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Themes: Consensual, Furry, Breeding

Word Count: 3,018

Summary: A Kobold Sorceress must treat with a young Dragon who's come to her cave. The Dragon, who can't wait to be sexually active, takes a liking to the beautiful female Kobold. Of course, it's not like she's going to say NO, even if he does have a pretty cheesy pick up line...


Vossrea can’t help but be proud. She and her tribe have come along way since the humans came down on them and destroyed their homes. The Kobolds had taken many, many losses, and their cities had been ransacked, their culture and civilization fractured… but at least she still lived, at least those who had followed her out of the darkness into the light still lived.

It wasn’t much, given their adverse reaction to traveling above ground, but the Kobold Sorceress had known it was the one thing their enemies wouldn’t expect, the one thing they wouldn’t try to work against. Those who tried to flee through the tunnels and the cave systems met their end, one way or the other. As far as she was aware, it was only her and her small tribe of Kobolds that had escaped, in the end.

Though, that probably wasn’t entirely true. Vossrea couldn’t believe it to be true, she didn’t accept the fact that they might be all that was left of their race. No, Kobolds were heartier folk than that. Still, they were all alone now, and thanks to her quick thinking, the Sorceress had in turn become Chieftess of the tribe that had followed her. They’d gotten so used to obeying her in order to survive, that they’d simply continued to obey her, even long after they’d escaped the humans.

Now here they were, in a small mountain range many months away from where their great cities once sat beneath the ground. Vossrea looks around the meager cavern they’ve carved out so far, a single, simple cave that barely houses all of them. Already their numbers grow further, as the threat of death subsides and couplings become more and more common place, right along with pregnancies.

It is good though. Their tribe MUST grow, as must their new home. Vossrea has plans for a city, glorious plans hidden in her imaginative mind. The female Kobold isn’t about to let them stagnate and wither away here. No, this is the start of something new and glorious. She’s going to-

“Chieftess! Chieftess!”

The Kobold Sorceress blinks as she’s torn from her inner musings by the words of one of her scouts. The young kobold is panting, out of breath, and nearly falling over from exhaustion. He’d been running, from the looks of things. Frowning slightly, Vossrea steps down from her carved stone throne and towards the young one. She places a hand on his shoulder to steady him, and he instinctively leans into her touch.

“What is it? Catch your breath, and then tell me what’s happened.”

The scout does so, gulping in whole lungfuls of air before finally calming a bit. When he finally looks up at her, Vossrea is surprised and slightly taken aback by the wide-eyed shock, mild fear, and overwhelming awe in his expression. Then, he speaks and she understands all of it.

“D-Dragon, Chieftess… there is a dragon, r-right outside our cave!”

Vossrea’s eyes go wide as well, and the Kobold Sorceress freezes up as she processes this. The scout’s reaction is completely within reason, given such circumstances. Dragons were… well, they were like gods to the Kobolds, divinity made manifest. They were also beings of destructive force, and often they were quite fickle creatures.

In point of fact, one of the only reasons that ANY of her people had followed her above ground in the first place was because of her heritage. It wasn’t much, but Vossrea had the blood of dragons in her, even more so than most other Kobolds. A dragon had mated with her ancestor only four or five generations back, and though all children that had come from the union were still Kobolds, they all had that one defining feature that only the dragon could have given. Magic.

Her magic was what set her apart from the majority of her kin. Her claim to sorcery, her title as Sorceress, it had allowed her to corral and lead a small group of her kind out of the dark and across the land, through swamp and forest and grassland until they’d arrived here, in this new place. But now there was a Dragon here. Now, Vossrea’s grand plans… they were tenuous at best, as the whims of the dragon would come first. She might not even remain Chieftess, if the dragon decided it, her people would simply follow it if it commanded them to.

She had to… she had to act. Grimacing, Vossrea straightens up and removes her hand from the scout’s shoulder.

“C-Chieftess… what do we do?”

Looking down at him, she tries for an air of confidence, even if she’s feeling no such thing.

“You will do nothing. Remain here. I will treat with the Dragon. Do not speak of this until I return.”

They hadn’t had enough to spare more than one scout, and she’d apparently made the right choice, given he hadn’t shouted what he’d seen all the way to her. The male Kobold’s eyes are wide, but he nods in agreement, swallowing thickly, even as Vossrea turns away from him and departs for the cave entrance.

The sound of her people working is all around her at first, and she basks in it, even as she walks towards what could either be their salvation or their doom. But then, the sounds of work fade from her ears as she gets further and further from the main cavern. A sense of foreboding fills the Kobold Chieftess’ breast, and her long tail flicks back and forth in pure agitation as she sees the light ahead at the end of the tunnel.

Here it is. Here she goes. Vossrea falters about three steps from the entrance of her tribe’s new cave, and blinks dumbly at the sight before her. That… was not the sort of dragon she was expecting. He’s small, maybe half or twice her size, rather than big enough to swallow her in one gulp. It’s… it’s a young one, probably one who has just left their mother behind to find their first cave. 

Vossrea has to hold back her grin as he looks at her with some measure of curiosity. She can… she can work with this.


Tythos cocks his head to the side as he stares at the female Kobold who’s come out of the cave to meet with him. Judging by her maturity and her dress and everything, this is the Chieftess of the Kobold Tribe living in his new cave. Was it wrong for him to already view it as HIS? The young dragon didn’t necessarily think so. He needed a cave, every dragon needed a lair of some sort and he was partial to caves. 

He was going to have a hoard and everything… and everyone knew that Kobold-made caves were the best lairs. Though he’d have to have them expand the entrance a little more, for when he grew bigger, which he would definitely be doing. Still, the Kobold before him smells of magic, and when it fills his large nostrils, Tythos can’t help but inhale her delicious scent almost greedily.

The young dragon already likes the female Kobold, even as he stalks towards her.

“So then, you’re the Chieftess of the Kobold Tribe who made this cave, yeah?”

Tythos is well pleased when she lowers her head in submission, bowing to him right then and there.

“I am, oh Great Dragon. My name is Vossrea, and those inside the cave behind me are my responsibility.”

He’s a little surprised by her name. Raising his brow, the young dragon peers at her.

“Vossrea… that’s a dragon name, isn’t it?”

Though he’s not entirely sure that’s actually what’s happening, Tythos is pretty sure that the Kobold actually BLUSHES at his words, ducking her head further.

“… It is, Great Dragon.”

Grinning a bit now, the young dragon shrugs his shoulders.

“Hey, just call me Tythos. What’s a Kobold doing with a dragon name though, if ya don’t mind me asking?”

He can see that it’s embarrassing her, all this talk of her name. She’s fidgeting now, the pride and stoicism banished now that he’s turned the conversation from her cave and her people onto her.

“I… my family has dragon blood in our more recent ancestry. It is why I am able to lead my tribe.”

She sounds very shy, and very proud of her heritage, but also at the same time, fearful of just how he might react to the mixing of dragon and Kobold. She needn’t have worried though, because Tythos had absolutely no problem with dragons fucking outside their species… it was just a thing that happened, and quite frequently at that.

In fact… Tythos’ grin widens a little as he cocks his head to the side, his long neck twisting slightly to accommodate it.

“So… you’ve got some dragon in you, do you?”

That leaves the Chieftess confused as she looks up at him with a frown on her face. They had just established that, hadn’t they?

“Erm… yes. Why?”

Tythos’ grin is a little lewd and a little perverse as he leers at the beautiful female Kobold. She’s probably older than him, but that doesn’t stop the young, cocky dragon.

“Want some more?”

Vossrea looks taken aback as she blinks almost owlishly at his question.


Tythos snickers at her reaction to his come on, and he shrugs his shoulders, flaring his wings as he rears up and looks down upon her, speaking more… bluntly.

“Wanna fuck?”

The Kobold Sorceress gets it then, and Vossrea’s eyes go wide as she blushes an even darker color. Despite clearly being older than him, the beautiful female stammers and stutters in response to his blatant come on. Tythos isn’t surprised, though he knows that such a lame pick up line would never work on anyone else. But this is a Kobold, and more than that, it’s a Kobold with dragon blood already coursing through her veins.

He’s a dream come true for her… and she is for him as well, given the package deal she brings with her. Falling back onto all fours, the young dragon moves closer to the suddenly tense Kobold female. He brushes against her pointedly, and his nostrils flare as he breathes in her scent, only to blast hot air across the nape of her neck.

“Well… what do you say?”

Shivering, Vossrea reaches up and begins to undo the leather bindings covering her chest. Then she slips off the skirt that hid the place between her legs. The young dragon watches in growing lust and anticipation as the Kobold Chieftess exposes her body to him, before slipping onto the ground and arranging herself on all fours.

Her tail comes up, exposing her shapely ass and more importantly, her naked slit. Tythos growls approvingly, even as he moves over her. The fact that they’re out in the open, atop a mountain right at the entrance of her cave, it doesn’t even cross the young dragon’s mind, though it certainly does Vossrea’s. She’s not about to stop him though, even as his ridged, draconic member abruptly brushes against her wet mound.

The Kobold Chieftess whimpers as she grows even wetter still, aroused as all hell by the fact that she’s about to lay with a dragon. In turn, Tythos growls in her ear as he rubs his prick against her from behind, his body mostly eclipsing hers as he leans over her. With his claws digging into the ground on either side of her, and his tongue snaking out to slide along her cheek and then down to her chest, the young dragon wastes no more time. He makes sure that she’d held in place by his weight, and then he thrusts forward, piercing her cunt with his shaft.

A cry of surprise, pleasure, and a small amount of pain leaves Vossrea’s lips. She is not a virgin, far from it. But she has not been with a male since she led her tribe out of their doom and to what she hops is their salvation. And she’s NEVER been with a dragon. His ridged length slides into her, inch by inch, and only Vossrea’s dragon blood allows her to take him easily.

The Kobold Sorceress marvels at how her ancestor must have done it, how they possibly managed to handle a dragon cock if even this young one’s length is nearly splitting her in two. Vossrea’s eyes go crossed and her tongue snakes out of her mouth, even as his long, serpentine muscle wraps around her tits and squeezes them one by one.

She moans loudly, even as he remains still inside of her to let her adjust to his length. She can’t stand the inactivity though, and she lets him know as much as she pushes back against his unmoving cock.

“Please… Please Great Dragon, fuck me. I’m ready.”

He chuckles at that and leans in to whisper in her ear.

“You can call me Tythos. I think we’re going to be really close from now on, don’t you?”

Vossrea blushes as the young dragon finally gives her what she wants immediately afterwards. Tythos growls and begins to thrust away inside of her cunt, the first half of his ridged cock slamming into her time and time again. He’s right of course, if he has no intention of leaving… well, she’d already come here for fear that her tribe would abandon her. 

Never in a million years had the Kobold Sorceress thought she’d actually be able to seduce the dragon though. Or was it he who had seduced her? That silly joke he’d made… well, she certainly had a lot more dragon inside of her now than she’d had before. As he pistons in and out of her pussy, Vossrea moans wantonly and her eyelids flutter as an orgasm wracks her body. The Chieftess cries out, her entire form shaking and spasming beneath his never-ending pounding.

He’s fucking her, this dragon. He’s fucking her, and he will seed her and no doubt fertilize her eggs in one fell swoop. The thought that he might NOT manage to fertilize them, if he so chose to, doesn’t even pass Vossrea’s mind. There is a reason that Kobolds worship Dragons after all. They are practically made for it, designed to serve their genetic betters.

It is rare though, that a dragon would decide to lay with a Kobold. There is a reason her dragon blood was something to be so proud of. But this one, this one wanted to fuck her right off the bat. And if ever there was anything more life-affirming than having a tribe swear allegiance to you because you’ve saved them from certain death… well, Vossrea had to admit that having a dragon come onto her just might beat that.

Either way, he’s burying his length deep inside of her again and again, and the female Kobold can’t seem to stop cumming as he does so. Her climaxes wrack her body repeatedly, and her pussy walls clench around his ridged, pistoning shaft. Finally, the young dragon lets out a triumphant growl and seeds her, and she in turn cries out as she feels thick, viscous amounts of white hot dragon seed coating the inside of her egg-filled womb.

And then some, as it goes right beyond coating to sloshing about. His life-giving seed fills her to the brim and causes her belly to bloat a little bit as his thick shaft keeps any of the white fluid from properly escaping her body. He holds her like that, beneath him, and nuzzles the back of her neck.

“Mine now. All mine.”

By this point, Vossrea is exhausted. Being fucked by a dragon, even a young one, will take its toll on anyone. Still, blissed out of her mind and half-unconscious as she is, the Kobold Sorceress manages to smile and murmur two words in agreement.

“All yours…”

She’s happy, content, satisfied. This dragon… this dragon is not her doom as she feared. He is hers, and her people’s salvation. All of her plans seem so small now, next to the things that she can accomplish if she has the might of a dragon at her side. The future has never looked brighter.


Months later, things have… expanded massively. Vossrea looks around the giant cavern, buried deep inside the mountain. She’s sat in the center area, where Tythos slumbers, and of course, she does as well. Right now, she’s not just sat in the center area, she’s sat upon her beloved mate’s cock, bouncing up and down on his length as he lounges and watches her with amusement.

She’d lost count of the number of eggs she’d laid since Tythos had arrived and taken her as his own, but even now she was riding his thick, ridged, draconic member in order to extract another round of fertilization for the new eggs resting in her womb. Beneath them is a mound of gold and other precious metals, as well as jewels and gemstones and the like, recovered from the Kobolds’ mining operations.

While Tythos’ lair sits in the middle of the entire cave complex, there is a winding path that moves up around the lair, going all the way to the surface, while beneath it is even more digging, even more expansion. The young dragon’s presence has been a boon in so many ways, and their population is booming at this point. The Kobold City that Vossrea had dreamed of all those months ago is closer than ever before.

In the end though, the Kobold Chieftess is simply happy to serve her draconic mate. As Tythos lets out a pleased growl and pumps a load of seed into her egg-filled womb yet again, Vossrea moans wantonly and lays back against his chest, her head tilting back so her nose can bump against his chin. Their eyes meet, and they smile at one another. 

Tythos is in control now, complete and utter control… but then, he is the dragon, and Vossrea wouldn’t have it any other way.



Does this really count as "Furry"? I think it's more along the lines of "Scaley", lol!


I told him the same thing but nooooooo

santhinal (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 04:46:44 heh kobolds and dragons sounds like the title of a porn magazine in a D&D universe lol
2017-12-14 05:52:45 heh kobolds and dragons sounds like the title of a porn magazine in a D&D universe lol

heh kobolds and dragons sounds like the title of a porn magazine in a D&D universe lol