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Hogwarts, College of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Harry Potter)

  • Hufflepuff 68
  • Gryffindor 97
  • Ravenclaw 242
  • Slytherin 183
  • 2019-03-06
  • 590 votes
{'title': 'Hogwarts, College of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Harry Potter)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Hufflepuff', 'votes': 68}, {'text': 'Gryffindor', 'votes': 97}, {'text': 'Ravenclaw', 'votes': 242}, {'text': 'Slytherin', 'votes': 183}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 6, 17, 39, 35, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 590}


A/N: Here we are with Chapter Two. Next week's piece will be the next chapter of the RWBY story, so if you haven't voted in the latest RWBY poll you can do so here. This chapter's choice is an important one as well, so it's good that we're going to have two weeks to vote on it!

Also, in case it isn't clear by now, I'm fucking around with a few characters' ages, lowering some ages of older characters to include them. Nymphadora Tonks is the most egregious example at the moment, but others might pop up as well, just to give you all fair warning.

Also also, keep in mind that not everything will match up with your knowledge of canon. After all, the train ride didn't go as it did in canon, everyone is a young adult... things change.

Hope you all enjoy~


No point in hanging around here, not really. Standing up, Harry stretches his arms over his head and lets out a satisfied groan. Then, he turns around and casts a simple Notice Me Not charm on his luggage. Best to be safe, because he had absolutely no intention of carrying the large trunk around with him, no sir. And the enchantments on the magical items contained within would not react well to being shrunk.

Still, the security would mean that even if anyone managed to see past the Notice Me Not charm, they shouldn’t be able to get into the trunk without a fight. Expecting it to hold up until he got back, Harry turns and unlocks the door to his cabin, stepping out into the train’s main hallway. Looking left and right, Harry sees a few people here and there, walking this way and that or peeking in and out of cabins.

However, if he had to guess, he’d imagine that his cousin would be somewhere near the front of the train. As Head Girl, outdated as the position was, Tonks was basically in charge of all of the Prefects for the school. Also, an outdated position, from what Harry had heard. The whole thing was probably due to be done away with any day at this point, or perhaps replaced with a system that made more sense in a college, rather than an outright school.

People were slow to change, wizards and witches even more so. Chuckling and shaking his head, Harry heads towards the front of the train, passing by several cabins along the way. He recognizes some people, and even gives a few nods here and there, which are returned with smiles. Meanwhile, some people more recognize him, his looks not exactly average by any stretch of the imagination. While the lightning bolt scar on his forehead had long since faded away with age, Harry’s eyes were still a bright glowing green and combined with his messy pitch-black hair, he apparently had a very striking visage.

Or so he was told. Personally, Harry didn’t think much of his looks. But that didn’t stop him from getting more than a few whispers as he went, people mentioning that he was THE Harry Potter to their friends. To be perfectly honest though, Harry was more interested in the OTHER whispers he got. Namely, the witches who commented on his ‘hunk’ or ‘stud status’ instead of his actual identity.

Harry made sure to make a mental note of those witches. They probably still knew who he was, but if they were more interested in his outer appearance than his name… well, it was probably a little bit weird to be excited by that, but then, most people didn’t grow up as one of the most famous people in the entire damn wizarding world.

Eventually though, Harry makes his way to the front of the train, and finally runs into someone with a Prefect Badge on their robes. The witch is a couple years older than him if she’s a Prefect, obviously, but they’re all basically adults, so Harry has no issue calling out to her with a smile.

“Hey there! You wouldn’t happy to know where Nymphadora Tonks is, would you?”

Even before she looks to him, she’s speaking.

“Oh boy. First, I wouldn’t call her by her first name. Just Tonks. Second… you’re Harry Potter.”

Alright, so he’s pretty sure that was NOT what she intended for her ‘second’ thing to be. Especially since the moment her eyes met his, her tone, along with her body language, changed at the drop of a hat. Before, she was dismissive, clearly ready to tell him off for wasting her time and for trying to waste his cousin’s time. Now though…

“Yeah, hi. Sorry, but I’m Nym’s cousin, you see. And also, Harry Potter, yeah. Would you happen to know where she is?”

The Prefect just grins as she steps forward. To be perfectly honest, she’s not bad looking.

“Tonks has been holding out on us! I mean, I knew you were her cousin, but she never told me how handsome you were!”

Wow. Harry had never had anyone flirt so overtly with him before. He blinks a little, taken aback as the gorgeous dark-skinned witch, with a grin on her face, gets a little closer. Then, she seems to realize she’s being ever so slightly creepy and pulls back.

“I’m sorry, where are my manners? My name is Angelina Johnson. Obviously, I already know you… but really, I don’t know anything about you, in the end. Why don’t you and I get to know each other better in my cabin? What do you say?”

Alright, Harry is pretty sure he’s being propositioned here. And to be perfectly honest, he’s almost certainly all for it. But… he did set out to find his cousin first. If he was running into Prefects at this point, surely Nym had to be close by. Still, she could also wait, couldn’t she? But did he want to make her wait and explore what this… Angelina had to offer?

Before Harry can truly ponder his options, the decision is taken out of his hands.

“Wotcher Harry, what’re you doing at this end of the train?”

And like that, Nym is at his side, seemingly out of nowhere. She looks as spectacular as ever of course… no, actually, when he really looks at her, Harry realizes she looks BETTER than usual. Huh, she’s really spiced up her form since he saw her at breakfast with the rest of the family. Was this how she always looked while at Hogwarts? Because in the time since he saw her saying goodbye to her mother to now, Tonks has gone from simply beautiful to drop-dead gorgeous and mouthwateringly sexy.

“Oh, Angelina. Were you bringing my cousin to me? That’s so thoughtful of you, thank you so much.”

The dark-skinned Prefect looks like she’s sucking on a lemon, if Harry is being honest. 

“Actually, Harry and I were just talking. I-!”

Before she can finish that sentence, Nym cuts her off.

“Oh, good. Then you won’t mind if I borrow him. Sorry, but this IS going to be Harry’s first year at Hogwarts, so I want to make sure he’s prepared. Need to tell him all about the ins and outs, and potential… pitfalls.”

Alright, Harry is in no way oblivious. He doesn’t say anything, because to be perfectly honest, he doesn’t know WHAT to say in this situation, but the brewing catfight is pretty obvious. In the end though, in the face of Nym’s sweet smile and his silence, Angelina doesn’t have any recourse but to smile and walk away. As soon as she does, his cousin takes him by the wrist and practically drags him into the nearest unoccupied cabin before going so far as to magically lock the doors behind him.

By that point, Harry is getting a little bit miffed. Overprotective surrogate sister aside, he doesn’t appreciate being manhandled. And if she’s just going to cockblock him the entire time he’s at Hogwarts, Harry’s not sure how their relationship is going to… oh shit, Nym is kissing him. Green eyes go wide as the older witch practically lunges into the kiss. Their lips meet, and there’s absolutely nothing platonic about the way that she pushes her tongue into his mouth and he in turn lets her.

The kissing lasts far longer than it probably should, but Harry can’t bring himself to regret a single moment of it. When they finally pull apart, Tonks is blushing and even panting a little bit, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand and staring at him, half-afraid of how he’ll react and half-victorious, from the looks of things.

“S-Sorry about that. I just… I know what Hogwarts is like, Harry. And I know what you’re like, especially with Sirius as a godfather. I’m not trying to stop you, or anything like that… but I had to stake my claim.”

Harry’s mouth opens and closes like a goldfish for a moment as he just stares at his cousin.

“Your… claim?”

Grinning, Nymphadora Tonks steps closer, and Harry’s eyes drop down at the top button of her blouse suddenly comes undone, showing off growing cleavage as she increases her bust by a cup size.

“You’re not running away screaming yet, Harry. So maybe I wasn’t wrong in thinking that all those wandering eyes these past few years actually meant something. It’s like this. You can fuck as many Hogwarts girls as you want… but as Head Girl, it’s my duty to make sure you know what you’re doing.”

Before he can respond to THAT particular revelation (the fact that she knew he’d been looking was news to Harry, he’d thought he’d been stealthier than THAT) Nym reaches out and cups his crotch, causing Harry to let out a groan as she immediately begins massaging his cock through his pants. Meanwhile, the metamorphmagus’ eyes go a little wide, and without a word, she drops down to her knees, right then and there.

Harry finds himself forcibly seated on one of the cabin’s benches, and his knees spread apart as Nym gets right up between them. Licking her lips, the older witch makes quick work of Harry’s belt buckle, button, and zipper, making him wonder just how much his cousin has done this kind of thing. Judging by the expression on her face as she pulls his cock out however, she’s not done it with anyone quite as large as him.

Nym moans as she slaps his half-chub down across her face, draping his rapidly thickening and hardening prick along her features.

“Ooh, we’re going to have fun with THIS bad boy. Unless…”

Suddenly, his cousin pulls back for a moment, looking at Harry and biting her lower lip self-consciously. There’s vulnerability in her eyes that wasn’t there before.

“I… I’m rushing this. I really am. And I need to actually ask before I all but sexually assault you. Do you want this, Harry? Do… do you want me?”

Reaching out, Harry slides his fingers through Nym’s hair, watching as the purple locks change colors to an almost blushing reddish pink where he touches. Smirking down at her, Harry grips tightly after a moment, and brings her back in, enjoying the feel of her lips and face beneath his cock once more. Nym’s eyes stare up at him from around his girth, and he knows she’s gotten the message, because a second later her tongue slips out and she begins to lick and lap at his length.

He doesn’t hold his grip, preferring to let her guide the experience, figuring she has to know what she’s doing, given her years on him. He does keep his fingers laced through her locks though, and as she moves her lips to his cockhead and begins to take him into her mouth, he groans, tilting his head back in visible enjoyment of her tongue sliding over his bell end.

Nym is good at what she does, very good, and what she’s doing right now is… sucking his cock. Perhaps it’s not exactly what Harry had in mind when he set out to look for her. Oh sure, he’d had fantasies for years, the metamorphmagus wasn’t wrong about that. Harry had lusted after his surrogate sister for a long, LONG time, and that was before he’d seen her current form, which was undeniably hot, sexy, and seductive.

And she knew it too, if the way she reaches down and unbuttons the rest of her blouse is any indication. Her tits pop out when she pulls off her bra, and Harry finds himself salivating over the bouncing, jiggling jubilees as Nym slides herself up and down his length, bobbing her head back and forth without ever taking her eyes off of him.

Reaching under his cock with his free hand, Harry takes hold of one of Nym’s tits, groping and squeezing it. She moans around his girth even as it’s stretching out her jaw, her face growing flushed with pleasure. Seeing this, he makes sure to play with her nipple until it’s got a diamond-like hardness to it, rolling it around between his thumb and index finger until Tonks is responding by going even deeper on his cock.

He expects her to choke at some point, to be honest, but she never does. It takes Harry longer than he would care to admit realizing she’s not going to. One of the benefits of being a metamorphmagus, from the looks of things. Her nostrils are certainly flaring a lot to keep air flowing, but as far as a gag reflex is concerned… Nym might as well not have one.

“Merlin, Nym. I think I’m already getting close…”

The moment those words leave his lips, Nymphadora Tonks abruptly pulls back. He’s not holding her hair tightly at all, so she has an easy time escaping his grasp as Harry blinks dumbly at the sudden loss of those soft lips and that hot, wet, velvety mouth swallowing up his cock. He looks up and focuses on his standing cousin just in time to see her shirking off the robes she’d already parted entirely. And then she takes off her pants.

Not the slow way either, she quite literally presses her wand to her pants and does something that turns them incorporeal, because she steps through and they stay where she was standing. Harry lifts both eyebrows at that bit of magic, and Tonks just grins down at him in response.

“I’ll teach you that trick later. For now… the only place you’re cumming is inside, Harry.”

That brings his eyes down to his cousin’s panties, and Harry opens his mouth, just in time for Nym to remove those as well. Then, he’s staring at her gushing wet cunt… and any argument he could have made just falls flat as she climbs aboard, straddling him for a moment, hot-dogging his cock with her cunt for all of a second before sliding up his length and then outright impaling herself on his dick.

Harry’s hands instinctively go to Tonks’ waist, and he groans as he feels her slick, hot insides tightening and gripping and squeezing around his cock. In turn, Tonks moans quite lewdly and quite wantonly, shuddering as her eyes very nearly roll back in her head.

“F-FUCK! I… I was NOT prepared for that. You’re so much bigger than I could have ever imagined, Harry. You’re going to be a hit with the witches of Hogwarts, I’ll tell you that right now. Mm, Merlin yes… just fuck me, Harry Potter!”

Her hands clap down on his shoulders, and she begins to bounce up and down on his cock right then and there. Harry, seeing nothing else to be done, tightens his grip on Nym’s waist and helps her, thrusting up into her as he drives her down onto his thick, meaty length time and time again. She’s very, very tight, and feels better than anything he could have imagined. This is Nymphadora… but she’s also a woman, and Harry can’t help but enjoy her.

It's not long before he’s cumming. However, by the time that happens, Tonks has squirted out shuddering releases more than once, and as he fills her with his seed, she’s leaning forward, laying her forehead on his shoulder and moaning into his chest quite wantonly. They pull apart though, after a few moments like that. It’s not exactly awkward, but there is a quiet to their companionship for the rest of the ride to Hogwarts.

Going back to his cabin with plenty of time to change into his robes and be ready for when the train arrives at the college, Harry finds himself being gathered up with all the other new arrivals. There are plenty of beautiful witches among the lot, ranging from drop-dead gorgeous to needs a little work to big-tittied and wide-hipped.

Harry notices more than a few that catch his eye, and he catches the eye of several of them in return. But there’s no time to really talk, as they’re led into the castle and towards the Great Hall in short order. And then there they are, standing at the back of the hall waiting to be called up for yet another outdated tradition. House Sorting.

Luckily for Harry, Sirius had prepared him for this. He knew all about the Sorting Hat and the inane stupidity that was the whole process. Just like he knew from Sirius that the whole thing was basically a sham. Sirius himself had come through and CHOSEN his House, just like that. The man had been a Gryffindor when every member of his family before him had been Slytherin.     

That meant Harry had his choice of exactly what House he went into. When he finally got called up, he would be the one to decide where he went, all he had to do was tell the Hat what he wanted, and the stupid thing would do it. But then, that was just it. Of course, Sirius espoused the virtues of Gryffindor, but that didn’t necessarily mean Harry had to go into that House. 

Really, it was nothing more than a glorified dorm room these days, from what he’d been told. There’d once been a points system, but that had been done away with, even if the houses themselves hadn’t quite yet. There was also the Quidditch Teams, but to be perfectly honest, Harry didn’t know anything about the current House Teams’ make up. He was sure he could easily make Seeker for any of them though.

As he stands there waiting for them to get to the P’s, Harry watches as wizard after wizard and witch after witch are all called up. There’s a gorgeous red head he knows as Susan Bones that goes to Hufflepuff, and Harry can’t deny he’d like to get to know her better. Then, one of the truly voluptuous blondes ends up in Gryffindor. Harry thinks he could easily get with her, but perhaps TOO easily… she seems a little vapid. 

There’s also a nervous but studious-looking brunette who gets to Ravenclaw. She seems like she might be worth befriending, and not just because she’s got that glasses-type cuteness going on (even though she’s not wearing glasses). She’s probably also got some book smarts that he could make use of. Finally, there’s another blonde, this one sorted into Slytherin, who looks the exact opposite. Sleek and thin, but with aristocratic features, Harry recognizes her as Daphne Greengrass, and though she’s prim and proper and looking down her nose at everyone… well, he IS Harry Potter.

The only question is, just which House does he want to be part of? 



...Man, lotta snake fans, eh? I guess Daphne *does* have the most-developed personality in other Cambrian stories... but I dunno, the House of Hitler Youth's just not for me I guess. It feels incredibly stereotypical, but I'll vote for Hufflepuff. Maybe Ravenclaw if it starts pulling ahead. Be nice to see Ginny eventually though, assuming the years have dulled the venom towards the canon winner.


Tbf, its only 22 votes (as of this post) so far :P THese polls usually get to over 300, so there's plenty of time for things to shift drastically.


Oh, I added that rider because I expect the votes to shift dramatically, in time.

Cypher Three

Ooh, tough call. Hufflepuff is tempting, since it comes with the supremely busty Susan Bones and easy access to his smoking-hot and clearly eager cousin...downside is, besides them there aren't really many stand-out girls in that House, and Tonks will be leaving at the end of the year. Gryffindor comes with Lavender Brown, roughly on par with Susan when it comes to boobs, one of the smoking hot Patil twins, and the Chaser Trio, one of whom already has Harry in her sights. Ravenclaw seems to have Hermione, and a bevy of exotic cuties like the other Patil twin, Cho Chang, Su Li, and later the rather oddball Luna. On the other hand, I get the feeling the House is very dog-eat-dog, particularly focussing on academics, and while Harry has a lot of talent, he's never been overly inclined to book learning. Slytherin...there are some hot girls there, but I'm sure there are ways to get into their robes that won't leave him open to being shanked in his sleep by his housemates, or worse, having Snape as Head of House for his entire Hogwarts career.


Huh. Ravenclaw pulls ahead? Eh, the Hermione train's not one I was ever on, but...


Ravenclaw, DEFINITELY. It has Hermione, who, if she-you know what, I went through this already in the last chapter, don't need to rehash it; if you want the (extremely) good reasons to get Hermione into Harry's pocket (and other things) just go read that; plus, in Ravenclaw, we get LUNA next year!