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Weekly Prompt Poll Winner

Themes: Consensual, Drunken Sex, Futa, Breeding

Word Count: 2,597

Summary: Taylor isn't entirely sure why she chose to go to the party, but she did. And then she chose to drink. And then she ran into Victoria Dallon and Crystal Pelham, two honest-to-god heroes. Things... spiral out of control from there. Especially since Vicky talked Amy into a bit of a... modification before the party. 


She didn’t know what she was doing there. The whole thing was kind of fucked, in the end. Taylor Hebert, at a fucking High School Block Party? It shouldn’t have even been a thing, not in a million goddamn years. But there she was, slowly trudging her way up the lawn as she stared guardedly at the smiling, laughing teenagers strewn across the front of the house, spilling out of the wide open front door.

That was what had grabbed her attention in the end, after all. The flyer had caught her eye for two very important reasons. First, it’d been very explicit about it’s ‘anyone can come’ policy. Open Door was plastered all over the flyer, and from the looks of things, it was actually quite literal. Slipping inside past a pair of boys who don’t even spare her tall, lanky ass a second glass, Taylor bites her lower lip and glances around, her hands stuck in the front pockets of her hoodie, and her face half-obscured by her curly, dark locks.

She doesn’t recognize anyone. That’d been the second important reason though, and the longer she went without seeing someone she knew, the more relaxed Taylor became, funnily enough. Well, funny in a sort of sad, crappy, ironic way as it were. It was just depressing that she’d rather be at a party full of strangers than a party full of acquaintances. But then, all of her ‘acquaintances’ at Winslow either hated her or passively disliked her. 

And she didn’t have any friends to look for. The closest thing to a ‘friend’ Taylor could lay claim to these days was Greg fucking Veder. A shudder runs down the tall girl’s spine and she squeezes her eyes shut in mild horror at the thought of running into him here. Luckily, that wasn’t likely to happen. Mostly because he was Greg, but also for the same reason that Taylor had hoped none of her bullies or their hanger-ons would be here.

Essentially, this party was hosted by some chick from Arcadia. Arcadia, the brighter, more successful step sister to Winslow’s run-down, druggie, emo self. The analogy makes Taylor snicker to herself, even as she spots the kitchen and begins to make her way through the crowd to it. She can see from here that everyone who walks into the kitchen comes out with a red cup. And everyone partying out in the living room and the hallways and on the stairs already HAS a red cup.

That’s one of the reasons Taylor ultimately decided to come to this thing. She could imagine her mother being a bit disapproving from on high… and her father would more than likely blow a gasket if he knew… but Taylor Hebert had already decided she didn’t necessarily care. She wanted a drink. She wanted to see if it made any of the pain go away.

“Hey there cutie! What’ll it be?”

The voice is both familiar and not, and Taylor’s eyes snap up as she finds herself at the kitchen island, staring across into a bright, smiling face attached to a blue-eyed blonde. It takes Taylor a moment to process, after all the other girl is wearing a white tee and cut-off jean shorts, not her usual outfit. In the end though, it hits Taylor and her eyes go wide as her mouth drops.


The blonde snickers at that, already pouring her a cup.

“Yeah, I’m Victoria Dallon. Call me Vicky, okay? And hush hush about me being here tonight! Mom doesn’t know. Just like I imagine your parents don’t know either.”

Taylor takes the red plastic cup from Glory Girl herself, face aflame.


Victoria’s eyes widen slightly in surprise and her smile drops as her confidence disappears temporarily.

“O-Oh… sorry about that.”

Taylor just shakes her head.

“No biggie…”

Then she takes a drink from the cup she’s been given, only to nearly sputter on the beer inside. That brings the atmosphere back up when Taylor’s reaction to the alcohol startles a laugh out of Vicky, even as another familiar-but-not voice fills the air.

“Vicky! Are you poisoning the newbies?”

Taylor can’t believe it, but her eyes tell the truth. That’s L-laserdream, Crystal Pelham! The other girl, a college-aged young woman if Taylor remembers her cape lore correctly, smiles pleasantly enough as she walks into the kitchen. Vicky on the other hand just scowls in mock anger as she reaches out and lightly taps her cousin’s shoulder with a closed fist.

“Oi! No! I’m definitely not! S’not my fault the girl’s a lightweight Crystal!”

And there’s the insults. As insults go, it’s not the worst Taylor has ever heard. Honestly, it doesn’t even truly penetrate her incredibly thick skin. However, she’s not excited to hear what follows. She’s not aiming to see one of her heroes, one of the young women she’s looked up to these last couple months as she builds her spider-silk costume, lambast her and make fun of her.

… Better to keep Glory Girl and Laserdream pristine in her thoughts then find out what both no-doubt popular girls were really like.

“… thanks for the drink.”

And with that, she turns to leave the kitchen, half-full red plastic cup cradled in her hands. 

“H-Hey! Wait, I didn’t mean it in a bad way!”

Before she can get out of the kitchen however, Vicky is there. The blonde literally floats over the island in the center of the kitchen to get to her, grabbing her by the arm before she can pass through the threshold, back into the living room. Taylor blinks, jostled a bit but otherwise unharmed as she finds herself spun around, both Vicky and Crystal smiling at her hesitantly. The blonde looks apologetic, though Taylor is really unsure of how much she trusts that.

“Look, just… do you have anyone to hang out with here?”

Taylor considers lying, but her answer much show in her fairly blank face, because Vicky’s grin widens and she nods.

“Thought so! Hey, just stick with me and Crystal. We’re kind of the celebs of the party, but because of that, no one really wants to truly hang-hang, you know? It’s all about our cape personas and our ‘cool’ stories and selfies with most of these guys. But hey, you’re not like that, are you? C’mon, what do you say?”

Taylor glances at Vicky’s seemingly earnest smile. Then she glances at Crystal, who smirks and lifts a full, unopened bottle of vodka into the air.

“I got the real booze, if you’re looking to wash away your troubles. A half-cup of beer isn’t going to do it.”

That draws Taylor’s eyes down into said cup. The piss-colored fluid within suddenly doesn’t seem at all appealing with that new information. The vodka on the other hand.

“A-Alright… s-sure.”

Vicky’s smile is suddenly as bright as the sun, and Taylor feels as warm as she might be in the presence of the sun as well, her face growing red as the full force of the blonde’s aura hits her, not that she realizes what exactly it is affecting her at the time. The heroine and her cousin drag Taylor out of the kitchen and upstairs, and from there, things get… kind of out of control.


“H-Holy shhit Vicky… what ish that thing? …hic!”

Crystal’s voice is high-pitched and a little shrill as the drunken coed stares at her younger cousin’s crotch. Taylor is feeling the same exact way, but she’s not quite able to articulate it like Crystal could. In the end, the lanky, dark-haired girl is grateful for the other’s presence, because Crystal has just said what they’re BOTH thinking.

Between Vicky’s legs hangs a nice, big, thick cock. A full-blown prick, hard and throbbing and pulsating as the nut sack beneath it churns. Taylor stares, and drunk as she is, she just can’t tear her eyes away. It’s… it’s beautiful, even if the blonde heroine REALLY shouldn’t have it. Girls don’t usually have dicks after all. Vicky… Vicky wasn’t secretly a guy, right?

“Hehe… Amy helped me out, before I left. It was jusht the work of a couple minutesh… a touch on the arm and bam, I’m packing! …hic!”

All three of them are hopelessly drunk, the now empty bottle of vodka sitting on the floor a couple feet away. The door is closed and locked, and Taylor feels a bit secure in the knowledge that this is actually Crystal’s room. Apparently, her younger brother, Eric Pelham (SHIELDER!) had thrown the party, their parents out of town on some trip.

Regardless, Taylor wasn’t expecting to find herself face-to-cock with a big honking dick hanging between a nice, cute girl’s legs this evening. She’d come to the party for booze and to wash her troubles away, nothing more.

“C’mon… you both like how it looksh, don’t you? I can see your facesh you know~ If you want a tashte, all you gotta do is come get it, ehehehe…”

Vicky giggles drunkenly, hiccupping as she stares them both down. And much to her surprise, and the surprise of the other two girls in the room, it’s Taylor who responds first. She’d been sitting on the bed, but in moments she finds herself sliding off of the mattress and onto the floor. Crawling forward, the lanky, boney girl isn’t entirely sure what she’s doing… but she figures she’ll get the hang of it as she goes along.

Her hands close around Vicky’s length rather inexpertly, but the blond groans all the same as she tosses her head back. A bit of precum spills from the tip and almost drips down onto Taylor’s chest as the girl stares at the menacing, messy cockhead in surprise.

“F-Fuck… Amy mighta fucked with it a little. It’sh sho s-sensitive…”

Moaning lewdly, Vicky just stands there as Taylor, unable to help herself, continues onward. Stroking back and forth all the while, the girl slowly leans in and opens her mouth. Her tongue traces out, but just as she’s about to lick at Vicky’s cockhead, a sudden presence at her side startles her away. Glancing to her right, Taylor makes eye contact with Crystal, only for the older girl to blush and look away.

Neither says a word to the other, but Taylor makes room for the coed anyways, and soon enough, Crystal is stroking her cousin’s gigantic cock right alongside Taylor as they both kiss the sides of Vicky’s bulbous, wide dick tip at the same time.

“Oh, GOD YES! Just like that girlsh! …hic!”

Moaning as well now, both Taylor and Crystal continue to drunkenly kiss and lap at Vicky’s cockhead, until suddenly, the blonde lets out a shout and paints them both with her seed. The cum flows out of Vicky’s massive temporary member like a firehose, and neither Taylor nor Crystal can do much but just take it all in… and on themselves.

It’s good though, the white, hot, sticky cum. It tastes… delicious, far better than either is expecting. Before they even know what they’re doing, Taylor and the eldest Pelham child are practically attacking one another, licking and groping and tearing at each other’s clothes. Vicky watches on, a drunken, loopy smile on her face and her still-hard cock in her hand. All three girls are beyond plastered by this point, so maybe it’s no surprise what happened next.

Taylor doesn’t remember much though. From that moment on, the instant that her lips touch Crystal’s, everything is just a bit of a blur. She remembers getting naked, and she remembers laying back on Crystal’s bed with the older girl at her side. Their hands clasp together and their fingers interlace, even as a grinning Vicky floats over them, equipped for whatever might come.

Then the blonde is there, pushing her cock in and out of Taylor’s no longer virgin quim. The dark-haired girl cries out as she orgasms around Vicky’s cock explosively, and she doesn’t stop cumming until the heroine finally fills her with seed, pumping her womb with enough to stretch it out, and then some. Then things seem to jump forward again as Taylor lays there with the sticky white fluid oozing out of her, while beside her, Crystal’s body is jarred and jolted with each powerful thrust Vicky makes into HER cunt.

The well-endowed heroine fucks both her cousin and Taylor well into morning, and though there’s a couple knocks on the door, no one ever tries to enter the locked bedroom. By the time the sun starts to shine through the nearby curtains, all three girls are utterly out of it, unconscious on the bed and asleep in one another’s arms.

And then Taylor wakes up and she sits up… and the pain hits her like a goddamn freight truck!


It’s the young woman’s first hangover, even as she presses the heels of her palms to her forehead, whining loudly. She wakes up both Crystal and Vicky at the same time, and the two heroines groan as well, their hangovers just as bad if not worse than Taylor’s as they roll away from each other. Vicky outright falls out of the bed with a yelp as she rolls, and then she just lays there on the floor, whimpering in pain.

The cock that’d been between her legs is nowhere to be seen, now that Taylor glances down there. But it’s presence is still felt. The inside of her cunt is still sticky, and she can feel Vicky’s cum sloshing around inside of her womb. A thought suddenly crosses Taylor’s pained mind and she freezes as she looks over at the prone Vicky.

“… Vicky?”

“Nnnngh… no talk… only sleep…”

“Vicky… Vicky, i-is your cock fertile?”


Beside Taylor, Crystal has frozen up at her words, as if just realizing the ramifications of what they’d done as well, through her pounding headache. Meanwhile, the pain Taylor is feeling against the inside of her skull is actually making her a LOT more self-confident than usual, her father’s temper combined with her mother’s authoritative demeanor rearing its ugly head.

“Victoria Dallon. Did you make sure Amy gave you a sterile cock?”

Her voice finally gets the blonde’s attention. Vicky sits up straight and stares at Taylor in silence for a long moment, before chuckling nervously and shaking her head.

“I uh… I didn’t ask, b-but I’m sure she did, right? Ames is the responsible one. She wouldn’t miss something like that. Promise.”

Slowly, Taylor relaxes as Crystal nods from beside her.

“Y-Yeah. Vicky is right, Amy wouldn’t mess up on that front, even if my blonde cousin’s blondness is showing through. Honestly Vicky, you didn’t think to make sure, while you were pressuring your overworked sister into giving you an actual functioning DICK of all things?!”

Vicky laughs and sheepishly rubs the back of her head, and the atmosphere in the room becomes a bit nicer. Even Taylor lets herself get pulled into things. By the end of the nice, Saturday morning, she’s relaxed and happy and even has two new phone numbers, courtesy of two members of New Wave. She hadn’t expected the party to go so well. But in the end, everything had turned out even better than expected.


A month later, Taylor looks down at the positive pregnancy test in her hand and whimpers, completely unaware that Crystal is doing the same thing across the city in her own bathroom. The two girls stare and stare and stare, and in the same moment, the same word leaves both of their lips.



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