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Patron Request

Themes: Consensual, Dom/Sub, Fucked Silly

Word Count: 7,332

Summary: Taylor's pregnant again, and that leaves Salazar in charge of welcoming their newest arrivals from Mareth. He certainly goes over the top in his 'welcome'.


As soon as he comes down for breakfast, he’s roped into helping out. Salazar doesn’t quite mind though. Lumi’s daughters are a force to be reckoned with all on their own, and they’ve taken over the kitchen, turning it into a bona fide assembly line as they make platter after platter of all kinds of breakfast food. It’s really quite impressive, but Salazar has never been much of a cook, even back when he was Alexander, so all he does is transport the large trays full of food over to the huge, extremely long dining table.

It almost feels like home now, this magically enchanted warehouse on Earth Bet. Of course, such large amounts of food are only made necessary in the first place because the food of Taylor’s original world is severely lacking in the magical nutrients that saturate Mareth. At least in the end they only needed one massive meal like this a day, but it was still quite irritating having to shovel food down their throats nonstop just to stay at full strength.

As soon as he sets one tray down on the table, goo tentacles from Valeria immediately snatch up large portions of the breakfast food, adding it to the pile of culinary delights already rising into a mountain on Taylor’s tray. Taylor meanwhile, is simply reclining in her chair, holding her half-fox daughters to her breasts as they nurse. Her beach-ball abdomen gives them both a place to rest as they suckle greedily from her massive, milk-heavy teats.

Salazar can’t deny that he loves the sight of Taylor pregnant. Her widening womb invokes feelings of lust and love and a million other things inside of the dragon naga every time he so much as looks at it. He’s not the only one enjoying the sight of her growing pregnancy though, as evidenced by the slight shake to the large dining table, along with a steady thump coming from where Urta is sitting and eating. 

With her tail wrapped around her chest to hold her herm daughter and her son to her breasts while she eats, the grey fox-morph’s eyes are focused on Taylor’s ballooning belly. That is, until she feels Salazar’s eyes on her. They both share a devious grin and Salazar glances to Taylor with a wicked gleam in his eye.

“Be sure to save room for ‘dessert’ Taylor.”

Urta is quick to jump in as well, perking up happily.

“Yes! Yes! I don’t want you to fill up before I can give you some of my tasty cream filling~”

The fox-morph has certainly come a long way in her banter since she met Taylor and Salazar. She definitely wasn’t the same ashamed alcoholic they’d first come to know back in Tel’Adre. Taylor tries to respond to the two of them with words, but Valeria seems disinclined to let her. The goo armor stuffs more and more food into the pregnant woman’s mouth every time she opens it to speak, and eventually Taylor settles for flipping them both off for a moment, before settling her hands back on her babies.

Salazar just snickers and turns back to the kitchen to grab his own food. He loads his plate up with plenty of eggs and bacon and sausage, chowing down as he enjoys the impromptu show that starts only a moment later. It’s a good thing he’s fairly certain Taylor has enough to fill up on already in the dining room, because Lumi’s daughters have ceased their massive assembly line at the arrival of Asterion, and they’re now attempting to outdo one another as they gather around him, feeding him by hand.

Watching on in some amusement, Salazar nods proudly as the minitaur ‘holds’ court, eventually choosing the best dish of the day. That particular daughter of Lumi’s gets to suck his throbbing dick to completion, and she does so with great gusto… and some help from her sisters. The ‘losers’ help the ‘winner’ take every last inch of Asterion’s cock down her throat and into her gullet and given just how big the minitaur is where it counts, it makes for quite the obscene sight as the goblins forced one of their own all the way to the base of his cock and then back again.

The winner practically became a cocksleeve during that delightful bit of time, and when Asterion finally began to cum with a high-pitched moo of contentment, she was outright shot off of his dick like a cannon, causing his seed to spray everywhere… and onto everyone. By the time Salazar was finished with his breakfast, Lumi’s daughters were licking Asterion clean, licking each other clean, and even licking the floor and the walls clean just so they could get at his sticky, delicious cum.

Of course, by the time they were done, Asterion was erect and throbbing once more, and the group of aspiring goblin alchemists were happy to start the whole process over again. They usually did several rounds before eventually getting on with their day after all. Smiling, Salazar leaves his son-in-all-but-blood behind with Lumi’s daughters, getting on with his own day a little bit earlier than that.

There were things to see, people to do after all. Or wait… was it the other way around? Hm, or was it BOTH? Heh, either way, Salazar had as full a day ahead of him as ever.


With breakfast over, Salazar catches a glimpse of Urta helping Taylor upstairs, with Asterion and Lumi’s daughters following as they carry the kits to the nursery. It’s Taylor’s last day to herself, or at least, her last day with others, before his dragon instincts take over completely and she finds herself nesting in his bed until she’s finally given birth. Salazar can feel the need to have his mate by his side at all times growing in his chest even now… but he doesn’t let the dragon control him. HE controls the dragon.

Still, tomorrow is their agreed upon time, which means for today, he’s settled with the task of overseeing the arrival of more of their extended family, since Urta is going to be so busy feeding Taylor loads of seed. Technically, they could have kept the shop open through this ‘trying time’ but it had turned out to be better to just keep it closed for today… especially since Lumi and Rathazul hadn’t left their bedroom yet, leaving no one around who actually had leadership capabilities, or at the very least, shop-running expertise.

It was fine though. Their store had been a massive hit among Brocktonites so far, and Salazar imagined it would stay that way for some time to come. They certainly weren’t hurting for money, either Mareth currency or Earth Bet currency. A day closed would be fine… and it wasn’t like they could even have angry customers banging on their doors wondering WHY they were closed, when the shop itself only showed up when they wanted it to show up.

On his way to the portal, Salazar finds himself stopped quite suddenly by a familiar theme song. He blinks, looking in on one of the lounges to find Shouldra’s naked form stretched (literally) across one of the couches, leaving no room for anyone else to sit on it. The former ghost was eating a bowl full of sugary cereal while watching the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers on the Magitech wide-screen TV.

Salazar can’t help but quietly sing and hum along with the opening theme song to the show, especially since it was practically his childhood, back when he’d just been Alex on an Earth much like this one. Glancing at the clock on the nearby wall, the dragon naga does the math and decides he has enough time. Decision made, he settles onto his tail behind the couch, and watches a thirty-minute long episode of the Power Ranges.

Shouldra roots on Rita Repulsa the entire time (because of course she does) and halfway through the show, Salazar realizes the former ghost is literally touching herself to a show from his childhood. When Rita makes her monster grow, Shouldra goes a step beyond touching herself, literally experiencing an orgasm as she fists her cunt to the sight of the creature on the screen being enlarged by Rita’s magic.

What follows next is Shouldra recovering from her orgasm, while the Power Ranges combine their Zords and save the day. It’s obvious that this part of the episode isn’t nearly as exciting for Shouldra, because the former ghost finally looks away, and in doing so, notices his presence. Her eyes light up as she turns to face him on the couch.

“Well hey there handsome. How about we have some fun and I make your monster grow, hm?”

Salazar licks his lips… sorely tempted. But another glance at the clock tells him his free time is expended, and he has somewhere to be… ten minutes ago. Chuckling, the dragon naga rises from his seated pose and shakes his head.

“Sorry Shouldra, perhaps another time. We have incoming visitors today.”

The former ghost turned sorceress just shrugs and goes back to watching the TV, where the Power Rangers theme song is playing once more, as a new episode starts up almost immediately after the first. Giving both the TV screen and Shouldra one last nostalgic smile, Salazar turns and slithers out of the room, heading for the portal and his duties, which he’d put off for long enough.


Arriving at the portal back to Mareth, Salazar finds a group of goblins just hanging out, surrounded by crates and chests of merchandise. This group is about two to three dozen strong, and each and every one of them is blue-haired. The shop is closed for the day, but that does NOT make up for the fact that the young goblins are all lounging about, touching themselves as they enjoy the supply of pornographic novels that they’re supposed to be stocking the shelves with.

Letting out an explosive sigh, Salazar slithers forward, ready to admonish the blue-haired goblins for their behavior. However, before he can get a single word in, one of them suddenly goes flying across the room, crashing into the wall. This draws both his attention and the attention of every single goblin in the room, as a familiar voice rings out, loud and angry.

“You lazy, good for nothing, little COCK SUCKERS! If you can’t do one simple job without getting distracted, I will PUNISH every last one of you!”

A new smile spreads across Salazar’s face as Broodmother Teresa, one of his first lovers, makes her presence known. The seven-foot-tall goblin broodmother is a physical giant compared to her three-foot-tall daughters, and the ridiculous measurements of a goblin body had been scaled up with her increased size. 

She brandishes her ‘discipline rod’ menacingly as the young goblins squeal and scramble to their feet, getting back to work. In truth, the discipline rod is a studded, metal club that could leave a goblin’s backside red in just a few swings… of course, it’s secondary use was as Teresa’s personal dildo, as no normal sex toy could satisfy her any longer. She certainly couldn’t bring herself off with just her fingers like her offspring were trying to do.

Well… their offspring. Salazar’s smile widens as he finds himself a bit lost in the hypnotic motion of Teresa’s breast, ass and hips as she chases their offspring around the portal and the crates filled with the porn novels. Despite being the father of each and every one of them, the dragon naga offers no shelter from their mother’s wrath. No, if you want to make a goblin girl listen to you, you have to be willing to use a sharp tone and a heavy hand with them. Soft and gentle did not make for a properly raised goblin child. It just made them more egotistical, and more willing to take whatever they wanted.

A few times, Salazar’s tail even flicks out to send a few of them flying towards Teresa, so that she could probably bat them into the walls. She’d certainly come a long way from the midget slut he’d encountered within a few days of arriving on Mareth. That first meeting had been… well, it’d certainly been an experience, for the both of them Salazar liked to think. It was funny… and mightily arousing, to see Teresa as an honest-to-Marae Broodmother these days.

Ah, but she’s stopped now. Their children are spared further punishment because of one reason and one reason alone… their mother has noticed their father’s emerging erection, and Teresa had never been able to resist Salazar’s cock, not even back before he’d become what he was now. Salazar’s nostalgic smile spreads into a wicked grin as the goblin broodmother’s club drops to the floor. 

She sashays her way over to him with a blush and a lewd smile, even as she shows off her body. Her measurements were just short of both Taylor’s and Marble’s. Her tits, her ass, her hips… she was practically a goddess among the goblins, and for good reason. Teresa’s jewelry and baubles clink and clack against one another, jingling against her shaking flesh as she moves. Her potion bottles, wrapping all the way around her waist, do the same.

The amulet around her neck that she’d received from Santa Claus himself drew Salazar’s eye, and his wicked grin turned a bit wistful once more. That particular trinket allowed Teresa something that no other goblin had… the choice, of whether to get pregnant or not. That had been a turning point for the Broodmother. She’d come from nothing and following his lead, following HIM, had brought her all the way to the top of society. Teresa wouldn’t let any of her peers, or her kind back on Mareth forget it either.

“Hey there big boy~ I’ve missed you soooo much. We’re going to have to make up for lost time, aren’t we?”

Salazar watches in some amusement as the goblin broodmother coos over his dick. She’s talking to the representation of his masculinity after all, not him. Her eyes are fixated on his shaft as she leans in, whispering huskily to the unintelligent appendage. Though, in defense of that ‘unintelligent appendage’, it does respond to her words by twitching and growing harder and harder. 

Chuckling darkly, Salazar reaches down and runs his claws through the beaded braids of ocean blue-hair atop her head. He leans down, his elongated tongue sliding along the golden hoops of her ears.

“You know Teresa, as beautiful as you are, there’s just one thing missing, my dear.”

His hiss causes her to look up into his eyes finally, even as her own gaze clouds with confusion. She runs her hands along her body, checking to see what might be missing or out of place. There’s nothing there though, mostly because Salazar is talking about something else entirely. Grinning quite ferally, the dragon naga grabs hold of his goblin lover’s head forcefully.

“You aren’t waddling around, bloated with my seed!”

Teresa’s eyes widen in surprise and delight as Salazar forces his cock into her mouth, past her full, pouty lips, and down her throat. The goblin woman’s mouth stretches wide, and her jaw stretches wide right along with it, even as he face fucks her to her immense enjoyment and his own heart’s content.

“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”

Sliding her down his cock, he makes use of Teresa’s body in the same way that Asterion was making use of Lumi’s daughter in the kitchen. Of course, not just anyone could turn the Broodmother Teresa into a cocksleeve. Salazar was a special case, and he happily took fully advantage of his status, forcing his cock deeper and deeper into the goblin’s magically enhanced gullet.

Regardless of her stature, the voluptuous creature would never break. She would never rip or tear. She was made to be fucked by the biggest dicks there were, and Salazar’s was certainly up there. At the same time, their daughters watch on from around the room, pulling out toys or going back to using their fingers. The pornography that they were all thoroughly enjoying is forgotten, discarded even in some cases as they stare at the enviable sight of their mother taking their father’s huge fucking schlong into her face hole.


The sound of Teresa choking on Salazar’s cock is music to everyone’s ears… Teresa included, when he reaches over her and slides a hand down to her fat ass. Lifting her up into the air a bit, he pushes his claw deep into her cunt, fingering her while also forcing her to deep-throat his dick and then some. With Teresa’s body forced straight by his length and her neck bulging from the sheer size of his girth, Salazar feels it as she cums again and again on his digit, her frame shaking and spasming from the sheer pleasure of being used in such a brutal, delightful manner.

Her tongue slips back and forth along the underside of his cock. It’s nothing compared to his own, and in the grand scheme of things, it’s a small bit of pleasure along his massive shaft… but he enjoys it nonetheless, as it shows how devoted to him Teresa is. Even in the process of being abused so thoroughly, the goblin broodmother is focused on his pleasure and his pleasure alone.

Soon enough, he’s coming close to his first release. Grinning wickedly as he delivers a slap to her fat ass with his tail, Salazar looks down into Teresa’s watery eyes.

“I’m getting close, my sexy little cum dump. Remember, if any of it spills out your daughters are waiting and watching, eager to slurp it up.”

Given a taste of his seed, Salazar and Teresa both know their goblin children would never be satisfied by any other male ever again. The insinuation, that she’d better prove herself worthy of her title as Broodmother by taking every last drop into her hungry gullet is obvious. Teresa immediately comes out of her lust-fueled, blissed-out state as his words filter into her pleasured brain, and her entire demeanor changes as she gains a rarely seen focus to her, a serious look in her eyes even with her jaw stretched and her cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk.

A moment later, Salazar begins to cum. His seed pumps into Teresa’s throat, and the goblin broodmother immediately begins to swallow it down, gulping his cum greedily. It is without a doubt one of the sexiest things Salazar has ever seen, as Teresa proves herself in spades. Her status as both a broodmother and a champion to goblins everywhere is secure as she drinks down every last drop, before loudly slurping his dick clean to make sure that all of their daughters knew there were no leftovers for them.

When she finishes, the bloated blue-haired goblin turns around and faces all of her daughters. A loud burp sounds from between her lips, and then she’s yelling at them all once more.

“The show’s over for you lot! Get back to work, now! Or I’ll do more than just beat you senseless with my discipline rod!”

Salazar can’t help but grin, even as Teresa looks back at him with a grin of her own, clearly happy to have his approval and his respect for her reaffirmed. The goblin is perhaps the most revered of her entire race at this point, but she still can’t help but clamor for his attention, for his happiness. And while Salazar isn’t the kind to abuse that sort of devotion and adoration, he can’t help but love it, as a dragon.


Their daughters get back to work under the watchful eye of both of their parents, and the crates and chests filled with porno novels of all sorts are moved along towards the part of the shop where they’ve just opened up a new room devoted to enjoying such things. With Teresa’s arrival, it would be used to teach them the changing dynamics of their sexuality. There were certain lessons that would need to be taught to both males and females. Lessons from Mareth.

Still, Salazar was quite horny, even after fucking Teresa’s throat senseless. And Teresa was giving him that knowing look, a grin stretched across her green face from ear to ear as she swayed back and forth, giving him a nice view of her jiggling, voluptuous frame. He was just trying to decide upon which position he would fuck her in, when the portal suddenly glowed and a moment later, Izma and Bimbo Sophia came tumbling through.

Salazar lifts an eyebrow at that, even as he reacts almost instinctively to the sudden presence of the bimbofied harpy. His cock comes down even as Teresa turns around towards the portal as well, and a moment later it disappears into her cunt from behind as he scoops her up with his dick, lifting her entire body up into the air and impaling her in one fell swoop. Teresa’s eyes immediately roll back in her head as she cums on the spot, her tongue hanging out of her mouth as his body forms into an S for her to ride.

His claws move to latch onto her flesh between her cum-bloated belly and her milk-laden titties, and he begins to bounce her up and down on his dick, even as he keeps a wary eye on the two before him. It’s a holdover reaction, from before he’d made himself immune to Sophie’s harpy lipstick from repeated exposure. Even if he WAS now immune, that wouldn’t stop the bimbofied harpy from trying to paint his dick gold with her lips, slurping his cock into her throat and refusing to leave him alone… under normal circumstances.

This doesn’t appear to be normal circumstances. Blinking slowly, Salazar watches as Izma throws Sophie to the ground, pinning her down and dominating her by stuffing her dick right up the bird brain’s ass. The tigershark-morph grits her teeth as she fucks the harpy’s back door fast and hard, pounding away at her butthole with quite a lot of force.

“Ooh! Fuck me darling, fuck me! Oh, but that’s the wrong hole! You’re supposed to fuck me in my cuuuuuunt!!!”

The bimbofied harpy’s urge to get pregnant wasn’t exactly surprising, even if it was futile at this point. The glyph of sterility on her abdomen, right over her womb kept her from getting pregnant at all, even if she still felt the urge. Teresa had one as well, and Salazar strokes it absently as he watches Izma fuck Sophie into the ground with all her heart. With the goblin broodmother’s fertility and his own virility, it was simply best to stack on the preventative measures… for now. Over-population was becoming a very real concern.

After Izma and Sophie comes an entire cohort of familiar faces. Izma’s shark-morph and tigershark-morph daughters come waddling through the portal, and more than one of the tigershark-morphs has followed their ‘father’s’ example from the looks of things, as they each carry one of Sophie’s equally bimbofied daughters on their dicks, impaled and bouncing up and down as the young harpies cry out happily at being so thoroughly FUCKED.

Of course, those that aren’t already impaled on a cock only have to take one look at Izma and Sophie fucking on the ground before they proceed to drop to their knees so they can inhale the nearest tigershark cock into their throats. The portal site quickly becomes an orgy of harpies and tigershark-morphs, replacing the orgy of masturbating blue-haired goblin girls that had been there before Teresa had shown up.

The last tigershark doesn’t have a harpy to fuck or get sucked off by of course, as they number one more than Sophie’s daughters. Instead, she ends up getting knocked on her back and glomped by the ever-affectionate Symphonie, the latex goo girl hopelessly turned on and hungrily drooling at the sight of so many yummy fluids.

After that pair comes the final three of the party, a pair of normal shark-morphs supporting Cleo between them. The Bath Girl’s massive cowgirl-sized tits on her five-foot, five-inch frame didn’t quite make it easy for her to walk about. Not to mention, her breasts were already leaking. It was obvious that they’d been holding off on milking her so they could get a head start on filling a small pool with her milk, but as soon as the shark girls lay eyes on the sight before them, they stop for a milk break, their heads leaning in to each latch onto a nipple, much to Cleo’s moaning delight.

Salazar watches all of this with a mixed bag of feelings. There’s some amusement of course, but there’s also the… strained relationship between him and Izma to consider. Of course, the entire time Izma’s family is arriving through the portal, Teresa is doing her damnedest to clench down around his cock, attempting to distract him from those arriving so he’ll focus back on her.

With the portal once again quiet and simply swirling in silence instead of constantly glowing brightly, Salazar does just that, finally returning the goblin broodmother’s efforts. After all, no one is going to be doing anything productive until their satisfied with their current activities. He might as well enjoy himself as well.

Soon enough, he’s cumming inside of Teresa, moving her from merely ‘completely stuffed thanks to a large meal’ to ‘pregnancy obvious’ as her bloated belly balloons outwards considerably. At the same time, Izma finishes stuffing her cock-sucking feather duster’s ass with a load of her seed, and the tigershark-morph pulls out of Sophie’s bottom with a satisfied grunt, even as her eyes finally move up to meet with his.


Salazar can’t help but greet the tigershark coldly. He knows he’s glaring, but he doesn’t stop himself, even as Izma returns his glare with one of her own, her tone frigid.

“Alpha’s mate.”

Her eyes then move down to Teresa and she snorts derisively.

“I see you didn’t waste any time reattaching your green cocksleeve to that tiny pecker you call a dick.”

Salazar’s nostrils flare, but he knows she’s just trying to get to him, even as Izma sneers out the words and Teresa lewdly moans in response, quite enjoying being his ‘cocksleeve’.  After all, his dick is bigger than Izma’s… and they both know it. Literal dick-measuring contests were actually a thing on Mareth, since peace fell.

Still, he couldn’t just let her words pass without a fight, now could he.

“And I see you’ve made quite a mess, stuffing that bimbofied turkey with your cum. Have you been a backed up without Taylor around to dominate your dick?”

Izma growls and Salazar leans over so that his head comes down to her level. Becoming the Champion of her race, much like Teresa was the Champion of hers, had brought Izma from just over six feet tall to seven and a half feet, giving her a good two feet of height over her children. But it still left her shorter than him. They continue to glare at each other for one moment longer, their heads only inches apart… and then Salazar’s elongated, serpentine tongue is invading her mouth and they’re kissing as the end of his tail wraps around her own.

They did not hate each other. Salazar wouldn’t have let Izma stick around if he truly disliked her. He did have his pride to consider though, just as the tigershark-morph apparently had hers. They had a long-standing rivalry over who got to impregnate Taylor each time, one that Taylor enjoyed and encouraged because of how much she enjoyed being fought over. 

They’d fought one another for the right many a time, until eventually their relationship had evolved when Taylor had decided she didn’t want to wait for one of them to beat the crap out of the other any longer. That time, Izma had gotten to fuck the human woman… but he in turn had fucked Izma to multiple screaming orgasms at the same time, leaving both the tigershark and Taylor a mess by the time they were all finished.

Salazar eventually pulls back and so does Izma, as the tigershark-morph pants from his overly controlling kiss, her face flushed with lust and desire. She doesn’t say a word though, even as Salazar rearranges Teresa on his dick. His length never leaves the goblin broodmother’s snatch, but she does eventually end up on her hands and knees as he grabs her long, beaded blue braids in hand and pulls back as if they were the reins of a horse.

“Come along. I’ll give you all a tour of our new home. Move, slut.”

That last bit is directed at Teresa and the goblin does just that, moaning loudly and lewdly, even as Salazar talks over her. They make their way slowly through the set of rooms that they’ve set up on Earth Bet, mostly thanks to just how slowly Teresa has to crawl. Izma watches on in some amusement and some jealousy, while Sophie constantly tries to suck the tigershark-morph’s dick, and their combined children are practically almost always fucking in the background.

The tour continues for some time, though it’s not because they’ve made some massive complex or something on this side of the portal. No, it’s really not that much bigger than the Camp has gotten over on Mareth… they are held up by Teresa though, as she cums again and again around Salazar’s dick, her pussy walls milking him of more than one release of his own as well, leaving her even more bloated than before as she speeds up, slows down, and even sometimes comes to a complete stop just so she can properly enjoy his dick repeatedly plowing into her in order to force her to start moving again.

Eventually though, they do make it to their final destination, the place that Salazar is quite confident Izma and her shark and tigershark girls will enjoy the most.


Salazar grins as he throws the double doors open, and he feels a spike of satisfaction at Izma’s delighted gasp from behind him, as well as the ooh’s and awe’s from her children. The magically expanded pool & gym combo that Taylor had had built specifically for Izma and her brood stretches out before them, and as Salazar enters the refurbished warehouse, he slides to the side, allowing the shark and tigershark girls to practically rocket past as they run towards the crystal-clear pool water.

Picking Teresa up off the ground, Salazar returns the goblin broodmother to her rest on the S-like shape of his body. Her womb is so bloated with his seed that her belly is practically dragging on the ground even then… and yet, Salazar knows she could still take more. As Izma’s daughters rush to the pool, Salazar clears his throat and speaks forcefully, his voice carrying throughout the entire warehouse and catching the attention of everyone in it.

“Now, there ARE ground rules. This is still-water, unlike the river you’re used to. That means no pissing or shitting in the pool. Fucking and cumming is perfectly fine, as there are specific runes on the sides and the bottom of the pool to clean up after sexual activities. If you have bodily functions to take care of, you get out and you use the bathroom, right over there. There’s also showers in there if you want to clean up and experience some hot water, which the pool does not have.”

Pausing for a moment, Salazar reorients himself towards the area of the warehouse where there are a whole lot of weights set up.

“Now, for those of you who never experienced Tel’Adre’s gym, those there are weights, which you can use to work out, build muscle, and tone your bodies.”

That instantly catches the attention of all the tigershark-morphs, as he knew it would. It had more to do with their sexual trimorphism than an actual interest in weight-lifting as a hobby though, of course. Shark girls tended to look like swimsuit models with massive breasts, preferring to seduce their targets, while at the same time being able to fight. Tigershark girls on the other hand tended to look a lot more like toned female athletes with much smaller breasts. The latter usually overpowered and dominated their targets, rather than relying on seduction.

Salazar didn’t care much either way. So long as they didn’t turn out like Jasun, they could work out to their heart’s content. Turning again causes Teresa to moan wantonly once more, even as Salazar points out the next part of the warehouse.

“That there is the meditation room, where you can continue the lessons that Master Jojo taught you. It’s completely sound-proofed, so respect one another’s privacy, and do not make a mess of the room. That’s the one room in this place where sex is off limits, and not in the kinky taboo kind of way, but in the ‘you fuck with me on this and you get banned from the premise’ kind of way. Understood?”

Even as everyone nods with wide eyes, Salazar can’t help but reflect on the first time he’d visited the mouse-morph, only to find one of them meditating with him. That’d been surprisingly, but it hadn’t been nearly as bad a shock as the next time, when he’d found all FOURTEEN of them doing it at the same time! He wouldn’t have expected shark girls and tigershark girls to take up meditation of all things, especially not from a MOUSE-morph… but hey, to each their own, right?

“Over there is a small, empty pool for you to put Cleo in. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you all not to overwork her, lest the milk run dry for a time. Be considerate.”

More than a few eyes drop down in shame. After all, they hadn’t known Cleo COULD be overworked until the Bath Girl had been dealing with WAY too many shark girls and tigershark girls at once. Not to mention Sophie’s harpy daughters… It’d become a bit of a mess, so much of one that Salazar and Taylor had been called in to mediate and hand out punishments. Needless to say, he didn’t expect it to be a problem again.

“And over there is the hot tub pool, already warmed up and bubbling thanks to Lumi’s enchantments. You can thank her later. And finally…”

Salazar grins as he gestures at the stairs off to the side that barely anyone had noticed before that point. They led to a second level that wasn’t immediately noticeable either, and with a massive beat of his large draconic wings, Salazar propels himself up into the air, taking the shortcut up to the Pool & Gym’s expansive second-floor. 

Teresa cries out in ecstasy at the sudden acceleration as it drives her hard down the length of his cock, and she ahegaos again right then and there as she cums a few more times along his length, doing her best to squeeze yet another release from him. After cumming so many times though, Salazar isn’t about to cum again unless he decides to, and in that moment he doesn’t.

Behind him, Sophie and her daughters follow, and he points out the bails of hay and other resources to them with a grin on his face.

“You lot can build your own roost up here. Be nice though and share the space. I don’t want to hear about any harpy being kicked out of her own nest.”

The bimbofied daughters of the bimbofied original all coo excitedly, and are all happily making up their nests, just as Izma and her own daughters finally make their way up the stairs. They stop dead at seeing what the harpies, Sophie included, are eagerly up to. As one, every tigershark and shark girl (Izma included) turns and gives Salazar a betrayed stare. He can’t help but grin unrepentantly at all of them.

While there was no doubt that the tigershark girls and Izma loved fucking Sophie and her daughters… putting the bimbofied bird-brains up here, on the second level of their Pool & Gym… well, it was kind of like forcing a guy to take his wife to the gym with him, day in and day out. Some places were just sacred, in a way. And Salazar didn’t have a single fuck to give for the fact that he’d all but ‘desecrated’ this one.

Instead, he gestures towards back where he came, his claws pointing at the boards strutting out from the second floor.

“These are called ‘diving boards’. Why don’t you all try it out.”

And just like that, the looks of betrayal are gone as the tigershark and shark girls begin to form lines to try out the ‘crazy new invention’. The fun they have quickly outweighs the fact that they’ll be spending a LOT more time with their harpy sisters and mother going into the future. A LOT more time. Chuckling at the shouts of glee from the shark girls and the coos of happiness from the harpy girls, Salazar moves over to where Izma is standing by, watching with a smile on her face and her arms crossed over her chest.

With Teresa still impaled on his dick, Salazar leans in and murmurs in Izma’s ear.

“There’s one more room. Would you like to see it?”

Blinking, Izma glances at him suspiciously, but eventually nods. Salazar escorts her back to the ground floor, the trip down the stairs causing Teresa to bounce up and down on his cock with each and every step, moaning wantonly all the way. Eventually, they come to a stop before a glass room down a small hallway, stuffed to the brim with filled bookshelves. 

Izma’s eyes go wide and she gasps in delight once again, even as she hurries inside. Her tail sways back and forth, showing just how excited and overjoyed she is by the gift. She looks at the books, running her fingers over the bindings, and Salazar watches for a long moment before clearing his throat.

“That’s not the best part, Izma. This is.”

He steps all the way in and closes the door to the room behind him. Just like that, all of the laughing and splashing and cawing from back in the Pool & Gym is gone, as total silence falls. Just like the meditation room, Izma’s private study is soundproofed, and he can see the way her eyes widen and light up in true happiness at that discovery. She can read to her heart’s content in pure peace and quiet.

Of course, seeing such happiness and gratitude from the tigershark-morph who was still technically his rival for Taylor’s womb made Salazar a bit sick. Or something. Licking his lips, he gives Izma a wide, wicked grin.

“You know, Taylor’s gotten quite plump with this latest pregnancy. And her tits have gotten bigger as well. She’s hot and horny and ready to fuck any time I want it. Mm, it’s so fun, waking up and pinning her down as I fuck her with my cock again and again and again.”

Izma flushes as her massive futa prick pops out from behind her grass skirt, much to her frustrations. Salazar beats a hasty retreat as he slithers out of the study and back into the Pool & Gym, and the last thing he sees before he and Teresa depart from the refurbished warehouse is Izma heading upstairs, no doubt to grab Sophie’s large drumstick thighs so she can fuck her frustrations away in the bimbofied harpy’s cunt.


Salazar smirks as he holds Teresa by her hair. The goblin broodmother only has one last ‘task’ to ‘prove herself’ before she can spend the night with him, in his bed. Slowly but surely, she’s walking towards Salazar’s room with his cock still buried in her cum-stuffed cunt and womb. Every step she takes causes her cream-filled womb to slosh around, and her belly to bounce away and sway. His hold on her blue braids keeps her from falling forward, while his body pressed against her from behind prevents her from falling over backwards.

Even as they move ever so slowly towards the door to his room, Salazar enjoys every last second of it, his digits lovingly stroking her cum-filled form as Teresa continues on. Salazar knows that the only way this could be better for the blue-haired goblin, was if she had permission to produce a brood of new daughters from all of this. Unfortunately, that’s not in the cards… at least not this time.

Entering his room, finally, Salazar’s bed is definitely a sight of great relief from her. As they reach the edge of his massive mattress, Teresa reaches down with shaking fingers, and pushes her bloated belly to the side as she slips her hand into one of her belt pouches. Pulling out a magical cock ring, she hands it over to him, and shudders in excitement over what’s about to come next, her hands pressing down into the bed as she finally rests a little.

Salazar pulls out of his goblin lover’s cunt just far enough for part of his cock to be visible and exposed to the outside air again. He brings the magical ring closer to it, and the enchanted device grows larger and larger as it closes in on his cock. Opening up into a half-bracelet, the magical cock ring fits around his dick perfectly, and when he clasps it into place, it seals around his length and starts growing up and down his shaft, fully encompassing his dick.

Teresa cries out in ecstasy as Salazar’s cock gains an additional layer of thickness, and her delirious moans become less and less coherent as it travels further along his length until it covers his entire dick. Salazar grunts at the pressure around his thick schlong… but the magical cock ring ISN’T for him. Pulling back just a bit more, the dragon naga slams home into Teresa’s cum-filled womb one final time, and the cock-ring turned dildo expands enough to release his dick, while still remaining lodged inside of her.

Salazar pulls out, but Teresa’s pussy and over-filled womb remain plugged, and they’ll stay like that for quite a long time. Reaching down, Salazar picks up his bloated goblin lover, feeling his cum slosh around inside of her as her body shifts this way and that from the sheer volume he’s left within her. He slithers up onto the bed and carries Teresa with her, before eventually laying her out on her back so she can truly appreciate her boulder-sized abdomen, stuffed full of his cum.

The goblin broodmother isn’t going anywhere for quite a while, not in her current state. And in truth, that’s just the way Teresa likes it, stuffed full of Salazar’s seed to the point where she can’t even MOVE without his help. Knowing how happy she is, Salazar chuckles as he strokes her huge belly. A smile spreads across his face as he looks down into her heavily-lidded eyes.

“Happy now, oh Great Broodmother of Goblins?”

She moans happily in response, and Salazar wraps himself around her protectively in order to take a nap. Her voice reaches his ears just as he’s beginning to drift off.


One serpentine eye opens up, and the dragon naga hums in response.


“You still haven’t stuffed my ass.”

Both eyes open at that, and he looks at the completely serious expression on Teresa’s face. Then, he looks to the mountain of bloated, cum-filled flesh currently pressing her down into his mattress. Letting out a demented little giggle, Salazar slides his tail around and then under her and proceeds to stuff it right up her green derriere.

“Ah! Right there stud, right there~”


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