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A/N: The first Patron Request of 2018! And a new story at that, how exciting~

Patron Request

Themes: Consensual, Titjob, Monster Girl Sex, Youkai

Word Count: 3,359

Summary: A wandering young man comes across an inn in the middle of nowhere. Stepping inside changes his life forever.


His name is Creed Caligo. He considers himself a ‘world traveler’. At the beginning of his journey, he very well might have been exactly that. These days though, he was a little less ‘world traveler’ and a little more ‘wandering vagrant’. He’d started his journey with a fairly sizable resource stash. He’d thought he would have more than enough money to see the world.

As it turned out, the world was a big place and a few setbacks had seen his cash reserves dangerously depleted. Now, only halfway through his attempt to travel across the entire world, Creed found himself practically trapped in Japan, working odd jobs to make ends meet and to keep himself off the street… when he could. But hey, today had been a fairly good day in the end. He’d made a considerable amount of dough, and he was even going to be able to stay at a quaint inn for the night, so long as it was cheap.

That was the problem though. He’d found himself in a part of Japan that was in no way cheap. The hotels around here were not the kind of place he wanted to blow all of his hard-earned yen on. And so, Creed found himself wandering away from his usual stomping grounds, out into the less traveled parts of the city. Which was how he suddenly came to be standing in a forest.

Wait… no. What? Furrowing his brow, the young man looks about himself. He is in a forest, he definitely is. But… he hadn’t actually left the city, or at least he doesn’t remember leaving the city. One point he was walking down a concrete street with the sun setting in the distance, and the next he finds himself traveling along a dirt path with a canopy of trees shading the area and making the far-off sunset barely visible.

Creed frowns, and grips at his hefty backpack a little tighter. His trusty pack had been with him through thick and thin so far, and while it was now a fair bit lighter then it had been when he started out, Creed wouldn’t let the thing go for anything in the world. Flaring his nostrils, the young man begins to move forward, keeping his eyes out for anything and everything that could tell him where he is and where he’s going.

There are no signs though, no maps, no indications of just where he’s inadvertently found himself. Instead, there’s an Inn. Blinking dumbly, Creed stares up at the large wooden structure, nestled in between all the trees. A pair of double doors sit atop a few steps, and above them rests a sigh. The ‘Ayakashi Inn’ is where he’s apparently found himself. Creed doesn’t recognize the name of the inn, but then, he really didn’t expect to, not all the way out here.

Still, it was his best bet at getting some directions… and hell, maybe the place was cheap enough for him to stay at and have some yen left over for meals the following day as well. Smiling at what appeared to be a turn in his fortunes, the young ‘world traveler’ makes his way up the steps of the Ayakashi Inn, stomping towards the doors and entering through them.

As expected, there’s a foyer and a help counter and all the things one would expect to see in a quaint little inn like this one. There’s nobody behind the counter, but then that’s not really relevant, because there IS someone out in front of it, standing directly in the center of the inn’s entryway as Creed steps inside. That’s where his gaze is drawn, and a moment later his eyes go wide as he stares at the being before him.

She could have been dismissed for a little girl… if not for the large pair of horns extending out from the top of her skull, as well as her absolutely massive mammaries. The short-stack’s breasts are barely contained by her kimono top, and in fact there’s just a hint of areola visible, along with a truly ginormous track of cleavage. Creed finds himself staring for a long moment, and then he realizes how rude he’s being and his eyes jump back to the smiling female’s face, her teeth sharp as she cocks her head to the side.

“I am Ibuki, owner of the Ayakashi Inn. Welcome to my establishment, and may your stay be… fruitful?”

As she gets to the end of her introduction, Ibuki’s welcoming smile turns into a confused frown, and her brow furrows together as she starts sniffing at the air. Creed watches with wide, shocked eyes, unmoving even when Ibuki steps forward, sniffing all the harder. She takes another step closer and then she’s invading his personal space as her breasts press against his crotch and her nostrils flare wider still. The horned being takes a deep whiff of him and then immediately backs away, her welcoming smile replaced by a truly hungry grin that fully showcases her maw full of fangs.

Fear suddenly fills Creed’s being, even as the monster (because truly, what else can she be at this point?) shows off her rows of sharp teeth.

“You… you’re human. Humans aren’t supposed to be here. I wonder at how you managed it… no matter, if you could do it once, you could do it again. I can’t allow you to leave this place and possibly lead others of your kind to my doorstep. I suppose I shall have to eat you!”

She doesn’t sound very put out by it when she says it. In fact, she almost sounds anticipatory, as if human is a rare delicacy that she so very rarely gets the chance to consume. To be fair, it probably is. But Creed doesn’t have much time to contemplate that, even as he finally catches up with the conversation and realizes as Ibuki takes a step closer again that he’s in very real danger of dying. 

Immediately, the human male backs up, holding his hands out in a warding gesture.

“W-Wait! I-urk!”

His back hits the door that he’d just come through in record time, but Creed quickly discovers that it’s now locked somehow, and no matter how much he wiggles the handle, it will not open. He’s trapped as Ibuki pauses for a moment, almost seeming to enjoy his building terror. Only, Creed is no normal human. Wandering vagrant he might have become, but one does not manage to travel half the world without a bit of gumption, problem-solving, and some quick thinking.

“W-Wait! Wait! I can’t… please, you don’t have to eat me, o-or kill me either! I’m sorry for trespassing and I certainly won’t ever lead anyone else here! Please… can’t I have some other… non-fatal type of punishment?!”

Alright, so maybe it’s not his best work. He’s rambling, and he knows it, but even as he wracks his brain trying to think of something better to say, the female monster standing before him pauses and cocks her head to the side, seemingly lost in thought for a moment.

“Hm. Well… the inn IS understaffed. I suppose if you agree to work for me for the rest of your natural life, I can refrain from eating you! For now, anyways.”

Eyes wide, Creed swallows thickly… and ultimately nods. What other choice does he have, after all?

“Y-yes… Yes! I’ll uh, I’ll do it. I’ll work for you. Just… tell me what to do?”

Ibuki’s answering grin is almost as terrifying as her previous look. Key word being almost, as this one at least meant he wasn’t in danger of being eaten by the short, yet monstrous woman. With his adrenaline running high, the next several hours pass like that. First, he finds himself shoved into the Inn’s standard uniform, a grey hakam and a short sleeved grey kimono top. Then, he’s put to work, cycling through various tasks and ‘befriending’ various… creatures who work at the inn.

It takes Creed longer than he’d like to admit to remember Japan’s folklore. They weren’t just monsters or creatures he was being forced to interact with, they were youkai, a class of supernatural species native to Japan itself. While some were indeed monstrous, many were also beautiful in their own way. And yet, all of them felt exceedingly dangerous.

On top of everything, it turned out whatever had brought him to the forest and the Inn sitting in the middle of it had also screwed with the day time. It was no longer sunset when he’d arrived, it had become sunrise. So yes, by the time he manages to finish every task presented to him, Creed is a little tired, a little exhausted.

Perhaps that’s why he does something as foolish as going to confront his new ‘employer’. The youkai who gives him directions to Ibuki’s private room has a wicked smile on her face as she does so, but Creed, as spent as he is, doesn’t even notice. He remembers to thank the young beauty for the information, and then he heads towards the short-stack’s quarters in order to discuss the exact terms of his new ‘employment’.

Arriving at the door, he knocks on it rather strongly, all of his fear gone for the moment, replaced by bone-deep exhaustion. He’s too tired to feel afraid, even when the door opens to reveal an obviously drunk-off-her-ass Ibuki. Steeling himself, the human man looks his new employer in the eye and sets his jaw.

“I need to talk to you.”

One of Ibuki’s eyebrows climbs at that, and the corner of her mouth climbs as well as she grins.

“That so? Mm, come in handsome.”

The youkai barely slurs her words as she steps to the side, but she does sway a bit with the step, and her face is red while her smile is a bit dopey. She’s definitely sloshed, but Creed steps inside the room anyways, only to hear the click of a lock and the rustling of clothing as he peers around the rather spartan set of quarters. Blinking, the tired human turns back around to find a sight almost as startling and shocking as when he’d first stepped inside the Ayakashi Inn.

Ibuki has pulled down her tightly fitted top, and exposed her massive breasts to him. Creed gapes at the sight, his eyes zeroing in on the truly ginormous ta-tas that Ibuki is prominently displaying. It’s certainly surprising… and also arousing. As tired as he is, as fearless as he currently is… Creed’s cock begins to harden under his hakama as he stares at his new employer’s giant tits.

But just having him look at her apparently isn’t enough for Ibuki. The youkai steps forward and lashes out, grabbing his wrists and fastening his hands to her huge tits before he can even blink. Creed almost instinctively squeezes down on the fat jugs in his grasp, and an extremely erotic moan erupts from Ibuki’s throat as she lets her eyes drift shut. For a moment, Creed just gropes her, unable to find it in him to do anything else… then, he feels a hand slipping into his hakama, reaching for his hard cock. 

It’s as Ibuki tries to pull his member out from beneath his uniform that Creed realizes exactly what he’s doing. Flushing bright red, the young man pulls his hands back and then steps back as well for good measure, slipping from her grasp and out of her reach.

“I don’t… I didn’t come here to take advantage of you while you were drunk Ma’am!”

That brings Ibuki up short. The short-stack stares blankly at Creed for a long moment, and then she bursts out laughing.

“Hahahahahaha!!! Ahahaha… oh man, I needed that human, thanks. Jeez, you really don’t know anything about us youkai, do you?”

His blush turns to one of embarrassment and shame as he scratches the back of his head.

“I uh… I know SOME things…”

Snickering, Ibuki steps forward and Creed steps back, not out of any sense of chivalry this time, but because of the lust-filled look on his new employer’s eyes.

“I’m an Oni, boy. You’d do well to remember that. Drunkenness is second nature for us. But even still, I haven’t had sex with a strapping young lad like yourself in a long, LONG time. Far too long. I could really use a hard, deep fucking, do you understand me?”

As soon as she started talking, Creed found himself frozen in place by a combination of her tone and her gaze. Now, as she finishes, her breasts are pressed up against his exposed erection, and she’s staring up at him with a challenging look. Unable to resist any longer, and already having an invitation, Creed can’t quite stop himself from reaching out and grabbing the short-stacked Oni by her horns.

As he does so, his cock thrusts forward into her breasts, sinking deep, deep, DEEP between her voluptuous mountains of boob flesh. In response, Ibuki just giggles and adopts a smug, knowing grin.

“I knew you’d make the right choice. Everyone does in the end. EVERYONE loves my breasts~”

Staring down at her huge, warm, soft titties as he saws in and out of them with his dick, Creed can’t help but agree. So he does so, quite earnestly.

“They’re… they’re the best breasts I’ve ever seen, let alone fucked!”

That gets a blush on the Oni’s face, even as he continues to titfuck her. His honesty and his good-natured lust shines through, and Ibuki can’t help but get aroused in response as she squirms slightly in his grasp. Of course, her massive mammaries are not for the faint of heart, nor are they for the untrained. Creed’s first time in between his new employer’s tits ends within minutes as he blows his load into the valley of her giant boobs. 

Both of them pause for a moment, Creed dismayed at his quick shot, and Ibuki surprised by the sheer volume of sticky white fluid he’s put in her cleavage. After a moment though, the Oni grins wickedly and toothily, lifting a single brow.

“Mm, I hope you aren’t spent already boy.”

That gets something in Creed’s blood boiling. Not in anger, but in sheer determination. Regardless of his exhaustion, he knows he can’t stop now. Gritting his teeth, he looks down at her comparatively small body and gets an idea.

“I’m just getting started… boss.”

Reaching down, Creed hooks his hands under the short-stack’s arms, and lifts her into the air. She’s surprisingly light when one considers her enormous tits, but Creed just takes that as the blessing it is as he lines up the dripping slit between her legs with his still-erect cock. Even though his refractory period is usually longer than this, everything that’s happening right now leaves Creed ready and raring to go, just to prove to Ibuki that he’s made of more than she thinks, if nothing else.

The drunken Oni lets out a delighted gasp as he lowers her onto his cock, and a moan shortly follows as Creed groans in turn, his member filling up her tight little pussy, and her tight little pussy in turn squeezing down quite hard on his thick, throbbing shaft. Ibuki’s giant tits and erect nipples press into Creed’s chest, rubbing up and down him as he shifts his hands to her ass and begins to bounce her along his cock length.

Ibuki continues to moan quite wantonly, clearly enjoying what he’s doing to her very much. Her eyes lull shut and her lips part slightly as her tongue darts out to wet them. Creed notices this, even as he fucks her right there in the middle of her room standing up. Unable to resist, the young man leans forward and captures her lips in a deep kiss.

He clearly surprises the Oni, and he even surprises himself a little, because the next thing he knows, he’s slipping his tongue into Ibuki’s mouth, wrestling with her own flexible, slimy mouth muscle. He knows that her maw is full of sharp fangs… but he just can’t help himself. He dominates her in that kiss, wrestling her tongue into submission. Only then does he probe her mouth, his own tongue running along her fangs, tasting the sake that the Oni had been drinking in massive quantities prior to his arrival.

This continues for quite some time as he bounces her small body up and down on his cock, his tongue half-down her throat and her breasts pressed up against his chest. In turn, Ibuki wraps her short legs around his skinny waist while also clutching at the shoulders of his kimono top. Happy little moans, as well as other noises of sexual pleasure, continue to erupt from the Oni’s mouth, even as they end up muffled by his lips pressed against her own.

In the end, Creed cums inside of Ibuki. In the heat of the moment, he doesn’t even think about it… but even if he had, the likelihood of him escaping Ibuki’s cunt in time would have been quite low. But it wasn’t an issue, ultimately. Creed cums and he does so explosively, his seed painting the walls of Ibuki’s womb white. His ejaculate fills the short-stack to the brim and then some, and when he finally begins to come down from his release, the toll of the day makes itself known and his legs go weak.

Creed groans and topples over with a grunt, but luckily his earlier attempts to back away from Ibuki put him only a step away from the Oni’s bed. He falls back onto the soft mattress and Ibuki goes with him, landing atop him as he lays there, panting for breath. In turn, the Oni is not quite so tired. In fact, she’s smiling rather salaciously, even as her pussy muscles begin to grip and squeeze at his softening prick, massaging him back to full hardness.

“That was fun. Ready for Round Three, lover boy?”

Creed stares up at his new boss for a long moment… and then he places his hands on her waist, determination once more filling his gaze. Ibuki just grins back, even as she begins to bounce up and down on his dick. The young man knows he’s in for a long night, after what feels like two long days packed into one. And yet… he just can’t quite bring himself to mind it.


Hours later, Creed and Ibuki lay together in the bed, no longer fucking, but still cuddling and even making out. It’s not as much a dominance play this time, and their lips and tongues smack together in mutual lustful desire, until finally they part ways at the same time. Ibuki, now mostly sober, gives Creed a stern look as she eyes him for a long moment in silence.

Creed looks back, not quite glaring or challenging her, but also no longer afraid of her threats to eat him… not after what they just shared.

“You know boy… I’m still your boss. So don’t go expecting any special treatment, you hear?”

That’s more than fair, but before Creed can do much more than begin to nod, Ibuki’s stern look turns into a sly grin that stretches from ear to ear as her eyes twinkle merrily.

“And as your boss, you’re gonna be bunking with me for the foreseeable future, got it?”

Creed grins in response, even as he glances around the room before looking back to the Oni he’s just got done fucking.

“I look forward to it boss.”

Ibuki cackles at his slightly cocky tone, and leans in to capture his lips with her own once more. The pair of them resume their makeout session, even as a small part of Creed wonders if he’ll ever get to sleep again. The much larger part takes that small part out back and shoots it in the head for asking such a stupid question. Especially when he’s in the presence of such a beautiful lady.

In the face of such a thing, sleep… sleep is for the weak.



...I'm super into this, and while it *seems* ripe for further sexy youkai adventures, I think it works well as its own thing. Thanks.