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 A/N: 2017's last commission~ Fun, fun!


Themes: Consensual, S&M, Humiliation, Degradation, Master/Slave

Word Count: 7,350

Summary: Vambre is a huge masochist. Prohyas is a huge sadist. The pair of them are perfect for each other. The younger brother abuses the elder sister as much as he likes... and Vambre loves every last second of it.


There’s a smile on Vambre Marie Warrior’s face as she pushes through the door, prize in hand. She’s covered in sweat and she aches in more than one place, but altogether, the violet-haired young woman is quite satisfied with the day’s work.

“Brother! I’m home! I got a new Magisword today! Wait till you see… it…”

Vambre trails off as Prohyas steps out into the entry hall. Their eyes meet and the young woman immediately flushes at the stormy look in her sibling’s gaze. The tall, well-built warrior strides forward and Vambre tenses, but does nothing to defend herself as he backhands her hard across the face. An involuntary cry of pain erupts from her lips, and she drops the magisword as she falls to her knees, but other than look up to her glaring brother, she takes no action against him.

Instead, she waits almost impatiently as he undoes his belt buckle and pulls down the zipper on his pants. Prohyas’ big, fat cock comes out a moment later and slaps Vambre across the face from the other side, this time eliciting a gasp and then a moan. That moan is subsequently cut off when her brother grabs a fist full of her violet hair and pulls her forward quite harshly. His cockhead slips in between her open lips and a moment later, he’s outright fucking her face, right there in the entryway of their home, the door thankfully closed behind her already.

“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”

Vambre’s eyes water, and her mouth drools as her brother skull-fucks her, adding his other hand to her locks so he can more easily plow her throat. And yet… and yet, as abusive as it all is, Vambre can’t help but love it. Her idle hands move down her body and while they stop on her chest for a moment to tug at her stretchable leotard so her tits can pop out into the open air, she eventually moves onto between her legs. Her costume gets pulled aside here too, revealing her dripping wet cunt to the world.

The young woman pushes her fingers up inside of herself, moaning around Prohyas’ thrusting prick even as she continues to choke and gag on it. The tears streaming down her face are involuntary, because in truth, Vambre wants this. She enjoys this. The female warrior can’t precisely say how it all began, but she’d provoked her younger brother… and this new relationship of theirs had been the result.

In truth, Prohyas had a dark side to him. The young man could be quite compassionate and very brave… and he always tried to do the right thing. But he was also impulsive… and more than that, deep down, underneath all of his good character traits, he was a sadist. Those two things combined led him to being on a bit of a hair trigger. Vambre had drawn his sadism and his domineering attitude out of him, and it’d resulted in this.

She’d had to take responsibility for her actions after all. It wasn’t right, to risk her brother hurting someone who didn’t want it. Because, at the end of the day, they made a perfect match. Prohyas was a sadistic domineering big-dicked prick, and Vambre was a masochistic submissive little slut who loved every bit of abuse her brother layered on her.

The young woman knew she was a deviant. She knew she was a perverted little cunt who deserved to be punished, who NEEDED to be punished. Luckily, she had Prohyas to take care of her own urges, just as he had her to take care of his. Elsewise, there might have come a time when Vambre simply snapped and submitted to the wrong fella. At least with her brother, she could trust him not to use his control over her for evil.

“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”

No, instead Prohyas simply used their new relationship for exceptionally rough sex. Treating her like dirt, even as he was now. Vambre adored him for it. She could feel him getting close too, his massive member pulsating and throbbing in her throat as it went down her esophagus time and time again. The violet-haired young woman was also getting close. Her fingers driving in and out of her cunt were nothing compared to Prohyas’ thick cock, but with his length down her throat and her tits bouncing and jiggling, covered in slobber and precum… it was enough.

As he cums and she chokes on his load, Vambre’s eyes roll back in her head and she reaches her first orgasm in the same moment. Prohyas’ seed explodes out of her nose and the sides of her mouth, making an utter mess of her face, her tits, and the floor in front of her, even as he pulls his cock free of her ravaged throat with a grunt.

Leaning over, the young man picks up the magisword she’s brought home, looking it up and down for a moment. Vambre stays where she is, slowly recovering as she coughs and hacks on her hands and knees, completely and utterly disheveled.

“Clean that up, and then go make dinner.”

There’s no ‘good job’, no pat on the back for doing well. And that’s just the way Vambre likes it, the young woman leaning in to begin licking his cum and her slobber off of the floor right in front of the door she’d just walked through. If the violet-haired woman had felt satisfaction before, now she was in pure ecstasy. Her brother treated her quite horribly… and Vambre loved every moment of it.


A half hour later, the female warrior has migrated to the kitchen. Her green leotard, and in fact her entire ensemble is gone. Vambre isn’t allowed to wear clothing in the house after all, and the only reason she hadn’t stripped down after arriving home was because she knew Prohyas liked to make a mess of her first, most days.

Now though, she’s naked, save for an apron draped over her front to keep her body from getting burned by the food she’s cooking stovetop. The apron once said “Kiss the Cook!” on it, but that hadn’t seemed very appropriate… so she’d crossed out kiss and replaced it with a bright red ‘FUCK’ to make it make more sense. After all, Prohyas didn’t really ever kiss her. Not in any normal way at least. No, it was always more violent than that, rougher, sometimes to the point of extreme. Her younger brother didn’t kiss her lips, he attacked them, he attacked her mouth. He dominated her tongue with his own and controlled every aspect of her.

So yes, fuck was more appropriate. And it led to lovely situations like the one she could sense coming even now. A small, secretive smile lifts up Vambre’s lips, even as her brother approaches from behind. Most of the meal is complete by this point, so when he moves into place at her back and slides his hands on either side of her to get underneath her apron at her breasts, Vambre moans happily and pushes back against him, feeling his massive cock hot-dogging her firm, toned badonkadonk.

“Mm… bro-ah!”

His left hand suddenly pulls back and slaps her tit, cutting her off, even as he continues to hump her back side.


The word comes out breathily. It’s a new aspect of their relationship, and Vambre hasn’t quite learned it yet. Him wanting her to call him Master or Sir at all times… well, it’s fairly hot, but she’s still in the process of retraining herself to do so. In fact, that was probably part of why he’d treated her so roughly in the entryway now that she thinks about it. Vambre had assumed Prohyas was simply pent up, but she had called out to him with ‘brother’, hadn’t she?

Regardless, he’s practically mauling her tits now as she tries to focus on the last few bits of food prep in front of her. It’s hard though, a haze of pleasure and pain clouding her vision as he twists and pinches and pulls her nipples, digging his fingers into her fat tits until they’re reddened and agitated. It feels so good… and Vambre loves every bit of it.

As a warrior, her body has always been rather hard… edged even. She was fit, athletically speaking, to an absurd degree. She had to be to wield the magiswords to their highest potential, as well as go on important adventures. But her breasts had always been the part of Vambre that she couldn’t exactly harden up. Back before her and Prohyas had begun their new relationship, she’d hated it. She’d hated having such a massive weakness right on her chest. Her brother certainly hadn’t had to deal with such a thing.

But then he’d taken her that firs time and she’d loved it and he’d abused her tits so thoroughly that her mind had been entirely changed on the matter. Now, as he mauls her tits, Vambre can’t help but moan.

“Tell me what you want you silly little slut. Beg me for it.”

Vambre whimpers, unable to focus on the cooking any longer. Luckily, there’s nothing time sensitive about the meal she’s lovingly prepared for her younger brother… for her Master. Still, as he hot-dogs her ass and roughly kneads her lips, it’s hard for Vambre to get the words out, as keyed up as she is.

“P-Please… Master… please fuck me. F-Fuck me hard…”

“Well, if you insist.”

His tone is dark and hungry, and a moment later his cockhead is slipping in between her sopping wet pussy lips. Then, he’s fully inside of her and Vambre is crying out happily as Prohyas fills her passage with his dick from behind. Her legs spread and she goes up onto her tip toes in order to accommodate his greater height, but ultimately Vambre is simply a prop to be used, a toy to be played with, a collection of holes to be FUCKED!

As she presses her hands into the kitchen countertop in front of her, the violet-haired beauty moans wantonly, her entire body jarred with every powerful thrust of her brother’s big fat cock inside of her. He pounds away at her cunt, inevitably forcing her up against the counter itself. He fucks her over it, fucks her over the meal she’s prepared for them even, and Vambre loves every last moment of it.


Her eyes roll back in her head and her tongue lulls out of her skull as she cums time and time again around his rough, pistoning prick. His massive length is only halfway inside of her… at first anyways as he continues to slam into her cunt, his cockhead rams up against the entrance of her womb time and time again. The painful pleasure that comes from such a thing is exquisite in Vambre’s eyes, but her cervix’s meager resistance cannot last forever… especially since he’s cock-punched his way into her womb more than once by this point.

Another cry erupts from Vambre’s throat as she feels him blast past her weakened cervix a moment later. His massive length finally fills her to the brim, his crotch slapping against her naked, toned rump. He’s using her womb like a fucking cocksleeve, like a condom, and her belly is distending with every thrust as he does so.

Vambre’s eyes roll around in her head, and her tongue continues to hang out of her mouth. The orgasms come faster now, faster and harder… and she’s devolved into nothing but incomprehensible gibberish as her brother plows her senseless right over the kitchen counter. His cock pistons in and out of her spasming, tightening pussy time and time again, until finally a particularly explosive climax sees her milking his release from him. His seed spills into her womb and he stuffs her with his cream. Vambre’s entire body goes rigid, tensing up as she stands there on her tip toes, pressed up against the counter by his prodigious shaft.

Prohyas leans in and his hot breath ghosts across her ear as the violet-haired girl tries to recover. His hands finally leave her tits and instead reach out for the bowl of grub she’s prepared for him that sits on the kitchen counter before her. Once again, there’s no thank you, no ‘good job’ for her hard work. The well-built, broad-shouldered young man simply pulls back with his food in hand, his cock slipping out of her filled cunt with a slopping sound as he turns and walks to the table to sit down to eat.

Meanwhile, Vambre immediately grabs another, empty bowl sitting on the counter off to the side. She manages to get it under her, between her legs, before the first of her brother’s massive load finally begins to drip out of her. It takes a while, but eventually there’s a steady flow of white, hot seed mixed with her pussy juices pouring into the bowl out of her cunt. Slowly but surely, her distended belly deflates as her stuffed womb empties out. More than enough is left behind, clinging to the walls of her womb once she’s done, but at the same time, Vambre ends up with a nice, full bowl of her brother’s cum.

This is just another part of their routine. She spends dinner under the table, his foot on the back of her head to remind her of her place as she eats his seed right out of the bowl without her hands. And when she’s licked her bowl clean, Vambre waits for him to remove his foot, and then she crawls up onto her knees between his legs as she begins to once more suck at his cock.

Much of the rest of the evening is spent with him abusing her or ignoring her. Vambre does what she wants in the off times, but she’s always ready and available for her brother to fuck whenever he likes. Be it in the shower, or anywhere else. Eventually, night falls and the tired, worn-out young woman flops into bed, naked and face down as she sighs happily and promptly passes out, then and there.

It’ll probably all happen tomorrow as well… and in truth, Vambre can’t wait for.


The next morning, the violet-haired female warrior doesn’t wake up slowly. No, her brother no longer allows that. Instead, Vambre’s first sensation is a stinging palm across her ass, and then spit between her butt cheeks as Prohyas pins her legs beneath him, kneeling on either side of her body. He grabs at her large, but firm badonkadonk, gripping it harshly and mauling her butt in the same way he would her tits.

There’s not as much give in her ass flesh as there is in her mammaries, but that just makes him dig in all the harsher, something Vambre enjoys very much. A guttural groan escapes the prone young woman’s throat as she grabs at her bedsheets and buries her face in her pillow. After all, she knows what’s coming next. She knows their morning routine quite well by now.

With only his spit to ease the way, Prohyas thrusts two fingers right into her back door, drawing a cry of discomfort and pleasurable pain from Vambre’s lips. He pistons the digits in and out of her for a few moments, twisting them this way and that. Then, he pulls them out and forces them into the side of her mouth, curling them there in a hook-like gesture.

Vambre’s head and tits are lifted off of the bed thanks to this, her back arching even as Prohyas’ other hand spreads one of her butt cheeks apart, and his cockhead fits itself against her slightly loosened, slightly lubed up sphincter. Every fiber of the violet-haired girl’s body is nearly vibrating with anticipation and excitement. She’s barely tense at all, in fact, she’s looking forward to what’s to come. If anything, the female warrior is relaxed, happiest when her brother is breaking her.

When he thrusts into her ass a moment later, the pain causes Vambre to nearly white-out, her eyes rolling about in her head and a scream of pain erupting from her throat. And yet… at the same time, her tongue lulls out of her skull and her body shakes and spasms as she experiences an immediate orgasm. The slutty little masochist just can’t get enough of the pain her brother forces upon her. She loves it, every last second of it.

As Prohyas begins to fuck her ass, feeding inch after inch of his truly massive member into her bowels, his hand comes up and slaps down on her butt cheek once again, spanking her in time with his thrusts, even as he uses his other hand to pull her head back as well. Vambre’s body jerks and spasms to HIS whim, to HIS will, and she truly wouldn’t have it any other way.

Another orgasm soon tears it way through her body, and the helpless, prone young woman can do nothing but squirt her pussy juices all over the bed beneath her. She’s completely given up on washing her sheets each time he takes her like this, instead simply doing it once a week as usual. But at this rate, given how late in the week it is, Vambre is practically sleeping in her sweat and her sexual fluids. She’s disgusting, and it sometimes makes her wonder why Prohyas would ever want something as trashy and filthy as her.

She imagines he simply puts up with her because she’s his older sister, and he feels responsible for her. It makes her feel all warm and tingly inside, even as shame wells up right alongside that sensation because of her lack of redeeming qualities. Vambre knows she’s trash, she knows she’s worthless. But Prohyas fucks her anyways, and she thinks he even loves her.

A grunt escapes her lips as Prohyas amps up the force with which he’s spanking her, all while speeding up his thrusts into her bowels. He’s very nearly fully impaled within her now, his cock only a couple inches out as he digs deeper and deeper into her ass. Vambre loves it, the sensation of being so filled up back there. Her tight butt clenches and clings to his cock as it slides in and out of her, but to no avail. She’s strong, but not strong enough to hold him in place. Not that Vambre would ever want to be. This was all about him dominating her, conquering her. He was meant to be on top and the violet-haired pain slut would never do anything to jeopardize their beautiful relationship.

“Fuck, tight as ever, aren’t you… what are you, bitch? What are you?”

Vambre groans and does her best to speak around his fingers hooked into the side of her mouth, even as her eyelashes flutter and her eyes threaten to roll back in her head. She slurs the words all the same, but judging by the way he speeds up his thrusts immediately afterwards, the young woman can’t help but believe he likes that.

“I’m yoursh! I’m your tight little anal shlut Mashter! Fuck my assh, fuck it!!!”

He does just that, and Vambre soon loses any control over herself as her eyes do end up rolling back in her head, her arched body seizing up from orgasm after orgasm. Her tits, barely lifted off the bed, bounce and jiggle with each jarring thrust of Prohyas’ cock. Her pussy continues to squirt out onto the sheets below her, and her ass continues to grip and tighten around the massive schlong pistoning in and out of it.

Prohyas fucks her for a good thirty minutes like that, and by the time he’s done and cumming all over her back, from her thighs all the way to her hair, Vambre is an insensate mess, completely and utterly fucked silly by her little brother’s big-as-fuck cock. The muscular young man unloads all over her prone, face down body, and then once he’s done he gives her cum-covered ass a heart slap, making it even redder than it already is as her butthole gapes between her cheeks.

“Get yourself together. Need to go to the store today and you’re coming with.”

A whimper is the only response he gets, but in the end, it’s the only response he really needs. Letting out a derisive snort, Prohyas leaves her bedroom, and slowly but surely, Vambre manages to crawl out of bed and into the shower. Within an hour, she’s somewhat presentable, with a light bruise from his backhand across her face the day previous now resting on her cheek. There are even more bruises beneath her leotard though, and Vambre ends up wearing her yellow cloak in order to hide the bruises on her half-exposed ass and thighs.

No one will think twice about the bruise on her face, given just how much adventuring she and her brother get up to. It’s the ones placed on more… intimate parts of her body that people just wouldn’t understand. Regardless, once she’s presentable they head down to the store, Prohyas with his head held high and Vambre sneaking glances at him the whole way.

There’s no sign of what he might want to use her for within the store itself. They do their shopping and they make their purchases and then they leave, much to her surprise and mild chagrin. After all, he’s used her in secret while they were shopping before. Not this time though, but luckily for Vambre, he’s not planning on depriving her entirely.

Instead, it’s on the way home that Prohyas suddenly leads her into a dead-end alley. Vambre happily follows, and when he sets his purchases down on top of a closed dumpster, she happily does the same. Not a moment too soon either, because the next thing she knows, she’s being pushed up against a nearby wall, her brother’s hand around her throat and his lips on her own.

Vambre squirms in his grasp a little, but it’s more in need rather than any desire to actually escape. Another guttural moan escapes Vambre’s throat, which in turn prompts her younger brother to bite her on the lip in punishment. She whimpers, even as he abuses her right then and there, his lips smashing against hers, his tongue forcing its way into her mouth. He wrestles her tongue into submission and Vambre happily lets him, even as she presses her hands back against the wall behind her, and he in turn brings his own hands up to grab and slap and knead at her defenseless, submissive form.

His fingers dig into her breasts through her leotard, before moving to her already sore ass. It hurts so damn good, and Vambre finds herself weak on her naked, pale legs as they wobble beneath her, turning to jelly as the pleasure mounts more and more. In the end, Prohyas doesn’t wait for her legs to give out. Instead, he simply pulls back after a moment, dragging her with him, which results in her being tossed onto her face in the dirty alley.

Face down, ass up… it’s Vambre’s favorite sexual position, if she’s being honest. She loves it, especially when her face is being ground into something as dirty as it is now. Groaning, she doesn’t try to get up. No, that would only invite punishment. Instead, the violet-haired beauty wiggles her wide hips back and forth, and she’s soon rewarded with Prohyas flipping her yellow cape over onto her head. Her face is covered, while her lower half is exposed.

Reaching down, he grabs onto her hips and pulls her ass even further into the air. A muffled moan comes from Vambre as she claws at the ground beneath her, and then she feels her younger brother, her Master as he grabs the crotch of her leotard, pulling on it harshly and then letting the elastic material snap back against her otherwise naked cunt. A cry leaves her throat as the pleasurable pain washes over her.

Vambre shudders in building anticipation and arousal when she hears her brother working at his pants, and then a moment later her patience is rewarded as he crouches down behind her, pushing her leotard to the side and thrusting his cock into her cunt in the same smooth moment.

“Quiet slut. Do you WANT to be found back here?”

A blush colors Vambre’s cheeks as she imagines being discovered for the piece of worthless trash she is. Her pussy walls tighten up even harder around Prohyas’ dick and he laughs quietly, viciously, even as he grips her ass cheeks in his big, strong hands, using her butt as handholds so he can fuck her all the harder.

“You do, don’t you? God, you really are useless, aren’t you?”

She is! She definitely is! Despite all Vambre does, despite knowing intellectually that she does have value… there’s nothing that the violet-haired warrior wants more than to be her brother’s worthless cum dump. She loves being treated as trash, and it makes her all the hotter imagining the entire world seeing her that way.

But she would never try to purposefully hurt her brother’s reputation. And so, Vambre does her best to stay silent, biting her lower lip almost hard enough to draw blood, even as he fucks her right there in the alley, grinding her face and her tits into the ground. She reduces her noises to whimpers and whines and quiet moans, while the sound of Prohyas’ cock sliding in and out of her slick cunt gets louder and louder.

It’s a squelching sound that fills the alley as he fucks her, and Vambre can do nothing but pant as her pussy stretches an obscene amount just to take his cock into it. Her brother jackhammers down into her cunt, pushing once more into her womb and ultimately distending her belly with every thrust. He’s rough, brutal, SAVAGE with her… and Vambre loves every last second of it.

Her eyes roll back into her head as they always do and she cums again and again and again until he finally unloads inside of her womb, filling her up to the brim and then some. Only then is Prohyas satisfied. Only then does her Master pull out of her gaping cunt and leave her kneeling there, face down as he collects their groceries.

“Better get up soon. Don’t want some hobo to come by and make use of you.”

His uncaring voice… it only makes Vambre shudder with more orgasmic glee. She peeks out from under her cape as he leaves her there. Her brother doesn’t even bother to look back, reaching the mouth of the alley and turning down the street to head towards their home. The thought of someone else beside him using her both excites and disgusts her. She belongs to Prohyas, and only Prohyas… but at the same time, she’s had fantasies of being gangbanged before.

Still, she’d never betray her brother… her Master. Slowly but surely, Vambre manages to get up onto her hands and knees, and then she stands on wobbly legs. Her pussy is sore, hell, her entire body is sore, but the cum-stuffed woman still stumbles her way out of the alley, her yellow cape pulled tight around her body even as her brother’s seed slides freely out of her loose slit, her leotard back in place but quickly soaked through by the copious amount of cum that leaves her womb and her cunt.

Vambre knows she’s leaving a trail of white fluid as she walks home, but she simply stares right ahead, keeping her violet-red eyes focused on what’s in front of her, step by step. It’s the most humiliating experience of her life… and also the most arousing. There’s not many people on the street, and intellectually she knows that no one is likely to be looking at her too closely. But at the same time, it’s almost as if she can feel eyes on her. It excites her, delights her… and makes her feel all the more worthless. She’s nothing but trash after all, cum-filled, messed up trash.

Hurrying home, Vambre can’t help but bite her lower lip in anticipation of the next time her brother wants to make use of her helpless body.


“… And so that’s what that Magisword does! Join me next time on-!”


There’s one thing Vambre enjoys ALMOST as much as she enjoys being treated so horribly by her brother, and that’s vlogging. Using the Magimobile to talk about Magiswords is just plain fun. The young woman takes it as a mark of her brother’s love that he hasn’t banned her from making the vlogs as of yet. Still, when he calls her name, she knows better than to make him wait.

“And that’s the end of the vlog!”

Reaching out with a gloved hand, Vambre moves to press the button that will end the recording. Unfortunately, she’s a little too distracted by Prohyas’ hands reaching out and grabbing her tits. Her finger brushes against the Stop button, but she doesn’t actually push it down all the way as she looks back over her shoulder with a deep blush on her face.

“A-Ah, brother, I was just recording a vlog…”

Prohyas lifts a brow and Vambre blushes even deeper as she averts her gaze.

“S-Sorry… Master.”

The young woman has completely missed the fact that her camera is still recording her. However, as she looks down in shame, Prohyas’ eyes are drawn to the flashing red light that does indeed show that’s exactly what’s happening. A wicked smirk spreads across his face, and he gets an even wickeder idea in his head. Spinning his sister around, Prohyas glances about for a moment, even as his hands dig into her fat ass in front of the camera behind her, causing Vambre to moan wantonly.

Ultimately, he looks down as she makes happy little noises from the way he’s touching her, and his eyes light upon Vambre’s yellow headband. Of course, that’ll do perfectly. One hand leaves his sister’s ass and moves up to the headband, and a moment later the violet-haired girl is blinded as he forces the yellow thing over her eyes.

“A-Ah, Master?”

To her credit, Vambre doesn’t try to remove it, even her what he can see if her brow furrows in confusion.

“Just leave it.”

She does as she’s told, as she always will. Prohyas can’t help but luxuriate in his elder sister’s submission, her delicious, beautiful body completely and utterly his for the taking. And so he does exactly that and takes her, even as the camera continues to record them. Spinning Vambre back around, Prohyas practically tears her belt off of her, only to wrap it around her neck instead as a makeshift collar and leash.

Then, he rips at her leotard, forcing her sizable tits to bounce out of the top of her dress. Her yellow cape comes off next, and Prohyas leans in, breathing in his sister’s scent as he buries his nose in the naked crook of her neck and shoulder.

“Oooh, Master…”

It feels good to hear her call him that. It feels RIGHT. Grinning, Prohyas takes things a step further by reaching down to undo his own belt and pants. His cock comes out a moment later, even as he kicks his pants completely off of his feet. Vambre gasps as she feels him rubbing against her ass, but Prohyas is far too interested in what comes next to hot-dog her today.

Instead, his hands come down and hook under his sister’s creamy pale thighs, and a yelp leaves Vambre’s throat as she’s abruptly lifted into the air. Prohyas’s broad-shouldered, muscular chest strains just a bit as he lifts her up, but in the end, he’s accomplished his goal and with his feet set, he’s not about to drop her anytime soon.

With her breasts hanging out of her leotard and the crotch of the garment pulled aside to reveal her dripping wet pussy to the world, Vambre looks like a complete and utter slut. Prohyas’ cock throbs all the harder as he thinks about what he’s going to do when he’s done with his trashy little whore. Grinning viciously, he lines up his cockhead with Vambre’s twitching cunt lips, and then he begins to lower her down onto his member right then and there, impaling her inch by inch on his meat pole.

“Tell me what you are. Tell me why I should even bother fucking you. Go on.”

The words ‘tell it to the camera’ are unspoken, but with him holding her up and facing her in that direction anyways, they don’t need to be said. His blindfolded sister whines as she takes him deep inside of her, and then the words spill from her throat and she does exactly as he’s told her.

“I’m… I’m a slut Master! I’m your slut! I’m your whore, your little pig sex slave! I’m your cum dump, a piece of trash to be used up and discarded! Fuck me master, plow me senseless and then throw me away like so much used rubbish! Yes! Fuck me, fuck me, FUCK MEEEE!!!”

His cock presses against her cervix as she speaks, and Prohyas is not gentle as he lifts her up and then drops her back down his shaft. He pierces into her womb once more right as she’s getting to the end, causing Vambre to lose control as she cums on the spot. Her tongue hangs out of her skull and her breasts shake and jiggle as her body spasms from the hefty orgasm.

And then she’s bouncing up and down on his dick as he lifts her and then drops her again, and right then and there, his older sister slowly reverts to her new personality of being a cock-hungry mind broken little slut. Prohyas enjoys it immensely, fucking her as hard as he can, distending her belly with each thrust he makes into her tight womb. Vambre’s most sacred of places stretches around his massive cockhead like a condom, and each time he thrusts up into her, each time he impales every last inch of her insides on his cock, she loses it again, crying out in sheer ecstasy.

It’s probably making for great content. Prohyas can’t wait to upload his sister’s latest ‘vlog’ for the masses to see, if he’s being honest. At the same time though, he can’t get enough of her tight cunt and her clenching cervix and her small womb, stretched out over his dick. His sister might see herself as nothing more than trash, but she’s the hottest woman Prohyas has ever met, and he can’t deny that he absolutely loves to use her and abuse her. Fucking Vambre is a treat like no other… and ever since he’d discovered that she would simply submit to him, he’d been ‘stuffing’ himself on said ‘treat’. While at the same time, stuffing Vambre with his cock and cum every chance he got.

Speaking of which, he felt another release approaching. With a grunt and a growl, Prohyas cums deep inside of Vambre’s womb, filling it to the brim with white, hot seed. His darling sibling sex slave cums as well one last time, and the entire thing is an obscene debacle captured fully on camera. The fact that all of this is being recorded… it makes him so unbelievably hard. Even after he fills her womb with cum, Prohyas is still completely, fully erect.

His eyes eventually fall on the collar he’s given his sister. Originally, he’d just done it for fun. A little show of exactly what Vambre’s place was in their relationship. Both he and she knew where they stood, but the viewers at home that Vambre was unknowingly showing off to didn’t. But now, as he stares at the belt turned into a make-shift choker, Prohyas gets another idea entirely.

Pulling Vambre off of his hard cock leaves the young woman whining in disappointment, even as he holds her up in the air for a moment more in order to show off her gushing cunt as his seed spills out of her and onto the floor. He’s going to make her clean that up later, but for now, he simply drops his blindfolded sister down into it, watching as she falls on her face and subsequently assumes her favorite position.

Prohyas rather likes face down, ass up too, but for this, he needs something more. Stepping around her for a moment, the tall, broad-shouldered young man reaches out and re-angles the Magimobile, so that it’s looking down at Vambre’s prostrating form. Only then does he move back behind her and kneel in between her spread legs.

Reaching out, he grabs hold of the end of the belt, the ‘leash’ of his makeshift collar. He takes it in a firm grip, and then he fits his messy cockhead against Vambre’s sphincter, spreading her butt cheeks apart with one hand as he does so. Grinning viciously, the muscular young man pushes just the tip of his dick into his own sister’s asshole.

Vambre moans happily, but then he stops and she whines pitifully. Leaning over her, Prohyas speaks in a low tone, but one he knows will still be picked up by the Magimobile.

“What do you want, whore? What are you?”

“I want… I want you to fuck me in the ass Master! I’m your hot little anal slut, so please fuck me in the ass!”

Prohyas grins and looks up into the camera before him, giving it a wink. Then, he pulls and pushes at the same time, Vambre’s loud cry of pleasure and pain abruptly cut off as he chokes her on the belt he’s got around her neck. Vambre Warrior is soon on her hands and knees, her breasts bouncing back and forth and her head back to show off her slutty face as the makeshift collar tightens around her throat.

He quickly begins to fuck her, his cock pistoning in and out of her ass as he tugs at her ‘leash’.

“Hahgk! Hahgk! Hahgk!”

Her choking is music to his ears, and the sadist inside of Prohyas crows as he listens to her struggle for air. He lets up every once in a while of course, not actually aiming to do any true damage to her… but she’ll undoubtedly have bruises on her neck tomorrow, and that fills him with happiness. Marking his elder sister as his property, even if it is temporary, gives Prohyas a deep sense of satisfaction.

Vambre’s cunt walls tighten around him quickly and rhythmically as he plows her doggystyle, his free hand smacking down back and forth against her upturned ass as he fucks it hard. Her back is forced into an arch thanks to his grip on her leash, but that’s just the way Prohyas likes her. She looks beautiful like this, forced to take a position of discomfort for HIS pleasure. As his cock finally hilts in her ass and his balls swing up and smack into her cunt and clit, Prohyas groans and pulls out to do it again.

His thrusting speeds up and Vambre’s pleasure increases as she finally orgasms. Her eyes roll back in her head and her tongue lulls out of her mouth, and despite the asphyxiation and the abuse, it’s obvious that she’s enjoying it, as her body spasms and shakes through oxygen deprivation and near nonstop orgasms alike. Eventually though, Prohyas lets up on the collar, grabbing her hair along with it too, in order to alleviate some of the pressure on her throat.

Vambre’s choking slows to a crawl, and happy, ecstatic cries of pleasure replace those noises soon enough. Leaning in, Prohyas looks directly into the camera of the Magimobile, even as he buries his nose in the crook of his sister’s neck again. He stares into the lens without blinking, as if to tell anyone who ends up watching that THIS is his. SHE is his. They can look, they can even fucking jack off to it if they want… but he’s not about to share her with anyone. His lovely, trashy, slut of a sister… Prohyas isn’t ever going to let her go.

That’s the thought he ends up cumming too, his seed exploding out of his cock only to paint her bowels white. Vambre’s resulting cry is even louder as her butt muscles tighten around his dick, and she shudders beneath him, even as he finally lets go of her, pulling back. As expected, when he stands up she falls forward onto her face, exhausted and laying prone. With her blindfold still on, Prohyas takes advantage and angles the Magimobile’s camera again, making sure to get every last inch of her sweaty, disheveled, freshly fucked body recorded.

Only then does he finally stop the recording and put the Magimobile aside. Reaching down, Prohyas grabs hold of his sister by the hair and drags her up off the ground. He gets her headband out of her eyes and gives her his best smile, not an ounce of wicked intent in it, mostly because for the first time in a while, he’s trying to hide his true intentions from her.

“Go get cleaned up sister. I’ll upload your vlog for you, alright?”

Vambre blinks owlishly, her violet-red eyes filled with surprised and shock at the way he’s talking to her. After a moment Prohyas drops the smile and backhands her across the face instead.

“Did you hear me? Get!”

And just like that, she’s scrambling from the room in order to obey his command, her pussy already leaking again from his physical abuse. Prohyas barely watches her go, already turning back to the Magimobile. This is going to be a Vambre vlog for the ages…


Hours later, when Vambre goes to check on how her newest vlog is doing, she notices two things out of the ordinary almost immediately. Scratching her head, Vambre stares first at the number of views the vlog has. She’s always been pretty low on the view count side of things, at least compared to her brother. But this… MILLIONS of people have already watched her new vlog, in just three hours!

Of course, that has something to do with the other discrepancy Vambre notices. The vlog itself should only be about two minutes long. Magisword demonstrations really didn’t take that long, on the regular. However, this vlog is an hour long, much, MUCH longer than it should be. Skipping forward to where the end of the vlog should have been, Vambre’s eyes go wide as she watches her brother come on screen, watches as they talk and he… and he…

“It seems they like it.”

Vambre goes weak in the knees as she hears her brother’s voice. An abrupt rush of arousal flows through her, and slowly, she turns her chair around to look at Prohyas. He smirks back at her, his cock out and staring her in the eye.

“Got horny again, figured you’d take care of it. Mm, but it seems you’ve found my little gift. What do you think?”

Looking back at the video of her being brutally fucked by her own brother, now viewed by millions upon millions of people… Vambre can only bite her lip and rub her thighs together needily. Slowly, the violet-haired girl slips out of her chair. Slowly, she begins to crawl towards her brother. When she reaches him, she sits up on her knees and takes him in her hands.

Looking up into Prohyas eyes with her own, Vambre can only give one answer, in the end.

“I love it… Master.”

His savage grin and his fingers curling into her long locks given an unspoken promise that brutality and violence are soon to follow… and in truth, Vambre just can’t wait. 


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