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Themes: Consensual, Orgy, Breeding, Huge Cock

Word Count: 7363

Summary: Six women come together on Christmas Eve, each with their own problems, each filled with misery and sadness. But then a boy comes along to help them with that...


It was Christmas time in the City. The eve before the holiday itself, deep in New York. It was cold, windy, and snowy, but people were bustling back and forth with smiles on their faces, either doing last minute shopping or heading to Church, or even simply heading home to settle in with their loved ones. Christmas Eve was supposed to be a time of quiet, fulfilling contemplation or joyous revelry depending who you were and what you believed. No matter what though, it was supposed to be a happy time.

Unfortunately, ‘supposed to be’ and reality did not always see eye to eye. And no matter how much happiness Christmas brought the many, there would always be the few who were hurting when the holiday season came around, for one reason or another. The best one could hope for is that, like the six women who arrive one by one at an old family-owned diner, one can find company in one’s misery, on this most joyous day…

The six ladies trickled into the diner one by one over the course of about an hour. The first to arrive was a young Japanese woman named Mai Lang. The girl was a beauty, with a curvaceous body and a pretty smile. Unfortunately, her looks hadn’t done anything to help with her scholarship. She’d not be able to go back to college next semester, as budget cuts had seen her scholarship and many like it defunded.

Annabelle Smith was in the same boat. The athletic young woman with a runner’s physique wasn’t quite as reliant as her scholarship as Mai was. She had options besides college… that didn’t make them good ones. The white girl could already feel her parents breathing down her neck with their inviting smiles as they tried to welcome her back home. She’d end up a waitress in a diner like this one more than likely, a dead-end job with no future. It wasn’t what she wanted.

Then there was Kanaya Lawrence. Arriving third, the young black woman with her dread locks hanging down to her shoulder wasn’t quite as ready to give up as Mai and Anna. But then, she hadn’t lost a scholarship, instead she’d had her tuition money stolen by an ex-boyfriend in a fit of rage. The dark-skinned girl orders a coffee and nothing else, signaling that she still has some hope of the police recovering the stolen money… even though they aren’t actually investigating the crime at this point, unbeknownst to her.

Her sister arrives with her. Ashley Lawrence, at thirty years of age, is in the prime of her life. A fitness trainer at a gym near the university campus, the older black woman wasn’t having any sort of financial troubles. She hadn’t lost her job, nor had anyone stolen from her. But in a way, there had been a theft, of sorts. She’d caught her boyfriend and her best friend having sex in their bed, and it had broken her heart.

After her was Korra Mallord. The twenty-eight year old third-generation Indian woman had been a Professor at the university that all three of the college-aged women had been studying at in the Fall semester. Unfortunately, she was now in the same category as Mai and Anna. Due to budget cuts, she too had gotten a pink slip, due to her lack of seniority, what with being a first year Professor. It was a setback, nothing more, but it was a set back at the one time of the year where the single dusky-skinned woman should have been happiest, and it hurt nonetheless.

The final member of their little gang to arrive was Maya, Maya Light. The thirty-one year old was the oldest of all of them, as well as the most successful. A stock broker, the woman had done well for herself in the marketplace. The only reason the other five knew her was because she frequented the diner as much as they all did, and overtime the beautiful woman had found her way into their group.

She was no less miserable than the rest of them in the end. Thanksgiving had seen her getting a divorce after she’d discovered her husband having an affair with his secretary. It had seemed unbelievable at first, and Maya hadn’t understood why he would betray her, when she was far more beautiful than that filthy little trollop. The man had had the audacity to give her a grin and ask her if she really thought he’d pass up a chance at a needy little slut just because she was waiting for him at home.

Maya had put a lot of money into getting the best divorce lawyer in New York. He hadn’t gotten more than a dime of what he was owed in the resulting split.

Regardless, the wounds were still fresh, and the female stock broker was still reeling a bit, second guessing every last decision, every last thought she’d had. If she couldn’t trust her instincts with the man she’d chosen to marry, what COULD she trust? Either way, the first thing she did, before even sitting down at the table, was flag down the waitress and order a beer. Only after that was on its way did the dark-haired woman sit down.

“Hello girls. Merry Christmas.”

She gets a few half-hearted responses from around the table, but then, even her Merry Christmas was a bit flat and joyless. Adopting a sardonic smile that doesn’t at all reach her eyes, Maya lets her gaze slide around the table. No one is happy. No one is excited. Doom and gloom… well, they make for good bedfellows when one is filled with nothing but negativity.

Unfortunately, Maya doesn’t have answers, not for any of them. In the end, she can’t diffuse their negativity when her own is just as bad. The beer arrives and the stock broker knocks it back as others around the table begin to order from the waitress that brought it. The waitress is just getting back to Maya when a young voice draws their attention.

“… Excuse me.”

The six women all turn their eyes to the owner of the voice. It’s a boy, standing behind Maya’s chair. Blinking, the thirty-one year old eyes the young man up and down even as the others do the same. It’s hard to gauge his age, at first glance. Anywhere between eleven and fifteen is Maya’s best guess. He’s cute and he has a gentle face with an equally gentle smile, but he’s also dressed in an insanely expensive handmade suit that fits his small body perfectly.

There’s just something about him that makes Maya smile back, and it gets all five of the others as well, even as they look at the strange young man with almost immediate fondness. Ducking his head shyly, the boy nudges the floor with a toe.

“I’m… I’m all alone. I was wondering if I could join you.”

Something about him struck Maya as perfectly sincere. It was odd, her inexplicable and immediate belief that he was on the up and up, but in the end, she looks back and sees the others are all feeling the same. Smiling, Maya nods and gestures for him to join them, basking in the brilliant, white-toothed smile that spreads across his face at the permission.

The waitress takes Maya’s order and then the boy’s as well, and conversation at the table slowly begins to pick up. Regardless of the misery each of them is feeling, there’s not a group of girls alive that can sit in silence for that long. The boy interjects every now and then, smoothly and subtly inserting himself into the conversation as he ingratiates himself with the group.

Maya notices, and she’s fairly certain Korra does too, but none of the others do. It’s cute though, in the stock broker’s opinion, so she lets it pass. Time goes on and their food arrives, as do more alcoholic beverages. At some point, the group learns that the boy’s name is Jack. There also comes a point where they find out exactly what he meant by ‘all alone’. As it turns out, in the end Jack is in good company. They all have their misery, but the boy had just lost his parents two months prior, and in a way, he trumps all of their personal problems.

The young man doesn’t make it a contest though. He doesn’t aim to trivialize their issues, and as time goes on, Maya watches and experiences the boy’s kindness and compassion as he connects with each and every one of them on a deep, personal level. By the time the diner is beginning to close up and they’re forced to settle the bill, all six women are hanging off the boy’s every word, giving him interested smiles and not even realizing how they were leaning towards him in unconscious desire.

Of course, it isn’t until Jack pays the bill and leaves a massive tip in the form of a dozen hundred bills that Maya thinks something might be off. Standing up, the boy smiles at all of them.

“Our time together doesn’t have to end here you know. We could go back to my place… have some more fun.”

He seemed so innocent, so kind. Maya saw no reason not to trust the boy, and neither did any of the others. After a round of nods and mutual noises of agreement, the cadre of women stood and follows Jack outside, only to find a long limo waiting for them. It was just one more shock on top of the rest, another warning sign that none of the women were in any condition to truly pause and look at.

Piling into the limo, Maya and the others all enjoyed making their way through the streets of New York like high-class ladies. Out of all of them, only the stock broker had spent much time in a vehicle like this, and even then, only once or twice to speak with a rich client or her equally rich boss. Regardless, there was both wine and champagne waiting for them, and the girls each had a glass as Jack watched on with a happy smile on his face.

The somber mood evaporated around that time as the car ride took far longer than expected, not that any of the women, young or old, cared. By the time they’d left Brooklyn behind and arrived in the Hamptons, all six were laughing and happy and Maya couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt this good, or the last time she’d seen any of the others smiling so wide.

But then they were there, and getting out of the limo was another bit of a reality check for the dark-haired stock broker. As the others ooo’d and aww’d at the massive mansion and estate that they’d found themselves on, Maya stared, unable to shake the feeling that something was wrong about all of this, that they were going along too easily.

A small hand slips into her own and the woman startles as she glances down to see Jack smiling up at her kindly. In an instant, her worries are washed away, even as he tugs at her, leading her inside. She goes with him, happiness swelling in her heart as the other five follow after them. Eventually, they end up in the living room, a roaring fire going in the fireplace warming them all up in short order.

As they settle onto the extremely comfortable couches in the parlor, Jack looks at them all, his hands behind his back.

“It’s time for me to be honest with you, ladies. My full name is Jackson Timolt.”

There’s barely any recognition from anyone except for Maya, at least at first. The stock broker’s eyes go wide and her mouth drops open as she gapes.

“T-Timolt? Of Timolt Automotive and Technologies?!”

That gets a bigger reaction from the others. The name hadn’t registered at first, but considering TAT is one of the bigger companies in not only New York, not only the US, but the world over, everyone else understood now. Timolt Automotive and Technologies was a nearly trillion-dollar company that made both pedestrian vehicles and luxury super cars, as well as electronics of all shapes and sizes.

The room is quiet as the six women stare at their new ‘friend’ in something akin to awe and shock. Jack in turn blushes and ducks his head, even as he nods.

“I… yes. That’s the one. I inherited the company two months ago, after my father lost his battle with brain cancer, and my mother passed away a week later. The doctors said she died of a broken heart… but in the end, I suppose I’m the one in charge now.”

Maya blinks at that and something strikes her as odd. In the end, it’s Korra who crystalizes the stock broker’s thoughts into words. The dusky-skinned Indian woman’s accent is quite noticeable as she furrows her brow in confusion.

“But how can that be? Do you not have a guardian until you come of age?”

Here, Jack grins sheepishly and shrugs his shoulders.

“It might be hard to believe, but I’m actually eighteen. I know, my appearance is a little deceptive.”

Maya can’t help but scoff at that, as the rest of the women around the table make equally disbelieving noises, at least at first. He doesn’t look anywhere close to eighteen. And yet… and yet the more she looks at him, the more Maya finds herself seeing a handsome young man instead of a small boy dressed up in a suit. A glance around tells her that the others are coming to a similar conclusion given the blushes on their faces, and those that were feeling strange things over him earlier are no longer looking quite as ashamed.

From there, things continue on for a time. Drinks are poured and everyone begins to chat, just like they’d been doing in the diner. Only, now the conversation and the mood itself was lighter, happier. There was a sense of a weight being lifted off of their shoulders, and none could truly focus on the things that had made them feel such misery only hours before. There was too much good in this moment, too much happiness, for any of them to dwell on the past.

Then the time came for Jack’s next revelation.

“I want… I want you to become my wives.”

There’s a pause and Maya is sure the others are thinking the same thing as her. They must have heard that wrong. But no, Jack is dead serious as he looks around at all of them. He had definitely said wives. Not wife, wives. He wanted all of them to just… marry him?

Smiling sheepishly, the young man nods.

“I know it’s a lot. But I’ve really enjoyed my time with all of you. I love you, and I think deep down, you all love me too.”

The worst part is, Maya finds he’s right. Even as her rational mind tells her how ridiculous all of this is, the beautiful stock broker can’t help but agree with Jack’s words. She loves him. When… when did that happen? Furrowing her brow in confusion, Maya sits there right alongside the rest of the girls, all of them struggling with the thought that they love the boy before them. All of them struggling to reconcile logic and sense with their illogical feelings.

“I’ve seen something in you. All of you. I want you all to be happy. But I understand that this is fast. Maybe it’d be better if I showed you what I can offer you, on a personal level. Spend one night with me, and then decide in the morning.”

His words might be vague, but none of the six women miss the true meaning. He’s quite literally propositioning the lot of them, in front of one another. He’s basically suggesting an orgy, as ridiculous as that sounds. And yet… and yet all six of the beautiful babes that Jack has brought into his home find themselves nodding. It’s a good compromise… isn’t it? There’s nothing wrong with a little sex to find out if they’re truly compatible with their prospective husband or not, right?

As he gets affirmation from each and every one of them, Jack’s smile grows into a full-faced grin and he stands up, gesturing for them to follow. They do so, soon ending up in a Master Bedroom that put every ‘Master Bedroom’ they’d ever owned to shame. The thing had an inbuilt hot tub on one side of the massive room, and a bed that could easily fit twenty on the other.

As soon they’re all in, Jack moves to the bed and begins to disrobe, slowly removing his handmade suit, piece by piece. Maya is glad she’s not alone as she ogles the young man they’re about to fuck shamelessly, right alongside the other five women he’s brought to his bed. Despite looking like nothing more than a boy, they find he’s built like a man beneath his suit. His body is broad-shouldered, at least for his size, and he’s got a miniature six pack to go with his small form.

And then there’s nothing but his boxers, and Jack turns to face them all with a blush on his face.

“I worry that I’m too small…”

None of them hear his words, because ALL of them are staring down at the cockhead poking out the bottom of one side of his boxers. It can’t be… it just… but as Jack pulls down his underwear, all six women discover that it is in fact what it seems. The young man is hung like a horse, his cock massive, even when flaccid. He’d hidden it down his pant leg, but now it was out there in the open and none of the beautiful women staring at it could properly convey the awe they felt at the sight of it.

Any compunctions, any worries that they’d all had were gone in that moment. Just staring at Jack’s magnificent pecker had them all drooling, and as he squirms a bit under their gazes, Maya and the rest find themselves slowly stripping down almost unconsciously, their hands moving with zombie-like speed. Soon enough, they’re all naked and Jack is growing thick and hard at the sight of them. His body gave off a sort of aura of dominance, but his face showed innocence and an adorableness that was quite contrary to the truth.

Maya had never felt luckier to have found a man like this, and her thoughts were mirrored by the others. It was the Lawrence sisters that approached first though. Kanaya and Ashley, the dark-skinned beauties slipping forward with wide smiles stretching their plump lips. The pair of ebony sisters fall to their knees before Jack’s cock, and the rest can only watch as they wrap their tits around his member.

Both women, elder and younger, are fairly well-endowed. And yet, as the others look on, they see how much of a struggle it is for Ashley and Kanaya to fit their tits around his massive, hardened pecker. They do it anyways, licking at his tip from either side and slipping their breasts up and down his cock. Jack’s precum leaks from his pecker in short order, and judging by the way dark-skinned beauties get even more worshipful of his member, it tastes delicious.

It certainly smells delicious, and all four women waiting for their turns end up falling onto the pillows strewn across the master bedroom. The scent of Jack’s musk, of his cum, it fills their nostrils even more effectively now that he’s fully aroused and exposed to them. Maya, Korra, Mai, and Anna… it doesn’t matter their age or their ethnicity or their background, each of them is touching themselves in short order, masturbating to the sight of Jack receiving pleasure from Kanaya and Ashley.

After a few minutes, the young man’s inexperience shows as he groans and begins to cum. His seed explodes from his cock like a geyser, letting out at least a gallon of cum, which flies up into the air, only to come back down and splash across both girls. The ebony sisters are painted white in short order and the two of them happily begin to lick each other clean of the delicious seed.


The word doesn’t quite cut through the haze of pleasure and arousal filling the room. None of the four watching stop masturbating after all, but Ashley is cognizant enough to look at Kanaya with betrayal in her eyes as she realizes what her younger sister has done. Grinning lewdly, Kanaya looks at older sister for a moment and then back at Jack as she grabs his massive member and strokes it enthusiastically.

“I call dibs. That means you fuck me first Jack, alright?”

The seemingly innocent boy nods his head, blushing deeply as Kanaya stands and pulls him over to the bed, lying down and drawing his body over hers with her hold on his cock.

“O-Okay… it’s… it’s my first time.”

He’s adorable as he says it, and Kanaya can only giggle, even as she uses one hand to guide his cockhead to her sopping wet pussy entrance and the other to pull him down into a deep, tongue-filled kiss. Then, he’s inside of her and suddenly Jack doesn’t seem cute, he seems like a MAN! Kanaya’s eyes go wide as the massive member slides home into her cunt, only to stop just a few inches inside.

She’d thought she was ready, but as it turned out, the black coed was FAR from it. Unfortunately, now that he was inside of her, Jack didn’t seem inclined to stop. Pulling back, Jack thrusts in again, this time getting to her cervix. It’s this thrust that has her cumming on the spot, orgasming hard and convulsing beneath him.

Her words of ‘slow down’ and ‘I’m not ready’ die in Kanaya’s throat as Jack begins to fuck her harder, his hands gripping her wide hips and his face now buried in her tits. The beautiful dark-skinned honey’s eyes roll back in her head and the discomfort of having such a huge schlong within her is soon replaced by mind-breaking pleasure. The second orgasm soon hits and after that one, it just doesn’t stop. Climax after climax after climax wracks the young coed’s body, and Kanaya’s tongue is perpetually hanging out of her skull as she cums time and time again.

Ashley and the others watch on in jealousy and envy, even as they play with each other in anticipation. Eventually though, Jack groans and his thrusting becomes a little sporadic.

“G-Getting… getting closer… I’m gonna cum…”


The words fall from Kanaya’s throat before she can remember just how much he can cum. They also do the trick, sending him right over the edge even as he hilts inside of her womb, breaking through her cervix. A strangled cry leaves Kanaya’s throat and then she’s orgasming as he unloads inside of her, an entire gallon of cum filling her insides.

“Oh God, Oh God, Oh God!!!!”

She wanted to tell him to slow down, to stop… but she couldn’t. The orgasms hit time and time again until finally, Kanaya outright passes out, the dark-skinned coed slumping back with her eyes open but glazed over from the sex. There was literal drool coming from her mouth, her tongue still hanging out the side. And even as Jack pulled out of her, leaving her laid out on the edge of his massive bed with seed gushing from her stuffed womb, Kanaya was continuing to spasm and twitch as mini-orgasms wracked her form long after he left her.

Suddenly, the coed’s older sister was there, and Jack was pushed back onto the bed just beside Kanaya’s passed out form, as Ashley Lawrence made her presence known. Grinning lewdly, the beautiful toned fitness trainer happily mounts Jack, lifting her hips up and lowering her tits into Jack’s face as she guides his massive cockhead right to her pussy entrance.

Fitting him inside of her is slow going, and it’s not easy what with his mouth on her tits, distracting her. Eventually, Ashley lets out a yelp and slips as she ends up burying over half of him inside of her. Much like her sister, the older black woman cums immediately from his big white cock piercing her insides and hitting the entrance of her womb, but unlike Kanaya, Ashley isn’t quite so easily broken.

Her athleticism and her toned body allow for the black fitness trainer to properly plant her hands-on Jack’s shoulders and her feet on either side of him. Crouching over his cock, Ashley begins to bounce up and down on his meat pole, her massive mammaries bouncing with her, jiggling in his face as she leans forward. It’s not exactly a sexy position, but Jack isn’t watching her from afar, he’s right there beneath her, his member sliding up into her passage time and time again, and her tits hanging right in front of his face.

To him, it’s quite the sexy position, and as he attacks her breasts, Ashley simply can’t handle the assault on both her tits and her cunt at the same time. Soon, she’s orgasming repeatedly just like Kanaya, and though she manages to last a little longer with it, eventually it’s Jack who has to reach down and grab her by the waist so he can continue to thrust up into her cunt.

Ashley’s mind goes blank from the pleasure as Jack cums inside of her, and then he does it again, bouncing her up and down on her shaft as he releases two massive loads of seed in her poor womb back to back. That’s what ultimately breaks the athletic, dark-skinned woman in the end, and a few minutes later Ashley is being laid out right beside her younger sister, just as much in a pleasure coma as Kanaya is.

Only four women are left now, and all are filled with a sense of anticipation as Jack, still hard and barely sweating, rises from the bed to look at them. He’s still smiling, but there’s not as much innocence in it anymore. None of them care though, too far gone with their lust and arousal by this point. The smell of sex, of HIM permeates the air, and no matter their age or their background, all four remaining women know without a doubt that they WILL get fucked, one way or the other.

That doesn’t stop Annabelle from tensing up a bit as Jack approaches her. He grabs her by the hand and draws her up off the cushion she’s been masturbating on, only to kiss her on the lips. The young white girl moans into his mouth, even as his tongue explores her throat. Then, she finds herself being pushed up against a wall, as Jack had walked her back without her even noticing.

Trepidation and anticipation fill the slightly fearful girl in equal measure, even as Jack lifts up one of her legs and guides his cockhead to her small slit. She is after all, the only virgin in the group. Despite that, and despite her fear that he’ll break her, Anna can’t help but want it. In that moment, the young woman fully believes that only Jack can scratch an itch buried deep inside of her cunt.

And then he’s in her, piercing through her hymen and slamming right to the entrance of her womb. She was right, he definitely got the itch. A multitude of sensations hit Anna all at once, and the brunette’s eyes go wide before rolling back in her head as she too cums immediately after penetration. The orgasm is explosive and it is hard, and the former virgin loses all feeling in her legs as she nearly collapses right then and there.

But, almost poetically, Jack is there to catch her before she can fall, just like he’d been there for all of them tonight as a support pillar. Anna’s eyes refocus and then go wide with amazement as the young man, small in form but not at all weak, picks her up and holds her against the wall as he begins to fuck her. Instinctively, Anna wraps her arms and legs around Jack’s body, even as he leans in and begins to suckle and nibble at her tits. She’s not as big as any of the others in the chest department, but to be fair, that’s not on her. The rest of them are D cup or higher, and her C cup is very respectable, a handful each for Jack to lick and lap at, even as he thrusts into her time and time again.

The former virgin takes Jack’s shaft into herself repeatedly, his cockhead hammering against her cervix until eventually he simply breaks through. Anna is too busy orgasming to feel it though, as pleasure fills every fiber of her being. She’s no stronger than either of the sisters and ultimately, she might just be weaker. In the end, by the time Jack fills her with a copious amount of white, hot seed, Anna is already passed out, her eyes rolled back in her head and her tongue hanging out of her skull.

Slowly, without even pulling her off his cock, Jack turns and walks back to the massive bed that dominates one side of the room. He sets Anna down on it, right beside Kanaya, and only then does he slip his massive pecker out of the white girl’s freshly fucked cunt. Turning back around, Jack zeroes in on his next target.

Mai is waiting for him at this point. The young Japanese woman is even actively trying to draw him in. Where Korra and Maya are simply watching on with their eyes filled with desire, their mouths open and their fingers inside their cunts, Mai has placed herself on her hands and knees facing away from Jack, and she’s happily pistoning her own digits in and out of her sopping wet pussy as she presents herself to him, inviting him to partake of her in any way he pleases.

Jack does just that, kneeling behind her right there on the ground and grabbing hold of her ass. Mai’s butt was quite plump for an Asian woman, but that didn’t seem to give the young man any pause as he gripped and groped her soft, massive bubble butt. A moment later, he’s inside of her and Mai cries out as she feels the cock that broke the others filling her. The Japanese girl cums just as quickly, even as Jack plows her harder and faster than any of those before her. His cock almost immediately breaks into her womb, and it’s clear that the young man is picking up steam, his shaft getting slicker and slicker, and his technique improving as he gains confidence with each successive sexual encounter.

Leaning over her, mounting her like a beast, Jack reaches around and grabs her fat tits, leaving her plump behind even as he slams up against the jiggling backside time and time again. Moaning wantonly, there’s nothing Mai can do but lose herself in the pleasure. Orgasm after orgasm hits her, and just like those before her, the young woman is soon left exhausted by Jack’s strength. Her arms give up on her and Mai falls forward onto her face as Jack continues to fuck her.

He grabs her by the hair at that point, forming her long black locks into a ponytail and pulling her head back off the ground as he plows her all the harder. There’s nothing gentle about it, but Mai can’t help but feel loved all the same, even as Jack roughly fucks her straight into the same oblivion he left the others in. His cum load arrives long after Mai’s slipped into her own pleasure coma, and then Jack is standing, lifting her body with him as he does.

Holding her back against his chest, his massive schlong still buried in her distended womb, Jack carries the voluptuous Japanese girl over to the bed and lets her flop down off his dick face first right next to Anna. Mai lays there alongside his other three conquests, seed spilling out of her as well. Jack looks at her and then the others, and what he sees makes him happy, a wide smile spreading across the young billionaire’s face.

But he’s not done yet. There’s still two more to go, isn’t there? Turning back around, Jack once again refocuses on the beauties still waiting for his cock. Next up is Korra, much to the Indian woman’s delight. The former Professor frigs her clit desperately as he approaches her, biting her lower lip and looking up at him with ‘come fuck me’ eyes.

When he goes down to his knees to climb atop her, Korra in turn lies back completely, spreading her legs as wide as she can to give him access. The dusky woman moans happily as Jack’s messy cockhead slips alongside her equally wet pussy lips, before finally finding purchase. And then he’s inside of her, even as the young man reaches out and begins to play with her tits, groping and suckling them as if they were his to do with as he pleased.

Perhaps… perhaps they were. Korra hadn’t admitted to herself until that moment, but she wasn’t going to say no, not after all of them. Even before he’d had a chance to put it in her, and especially now that he HAD begun to fuck her, the Indian woman knew that she would agree to marrying the young man. Hell, she’d have probably accepted a position as his maid if he’d offered it. She was enthralled by Jackson Timolt, and she felt no shame over admitting that. The boy was a complete and utter stud, as well as a kind and compassionate human being, as far as she was concerned.

Crying out, Korra climaxes as Jack fucks her, and then she climaxes again, and again, and again. Just as those before her had done, the Indian woman finds herself unable to stop orgasming, Jack’s massive, pistoning member forcing pleasure upon her that she’d never felt before. It had been years since she’d last had a man inside of her, but that was nothing compared to this. There wasn’t a single experience she’d ever had that could compare to this.

More than that, Jack was learning. His thrusts began to change up, and he started to angle to hit more pleasurable parts of her as he continues to fuck her. He was gaining knowledge with each hearty, rough fucking he was performing, and Korra was the beneficiary of that knowledge as he fucked her hard and forced her through orgasm after orgasm. In the end, the pleasure proves to be too much for her, just as it had the others. His seed fills her womb, and Korra passes out from one last orgasm as her eyes roll back in her head and her tongue hangs out of her skull.

In short order, the Indian woman is laid out right alongside her former students and Ashley, and Jack is turned to the last remaining member of the group. Maya freezes up as the young billionaire’s eyes fall upon her. The stock broker stares into his gorgeous blue irises, even as he approaches, and she can’t help but pant with need at the sight of him.

He’s perfection, Adonis made manifest. He’s… he’s everything she’s ever wanted. By this point, the beautiful woman has already reached more than one orgasm from watching Jack absolutely wreck the others. Slowly, Maya rises to meet him and they kiss, deeply. His hands move over her body and his cock presses up between her legs, sliding back and forth along her slit.

It’s clear that Jack has swiftly improved from Kanaya all the way to Maya. He’s more methodical as he plays with her tits and kisses her deeply, his tongue exploring her mouth. Eventually, it’s Maya who pushes HIM back, and soon she’s inserting his cock into her cunt in the same way Ashley had, impaling herself on his shaft. Beginning to ride him, the beautiful dark-haired woman bounces up and down on Jack’s dick, reveling in the feel of his cock filling her insides.

An orgasm eventually hits, and its as she’s coming down from that first bout of pleasure that an idea suddenly strikes her.

“J-Jack… Jack… I want you… I want you to finger my ass.”

The young man blinks from where he lays beneath her, staring up at her in confusion. Maya just smiles back, and grabs his wrists. She guides his hands back behind her, and in the end that’s all the prompting Jack needs as he uses one to spread half her ass apart, and the other goes between her cheeks, a finger slipping against her back door.

It’s always been a weakness of hers, getting her butt pounded. Her ex-husband hadn’t been a fan, so it’d been something she’d only gotten once a year on her birthday. But now… now Jack was here and Maya had the startling realization that she and the others would no doubt get as much sex as they wanted, in any possible way that they wanted. The young boy was insatiable, his cock still hard inside of her. And as his finger slips into her back door, Maya can do nothing but cry out as she begins to bounce up and down on him once more.

Her tits jiggle and her pussy clings to his member as her butt does the same with his finger, but Maya is barely cognizant of any of that. All she knows is the pleasure as it slowly overwhelms her just like it did the others. She tightens hard in both of her lower holes, even as her mouth opens wider than ever before. Orgasm after orgasm hit her and cause her body to shake and spasm, and vocal cries of happiness and ecstasy escape from her throat at the same time.

Jack humps up into her as he pistons his finger in and out of her ass, and in the end his seed fills her womb just like it did the others. But unlike the rest, Maya isn’t quite done by the time Jack cums inside of her. No, despite her multiple orgasms, the eldest of the group does not pass out. With her eyes glazed over, she manages to pull herself off Jack’s cock, and then she falls forward onto her hands and knees, presenting her ass to him, much like Mai did.

However, Maya’s intentions are different than the Japanese girl’s were. Spreading her butt cheeks as wide as she can, Maya exposes her tight sphincter to Jack’s eyes, looking back over her shoulder at him and whining needily.

“P-Please Jack… I need it. I need you to fuck my ass.”

Jack looks at her with some apprehension, and it takes Maya a moment to realize he’s worried about hurting her. Grinning, Maya shakes her ass a bit in his direction, doing her best to tempt the young man.

“Sex is always good Jack… it’s alright… fuck me hard, okay?~”

Slowly, he nods and brings his cock to bear on her. A moment later, he’s sliding the messy, lubed up pecker into her ass, covered with juices from all six women, as well as his multitude of cum loads. Even as his white, hot seed spills from Maya’s cunt, the young man slams home into her butthole, and a scream of ecstasy leaves the stock broker’s throat as she realizes this is where she belongs. Beneath him, taking the young billionaire’s cock up her ass.

Maya’s mind breaks and she says some things she doesn’t quite understand, even as she loses herself to the pleasure of her butt being pounded nonstop by Jack’s cock. By the time he cums inside of her ass and fills her bowels, Maya passes out, completely and utterly lost in her bliss. Jack doesn’t stop there though, and the rest of the night is filled with him fucking each and every one of them. Most of the women are unconscious for it, left completely comatose by the massive amounts of pleasure that he’s forcing upon them.

When he’s finally done, the six women are covered in cum, and there’s already a ring on Maya Light’s finger, as the stock broker had begged him to marry her on the spot during her lapse while he fucked her ass.

Christmas Day comes and the women slowly begin to wake up, one and all. Each is drowsy and none can really feel their legs, but Jack has been kind enough to tuck them all into bed. This is good, because a few moments after waking up, the women are surprised by the doors opening as the mansion’s servants march into the room with a veritable feast of breakfast foods. The six beauties are all treated to breakfast in bed as Jack watches them from a nearby table, eating his own food with a smile on his face.

Along with each meal comes a small box with a ring in it, and when the five women who haven’t yet agreed to marry him have their boxes open and are staring at their respective rings, Jack finally speaks up.

“So ladies… what do you say?”

There’s a knowing tone in the young man’s voice, but none of them truly hear it, besides Maya. She’s too far gone though, and she gives her handsome husband a knowing grin of her own, even as her friends each put on their own rings, binding themselves to the young billionaire for better or worse, forever more.

As soon as all six women are wearing their rings, Jack lets out a happy sigh and stands. Then, he walks over and gives each of them a small kiss, sealing the deal and taking them all as his brides. Everything had gone according to his design. Returning to his breakfast, Jack doesn’t bother hiding the smile on his face. It was a very Merry Christmas indeed.


A year later, not much has changed from that first night. It’s Christmas Eve once more and the mansion is filled with the sounds of sex, flesh slapping against flesh, a male voice grunting, and female voices crying out happily. Jack is in the process of fucking each and every one of his wives, all of them dressed up as sexy elves with him wearing a cute little Santa costume, complete with a comical white beard.

Not a single one of those ‘sexy elves’ regretted the decision they’d made to marry the young billionaire. Jack loved them, and they each knew this, deep in their hearts. All six had given birth to beautiful babies a few months back, and even now their children were resting in the nursery in the opposite wing of the mansion, tended to by overly qualified servants.

Thanks to Jack’s riches, the younger three women had been able to go back to college and thanks to his support, they’d each finished their degree in record times. He’d change their lives, all six of their lives, for the better. Not a one of them was unhappy, and none of them were depressed anymore. This was the second happiest Christmas they’d all ever had, with the first definitely being the night they’d met Jack the year before.

None of them would change a thing… though, a few of them couldn’t help but wish Jack would calm down just a tad. Because the young man was insatiable, and they were fairly certain he’d turned them all into sex addicts, at the end of the day. But ultimately, that was a minor problem. Life was good. And it could only get better. 


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