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Weekly Prompt Winner

Themes: Consensual, Futa, Threesome, Breeding   

Word Count: 2,509

Summary: Part 2 of "A Party Gone Awry". After everything, Taylor decides to confront Vicky. Luckily, she has Crystal to back her up. In the end, it's Vicky's mother, Carol, who demands that her daughter take responsibility. And then things descend into debauchery once more... 


In the end, Taylor approaches New Wave because she has nowhere else to go. Shortly after the pregnancy test confirms that she’s carrying Vicky’s child, a police officer comes to her door to escort her down to the station. There, Taylor identifies her father’s dead body, much to her shell-shocked horror. As far as they knew, his death was caused by the Merchants, an overdose forced upon him when he refused to let them smuggle in drugs through the docks.

There was nothing to be done about it. Taylor didn’t know where to go next, or what she was supposed to do. She didn’t know how to handle the house, or her sudden status as an orphan. Funeral expenses… everything was just too much for her to handle alone. So, she’d gone to Vicky’s, finding the address to the Dallon’s home online fairly easily, and hiking over there with nothing but a backpack stuffed with her belongings and the clothes on her back.

Now, an hour later she was sat at the Dallon’s dining room table with Vicky sitting beside her and Carol pacing in the background. Taylor felt rather awful, her eyes glued to the table as she nursed the tea that had been provided to her by Vicky’s sister, Amy. She hadn’t wanted to do it… but in the end, everything had come out. Who she was, the fact she had powers, how she knew Vicky, what they’d done… and her father’s death as well as her current status.

The only thing Taylor had held back was Crystal. That hadn’t truly been her secret to tell, and only Crystal or Vicky could decide if the older girl needed to be involved in anything going forward. Carol Dallon had seemed rather cold and aloof at first, but once Taylor had started talking and once Vicky had admitted with a bright red face that it was all true, the woman who doubled as Brandish when she went out in costumes had actually softened up considerably. She’d called into her office and told them she wasn’t going to be in that day. Then, she’d made some other phone calls, calls that Taylor hadn’t really paid attention to.

Honestly, the young woman wasn’t sure what was worth paying attention to anymore. She was pregnant… and she knew instinctively that she wasn’t going to give it up, no matter what was offered to her. Thankfully, no one had suggested abortion, even though Taylor had had the thought in the back of her mind about how easy it would be to have Amy do it.

Regardless, she had her child, and at this point, that was all Taylor could bring herself to focus on. That, and Vicky’s hand atop her own, the blonde’s thumb rubbing calming circles into Taylor’s skin. Victoria was surprisingly understanding of everything, even after the reaming she’d been receiving intermittently off and on from her mom all morning. Both her and Amy had been kept home from school as well, and the only person Taylor hadn’t seen much of since she’d arrived was Mark, the girls’ father and Carol’s husband. He just… didn’t seem to be very present, even though she knew he was somewhere in the house.

It was-

“Alright. Taylor, so long as it’s not objectionable to you, I can only see one way to resolve all of this. Vicky, you’re going to make an honest woman of the girl you’ve impregnated.”

Taylor’s morose thoughts are immediately derailed by Carol Dallon’s words. Her tone is an interesting contradiction, soft when she addresses Taylor, and sharp when she speaks to Vicky. Slowly, Taylor raises her head and stares at the Dallon Matriarch with wide eyes, not quite sure she’s heard what she thinks she’s heard. But a glance at Amy and Vicky shows that they’re both looking at Carol like she’s lost it as well, implying she did indeed hear… that.


That’s Vicky who chokes that out, causing Carol’s already thinned lips to turn down into a deep frown.

“You heard me young lady. Taylor here has been very brave, coming to us with all of this. You made the right call, dear. And YOU, my wayward daughter, are going to do right by her in return. The only way we can properly bring Taylor into this family and into New Wave on short notice is by having her marry in. Thanks to laws that have been made admittedly lax by the ever-shifting environment created by parahumans, you’re both of legal age.”

Vicky sputters a bit more, while Taylor fidgets in her seat. Eventually, the blonde looks from her mother to the girl she’s impregnated, biting her lower lip as she slips her fingers in between Taylor’s, taking hold of her hand.

“Taylor? Taylor… what do you think?”

Blushing deeply, the dark-haired girl can’t help but look to Vicky with wide eyes. Is she… is she actually considering it? In a moment, Taylor realizes she’s one hundred percent the center of attention. Vicky, Carol, even Amy are staring at her with varying levels of intensity as she squirms in her chair. Letting out a low breath, Taylor does her best to calm down in spite of the suffocating feeling the dining room suddenly has to it. She actively thinks about what Carol’s proposing… and what she’s offering.

She’s going to have the baby Vicky’s put inside of her. Taylor’s already decided that. But dad’s funeral would be expensive… and their savings couldn’t exactly take another hit after her hospital visit on behalf of that damn locker. It was… it was all just too much. But in the end, this was a way out for her. It was a way in as well, a way into a family that seemed to love and support one another, and onto a team that wouldn’t feel like high school all over again, like she was afraid she’d experience with the Wards.

Taylor couldn’t exactly say she LOVED Victoria Dallon… but she definitely didn’t hate the kind, caring blonde. From what she’s seen so far of the other girl, Vicky would make a good mother… father… whatever. Or at the very least, she wouldn’t make for a bad one. If Taylor stayed, if they got married, then they could do it all together. They could make their mistakes with a safety net and learn how to raise a child hand in hand.

Letting out a low breath, Taylor slowly nods.

“Y-Yeah… if… if it’s what you want, I’d like that. I-I’ll marry you, Vicky.”

“Good, it’s settled.”

And just like that, Carol Dallon is sweeping from the room. A moment later, Amy gets up and leaves as well, startling Taylor as the brunette hurries out of the dining room and up the nearby staircase to the house’s second floor. It’s just Vicky and Taylor left at that point, alone with their thoughts… and each other. Vicky squeezes Taylor’s hand, prompting the dark-haired girl to look at her new ‘fiancé’ and bite her lower lip.

Vicky smiles, but it comes across as a bit hesitant, as she gives a helpless shrug.

“S-Sorry… for everything.”

Taylor shakes her head as she feels fresh tears well up in her eyes.

“It’s not… well, it’s not all your fault. I can’t… I have to accept some of the blame. And the M-Merchants were responsible for my d-dad…”

Vicky squeezes Taylor’s hand again, and her smile drops to be replaced by a determined look on her face.

“We’ll get them for that Taylor. We’ll see them brought to justice for what they did to your father. You can count on it.”

Taylor gives Vicky a watery smile, but before she can response, Vicky’s phone suddenly goes off in her pocket, and the blonde is momentarily distracted as she pulls it out with her free hand, never letting go of Taylor with the other.

“Huh… it’s Crystal. Wonder what she could want at this time of day.”

As Vicky answers the call with a slight frown on her face, Taylor suddenly feels a small sense of foreboding. What COULD the coed want with her younger cousin at Eleven AM on what was normally a school day for Vicky?

As it turned out…


“I can’t believe this is happening…”

An hour later, they’re all in Vicky’s room. ‘All’ in this case being Taylor, Vicky… and Crystal, who as it turned out, was also pregnant with Vicky’s child as a result of their enthusiastic threesome at the party that night. Needless to say, Taylor felt like a bit of a third wheel as the cousins lamented over what they were going to do. Ultimately though, it was obvious that they couldn’t exactly reveal the truth about Crystal in the end.

No, Vicky knocking up Taylor was one thing. Vicky knocking up her relative was something that could very well tear New Wave apart. Taylor didn’t want that of course, after all, New Wave felt like it was all she had left at that point. So they weren’t doing another reveal with Carol… nor were they about to go tell Sarah, Crystal’s mother and the one who went by Lady Photon in costume.

Instead, the plan now seemed to be for Crystal to admit she’d been having unprotected sex while at college. It’d probably still get her a reaming from her mother similar to the one Vicky had gotten from hers, but at least it wouldn’t be mind-breaking, family-shattering news like incest between two cousins. Crystal was still a bit upset about it all though, and Taylor pitied the girl, even as Vicky seemed to get a strange look in her eye.

Suddenly, the blonde girl stands up off the bed they were all sitting on and starts for the door.

“Where are you going?”

“Be right back!”

And just like that, Vicky is gone and Taylor and Crystal are alone. They glance at one another… but neither really has anything to say at this point. Instead, they sit in awkward silence for what feels like an eternity, until finally the door to Vicky’s room opens again, and the blonde marches in with Amy at her heels. Both Taylor and Crystal sit up at the healer arrives, exchanging another glance and then furrowing their brows in unison.

“Vicky, what’s going on?”

Vicky grins as she crosses her arms over her chest.

“Amy’s going to help us out. Figure, the only way for us to be even is for you both to get a little payback on me. And honestly… well, just give Amy your hands, alright?”

The mousy brunette looks like she’d rather be anywhere but there. Even still, when Crystal and Taylor do as they’re told, Amy snatches up both of their hands with her own, and a moment later the two of them feel something down between their legs that neither are expecting. Before either can say a word about what’s happening, the deed is done and Amy is fleeing the room with her face aflame in embarrassment.

As soon as her sister is gone, Vicky moved over to the door and locks it, before proceeding to strip down to her birthday suit. Meanwhile, Crystal and Taylor both look down their pants simultaneously to find that yes, they are each now equipped with a cock of the same flavor as the one Vicky had impregnated them with.

This time, it’s Taylor who finally finds her voice. Maybe she simply can’t maintain the same level of shyness anymore with so many shocks one after another.

“Vicky… what the fuck?”

The now-naked blonde snickers as she approaches the bed, touching her body, which is noticeably without a cock now.

“Simple, right? I messed up, got you both pregnant. Now, you guys can return the favor. I’ve always wanted to be a mom, so I figure if I’m going to be a dad, you two can join me and I’ll join you~”

Crystal and Taylor exchange a glance. And in the end… neither can necessarily disagree with Victoria, not when she’s grinning like an over-excited loon. Before they quite know what’s happening, they’re both as naked as she is, and by unspoken agreement, Taylor finds herself lining up behind Vicky with her freshly made cock in hand, lined up to pierce Vicky’s ready-and-waiting cunt lips.

At the same time, Vicky had gotten on her hands and knees on the bed, and Crystal was moaning as she held her cousin’s hair, enjoying the feel of Vicky’s lips on her own freshly made dick. Letting out a low sigh, Taylor sinks her prick into Vicky’s cunt, encountering minor resistance in the form of the blonde’s virginity. After that though, it’s smooth sailing… or rather, rough sailing, because the instant Taylor is inside of the ‘father’ of her child, she discovers just how GOOD having a dick feels.

With a grunt, the dark-haired girl can’t quite help but force her cock in and out of Vicky’s cunt all the faster, plowing the blonde at a pace that saw her forced to deep-throat Crystal’s dick in turn, even as the two ended up spit-roasting Vicky between them.

“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”

Things only became more and more depraved from that point on, to say the least. Taylor fucked Vicky as hard as she could, only to cum in mere minutes… only to remain hard and thrusting away long past her first release. In truth, she came inside of Victoria five times before realizing what she was doing, feeling the sticky white seed coating her dick and sloshing around in Vicky’s insides as it was.

At that point, she gladly switched places with Crystal, giving the older girl Vicky’s cunt and moving up to the blonde’s asshole, due to just how ruined her throat already was. Pounding Glory Girl herself between the two of them was certainly a heady experience, and the debauchery that followed lasted for hours before the temporary life-giving cocks that Taylor and Crystal had been given finally began to disappear into so much dust.

All three girls, sweaty and dick-free, ended up cuddling together, their naked bodies pressed up against each other. Vicky ended up in the middle due to the nature of their activities, and as they all lay there, she glanced to both Taylor and Crystal, a slight smile on her face.

“The baby will be from both of you… but it’s probably best for me to tell my mom I had Taylor do it, to make up for my mistake. Sorry Crystal…”

The older girl just snorts derisively and shakes her head.

“We’re family Vicky. I’ll see your children more than enough… and you’ll see mine as well. You don’t need to apologize to me. Though you probably will owe Dean an explanation about your upcoming nuptials.”

Vicky stiffens and Taylor blinks dumbly at the sudden wide-eyed, surprised look on the blonde’s face. Crystal snickers at the fact that Vicky’s obviously forgotten something VERY important. Frowning, Taylor furrows her brow and glances between the two other girls.

“Dean? Who’s Dean?”



That Dean ending though....maybe we will have a timeskip? :)


As the person who made the request for this in the poll, Dean's reaction will be shown the next time this series of prompts wins the weekly poll.


i love you for commissioning this mars its da best


Thank you santhinal. I've gotten lucky with it winning the polls. If it hadn't, I'd have to wait for Cambrian to start accepting new commissions again, so I could commission it.