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Themes: Slutty, Master/Slave, Fucked Silly  

Summary: Based off of this image. To be a Jedi is to deny yourself all of your base instincts, to deny your true self. All her life, Jedi Master Shaak Ti has denied her basest most primal instincts. They always talk about the way that slavery is all but ingrained in Twi'lek Culture. But for Togrutas, it's supposed to be different. Despite the two alien species sharing lekku, Togruta are a proud warrior race... right? In the end, with the Jedi Order fallen and the galaxy descended into Darkness, Shaak Ti must do what she has to in order to survive. And she loves every last moment of it. 


She was Jedi Master Shaak Ti. She was a member of the Jedi High Council in the final years of the Galactic Republic. She was accomplished in the use of both the Makashi and Ataru Lightsaber forms. Shaak Ti was all of these things… once.

“Schutta. Heel.”

At the words, Shaak Ti is up off of her little bed and crawling across the floor to her Master’s side. As soon as she arrives there, she kneels and waits. It doesn’t take long for him to reach out and casually grab one of her montrals, the hollow Togruta horns atop her head that gave her species a form of passive echolocation. They also, though not many outside of the Togruta species were aware of this fact, were incredibly sensitive erogenous zones for Togruta women. To be touched in such a place was like being touched on the chest or betwixt one’s thighs… except even worse.

Shaak Ti’s lashes flutter and her pitch-black eyes nearly roll back in her head as a mewling moan leaves the disgraced Jedi Master’s lips. She doesn’t even try to hold it in, doesn’t even try to swallow the noise. What would be the point? Her Master would know anyways. He always did. Instead, the gorgeous orange-skinned alien woman leans into her Master’s touch, the human man fondling her montral almost casually, even as his eyes remain fixed on the screen in front of him.

The former Jedi Master is completely naked, of course. Though, she’s also freshly cleaned. Her Master is a wealthy man and has set aside resources for her to keep after her hygiene, to make herself fresh for him, day after day. Shaak Ti does this enthusiastically, though in the beginning it was her own pride that had led her to do so. Now… now it’s all for her Master.

It was all supposed to be little more than a ruse, at first. The Clone Wars had come to an incredibly violent end, and the Jedi Temple had been attacked. Shaak Ti had been on the premises at the time, but she’d managed to kill the clones who crossed her path and make her way to safety. Stowing away on a smuggler’s ship, she had every intention of trying to get in touch with her fellow Jedi, once she was away from the pit of darkness that Coruscant had become.

But then the smuggler had found her while she was making use of his shower. He’d gotten the better of her… no, that wasn’t true. Even then, Shaak Ti had been lying to herself. Even then, she’d fooled herself into thinking one way, when really, the opposite was true. In the end, it wasn’t until her Master had opened her eyes that the Togruta Woman had realized the truth about herself.

The Togruta People are carnivorous in nature, and thus have a long history of hunting big game. But then, their cousins the Twi’lek are also carnivorous by nature, and they have a long history of being enslaved. Their culture leans towards slavery so hard that it’s become a bit of a galactic joke. The Togruta were never like that though… never supposed to be, anyways.

However, when your species evolves in such a way to put sensitive hollow horns atop your head and extends your brain tissue down into long lekku that are just PERFECT for being held by strong, masculine hands… the universe is definitely trying to tell you something. That day, in that smuggler’s ship, Shaak Ti had been more grateful that she’d discarded her Jedi Robes and tucked her lightsaber away, more than anything else. It’d led to the smuggler simply making use of her body, rather than turning her over to the newly found Empire.

That had been Shaak Ti’s first experience with submission, with being dominated by a man. Hell, it’d been her first experience with sex altogether. The Jedi had not prepared her for it. For what it would feel like. The disgraced Jedi Master was well aware that some of her colleagues and peers dabbled in love and intimacy and sex, but she’d never been one of them. It would have gone against the Code. 

It was only with the death of the Jedi that Shaak Ti realized the Jedi Code had served as all the order and structure and control she needed in her life. In it’s absence… men had stepped in to fill the void. By the time the smuggler got to where he was going, Shaak Ti was his willing bed slave. She did what he told her to, when he told her to, and she liked it, every last second of it.

But even then, the Jedi Master had convinced herself that she was just doing it to eventually escape. She convinced herself of that, all the way up until the smuggler had had her chipped and collared and sold to her current Master. 

“Come around, pet. My cock isn’t going to suck itself.”

He tugs on her montral sharply, and Shaak Ti shudders in orgasmic bliss, even as she hurries to obey, crawling around to the front of her Master’s chair, the disgraced Jedi eagerly bringing her dexterous orange fingers up to unbuckle his belt and pull down his trousers so that she can extract his cock from its confines. And if she uses the Force just a tad to get him out and into her actual grip just a few seconds faster… well, her training and years as a Jedi Master make it so that her real Master doesn’t notice anything amiss.

Without needing any further prompting, Shaak Ti leans forward and swallows her Master’s cock whole. The beautiful Togruta woman bobs up and down on the human length as fast as she possibly can, quickly beginning to choke and gag on it as she takes him into her throat. She could have easily suppressed her gag reflex; she has the control to do so… but she knew her Master preferred it sloppy.

“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”

As she slurps and slobbers and gurgles all over her Master’s cock, he lets out a soft, satisfied sigh, continuing to stroke her montral for the time being, his eyes still focused on the screen in front of him. The human who purchased her from the slave market that day was a retire bounty hunter. The sort of scum that the Jedi Order had very rarely worked with so long as they had a choice. He’d made his money trading in lives, killing people and collecting on their heads, or capturing them and returning them to face whatever awaited them at the other end.

There was a place for bounty hunters when criminality got too far and law enforcement got stretched too thin, but Shaak Ti knew for a fact that her Master wasn’t one of those bounty hunters. He wasn’t secretly hiding a heart of gold under his rugged, handsome exterior. If he was… he wouldn’t have bought a Togruta Slave.

With a dissatisfied grunt, her Master reaches out and grabs her by both montrals, taking hold of her hollow horns somewhat roughly.

“You always need my help, don’t you slut?”

And then he’s fucking her face… and Shaak Ti is cumming her brains out. If her fellow Jedi Masters, if her fellow High Council Members could see her now, they would be so very ashamed of her. The Togruta woman can’t help herself though. No one ever told her… no one ever warned her. Being dominated by a man felt so, so good. He thrusts down the back of her throat and forces her to deep-throat even more of his cock than before, burying her face in his crotch time and time again, even as Shaak Ti gags and chokes on his big, fat prick.

Meanwhile, down betwixt her thighs, she’s squirting all over the place. He’ll make her clean that up later almost certainly, and truth be told, Shaak Ti can’t wait. But for now, the disgraced Jedi Master lives in the moment. Right now, she exists for one purpose and one purpose only… to have her throat used as a cocksleeve to satisfy her human master’s needs.

It’s not long after he begins skull fucking her that he lets out a loud groan. That’s the only warning she gets, but by this point, she knows his tells. She knows everything about her Master, about what makes him tick, and she uses all of it to be a better pet, a better slave… a better schutta. Exercising a bit of that vaunted Jedi Control she’d spent decades mastering, the Togruta swallows her Master’s first load to the very last drop, drinking down every single bit of it without pause and without fail. At the same time, she keeps her dark eyes focused on his face, looking up at him as she drinks his seed, making eye contact as she knows he would want of her.

He looks right back at her, an approving grin on his face that sends shivers of ecstasy through the disgraced Jedi Master’s body, the naked Togruta’s tongue still slurping along the underside of his cock the entire time as well. And then he’s done with her, flinging her back away from him most forcefully, and likely bruising her montrals in the process.

“Good bitch. Now present yourself to me and beg me to fuck you.”

“Y-Yes, Master.”

With his permission, Shaak Ti falls backwards in the middle of the room in front of her seated Master, laying back and posing for him. Her full, orange breasts are naked and exposed and need no introduction. Her nipples are rock hard from sheer arousal, and of course exposure to the elements. With one arm up near her head, Shaak Ti stares at her Master, doing her level best to convey her lust to him, to convey her desire.

Spreading her legs, splaying them open, she lifts one foot high into the air and brings her free hand down to betwixt her thighs, orange fingers playing with an orange pussy as the Togruta Slave fondles herself, as she slides her digits up inside of her juicy, wet cunt, showing off just how needy she is right now.

“Mm, Master~ Please Master, please fuck me. Please take your horny little Togruta slut and plow her all night long, however much you prefer. Use me as you will, Master, abuse me to your heart’s content. I want you inside of me, I want you to FUCK ME!”

And she means every word of it too. Jedi Master Shaak Ti is gone at this point. In her place, all that remains is Shaak Ti, Slave. The only thing she still holds back from her Master is her true identity. Not that he uses her name to begin with, and not that she has any sort of fake name at this point. Officially, she’s known by her Slave ID. Unofficially, she’s ‘Slave’, ‘Schutta’, ‘Slut’, and ‘Bitch’ interchangeably. Whatever her Master feels like calling her.

He doesn’t know she’s a Jedi, let alone a Jedi Master. He doesn’t know she sat upon the High Council mere months ago, that she led troops into battle, that she fought against the Separatists. If he did, would he care? He might, and that was why Shaak Ti couldn’t tell him. She couldn’t risk him deciding she was worth more to him as a delivery to the Empire than as his loyal sex pet. Even having fallen into utter debauchery, even having become this man’s willing sex slave… Shaak Ti feared the Sith and the Dark Side, even now.

Regardless, her words have the intended effect. Her Master gets up out of his chair and begins making his way towards her. Shaak Ti’s eyes widen in anticipation and she licks her lips hungrily as his cock points in her direction like a promise. Snorting derisively at her reaction, her Master gets down on his knees and grabs her hips, flipping her over onto her front and drawing her up onto her hands and knees in a moment. He’s inside of her a second later, fucking her with rough, fast-paced thrusting right off the bat. As he grunts and groans his way through plowing her, he leans over and growls into her ear.

“You’re lucky I even bought you, slut. You’re a bit old, aren’t you? All used up.”

Shaak Ti shudders at the degrading language, moaning as she nods her agreement, even as her orange ass cheeks clap with every thrust he makes into her, even as she rocks her hips back towards him in response to him railing her silly. He’s right though, and she says as much. The Jedi had taken her best years from her, years she could have spent being a horny little fuck slave to a man like her Master. 

“Y-Yes, Master…”

“But maybe not ALL used up. Maybe I can still get some value out of you. Did you know Togruta and Humans are compatible, bitch? Probably not, an absent-minded cum dump like you wouldn’t be aware of something like that.”

She actually was aware, but of course Shaak Ti doesn’t dare contradict her Master. She just moans louder, more wantonly, shuddering her way through orgasm after orgasm as he continues to fuck her.

“Let’s see if I can knock you up, shall we? Let’s see if I can put a baby in that belly of yours.”

The very idea had never even crossed her mind, even in all the time she’d been a slave to the man. He’d never brought it up before, so to have him suddenly suggest it now was startling… but not unwelcome. In fact, it was the exact opposite of unwelcome. Shaak Ti’s eyes roll up in her head as she imagines getting pregnant off her Master’s seed, and she cries out as a particularly explosive orgasm rips through her very being.

“Ah, so you like that then? Heh, should have known you would, you stupid slut.”

He fucks her harder after that, until Shaak Ti collapses face first onto the floor, unable to keep her arms under herself anymore. Then, he grabs onto her lekku and pulls them up and around, using her brain-tails as reins to force her to arch her back as he fucks her even HARDER. Her Master makes use of her for what feels like an eternity, but eventually, finally, he cums inside of her. 

His seed, more so now than any time before, is like a balm on Shaak Ti’s soul. Her pursuit of Mastery, her life as a Jedi… it might have been a waste, yes. But now… now she might get the chance to be a mother, to give birth to a child for her Master. 

In the end, Shaak Ti couldn’t be happier. Though sometimes she couldn’t help but wonder if any of her fellow Jedi had survived the Purge. More specifically, the female Jedi. She wondered what might have happened to them. She wondered if any had found true enlightenment, like she had.



Based. The Master/Slave shit is what I live for.


Ever thought of adding some "empire wins the war" style stories to your collection? Vali in at the top brass pre-war-end, getting all the bonuses that entails? :D


Really hope to see more of this


An absolutely fantastic read and I would also love to see more "Empire wins" stories, not nearly enough of them.