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Themes: Rough Sex, Loving Sex, Dom/Sub  

Summary: Part 3 of Meet Your New Daddy! Kim has well and truly adjusted to her new life. Ron is her daddy now, and her mother's husband. And daddy always knows best. A day in the life of Ron Stoppable as he makes use of both his best friend and his best friend's mother to his heart's content, reveling in every little thing he does to both Kim and Ann, much to their heartfelt enjoyment. 


As Ron wakes up, it’s to the not uncommon feeling of a warm, wet mouth around his cock. Someone is sucking him off quite vigorously as he slowly comes to consciousness, a groan exiting his own lips as the woman beneath the covers suctions HER lips down around his member as hard as she can, taking him all the way to the base and holding herself there for several long seconds before ultimately pulling back just to do it all over again.

Ron smiles even as he stretches his arms over his head, lifting his crotch off of the bed and pushing his cock further into the mystery woman’s mouth. Not that it’s THAT much of a mystery. At the end of the day, there’s only two lovely ladies that could be sucking him off right now. Considering the room is currently empty, he has to assume that the other is in the kitchen, making breakfast.

Slowly, Ron reaches down and pulls back the covers to reveal his current nob gobbler. The shining eyes of one Kimberly Ann Possible look back at him as he gazes down at her, a smile on Ron’s face while Kim’s mouth is far too stuffed full of his cock to properly smile back. Still, he can see the adoration in his former best friend’s eye. Former, because at this point their relationship had evolved so much beyond ‘best friend’ that it wasn’t even funny.

Reaching down, Ron runs a hand through Kim’s red hair and then grips tightly at it, holding her steady as he begins to control the pace at which she’s deep-throating his cock.

“Good morning Kimmy. Mm, a very good morning indeed… here it comes!”

And cum he does. He was already close when he first woke up, Kim’s work on his cock while he still slumbered quite obvious. It doesn’t take much more to tip him over the edge truth be told, and his seed comes flowing out of his cock and down Kim’s throat, the red head’s eyes widening minutely before she settles into the process of drinking down his seed to the best of her abilities.

She does well too, swallowing Ron’s cum. When he’s finished, he relaxes his hold on her hair and lets Kim pull back, his former best friend giving him a slutty little smile.

“Good morning, daddy.”

Ron’s cock, held currently in Kim’s hands as they slowly stroke up and down his member, twitches and thrums at the title. He grunts, even as Kim licks her lips and then winks at him, ultimately pulling away. Climbing off the bed, the entirely naked nubile young cheerleader sashays her way towards the bathroom.

“Mother’s in the kitchen making breakfast… I’m going to take a shower. Feel free to join me… or check on the eggs. Whatever you prefer~”

And then she’s gone, disappeared into the bathroom. The shower turns on a moment later, even as Ron sits there and contemplates what he wants to do next, as well as the situation he finds himself in. It’s rather wild, now isn’t it? It’s still hard for the young man to wrap his head around, even all of these months later.

He’s living in Kim’s house, with her and her mom… but really, that’s not even the rub, now is it? Ron is MARRIED to Ann Possible… to Ann Stoppable. Kim still goes by her dad’s last name, which is probably right (and helps Ron keep some marginal disconnect between their sexual games and the fact that Kim isn’t REALLY his daughter) but Ann had been all too eager to switch over to Stoppable when they’d decided to make things official.

He wasn’t just living with Kim and Ann; he was the man of the house now. This was his home and his place, and they were his girls. Ann had made sure of all of that when she’d signed over the property to him, and when she’d given him access to her bank accounts. She’d wanted to make it abundantly clear that he wasn’t just some boytoy to her… he was her husband, and she wanted him to treat her like his wife, not just ‘Mrs. Possible’, as he’d known her all his life.

He can just imagine her now in the kitchen, making breakfast on a lazy afternoon. A dopy smile spreads across Ron’s face, and he hops out of bed somewhat excitedly, suddenly knowing exactly what he wants to do. Barely pausing to throw on a robe, Ron doesn’t even bother tying the thing shut as he makes his way out of the Master Bedroom, down the hall, and steps into the kitchen. He’s not at all surprised by what he finds waiting for him. The naked backside of a beautiful crimson-haired MILF is what greets him as Ann labors over the stove, wearing nothing but an apron that does little to cover even her front.

At sensing his presence, his wife (and even that was still a bit of a mind fuck) turns and looks at him, eyes brightening and lips curling into a gleeful smile. The front of her apron is henceforth revealed as well, though Ron has seen this particular piece before, so he’s not surprised that the ‘Kiss’ portion of the ‘Kiss the Cook’ apron has been crossed out and the word ‘FUCK’ has been written with the same marker above it.

“Darling! Breakfast is coming along great. Should be ready soon… unless, of course, I get distracted.”

Her eyes twinkle and her tone is suggestive, even as she turns away from him and back to the food. Snorting a little in amusement, Ron strides forward. It’s a testament to how far he’s come in taking control as man of the house that he doesn’t even hesitate to do what he does next. Grabbing the gorgeous MILF by her hips, Ron does exactly what the apron says to. He fucks the Cook.

His cock, slick already with Kim’s saliva, sinks right into Ann’s dripping wet quim from behind. He pushes into her and finds her to be both tight but also slick, easily able to take his cock as he pushes onwards, inch after inch disappearing into her cunt. Ann gasps and then moans, having to cling at the edge of the counter for a long moment as she shudders and her insides clench and squeeze down around his member.

“Oooh, Ron~ How am I ever to focus on breakfast with your big… fat… dick buried inside of me?”

Ron grins, knowing a setup when he hears one. His hands slide up from Ann’s hips, one of them moving to her throat where he grasps her neck gently, and the other sliding under the apron to squeeze and grope at one of her fat tits. As he holds the MILF in position, he fucks into her with short but forceful thrusts. Leaning in, the young man nibbles at his older wife’s earlobe, playing with it for a moment before he finally answers her.

“Figure it out.”

By his true nature, Ron wasn’t actually so dismissive. He was a caring young man, with a heart of gold and an empathetic streak a mile wide. He’d never ever treat anyone like he treats Ann under normal circumstances. But he’s come to know his wife quite well, and in many ways, Kim takes after her mother. Both of the red heads are somewhat submissive, and all too eager to try and push him to the brink and then over it. There’s nothing Ann likes more than to trigger him into fucking her and fucking her HARD at that, and Kim is the same way.

But there’s no denying that the mother is better at it then the daughter, at least for now. Kim had even tried this very morning, offering a chance for him to join her in the shower and fuck her silly. But she’d made the mistake of being a bit too needy… while at the same time inadvertently giving him another option in the form of her gorgeous mother, cooking breakfast in the kitchen in nothing but her Fuck the Cook Apron.

Ann, meanwhile, had simply suggested that breakfast might be delayed if she were distracted, and then presented her bare ass and juicy cunt to him as she’d gotten back to work. There was no way Ron was going to leave her without fucking her MILF pussy seven ways to Sunday after such a minimalist display of seduction like that. Ann really did know how to trigger all of his darker impulses.

Moaning wantonly, doing her best to keep up with breakfast even with Ron fucking her, Ann quickly bounces her hips and wide ass back against his thrusts, gasping and groaning and mewling and even crying out as he forces orgasm after orgasm out of the MILF. The beautiful older woman can’t get enough of him, and that’s good, because frankly Ron can’t get enough of her as well. To be fair, he’s a growing young man with an extremely healthy libido. Though, not many young men his age can say they have two beautiful red heads, eager to take care of his every sexual desire and whim. No, most his age have to resort to pornography and… self-care.

As it is, Ron soon has both hands under Ann’s apron, grasping at her tits as he fucks her from behind. His fingers pinch and tug at her nipples and he gropes and kneads at her breasts as well, drawing more yelps and squeals and moans from the MILF as she struggles to keep working on the assortment of food, she’s trying to cook in front of her.

He never fucks her too hard, having no intention of sending her crashing into the hot stove she’s slaving over and actually hurting her. Instead, Ron uses his grip on Ann’s tits to keep her upright, and fucks into her just slow enough to keep from jarring her forward. This continues for a quarter of an hour before, with a grunt and a growl, Ron begins to cum inside of his wife, fertilizing the gorgeous MILF’s fields with his seed.

They’re both left gasping for breath by the time he’s done, and Ann has to catch herself on the counter again as he pulls out of her, her gorgeous pale legs left shaking and trembling. Ron, meanwhile, rears back a hand and applies a spanking for good measure, enjoying the way the MILF squeaks and her ass jiggles as he steps back.

“Take your time with breakfast… I’ve got a girl to see about a shower.”

He can still hear the water running back in the master bath, so without further ado, Ron backtracks, making his way back to the bedroom and shirking off his robe as he walks into the shower that Kim is STILL having. Knowing that Kim loved long showers, and expecting her to definitely still be in there when he finished with her mother, Ron had been aware since Kim left him lying in bed alone that he could effectively have his cake and eat it two… that he could essentially fuck both women before breakfast was even tabled.

Slipping into the shower behind Kim as she washes her hair, he places his hands on her hips and turns her around to face him. Kim’s eyes sparkle with excitement and mischief, though when she glances down at his messy cock, she licks her lips and then laughs.

“I guess you went and got messy first, didn’t you daddy? You’re so smart~”

Snorting, Ron just lets Kim take over, her soapy hands coming down and stroking his member, cleaning it up and then washing over his body as well. He runs his own hands up and down his former best friend’s form, playing with her body to his heart’s content, running his fingers along her curves. She wasn’t quite at the same level as her mother yet, but there was no denying the similarities between the two of them. Kim was definitely growing into her mother’s figure, albeit with a bit more muscle and firmness from her extremely active lifestyle.

Speaking of that kickass athletic form… Eventually, Ron pushes Kim back against the wall, kissing her as she wraps her arms around his neck, and without further ado, leaps up to wrap her legs around his waist as well. Ron’s cock sinks into Kim’s cunt as a result of this, and he groans at how tight she is, compared to her mother. Both women are fun to fuck in their own way, but there’s no denying that Kim has a tight, compact, athlete’s figure, while Ann is a voluptuous, curvaceous MILF of a woman.

As such, Ron is able to do things like fuck Kim up against a shower wall as the toned cheerleader wraps her limbs around him and holds him tightly, her own athletic skill assisting in the endeavor as the hot water beats down on them both. Their lips clash together and their tongues wrestle with one another, and the two makeout even as Ron fucks Kim hard, plowing into her with all of the extra force he couldn’t use with her mother.

She takes it, just like she’s taken all of those blows from Shego over the years, though not quite in the same way. She embraces Ron in a way he expects she’ll never embrace Shego, taking him on in an entirely different sort of arena… and ultimately submitting to his big fat cock and his rough thrusting, cumming again and again and crying out into his ear over and over until finally, Ron fills her with his seed, depositing his third load of the day into Kim just like he deposited the second load into her mother.

Pulling out of her, they both finish washing up and enjoy toweling each other dry, before throwing on some robes and heading downstairs. By the time Ron reaches the dining table, Ann has already set out a veritable feast for breakfast and is waiting at his right-hand side like a dutiful wife should. Ron sits down at the head of the table, of course, and Kim sits at his left. He gives both women a smile, and then digs in, the two gorgeous red heads joining him a moment later.

Life was good… nay, life was better than good. Even if the path he’d taken to get here was an undeniably weird one, he wouldn’t change a single bit of it. Not for the entire world.


Elijah Cook

Thank you for the chapter


Great Chapter! Hope for more