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Summary: Rough Sex, Fucked Silly, Breeding

Summary: In which the world-building got away from me a little. The Queen will have to wait for a Part 4. Thickfury continues to move on up in the world. As tales of his exploits, namely pounding snooty noble bitches into pleasured puddles until he fills them with his white, hot seed, spread across the Kingdom, word eventually comes from the Throne itself. He's wanted for a little... royal breeding. 


“I don’t understand mother. Why? Why even consider this? Surely there are better options than this. Surely… surely there are better options than the two of us submitting to some… some beast.”

“Are there truly, my daughter? These better options of yours… could you perhaps outline them for me?”

“… You… I…”

“Indeed. The truth of the matter is laid clear before us, my child. The witch is dead, thankfully, but that does not erase the damage she did to us. Our nobility has been cut in half. My husband and your brother are both dead. Our neighbors are already sniffing around at our doorstep. We will require a new King, and fast.”

“Why? Why can you not remain Queen of the Land, why can you not rule as father once did? Why can I not be your heir? Just because we are women? Just because we do not have cocks, we cannot rule?”

“… My daughter. I have done all I can, to give you a good life. I and your father indulged you at every turn, allowing you to focus all of your time and skill on your martial prowess, rather than the skills a lady should know, in order to be the best wife to a good husband that she can be. If not for what befell your elder brother, it was my intention for you to never have to marry. Even now, this path I have chosen for us… you still won’t have to marry.”

“No. Just be used as a broodmare by a beast.”

“Was it not you that set forth this decree, my daughter? Did I not allow you to make it so that any man who thought to court me or you would have to show he could defeat you in a duel first? Is this any different than that?”

“Yes! Mother, this is no man, this is a minotaur!”

“And? Are you so afraid that you will lose then, my child?”

“… That’s not fair.”

“Life isn’t fair, Andria. All we can truly do is roll with the punches. Will you duel him or not? Because refusing… refusing is as good as forfeiting.”

“… I will fight. And I will win, mother. And when I do, when I defeat this minotaur in single combat, it will send a message to the other kingdoms that we are not to be trifled with despite our genders, and that I am your sword and your shield.”

“Of course, Andria. I look forward to your triumph.”


It was almost an arena. Not quite though. Still, standing in the training yard just within the Palace Gates, seeing all of the armored soldiers lining the perimeter, it was more than enough to get Thickfury’s blood up. Even if he still wasn’t quite sure what he was doing here. Not for lack of trying. The mother of his first child (because he was set to have MANY now) had tried to explain it to him. After loaning him out to over three dozen noblewomen, something that Thickfury hadn’t minded one bit, Lady Arolia had sat the Minotaur down and explained to him that a message had come from the Queen.

Now, Thickfury didn’t know anything about Queen Isabella. Other than, he supposed, that she was the Queen of the Kingdom he found himself in. That made her the highest authority in the land, from what he’d been told. At least, since her husband and son had died. The Queen was nominally in charge, because no man was left to take up the crown. The witch’s curse had made sure of that, killing every male of royal blood there was.

That was the whole reason Thickfury had been knocking up noblewomen for weeks now. Still, apparently the Queen had caught wind of what Lady Arolia was doing. Apparently, she’d been intrigued. Thickfury had been surprised by that. He’d been with plenty of snooty nobles at this point, but royalty… it seemed different. A new challenge, perhaps.

A new challenge indeed. He can’t help but snort, his nostrils flaring as he stands on one side of the training yard, while studying the beautiful blonde knight currently being helped into her armor on the other. He himself doesn’t have any armor… just his battle-axe. The knight… isn’t a knight. That had been confusing as well.

Since when did princesses dress in armor and wield swords? But Lady Arolia had explained to him that Princess Andria was no normal princess, nor a normal girl. She was a fighter, and always had been, her parents the King and Queen allowing her to train in the way of the blade from an early age, right alongside her dearly departed brother.

Apparently, she was the final obstacle between him and the Queen. Apparently, this Princess had forced her mother to make a simple decree after the witch’s plague had struck down their male family members. Any man who wished to wed her or the Queen would have to defeat her in combat first. Honestly? Thickfury approved. He actually liked it quite a lot, in fact. 

As the Princess finishes armoring up and turns to regard him, Thickfury spends a moment truly taking her in. Blonde of hair, yes, with bright blue eyes. Her wavy locks cascade across her armored shoulders. The breastplate she wears has never been more aptly named, clearly made for a woman, with the chest of it protruding outwards as it curves in around the waist.

The lower half of her armor leaves something to be desired though, in his humble opinion. Not that he’s ever been much of a connoisseur of armor to begin with, but he’s certainly fought enough men in full plate to know what sort of armor rightly protects someone, and what sort of armor is… questionable to say the least. Wearing a plate skirt instead of proper leg guards certainly seems questionable to Thickfury’s experience.

She is wearing gauntlets and thigh-high sabatons though, which in turn leaves the only part of her body exposed beneath the neck a few inches of her thighs. Thickfury finds himself contemplating if the exposed flesh being a distraction to any hot-blooded male is enough of an advantage to make up for the lack of armor there. Perhaps that’s why she does it?

Or perhaps it’s because it gives her added mobility. Thickfury’s eyes narrow a bit when the Princess moves away from her attendants and he sees how agile she is. She’s quick on her feet, this one, even as she swings her sword a few times, twirling it about, testing it for balance. She’ll be a fast striker, in and out, trying to harry him. She’ll probably be tough to hit.


Thickfury blinks, pulled out of his musings as he looks over to Lady Arolia, now even more noticeably pregnant with his babe.

“… Don’t underestimate the Princess, alright? But… don’t hurt her too much either.”

Thickfury just grunts and gives a half-nod, focusing his attention back on the woman he was going to be fighting. Amusingly enough, this would be his first time fighting a woman. The Arena he’d been forced to fight in had never had a single female combatant in all his time there. He supposed it would be different, testing his strength against a female he might get to fuck afterwards. Very different indeed.

However, even as both combatants step forward, even as Thickfury prepares to fight, a voice abruptly rings out across the courtyard.

“Hold, please.”

Everyone else stops, so Thickfury does as well. That’s when he gets his first look at the Queen. Queen Isabella steps out into the courtyard looking pretty damn fancy. Blonde and blue-eyed, just like her daughter, the Queen wears a crown atop her head that marks her as royalty, while wearing a gorgeous white and gold dress and cape combo. Thickfury especially appreciates the lowcut of the front of the dress, which shows off much of the Queen’s upper chest and the top of her bosom for good measure.

The Queen waits for everyone’s eyes to be on her, and then speaks, clearly, concisely, and with authority.

“Clear the courtyard, please. I will preside over this duel. Lady Arolia may stay with her Champion. No one else is to remain.”

There are some protests of course, but Thickfury doesn’t pay them any mind. He’s only got eyes for the Queen and the Princess. They’re both beautiful and enticing, in their own ways. He wants them… he wants to lay with them. But first, he has to win.

The courtyard is soon cleared, and it’s just the four of them left. Only once they’re all alone does the Queen speak once more.

“I have decided to alter the details of this arrangement. Should my daughter lose this duel, Minotaur… you will inseminate her here, and now. Should she win, however… your life is forfeit.”


“My Queen-!”

Both the Princess and Lady Arolia cry out at that at the same time, but Queen Isabella cuts them off with a simple raised hand, even as she stares Thickfury down.

“My word is final. Now… begin when you are both ready.”

He’s not really sure what the Queen is aiming for here. Is she trying to rattle him? Is she trying to rattle her own daughter? As the Princess turns back towards him and raises her sword, he only sees determination and resolve in her bright blue eyes. Meanwhile, Thickfury isn’t all that worried. He faced death on the daily, back in the arena. What was one more fight to the death, really? Though, only one of them was fighting to kill, he supposed… and it wasn’t him.


“N-No… I can go on! S-Stay away you brute… I-I said stay away!”

Thickfury snorts, as he kicks the Princess’ sword out of reach. The duel had been… not quite satisfying. She’d done her best, she really had, but from the moment that she’d landed her first blow on him and realized that even her enchanted blade could barely nick his equally magical hide, they’d both known how this was going to end.

Now, the beautiful blonde Princess was on the ground, trying to crawl towards her sword, which he’d just sent skidding away. Grunting, Thickfury tosses his battle axe to the side as well, having used the flat of it to knock the Princess senseless when she’d finally over-extended in sheer frustration. She’d have a bruise across the entire right side of her face soon enough, but it was better than cutting her head off, he supposed.

Looking over to the Queen, he finds her staring at the scene without much emotion in her gaze. Ah, but there was a slight tremble in her lower lip, and Thickfury had gotten pretty good at reading noblewoman. She was sad for her daughter… but at the same time, she gave him a nod, gave him the go ahead all the same. 

Grunting, Thickfury reaches down and grabs Princess Andria by an ankle, dragging her back even as he kneels behind her. He finds himself wondering if it was her mother who stipulated the plate skirt, because it’s surprisingly easy for him to get access to her cunt, even with her armor on. Forced onto her hands and knees, the Princess cries out as she feels his fingers dragging aside her undergarments.


“My Princess, please drink this…”

Lady Arolia is there, offering Andria a potion, which of course the beleaguered Princess tries to refuse.

“Take it, daughter of mine.”

But when her mother’s voice rings out from across the courtyard, Andria lets out a shuddering breath… and quaffs the potion that the pregnant noblewoman is offering her. The fight goes out of her at that point, and Thickfury takes that as his cue. Without hesitation, without pause, the massive Minotaur places his cockhead up against the Princess’ cunt. Despite her protests, despite everything, she’s already a little wet.

Still, Thickfury goes slowly, for what reason he can’t quite say. Unlike most of the noblewomen he’s lain with at this point, who all had deceased husbands and sons, and had thus already had sex… Princess Andria is different. The Princess Knight is virginal. His cock tears through her purity all the same as Thickfury pushes in, and Andria cries out in an ugly fashion, tossing her head back as she’s taken on her hands and knees, still in her armor, right there in the middle of the training yard.

Lady Arolia has stepped back and looks almost troubled by what she’s wrought. Queen Isabella, meanwhile, watches on as if it is her duty. And in a way, Thickfury supposes, it is. It’s the mother who has consigned her daughter to this. It’s the mother that called upon Lady Arolia and thus his services. But it’s the daughter that Thickfury has defeated in combat. It’s the daughter that he’s going to fuck and breed now.

The massive Minotaur doesn’t stay slow and gentle for long. How can he, when Andria’s tight cunt stretches but also grips around his plundering, invading length so beautifully? How can he, when she fought so well? It would be a disservice to not give her the full experience. She was outmatched from the very beginning, no single knight was trained to fight a full-fledged Minotaur and live… in the end, the Princess was set up to fail. 

As Thickfury fucks her however, as he thrusts into her again and again, thanks to the potion Lady Arolia provided, Princess Andria proves more than able to take it. She takes his massive member up into her cunt over and over, her armor clinking and clanking together as he fucks her on her hands and knees right there on the ground, in front of her mother. Grunting, snorting, panting, Thickfury gives the Princess Knight all he’s got.

And in turn, Andria… begins to reciprocate. Seeming to forget her mother and Lady Arolia are even there, the Princess starts to moan. She starts to push back against him, her hips moving to meet his thrusts. She tosses her head back, but her eyes are drifted shut as her mouth forms into a small o. And then she cums around his cock, and it’s as if the floodgates have been broken open.

“Yes! Yes, fuck me you big dicked minotaur bastard! Fuck me harder! Take me! Breed me! Knock me up, you beast!”

The Princess’ cries sing clearly through the air, even as Thickfury continues what he’s already been doing, which also just so happens to fulfill exactly what she suddenly seems to want from him. In the end, with her an enthusiastic participant, it doesn’t take long for Thickfury to tip over the edge. He cums and fills the Princess to the brim with his seed, pumping a nice thick load of his incredibly virile cum into her womb.

He pulls out, and the Princess falls flat on her face, her arms no longer able to prop her up. She certainly looks ridiculous right now, but Thickfury only has eyes for one woman. Her mother, the Queen. Standing up, he looks at the dignified royal beauty, admiring her bosom even now, fantasizing about taking her as well. 

Queen Isabella looks right back at him, calm and collected despite what she just witnessed. After a moment, she inclines her head.

“Very well then. Come alone… and bring my daughter, if you will.”

Snorting, Thickfury scoops Princess Andria off the ground, and follows her mother inside. A trail of his seed drips from the freshly fucked Princess Knight’s thighs the entire way.



The ref pics seem to be broken, maybe post them as a separate post? Could include other refs you’ve used in the story thus far


Yeah I couldn't make them work so I just deleted them altogether from the post. Dunno what was going on with Patreon's linking system, oh well.


You should've able to upload pictures to Patreon?


ya im getting bad ip when i try to open them up


The address is resolving with an extra http at the start. Delete em so it starts with www. Will chapter 4 go through the voting or will we get a double header? (I was promised Queen bitch getting railed lol)