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Themes: Consensual, Porn Industry, Moresome, F/F

Word Count: 2,971

Summary: Glory Girl has always wanted to be a Star... Panacea and Laserdream both share that secret fantasy. So of course, when Vicky recognizes the red head in the newest video from her favorite pornstar, she's not about to let such a chance pass her by...


“Out of the question! How could you even think I’d be okay with such a thing Victoria?!”

“But mom, it’s not a big deal! Even some of the Protectorate Capes do it on the side! All of the books I’ve read say that a bit of a more active, public sex life helps parahumans to lead more productive and stress-free lives in general! It’s HEALTHY!”

“Those books are trying to entrap you! No daughter of mine is going to have sex in front of a camera, not while you live under MY roof! Sex is something that should only happen between two people who LOVE each other!”

“Oh, like you and dad ‘love’ each other?”

As soon as the words pass through her lips, Victoria Dallon, also known to the public as Glory Girl, realizes she’s made a mistake. Her mother, Carol Dallon, freezes up at her daughter’s words and though it takes a moment, the outrage is soon exploding off of the woman. Vicky has made things personal and she opens her mouth to apologize for going too far, but before she can, her mother speaks in an icy tone.

“Go to your home.”

Now it’s Vicky’s turn to be a little outraged. Sure, she put her foot in her mouth, but come on, she was seventeen years old! A little old to be sent to her fucking room!


“I don’t want to hear it. I told you to go to your room, now go to your room. New Wave is about more than fucking each other in front of cameras for bottom-feeders in their parents’ basements to jack off to. We’re a movement, we mean something. So long as you can’t understand that, it’s obvious you aren’t ready to take on more responsibilities in this team. Now go.”

For a moment, Vicky is half-ready to go full on rebellious teen and smash her way out through the ceiling. With her power, Carol would be fine, she could deflect any falling debris. The thing was, if Vicky did that, she’d give the PRT enough ammo to force her into the Wards for sure… and the girl really didn’t want that, nor did she want to join the Protectorate any time soon.

Just a little while longer and then her mother would have no more power over her. Turning around, Vicky does her equivalent of stomping her feet… she floats out of the room with her arms crossed over her chest and her lower lip stuck out in a big pout. The blonde is more than a little upset as she makes it to her room and shuts and locks the door behind her.

Honestly, she wishes that her aunt was in charge of New Wave, rather than her mom. It’s only Carol, or Brandish as she’s known in her cape persona, that looks down on parahumans who do porn. It’s only Brandish who think that those with powers have some stupid ‘duty’ to fight crime, rather than leaving it to the proper authorities. There really isn’t even that much for New Wave to do, Vicky hasn’t run into a criminal on a patrol in weeks!

It’s ridiculous and unfair, and Vicky can’t help but wonder how her mom would react if she knew that New Wave’s younger generation were all jonesing to get into the porn business. A grin on her face, Vicky moves over to her computer and boots it up. She has a secret, a secret she shares with both Amy and Crystal. All three of them absolutely LOVE cape porn, and all three of them fantasize about one day doing it themselves.

If Amy or Crystal were here, Vicky would inevitably end up comparing pictures and videos of cape stars with the two, arguing over who was the best of the best. As they weren’t here, she didn’t have to listen to their old-style views about how Changia was still technically better than Ten-outta-Ten because she was more versatile or something inane and stupid like that.

Vicky didn’t care about versatility. She wasn’t into bestiality or alien sex or tentacles or anything like that. She just liked to watch guys fuck girls and maybe sometimes girls fuck girls as well. That was why Ten-outta-Ten was the best, because her power made EVERYONE the greatest example of HUMAN gorgeousness that they could be.

Grinning happily, Vicky undoes the button on her blue jeans and pulls down her zipper. One hand goes down her panties and the other navigates the web via her mouse as she begins to get herself nice and riled up. Within moments she’s on Ten-outta-Ten’s webpage. The girl has a new video, something that’s several hours long. Damn that’s hot, how she can just go on forever like that.

Of course, the video itself cost money and Vicky never bought anything without sampling it first. She clicks on the ten minute ‘preview’ video and settles in for a ride as she watches the scene begin to play out before her. She bites her lower lip as a redhead she doesn’t know squirms bound on the bed, and then there’s Ten, strolling into the room dressed as a dominatrix. Holy shit that’s hot.

Vicky moans as she slips a finger into her cunt, but she has to cut it off for fear of being caught. In the end, her hand leaves her mouse to cover up her mouth as she watches the hot as fuck girl-on-girl bondage action unfolding in front of her. Only, there’s something about the red head that’s distracting her. She just can’t focus on the pleasure. Furrowing her brow, eventually Vicky stops fingering herself altogether. She leans in and stares at her computer screen.

Abruptly, the heroine’s eyes go wide. She knows that girl! She recognizes her, that’s the daughter of one of her mom’s coworkers! Holy shit, this was crazy! That girl… that girl somehow knew Ten-outta-Ten! This was an honest to god connection that she could tug on! Masturbation completely forgotten, Vicky pulls her finger from her pussy and stands up abruptly. She doesn’t even bother to zip up her jeans as she reaches for her phone.

She has the home number of the family, the… the Barnes residence! She has the home numbers for each of the handful of lawyers that her mom works with, just in case. She’s never had to use one of them before now though. Almost giddy with excitement, Vicky clicks call and waits impatiently as it rings. Eventually, a male voice answers her.

“Yes? You’ve reached the Barnes Residence, this is Alan speaking.”

“H-Hi Mr. Barnes… this is um, this is Vicky Dallon! Is Emma home?”

“Vicky Dallon… Glory Girl? I’m sorry, my daughter’s not in right now. But I can give you her number, she’s out at a friend’s.”

And just like that, the man gives her Emma’s cell. Vicky is a little surprised by how… hands off Alan Barnes is with his parenting. It’s certainly refreshing when compared to her mother’s nagging and overbearing nature. In no time at all, Vicky is calling up Emma, hoping to god that the red head will pick up.

She doesn’t… at first. Vicky’s not proud of it, but she calls five times, back to back to back, until finally the phone is picked up and an irritated voice sounds on the other end.


“E-Emma, hey, this i-“

“No, this isn’t Emma. This is her friend, Taylor. You’re interrupting something.”

Vicky is taken aback by just how… domineering the other woman sounds. Still, she’s not about to be shaken off that easily.

“Look, Taylor… I just really need to speak with Emma really quick, okay?”

There’s a pause and then what sounds like a derisive snort.

“She’s a little busy at the moment. Indisposed one might say. And she’s shaking her head no in regard to talking to you, whoever you are. Why don’t you leave a message with me, hm?”

Vicky feels just a bit crushed… but hopefully, her one in with Ten-outta-Ten will call back later at least.

“Y-Yeah, alright… tell her Vicky Dallon wants to talk to her, when she has some time free.”

She gets ready to hang up, but instead of the casual ‘will do’ that she’s expecting from this Taylor chick, there’s another pause and then surprise in the young woman’s voice.

“Vicky Dallon? You mean Glory Girl? The hell do you want with Emma?”

Now Vicky is feeling just a bit attacked. She grits her teeth together and has to valiantly resist the urge to accidentally crush her phone in her hand.

“That’s between me and her, Taylor. Just have her call me back when she’s no longer indisposed alright?”

This time Vicky just outright hangs up the call before Taylor can get a response. She lets out an explosive breath and sets her phone down on her desk as she stares at the still image of the paused video in front of her for a moment. Maybe… maybe this was all just a bad idea. She’d been dumb to think it could work o-

Her phone suddenly buzzes with a new caller and Vicky comes halfway out of her seat in her haste to grab it. Emma’s number is calling her back and Vicky quickly accepts the call, a slight smile on her face as she brings the phone to her ear.


“Y-Yeah, hi there um… Glory Girl. What’s up?”

It’s definitely a different girl’s voice, and Vicky feels a sense of familiarity with this one, from the few times she and Emma had interacted at events where they both had to attend. Emma also sounds a little out of breath, but none of that matters. Vicky has her on the phone, this is perfect!

“R-Right… so um, I just happened to be… browsing a certain website, a-and I saw you in a certain video. If you know what I mean.”

There’s a long pause, before eventually Emma answers her, her tone now cautious.

“I… might know what you mean? What are you getting at here?”

No one had ever really called Vicky subtle before, and they wouldn’t be now.

“You know Ten-outta-Ten! You’ve got to introduce me Emma, I want in! I want in on it all!”

“Y-you want to become a Porn Star?!”

Vicky grins, knowing how it must sound. And then she realizes nodding enthusiastically isn’t really going to translate over phone.

“Yep! And I bet I can get Amy and Crystal to do it too, they’re both super interested! You know who I mean right? Panacea and Laserdream~ Can you imagine it Emma? You and Ten, and us three… oh man, just imagine how that tape would sell.”

Emma isn’t the one who replies next, instead it’s Taylor’s voice that comes through.

“I can do you one better. Changia will join in, and we’ll do a six-woman orgy. How does that sound?”

Vicky blinks dumbly for a second, before she finally connects the dots. She suddenly feels faint, as she slumps back in her computer chair.


Taylor giggles over the phone.

“Hehe, yeah, that’s me. Sorry for being so brusque with you before Vicky! Me and Emma were in the middle of some personal fun when you started calling nonstop, and needless to say I wasn’t in the best mood, being forced to stop what I was doing and all that! Emma wasn’t too happy about it either… still, this idea is definitely worth the interruption. When do you think you and your sister and cousin can come down to the Studio?”


Vicky immediately blushes after she says it, and Taylor… or Ten-outta-Ten as Vicky knows her, laughs openly.

“I like the eagerness girl, but even my people can’t work THAT fast! Look, we’ll arrange a meeting tomorrow and find a time that works for all six of us. Then I’ll take it to my producer. Sound good?”


Once again, she blurts out a single word response, unable to really control herself. She’s actively floating up out of her chair right now, so high and full of joy as she is.

“Heh, alright then. Talk to you tomorrow. We’ll make this work.”

The call ends and Vicky has to cover her mouth with both hands to stifle her loud squeal of glee as it threatens to erupt from her throat. They were going to make it work! Fuck yeah!


And now, here they were, making it work. Vicky still felt a little silly in the slutty version of her costume that the studio had made up. At least it wasn’t as bas as Amy’s though. And Crystal looked damn sexy in hers. Meanwhile, Taylor and Emma were once again playing Dominatrix and Submissive as the three young women watched.

The cameras were rolling, and ostensibly, they were having a ‘sleepover’ in which Taylor was giving them lessons on how to treat their submissive right. Considering which one of them was wearing the blindfold and ball-gag, it was rather clear who the submissive of the three was. Grinning, Vicky leans in and runs her hands along her adoptive sister’s naked, squirming body as the newly voluptuous brunette moans through her ball-gag.

They all look absolutely fantastic thanks to Taylor’s power, and it’s honestly the happiest Vicky has ever been, in her entire life.

“Now then girls, you want to be firm with her, or she’ll try to buck you off, so to speak. You need to always make sure SHE knows who’s boss.”

Running her riding crop along Emma’s naked flesh, Taylor smiles wickedly as the red head whimpers and moans, shaking like a leaf from it. Vicky and Crystal don’t have any toys like that for Amy, so they settle for playing with the brunette’s half-naked body using their hands, running up and down her writhing, wiggling form as they do so.

There’s a knock on the ‘door’ to the set quite suddenly, but that’s just part of the script. Taylor cuts off her little BDSM lesson and looks up at the door.


“Mm, I just wanted to make sure your little slumber party was going well in there sweetie!~”

Rolling her eyes, the popular pornstar speaks in that exasperated tone every child instinctively knows how to do.

“We’re doing fine mom! And I told you, it’s not a slumber party! I’m showing Glory Girl and Laserdream how to properly dominate Panacea, like how I dominate Tongue Twister!”

“Oh? Well, I suppose I could show them a thing or two!~”

The door suddenly swings open, and in walks Changia herself. It’s Glory Girl’s line now, and she really doesn’t have to inject any faux wonder into her voice. It’s very real as she breathes out the world-famous porn star’s name.

“… Changia.”

Taylor’s mom’s eyes immediately alight on her and Glory Girl goes bright red as the voluptuous beauty walks over. Saying Ten-outta-Ten is her favorite pornstar over Changia is one thing… finding out that Changia is Ten’s mom and a total hottie in her own right… well that’s something else entirely. As the woman approaches, her pussy glistening with wetness, Glory Girl finds herself crawling forward.

Before long, Vicky has her face buried in the cunt of one of her personal heroes. Meanwhile, Crystal is playing a bit more with Amy, and Taylor and Emma are having their own fun on the bed as Taylor ‘gives up’ on teaching them anything, for the benefit of the camera anyways.

The six-woman orgy only descends further into debauchery from there. Vicky can’t count the number of cunts she’s licked by the end, nor can she count the number of times she’s been brought to orgasm by a tongue or fingers in her own cunt. She remembers Emma’s cunnilingus best of all of course, but then, given the red head’s power, it’d be hard to forget.

The rest of the shoot seems to almost blur together, but by the end of it, they’re all fully naked and lying atop one another on the bed, with Changia on bottom and Ten-outta-Ten on top, to show the young ‘conquering’ the old or something dumb like that. All Vicky knows is that she’s happy, and she doesn’t care what her mom thinks.

Taylor has already verified what she already knew in the back of her mind. At age seventeen, Vicky doesn’t have to do what Carol says, and she doesn’t need her permission. More than that, Taylor has already offered to let all three of them stay at her place for the foreseeable future if need be, and Vicky and Amy will both be packed and ready to go by the time the video is released.

She’s ready, and she thinks Amy is too. It’s time to fly the nest, time to become their own people. Vigilante Capes fighting criminals is not only an outdated way of thinking, it’s a dangerous way of thinking. Best to leave things to the proper authorities… which Vicky was never going to become, not with a bright career in porn laid out before her…

Vicky moans as Amy suckles at one of her nipples, which had begun to lactate milk at some point during the orgy. They’re still rolling, if the camera over head is any indication. Looking up into the lens, Vicky smiles dopily and lifts the hand that isn’t currently grinding her adopted sister’s face down into her tit all the harder. She waves it up at the camera, unable to help herself.

“Hey mom. You proud of me yet?”

That gets snickers from both Crystal and Taylor, and probably would have from Amy and Emma as well, but their mouths are both occupied with other things. Vicky has never felt more alive than in this moment.

She’s on top of the world.