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EDIT: Please don't unpledge from me just to send a message to Patreon, you're hurting me more than Patreon if you do that. 

Hey guys! So this Patreon Page is going to be going through a pretty big change over the next day or two.

I was aware that this might happen, but hoped it never would. Essentially, I've been contacted by Patreon's "Trust and Safety Team" and told that some of my content is in direct violations of their guidelines. Specifically, I have to remove all Nonconsensual and Dubious Consent pieces from my Patreon.

Now, going forward I'm not going to stop writing these themes. However, I will no longer be able to post them up on this Patreon. And since I'm not posting anything of that sort on the Patreon, I probably won't bother posting any of my consensual stuff up on the Patreon exclusively either.

This is actually technically a Good Thing for you guys, my Patrons. For those of you who are solely paying me $1 for the month early access to my content, you will no longer have to do so, since I will no longer have a delayed release schedule. Here's what this all means for my Patreon Page.

1. I am NOT going to stop writing for you guys, and I am NOT going to close down my Patreon Page. This is a setback for me, and probably not just a minor one, but its not the end of the world. I can still do what I love and conform to Patreon's guidelines, and that's thanks to all of your support.

2. From now on, there will no longer be a delayed release schedule for my Patreon Page. When I write and post something for one of my Higher Tier Patrons, it will go up on either Hentai Foundry or Questionable Questing that day and be available to everyone. This is already the case for Commissions.

3. The Weekly Prompt Poll WILL continue. It is my intention to keep doing my Weekly Prompt Poll. Everyone who pledges to my Patreon Page will still have 1-10 votes depending on their Tier, and my higher tiers will still have guaranteed prompts, while the lower tiers have the ability to suggest prompts. This will basically be the main reason for people to pledge to my Patreon Page from now on.

4. Some of the content on this Patreon Page is going to start disappearing, starting tonight. New stuff will probably not be posted here. It WILL be posted on Hentai-Foundry and Questionable Questing. I currently have two weeks to make my Page conform to the guidelines of Patreon. This means that at the very least, I will be removing all Dubcon and Noncon pieces. The majority of these are already released to Hentai-Foundry and Questionable Questing however, and those that aren't will be released in the next couple days as I remove them from this Page. From this point on, I intend to use this page as a crowdfunding platform and a way to run my Weekly Prompt poll, more than as a repository for my works. QQ and HF will remain as public repositories for my works.


This is going to be a pretty big change. Thank you for reading this far, and please don't be alarmed, this affects me more than it should affect any of you. However, if you have questions or concerns, please feel free to message me in Private Messages on either this website or Questionable Questing. I will try to address what I can. 

For those of you who leave my Patreon Page because of this, I'll miss your support, but I also understand and wish you the best. Thank you, ALL of you, for your patronage, in the past, in the present, and in the future.

TL;DR: I am having to sanitize my Patreon Page of any noncon or dubcon material to conform to Patreon's Community Guidelines. The month long delayed release of my work is ending because of this, however the Weekly Prompt Poll will still continue. I fully intend to continue writing for all of you.



Thank you for your frankness and transparency.


Sorry this happened to you


This... this ish terrible. That means the plebians will gain access to your writings faster. :>


You shouldn't lose anything on your end. I'm currently in the process of removing offending content from my Patreon, but if you keep up with me on Hentai-Foundry or Questionable Questing, you'll still have unfettered access to my content!


Why don't you post what you have updated on HF and QQ and have a link to the post?


I'm currently in communication with Patreon's Trust and Safety Team, and if they say it's alright, that's something I might do going forward. Right now I'm simply removing all current offending content so my entire Page doesn't get shut down. Either way, the "delayed release" thing I was doing will come to an end.


can you post a link to your QQ page?


Sorry this is happening, but I'm glad to hear you've got a plan in place for it.


Here's the largest repository of my works on QQ, however the larger works have their own threads as well <a href="https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/cambrians-one-shot-repository-patreon-commission-pieces.5887/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/cambrians-one-shot-repository-patreon-commission-pieces.5887/</a>


Yep, I'm flexible and capable of bouncing back! Thanks for your support my man =)

Jack Cooper

Super sorry this is happening.... Is there a best way to help you despite this?


Just stick with me and continue to support me so I can continue writing for all of you guys =) I'm not going anywhere, so long as you all have my back!


Well, there goes my rwby idea.


No, your RWBY idea will still be allowed in the poll. If it ever wins, I'll still write it and post it up on QQ and HF for everyone to read. It's just the noncon content itself that can't be posted here.


I’m a little worried. I found your stories and still read them on foundry, but when I go to your page less than half of your total stories are coming up. Is there a way I can fix that?


It may have to do with the Content Filter Settings you have on your HF account. When you go to Edit Your Profile, you want to make sure your Content Filter Settings look something like this to be able to see all types of content: <a href="https://i.imgur.com/xUgZRYR.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/xUgZRYR.png</a>


Ouch man, sorry to hear that anyway I don't plan to go anywhere actually I'm probably going to go to a higher tier since I doubt my Fate scenario will win over the KP one. Yeah I'm determined to get that started:)


Sorry, to hear that, hope everything works out ok

Mr Crowley

The thing that annoys me the most is now I won't get a copy of each story in my email.