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Patron Request

Themes: Consensual, Dom/Sub, Futa, Pregnant Sex

Word Count: 2,810

Summary: While Taylor and Izma have some alone time, Salazar distracts everyone (most importantly the shark and tigershark girls) with the only thing he has that'll keep them all rooted in place for a couple hours.


A shiver of excitement runs through Taylor’s naked body as she steps into the darkened Pool & Gym that her father and his dockworkers had repurposed out of the abandoned warehouse. They’d actually bought the property legitimately, not that anyone was going to be able to follow the paper trail back to them. Taylor wasn’t going to be some sort of squatter or anything like that.

Still, she hadn’t been reminded of the old days for quite some time. One of her first run ins with Ceraph had seen the Omnibus beating her and cursing her with an Exhibitionist kink a mile wide. It had been before she’d acquired Valeria as well, and Taylor’s outfits of the time had taken on a very… risqué look for a little while. 

Now she wore nothing at all, and Taylor could admit that she found it quite freeing, just standing there in the dimly lit warehouse, her heavily pregnant body on display, her nipples rock hard and leaking milk, and her pussy lips puffy and leaking sexual fluids out the wazoo. Without the confines of Valeria to keep them in, Taylor’s huge hips swing and sway back and forth freely, and her massive, big, fat badonkadonk jiggles and bounces with every step as she moves deeper into the Pool & Gym.

It’s honestly quite disappointing that there’s no one else there to leer at her. Some bystanders might have been nice… but Taylor had gone into this knowing that there wouldn’t be anyone in here besides her and Izma. Salazar had promises to pull the rest away to give her and Izma some private time, and though Taylor had been curious to just how he was going to lure away a bunch of exercise-happy shark and tigershark girls, along with a whole flock of bimbofied harpies… well, he hadn’t been willing to reveal. 

The dragon naga had just gotten this odd smile on his face and told her he’d tell her all about it later. Taylor hadn’t really been bothered by that. It was bound to be hilarious, but in truth, she was more interested in spending some time with her tigershark lover than anything else. It’d been a little while since Taylor and Izma had been able to get together, and though the futa didn’t have the biggest cock in Taylor’s ‘stable’ of lovers, she was still a fun roll in the hay one way or another. Or perhaps dip in the pool would be a better euphemism for the tigershark.

Although… Taylor frowns slightly as she leans over the edge of the massive pool that dominates the center of the renovated warehouse. She stares up and down the length of the thing, but she can see no trace of her tigershark mate. Hm, it was likely that Izma was playing games. No doubt the futa was waiting for Taylor in the depths of the magically expanded pool, which she knew went down far, FAR deeper than was supposed to be physically possible. But then, physics always had been Mareth’s bitch.

Chuckling, Taylor calls upon her extensive knowledge of Marethian magic, the catalog of spells that she could call on being truly massive, in the end. Some had been hoarded and coveted by the Council of Tel’Adre for quite a long time… but in the end, one did not say no to the Champion of Marae, especially a Champion that had brought a very permanent end to the demonic threat that had plagued their world.

The Council had folded, just as every idiot with a bit of power and a bit of sense had in the end. Taylor just smirks as she finds the spell she’s looking for, one that would give her the ability to breathe underwater for a good several hours. It was a bit longer cast time, but Taylor wasn’t in any sort of massive rush.

Though, the lull and the silence as she began to cast the water breathing spell on herself did leave Taylor’s mind wandering just a bit. Even if she wasn’t allowed to know just yet, Taylor couldn’t help but wonder once again just what Salazar had planned that would manage to keep such an… eclectic group entertained. It had to be SOMETHING big…


It had taken every bit of his patience, as well as his imposing countenance to manage it, but in the end Salazar had done it. They were all seated, all staring at the massive wall-length TV screen that took up one full side of the room. Many were seated on cushions. Many were seated on dicks that belonged to those seated on cushions. The flightier of the group had to be properly entertained after all, or they’d just end up causing trouble and ruining the experience.

Sophie was the biggest example of this. Salazar hadn’t been able to simply settle the bimbofied, veritable Harpy Queen down on his cock or any other cock like he’d done with her daughters. Instead, Sophie had been tied up quite firmly, and gagged with a nice, thick dildo gag that slid right down her slutty throat to keep her cries as muffled as possible.

It made it easier to ignore the bimbo harpy, even if she was impaled on the end of his twitching tail to keep her from slipping herself off and crawling away to bother anyone. His thick tail pushed deep up into her, all the way into her womb in fact, and Sophie’s eyes were currently rolled back in her head as she spasmed and seized around it.

Salazar just did his best to focus on the movie, even as the opening score began. The first scene took place under water, and a familiar bit of music began to play through the speakers as every shark girl and tigershark in the audience watched raptly.

Duuuuuun dun, duuuun dun…

It’s the Jaws theme song, of course. How else was Salazar supposed to convince all of these shark-morphs, futas and non-futas both, to sit still and to also make their oh-so-friendly harpy lovers sit still for long enough to give Taylor and Izma their time alone together? Grinning, Salazar settles in as everyone just stares at the screen. This was going to be fun.


Stepping into the warm pool, Taylor lets out a contented sigh as she quickly descends from the five-foot depth at the shallow end, into the ever-increasing depths of the magically enchanted pool. With the water breathing spell properly in place, Taylor simply relaxes into the swim, luxuriating in the water’s embrace. It’s been quite some time since she could just enjoy a swim without having anything to worry about or to stress her out. 

The current massages and teases at her body, and the weight of her dense and pregnant frame only makes it easier to dive into the lowest reaches of the pool in search of her tigershark lover. Of course, Taylor isn’t about to find her down there, no matter how hard she searches… at least not in that moment.

Up above, on the second floor of the Pool & Gym, a slutty swim top and a skirt hit the ground as their owner steps away from the discarded garments and out onto the diving board right in front of her. She bounces once, and then smoothly dives into the depths of the pool, causing Taylor to turn around at the noise as it reaches her much diminished underwater. Its more of a twitch against her senses than anything else… but looking about in the dark depths of the pool, Taylor can’t actually find anything or anyone.


“It wasn’t an accident. It wasn’t a boat propeller, or a coral reef, or Jack the Ripper. It was a shark. It was a shark.”

The well-acted dialogue comes from the screen as the assembled shark girls and futa tigersharks watch the movie before them, clearly enraptured by the picture.


Taylor is abruptly sent spinning underwater as something surges past her and delivers a big, hefty slap to her broad butt. Well, not something, someone. Taylor knows exactly who she’s dealing with right now, but that doesn’t make Izma any easier to find as she looks left and right and back and forth, trying to find her tigershark lover.

Instead, the next ‘attack’ comes from below, as her cunt receives a full-forced open-palmed slap to it that causes Taylor to shudder and double over in pleasure. However, even as she looks directly below herself, Taylor can’t see her attacker. Instead, she ends up ambushed from behind merely a moment later, arms wrapping around her own, restraining her and forcing her down to the sides of her body. At the same time, legs repeat the movement with her own legs, holding her in place and preventing her from swimming altogether.

Finally, a big shark tail comes up between her legs as they’re spread apart, and it begins to whap back and forth in the water, both dragging them deeper and deeper into the depths, as well as rubbing the length of her pussy with every back and forth movement it makes. At the same time, a growing erection begins to prod at her ass, and Taylor moans out underwater as she squirms without truly resisting, grinding her fat rump back against Izma’s growing futa member.

Because in the end, of course it’s the tigershark. Izma has her dead to rights, but Taylor doesn’t mind one bit. She wouldn’t have come into her lover’s domain if she wasn’t eager to have Izma fuck her. Izma’s massive cockhead presses against Taylor’s asshole, even as they slip deeper and deeper into the enchanted pool’s depths, and then it’s inside her completely and Taylor can do nothing but moan beneath the massive amount of liquid atop them both, her anus squeezing tightly around Izma’s cock as it burrows into her bowels.

Inch by inch, the tigershark re-stakes her claim on Taylor’s ass. There was always someone trying to claim her holes these days, but Taylor couldn’t necessarily say she minded. So long as her numerous lovers and mates all played nice, so long as they also all understood that Salazar was first in her heart… well, it was all the more fun for Taylor, having them all fighting over her so often. 

Izma is quite enthusiastic in pounding her tight little asshole as Taylor’s body shakes and jiggles and bounces under the water. Her dick pounds into Taylor’s back door time and time again, and all the human woman can do is take it. Breathing isn’t a problem, thankfully, and the water pressure isn’t either because of the hardiness of her body… but it is still a bit stifling, just in a good way. As they finally settle on the floor of the extremely deep enchanted pool, Taylor looks up and can barely see the lights on the Pool & Gym’s ceiling overhead. She knows that they’re quite literally hundreds of feet down at this point… and damn if that isn’t a little frightening, and a whole lot exhilarating.

Izma fucks her ass until the tigershark is satisfied, and that means pumping nearly a gallon of semen up into Taylor’s bowels. Not that the human woman minds… Izma knows she can’t actually cum inside of Taylor’s cunt at the moment. Of course, that doesn’t stop the tigershark from trying to re-stake her claim THERE as well.

As soon as she’s finished cumming in Taylor’s asshole, the futa tigershark pulls out and forces Taylor onto her back, pinning her down with the help of the literally hundreds of metric tons of water atop them in that moment. Taylor doesn’t bother resisting, just like before. Instead, she lays back and luxuriates in the sensation of being completely and utterly helpless, even as Izma forces her legs apart and guides the head of her futa member to Taylor’s ready and waiting pussy lips.


“Mr. Vaughn, what we are dealing with her is a perfect engine, an eating machine. It’s really a miracle of evolution. All this machine does is swim and eat and make little sharks… and that’s all.”


Izma slams home into Taylor’s cunt triumphantly, and the pregnant woman moans in near-silence at the bottom of the enchanted pool as she takes Izma up inside of her with great satisfaction. The human woman’s cunt walls tighten around the tigershark, even as Izma begins to piston in and out of her with great force, fucking Taylor’s pussy like there’s no tomorrow, pounding down into her lover with every bit of considerable strength at her disposal.

Taylor cums, down there under the water. She’d cum from Izma’s butt-fucking as well, but she ends up orgasming a LOT more from getting her hot, wet-and-ready cunt railed. The pregnant woman cries out voicelessly into the water time and time again, and she squirms and writhes and spasms under Izma as the tigershark molests and mauls her tits, all while pounding her into the pool’s bottom with all her might.

But even that does eventually come to an end. Izma’s cock ends up milked by Taylor’s clenching walls, and at the last moment, the tigershark pulls out and floats up with one powerful thrust of her shark tail, slamming her cock down into Taylor’s open and waiting mouth. Funnily enough, the water breathing spell also keeps her from choking, and Taylor is more than able to swallow every last drop of Izma’s jizz down there beneath the water, drinking and drinking and drinking as the tigershark curls her fingers through Taylor’s locks and throws her head back in honest exultation.

Then, it’s over. Finished, Izma and Taylor swim back to the surface of the pool, with the tigershark helping her human lover much of the same. Together, they get out of the pool and stand up, only for Taylor to take a step and wobble, just about to trip when Izma moves quickly to catch her. Her tail immediately wraps around Taylor’s bulging middle to protect her womb, an instinctive action, even if it is unnecessary with Marae’s blessing. Thanks to the Goddess, Taylor’s womb was the most protected, most defended part of her body.

Taylor doesn’t smile either as she looks to Izma. She doesn’t thank the tigershark girl for catching her… and only belatedly does Izma realize that that was because Taylor hadn’t stumbled by accident. She’d done it on purpose. The human woman bares her teeth as she whispers a single word to the rapidly paling tigershark.


A moment later and Taylor’s powerful hands are clutching at Izma’s shark tail just as she’s trying to unwrap it from the girl. Then, Taylor reminds her tigershark lover of just how strong she is on land by swinging Izma, tail and all, around with enough force that the futa leaves the ground. An instant later, Izma slams into the Gym floor on her back, and a moment after that, Taylor’s impaling herself on Izma’s cock, knowing that the tigershark’s quad of grapefruit-sized balls still have plenty left to give her.

Moaning happily, the pregnant woman proceeds to outright dominate the squirming tigershark futa, turning the tables on her as she bounces along, riding Izma like no tomorrow. 

“Stupid slut, thought you could get away with being in charge, did ya? If not me, you know Salazar would smack you back down. Mm, fuck yeah, right there…”

Izma growls and does her level best to retaliate by thrusting up hard into Taylor’s cunt. It’s not truly domination, though it’s clear who’s in charge in that moment, even as Izma slaps her shark tail up against Taylor’s bouncing, jiggling ass in an attempt to distract her.


“Smile, you son of a BITCH!”


To no avail, in the end. Taylor gets what she wants, forcing orgasm after orgasm, both female and male, from the futa tigershark. The pair enjoy themselves thoroughly in the end, and so do all of Izma’s children, all of the shark girls and tigersharks thoroughly enjoying Jaws, just as Salazar knew they would. The dragon naga watches their reactions with a wide, toothy grin, and simply enjoys the movie himself as well, happy that he was able to find it on Earth Bet. But then of course he did. Scion didn’t show up until 1982, in the end…

Unbeknownst to the occupants of both warehouses, the portal in the back of the one flares up and spits out a vulpine figure in a suit as everyone’s distracted, either by the movie, or by fucking. The figure glances left and right for one moment, its ears twitching in the direction of the ‘Movie Theater’ and then towards the Pool & Gym.

Then, rather than move towards either of those places, it slips out into the night, disappearing into the city of Brockton Bay.


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