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A/N: Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Patron Request

Themes: Consensual, Time Stop, Fucked Silly, Breeding

Word Count: 2,392

Summary: After finishing up with Taylor, and with his powers on the fritz, Dennis decides to go to his hot little piece of thinker ass for answers. Of course, when he gets there he finds Lisa already occupied with 'guests'...


After how odd his power was acting, Dennis knew that he had to talk to Lisa. After all, his powers were doing weird things and he had a thinker that doubled as his devoted cocksleeve. It was a win-win situation for the young man and he was quite confident that he would most definitely enjoy a visit to the beautiful blonde girl.

A smile on his face and some pep in his step, Dennis makes his way through the city to the address Lisa gave him. He’s not sure she’ll be home like Taylor was, but even is she isn’t, he’ll just wait around for a bit. She has to show up eventually, right? Ah, but in the end Dennis doesn’t have to worry about waiting. Lisa is home when he gets there… more accurately, she’s in the process of being dragged out of her apartment with a bag over her head and her hands cuffed.

Having immediately stopped time as soon as he heard the struggle, Dennis frowns at what he sees before him. The men look professional, even more so than the enforcers at the docks, but not quite as much as the men and women serving in the PRT. These are mercenaries, Dennis figures that out almost immediately. They might be Coil’s men, but what the hell would Coil want with Lisa?

… Thinker, right. A girl with Lisa’s powers would be in high demand. The question then becomes, how did Coil find out Lisa’s true identity, and were the other Undersiders (Taylor!) compromised as well? Dennis’ frown only grows as he considers these very, very important questions. Eventually though, he comes to a rather simply conclusion. He can always ask Lisa what’s going on and what her power might be able to tell her about Coil… after he’s gotten her away from these two goons.

With a grin on his face, Dennis cracks his neck to the side, even as he pops his knuckles. There’s no one around to see it, but HE feels badass as he moves in on the frozen trio of bodies and gets to work. This is going to be fun…


One moment, two of Coil’s goons were pulling her from her apartment. She’d put up an initial protest, but then a gun had been pressed against her head and she’d been told in no uncertain terms that Coil WAS going to be seeing her… whether alive or in a body bag, it was her call. Once Lisa had ascertained that the mercenary truly was under orders to kill and silence her and then retreat if she managed to draw attention to them, Lisa had gone still.

The hand cuffs and the burlap sack over her face had seemed like overkill, especially since she didn’t necessarily need her eyes in order for her power to work. She’s quite aware of them carrying her towards their van, when suddenly everything changes. Lisa’s eyes go wide and then roll back in her head as her tongue sticks out of her mouth and she orgasms HARD.

The climax is blinding in its intensity and she moans wantonly through her gaping mouth even as her body shakes and spasms in a familiar embrace. Dennis’ cock slips out of her as she comes down from the release panting heavily, and while Lisa is happy to have the young man fucking her, she’s pretty sure this isn’t the right time for this. Only… she doesn’t feel the hands of Coil’s mercenaries on her anymore. Are they just watching her climax? Did Dennis think it would scare them off?

… Wait, how is he suddenly holding her, his power doesn’t… work like that? Lisa blinks rapidly as she looks around, the burlap sack abruptly pulled off of her head. Her power informs her almost immediately that she’s no longer at her apartment. No, instead, she and the young man holding her to his chest are in an old, abandoned high rise halfway across the city.

As Dennis nuzzles her, Lisa can’t help but twist around and gape at him.

“You… how… but I…”

Dennis grins wickedly, but quickly sobers up even as Lisa’s power goes into overdrive trying to answer the questions ripping through her poor head.

“I’ll answer that in a second Lisa. First, do you want to tell me why professional mercenaries were pulling you from your apartment? They looked like what I’d heard that new villain Coil is fielding… so what exactly is going on?”

Lisa winces and grimaces, both at her power’s reaction to being across the city and to Dennis’ question. Letting out a low sigh, the blonde hangs her head.

“… Coil is the true power behind the Undersiders Dennis. He’s bankrolling the group, having us do jobs that further his plans or whatever and paying us handsomely upon completion. But more than that… he’s threatening me, my life. I don’t… I don’t know what would have happened, I don’t know what he wanted from me today, but he literally recruited me at gunpoint. A good pushed the barrel against my head with one hand and handed me a phone with Coil on the other end with the other.”

Dennis squeezes Lisa tighter, his lips pressed together in a thin line.

“Well, those mercs aren’t going to be taking you to him any time soon, I can tell you that much.”

Lisa’s power immediately informs her of what that means, and the blonde has to hold back a chortle at the mental image of the two goons stripped naked and zip-tied to one another in incredibly compromising positions in the back of their van.

“And I kind of had to stop a few times on the way here, because I missed you and my dick really doesn’t have an off-switch of any kind.”

That gets a smile and a blush from the blonde, and she wiggles herself in Dennis’ arms a bit. Just cuddling is fine… just cuddling is good even. This isn’t sex and her power is more focused on other matters anyways, so for the time being, Lisa is A-Okay.

“Tell me.”


Lisa rolls her eyes at the boy’s thickness.

“Tell me about what’s going on with your powers. It’s making my own powers go crazy and I need more information.”

Dennis nods and begins to explain. He details everything that happened to him and Taylor at the other girl’s house, and Lisa can’t help but be a little jealous of all the fun Taylor got to have in the time stopped world. Eventually though, her power is running into another road block.

“I’m going to need you to show me Dennis…”

That causes the red-haired boy to stop short.

“A-Are you sure?”

She’s not, she’s really, really not… but in for a penny, in for a pound.

“Y-Yeah, go ahead.”

Dennis nods and then something pulls at her and Lisa’s eyes widen as her head explodes with pain. She cries out in agony and tears immediately well in her eyes at the sudden migraine that being brought into Stopped Time forces upon her. Dennis panics and immediately pulls them both back out in response to her visceral reaction, but the damage is already done, though she waves a hand and shakes her head back and forth as he fusses over her.

“N-Not… Not your fault. I’ll… I’ll get better with more exposure.”

As the pain abates and her head clears up, Lisa does have some wisdom to share with her male companion.

“Your power isn’t acting weird Dennis, you just never used it to it’s full potential. Your power technically ISN’T stopping time, you’re just slowing it down to the point where it might as well be stopped indefinitely. A fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a microsecond, that’s what you operate at when your power is active. There’s also something else, something just out of reach… but I don’t know what it is, it’s just such complete and utter bullshit.”

Dennis listens to her with wide eyes, nodding as she groans and flops her head against his naked chest. They just sit there like a second, cuddling, until eventually Dennis begins to shift and Lisa has to stop him.

“Dennis… As much as I absolutely adore your dick and all the pleasure it’s given me over our last few meetings, my power doesn’t let me have sex. I can withstand the cuddling, especially with something as intensive as YOUR power to focus on, but if you stick your dick in me, I’m liable to upchuck all over you, and I already know you’re not into that.”

The look of disgust across his face only confirms it as she smiles ruefully and continues on.

“If you want to fuck me, you’re going to need to use your power and do it. Which is totally fine, I’m all for some awesome orgasms, but I can’t be aware for it, or this is never going to work.”

That brings the boy pause. He looks at her for a second and Lisa’s eyes go wide as she realizes what he’s about to do a second before he does it.

“Dennis, n-nnnnngaaaah!!!”

Her eyes roll back in her head as she seemingly immediately orgasms, right at the same moment that Dennis, who’s suddenly balls deep inside of her, cums into her womb. Lisa’s power begins to go into detail on what that means as her first string of orgasms comes to an end, but then the next string of orgasms and another load of cum are filling her and Lisa cries out heavily.

Unbeknownst to her, Dennis has had a rather brilliantly stupid idea. He doesn’t like the idea of Lisa and him never being able to enjoy normal, real sex together. He doesn’t like it one bit, no sir. So, he’s decided he’s going to desensitize her power, utilizing his. The idea is to stop time to fuck Lisa, and then right as he’s about to cum, he restarts time up and let’s loose inside of the blonde villain! 

Lisa’s resulting continuous orgasms alongside what seems to her to be nonstop creampies should keep her from getting grossed out! He figures, if he does it long enough, eventually Lisa’s power will stop being such a jerk and realize that sex is a Good Thing all around!

… Brilliantly stupid, or stupidly brilliant? Either way, he goes right ahead and does it. On Lisa’s end, it feels like the pleasure never ends as a new string of orgasms begins the moment that the last ends. Her womb feels fuller and fuller with Dennis’ cum by each passing moment, a side effect that the young red-haired man hadn’t quite thought about as his releases actually count each time he seeds the cute blonde.

Of course, Lisa isn’t in a position to tell him this. Instead, she’s too busy losing her damn mind as she cums her brains out around his thrusting, cumming cock over and over and over again. For the next hour of real life time, Lisa orgasms repeatedly, and at the same time, her pussy gets utterly filled by Dennis’ cum. She has no idea just how much he’s put inside of her, but when she’s able to look down, she sees his seed flowing out of her from around his thrusting cock, her belly actually slightly distended, her womb so absolutely filled with the white ejaculate that she’s feeling bloated.

By the time Dennis is done, he holds her to his chest with his cock buried to the hilt inside of her and Lisa shudders as mini-orgasms wrack her exhausted form again and again.

“… How does it feel now?”

For a moment, Lisa pauses. Her power isn’t battering at her defenses like it usually would be in a situation like this, so every so slowly, Lisa lowers the walls that keep her power partially at bay. She only gets one little tidbit back from her power, and the blonde can’t help but wonder if at this point, Dennis has exhausted it as much as he’s exhausted HER.

Still, the blonde thinker eventually does manage to lift her head up and look Dennis in the eye. Her grin is exhausted, but no less vulpine than ever before as she places her hands against his chest and licks her lips.

“I hope… hope you’re ready to take responsibility for this D-Dennis.”

And there it is. Dennis’ eyes go wide and he looks like a deer in the headlights as Lisa’s power supplies her with another bit of information that has her snickering tiredly into his chest.

“Mm, for Taylor too…”

As the young man freezes completely, Lisa laughs against him, her entire body shaking as she giggles and snickers and chuckles. Finally though, Dennis wraps his arms around her and does something Lisa isn’t quite expecting.

“Yes… I will.”

The blonde looks at the young man known to the public as a title as unflattering as ‘Orgasmo’ and she can see how serious he is. With a genuine smile on her face, she nuzzles back into his chest as she and Dennis cuddle against one another.


Thomas Calvert, currently dressed in costume as his Coil persona, frowns deeply. Dragging Lisa in had been a run of the mill scare tactic. He hadn’t even intended to do her any harm, which was why he’d not used two timelines for it. Instead, he’d been doing something else important when the acquisition of his thinker pet had gone awry.

Now he had a problem on his hands, because apparently Lisa had quite literally vanished from the arms of his men, full stop. She’d been hand-cuffed and blinded for fuck’s sake! He was going to need to get to the bottom of this, and that meant pulling out all the stops.

With his other situation concluded satisfactorily, Coil splits timelines and sends his troops out in his spare timeline to grab a certain bug controller for an interrogation. Equipped with tinker tech, they’d be able to disable her powers long enough for him to ask some very pointed questions about what the hell has been going on with her and Lisa.

All this cloak and dagger bullcrap ends now!

The hypocrisy of that last thought flies right over the snake-themed supervillain’s head, of course.



I am happy. Yes.

Seph Wolf

Daaw, how cute.