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Here are the results for this week's poll! 

First however, I just want to remind everyone that you can now send me prompts for next week's poll! I currently already have THREE Guaranteed Prompts for Monday's poll, and two suggestions!

So if you're entitled to a guaranteed prompt for August, make sure to send it in. If I get six guaranteed prompts before Sunday, I'll post the prompt poll up early! 

That said, if you still have a guaranteed prompt or you just want to suggest a prompt for the next poll, PLEASE send them to me in a Private Message on either this website or Questionable Questing!  As usual its first come, first serve!

Unfortunately, the Weekly Prompt Poll can no longer have nonconsensual prompts in it, because those violate Patreon's Community Guidelines.

However, I am committed to you guys, my loyal patrons. If you're entitled to a guaranteed prompt, please feel free to message me with your prompts, and we can work together to potentially reshape any prompts that violate the guidelines into something that doesn't.

Thank you and here's the poll results! Lots of popular options this time around!

1. High School DxD: 214 votes!

2. Greek Mythology: 180 votes!

3. Pokemon: 150 votes!

4. Danny Phantom: 188 votes!

5. Monster Musume: 51 votes!

6. Original Fantasy: 102 votes!

And thus the winner and tomorrow's Patreon Post will be:

1. High School DxD - Issei/Ile/Nel/Koneko - Part 3 of "Unexpected Spoils". Continuing the trend of getting in on the fun, Koneko decides to interpose herself into Issei's first time with the Chainsaw Twins. To be fair, they do all have something in common, being practically full grown young women in petite, small bodies. Regardless, Koneko has taken a liking to having Issei's cum on her snacks before she eats them, and Ile and Nel are the perfect pair to extract the delicious creamy treat from his big fat cock. Themes: Foursome, Rough Sex, Dom/Sub 



Fuck, no prizes for 2nd place


At least I know people like the mythology ideas. Maybe next time it’ll win.


isn't it early to call it?


I said maybe. I can’t hack the votes in this. I’m not Russia.