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(There is a TL;DR at the bottom)

Heya guys! So its been a long month since the Patreon Restructuring I had to do. As unfortunate as that was, it happened and there's nothing to do be done about it... well, sort of anyways.

I didn't bother with a Monthly Update last month because the notice I ended up having to post sort of doubled as one anyways. That said, now that we're in April, I wanted to touch base with all of you. Especially since all of you stuck with me to this point!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to each and every one of you for sticking around and continuing to support me on my journey. I know I've said that a lot over the last year, but it means more now, knowing just how many of you are supporting me regardless of the change in circumstances.

That said, I was looking for a way to both give back to you guys, my loyal Patrons, as well as entice future folk to perhaps pledge a $1 here and there to me going forward. To that end, I've come to a decision.

From now on, most of the winners of the Weekly Prompt Polls will be exclusive to Patreon only. That 'most' caveat is rather simple. I intend to post one out of the 4-5 Poll Winners publicly each month, as a sort of advertisement to let everyone outside the Patreon know what we've been up to and all that.

This won't be the same as having 30ish pieces of exclusive delayed-release content on my Patreon at all times... but there won't be a delayed release anymore. Most of the Poll Winners on Patreon will remain exclusive to Patreon forever, save for the one released each month at the end of the month at my discretion.

To that extent, these exclusive posts will always have the "Poll Winner" tag on them from this point forward, which you will be able to find on the left hand side of my Patreon Page under Featured Tags. It'll slowly grow over the coming months as more weeks go by and more Weekly Prompt Poll Winners get written.

Anyways, once again, thank you very much for all of your support guys. I really appreciate having you on board. Its thanks to all of you that I can continue to make this dream of mine a reality.

Until next time!

TL;DR: Prompt Poll Winners will be exclusive Patreon Content from now on. Thanks for your support!



On the one hand I appreciate this...on the other I tend to use HF a lot cause it's easier to navigate than patreon.


Well, the vast majority of my writing will still be posted to HF. The only thing that will be Patreon Exclusive is the Weekly Prompt Poll Winners, and to find them, all you'll have to do is click on the "Poll Winner" tag to the left side of the page. Easy as pie!


I have to agree with Argenten. While I will be able to continue reading, of course, it seems a shame to keep stories behind a paywall, and I'm not a fan of Patreon's website format for reading. Early access and the ability to vote on the weekly poll should be enough to get $1 supporters. If you need more support, perhaps you could add a $2 tier? Though I'm not sure what reward you would offer for that, you might be able to encourage some of your existing patrons to switch to the higher tier.


Actually I don't mind sharing the A Different Path Highschool DxD story to all since I think there should be more Highschool DxD lemon smut in general to enjoy:) I appreciate the sentiment though:) I'd rather wish you were open to commissions instead lmao:) In add seriousness it's hard to find someone who writes quality smut and style I like. I know because I've looked lol I found one guy who was pretty good but all he wants to do is Naruto and another who was good but wanted like double what everyone else was charging 50$ for every 2000 words is pretty steep as a going rate.