at him those crystal blue eyes of hers sparkling, Weiss licks her pouty lips.

“What does it look like I’m doing, Jaune? I’m servicing my man. Or did you not think I would notice what our close proximity has been doing to you all night long?”

Jaune swallows thickly at that, because yeah, okay, this wasn’t the first time tonight where his pants had grown tight around his junk and he’d been somewhat uncomfortable with his erection. He just thought he’d done a good job of hiding it. But obviously not, as Weiss extracts his cock from its confines and then opens her mouth in just the cutest way, her face flushed, and her eyes lidded as her tongue slips out and begins to lap at his cockhead.

He’s fairly sure she’s never done this before… but then, he’s never done this before either, so it’s not like Jaune can really say for sure. Either way, what Weiss lacks in experience, she more than makes up for in enthusiasm. Not once in his time at Beacon had Jaune… had Jaune taken Weiss for such a slut.

Immediately, he feels bad for the thought… but then Weiss pulls back for a moment and drags down her top, letting her soft, supple chest bounce free. She’s not overly endowed (yet) but she still has a beautiful pair of pale white breasts, and Jaune stares at them in amazement, even as Weiss gives him a grin.

“I never thought I’d find a man like you at this school. So confident, so strong… you saw what you wanted, and you took it. You won, Jaune… which means I’m yours now. So please… don’t be gentle with me.”

And then she leans forward and takes him in her mouth, and all Jaune sees is stars as his eyes bulge out of his skull and he groans, his hands going to Weiss’ hair instinctively, gripping at her high-top ponytail as he shudders in pleasure. 

“O-Oh fuck, Weiss…”

He’s reeling, both from the pleasure of her hot little mouth trying to take his cock, and from her words. He’s… not exactly small down there, and Weiss’ inexperience is finally catching up with her as she bobs up and down his length… but there’s no denying that she tries her best all the same, slobbering and slurping all over his cock as she bobs up and down on what part of his member she can take without choking on his cock.

Though, she had said not to be gentle with her right? She’d told him she was his now. That… that was a can of worms they’d have to properly unpack later, but for now, Jaune’s grip on Weiss’ ponytail tightens, and her blue eyes flash up at him… filled with approval. Slowly at first, but faster and more confidently as time goes on, Jaune begins to thrust in and out of Weiss’ mouth… and yes, even down her throat.

“Hulghk… Hulghk… Hulghk…”

She never fights him on it, as he chokes her on his cock, as he fucks her face. In fact, she wraps her hands around his waist and pulls him in closer, as if desperate to give herself to him. In the end though, it’s Jaune giving something of HIMSELF to Weiss when he finally cums with a groan, belatedly realizing he should have warned her. But the submissive young woman takes it like a champ all the same, swallowing his seed without hesitation as her thin throat convulses and she gulps it all down, every last drop.

When they finally pull apart, Weiss’ eyes are still filled with amorous, lewd intent. And Jaune… Jaune is more than ready for some more as well…


Coming back to the present, staring at Weiss in that same lingerie as she stands there framed by the doorway with her big sister sucking his cock while half-dressed in a slutty maid uniform, Jaune can’t help but smile ruefully at the memory. Especially the bit later on, when they’d both realized that they hadn’t even kissed before Weiss had gotten down on her knees and throated his cock.

Needless to say, they’d started quite the… kinky relationship after that, with Jaune deflowering Weiss and Weiss making it clear to him that she wanted him to be the top in their relationship, and that she would love to be his bottom. Now here they were, with Winter having… imposed. Jaune still felt weird about fucking his girlfriend’s sister he supposed… but he was also coming to understand Schnee Women just a tad better.

At Weiss’ question, spoken in a demure, respectful tone even as her blue eyes sparkle with mischief, Jaune offers a carefree grin and waves her in with his free hand.

“Of course, snow angel. Any time.”

Weiss blushes at the cheesy pet name, but also smiles right back at him as she saunters into the room, swaying her hips and sashaying her way over to him and her sister. 

It seemed… Jaune was about to have his first threesome.


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