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Themes: Consensual, Fighting, Loving Sex, Furry, Breeding

Word Count: 3,038

Summary: Mahalian Bloodhoof, daughter to the current Bloodhoof Chieftain, is a proud tauren female. She will not consent to wed a mate who cannot defeat her in battle. Her father is beginning to despair of such a male ever showing up...


A feminine shout, a masculine grunt and then the sound of a knee striking the ground as the Bloodhoof Chieftain lets out a sigh and watches on with a forlorn expression on his face. His beautiful, muscular daughter grits her teeth, her lips pulled back in a snarl as she presses down with all of her considerable strength, the edge of her double-sided axe digging more and more into her opponent’s thick rectangle shield.

Everyone is on the edge of their seat, except for the Chieftain. Everyone is eager to see the beautiful tauren warrior prove victorious over another of her would-be suitors… except for her father, the one trying to get rid of her in the first place. Now, don’t get him wrong. He doesn’t hate his daughter, in fact he loves her with all his heart. That’s why he wants what’s best for her.

But Mahalian Bloodhoof has always been a stubborn, willful female. From as early as her father can remember, Mahalian had wanted to be a warrior, a fighter. His little girl had fought and fought and fought as soon as she could pick up a stick and beat the other children over the head with it. He’d only wanted to support her, as any father, nay any parent should. If he’d known she’d become so… obstinate, well he might have done things a bit differently.

“I yield!”

And just like that it’s over and the Bloodhoof Chieftain lets out a put-upon sigh as his daughter plants a hoof on the male’s half-hewed shield and drags her axe blade up out of it. She’s left quite the hole in the middle of the reinforced rectangle of wood and the defeated tauren stares at it in dismay and disbelief as Mahalian proceeds to ignore him, turning away from her vanquished opponent entirely and lifting her arms and her weapon high into the air in victory.

The crowd goes wild, eating up her showboating even as the male that she’s just laid low realizes how much of a fool he’s made himself look, and in turn sneaks off as everyone focuses on Mahalian. Just another idiot in a long line of disappointments. Truly, could no male tauren close to his daughter’s age defeat her in combat?

The Chieftain was beginning to consider lifting the age rule, but he did not wish to see Mahalian in an unhappy marriage to some bull his age. It was unfortunate that all those in her generation seemed completely unaware of how to truly fight. Such was the price of growing up in an age of relative peace though he supposed. 

Still, it wasn’t that his daughter was a particularly skilled warrior. She had the raw talent and raw strength to become one certainly, and she leveraged both in these bouts of hers. But ultimately, she was not some once in a thousand years prodigy that would lead the tauren people into a golden age, or anything like that. She was just his daughter, a beautiful female with a bit more brawns than brains.

Aaand she’s looking right at him as he mulls over this latest disappointment. Everyone is looking at him. Right. With a grunt, the tauren Chieftain lifts himself to his feet. He steps out into the fighting ring that contains only Mahalian now that her latest opponent has ran with his tail tucked between his legs, and he peers around at the crowds. It’s getting late in the day, and that was the fourth young bull brave enough to challenge his daughter in the ring. Perhaps one more will step forward, but more than likely there will be no one else and this will be the end of the day’s fighting. He rather hopes it’s the latter actually, if only so they can have an early dinner.

Clearing his throat, the Bloodhoof Chieftain spreads his arms wide.

“My people! As you all well know, my daughter is a great warrior! She is also a female grown and in need of an appropriate, worthy mate! It is my decree that Mahalian Bloodhoof will only marry the male who can defeat her in honorable, one on one combat! Four have stepped forward to face her today! Four have surrendered before her axe! I ask of you now, is there anyone else that will step forward and take up this challenge?! Is there any tauren out there who is not afraid to face my daughter’s axe?!”

There’s a moment of silence as the Chieftain waits. Because yes, this is in truth the purpose of all of this. It was his decree… but ultimately it was on Mahalian’s behalf, as the Chieftain had always been a bit of a pushover where his beloved flesh and blood was concerned. She had declared to him that she would take no male as a mate if they could not defeat her in battle. In turn, he’d declared this to the tribe.

And thus has begun these weekly fights. Mahalian would take to the center of the ring and she would fight all challenges, one by one. Today has been no different, but it would seem that no one else is feeling brave enough to step forward. Four challengers is neither a low or high number to be fair. It is very ‘middle of the pack’, so to spea-

“I will take up this challenge.”

The Chieftain’s thoughts are derailed as his eyes and the eyes of every tauren around the fighting ring turns to the owner of the voice. Many of those eyes widen as they taken in the dark fur that signifies a member of the Grimtotem Tribe. The Chieftain isn’t focused on where the young bull is from though, instead he’s focused on the build of the male in front of him, as well as his weapon of choice.

What he sees leaves him altogether… disappointed. The Grimtotem bull is not an overly-built warrior. In fact, he has the lean build of a hunter instead. His weapon seems to signify that as well, a long spear. The problem is, neither agility nor reach will help against the Chieftain’s daughter. Mahalian will break right through this challenger, just like all the rest.

… At the very least, they’ll probably only be put off for a few minutes before being done for the evening. In that regard, this is the perfect final challenger for his daughter. A smile grows across the Chieftain’s face at that thought and he nods as the spear-wielder enters the fight ring to join his daughter, who truthfully looks just as unimpressed as he feels.

“Very well! This will be the final challenge of the night! The two of you will exchange names, and then you will fight! May the best win!”

Both his daughter and her newest challenger bow to the Chieftain and then face each other. The leader of the Bloodhoof lets out a grunt and settles back into his seat to watch the fight alongside everyone else crowded around the fight ring. It’ll be quick, he’s sure of that.


“You do not look like much.”

As the well-built female’s words reach his ears, Yiska of the Grimtotem cannot help but smile. He inclines his head towards his opponent and ignores her attempt to rile him up entirely, instead moving forward with introductions even as he unslings his spear from its place on his back.

“I am Yiska, of the Grimtotem. It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance.”

The Bloodhoof female snorts derisively, but lifts her double-sided axe up all the same from where it’d been hanging loosely at her side. She bares her thick chompers as she falls into a rather rough stance and bares her weapon proudly in his direction.

“Mahalian of the Bloodhoof. But I’m sure you already know that. Fair warning, you’re stopping me from getting dinner with this inane challenge of yours. So, ya know… you didn’t have a chance of winning before, but now I’m definitely not going to take it easy on you.”

Yiska’s smile only grows at the female’s confidence. He circles her, aware of the eyes on both of them as she shuffles to keep him in her line of sight. His spear twirls around almost lazily in his hands as he moves, showing a skill with the weapon that most could not claim.

“The rule is that your father must wed us right here on the spot once I win, isn’t that right? I suppose you’ll have plenty to eat at the celebratory feast that will no doubt take place afterwards.”

His confidence does the trick and Mahalian lets out a shout as she lungs forward, caution and defense forgotten in that moment as she seeks to end things in one fell swoop. Unfortunately for the female tauren, while she is quite strong and her raw talent makes her a formidable opponent to most, Yiska is not most. 

The Grimtotem has watched and waited for a while now, unbeknownst to either Mahalian or her father. He has studied the way the Bloodhoof female fights, he has learned her strengths and her weaknesses to the last, and he has come into this ring with only one thing in mind. Victory.

Mahalian lungs, Yiska side steps, and the muscular beauty swings through the air where he’d once been, even as his spear point slaps against her armored ass quite mockingly, a ringing sound filling the air and leaving no one in the dark at what he’d just done. The female warrior barely feels it physically, but as the crowd gasps at his audacity, her blood pumps even harder and she grits her teeth as she whirls around in a rage, swinging wildly.

From there, Yiska finds himself winning easily, even as he’s backed up step by step. He imagines that to outsiders, it would appear he’s on the defensive, constantly retreating around the circle like a mouse trapped with a mighty predator. This is not the case. Instead, Yiska is purposefully staying back, tiring his enemy out, exhausting the ‘mighty predator’ in question until Mahalian is getting noticeably slower, sluggish in her movements.

And then he strikes. A small cut to the top of the female warrior’s hand causes it to spasm and open, her weapon falling from her grasp involuntarily. Yiska’s hoof comes up in the same moment and he kicks the axe off to the side before she can scramble to grab it. As Mahalian instinctively begins to bend over, her hands outstretched to catch a weapon that is no longer there, Yiska brings the shaft of his spear up into her neck, just hard enough to stun rather than collapse her throat.

She falls back choking all the same and by the time she’s recovered a few short moments later, the Grimtotem bull has a hoof on her chest and his spear point against her neck.


The quiet, yet confidently spoken word is said out into a void of sorts, as the crowd watching the fight has gone entirely silent, eyes wide and mouths agape in shock.

“… I yield.”

Mahalian Bloodhoof sounds uncharacteristically soft and weak as she says the two words that mean her defeat and the end of her freedom. Yiska just grunts and nods, pulls his spear back and offers his hand instead as he removes his hoof from Mahalian’s chest. Blushing deeply and averting her gaze, the Bloodhoof female accepts his offer and allows him to pull her to her feet.

And then the Chieftain is there and even Yiska is surprised at how fast the older bull moves things along. Before either young tauren knows it, the ceremony is underway and abruptly over, and the celebration feast that Yiska had joked about is suddenly happening before them. The Grimtotem bull and his new Bloodhoof mate are both a little quiet as the festivities rage around them, the former surprised by the honest joy from everyone, and the latter introspective as she sat beside the male who had finally defeated her in combat, not through strength, but through cunning and intellect.


Hours later, long after the sun has set and the moon has risen, Yiska of the Grimtotem and Mahalian of the Bloodhoof find themselves together in a spacious, well-furnished tent, resplendent in furs and refreshments. Neither is naked yet, but both have been divested of their armor, his leathers gone from his body in the same way her mail is gone from hers.

Yiska spends a moment simply studying his beautiful new mate. Her muscular body stands out even more impressively when only thing cloth stands between him and it. And yet, her demeanor is greatly changed. Gone is the confident, proud female warrior that he watched trounce bull after bull. Now, Mahalian is very obviously nervous beyond belief, fidgeting and squirming under his gaze.

He wonders just how far her personality change goes.

“Show me. Show me everything.”

His voice is soft, silken, and just a little husky as he watches her. Mahalian stiffens, but ultimately the Bloodhoof female obeys without a single word of complaint and Yiska is treated to a bit of a show as she exposes her body to him, only to hide her breasts and her cunt from his gaze. That will not do. The Grimtotem moves in and grabs at her wrists, prying them away. They both know she is physically stronger than him, but something about the situation leaves Mahalian weak and pliable as he reveals her most sacred areas to his eyes once more.

Leaning in, Yiska lays a long lick over one of Mahalian’s nipples, causing her to shudder expressively, her bust jiggling beneath his tongue.


Her cute little gasp is completely contrary to her appearance, and it just makes him all the more aroused as he guides her backwards towards the furs, and finally, pushes her back onto them. Mahalian goes down, landing on her ass and staring up at him as he finally follows suit and removes his last few garments as well.

The beautiful female’s eyes immediately focus on his growing, thickening cow as he finally reveals it. While Yiska is not the biggest or beefiest of tauren males, he is large where it counts, something Mahalian is finding out now as she observes his massive member growing thicker and longer and harder by the second.

With his prize laid out before him however, Yiska isn’t about to hesitate or falter. He moves to his knees, coming down to level with his mate. His hands slide her legs apart, his digits digging into her delicious, muscular thighs as he licks his lips at the sight of her beautiful puffy pussy lips. Guiding his thick cockhead forward, he presses it against her entrance and pauses, looking up into her eyes.

Mahalian Bloodhoof looks distinctly vulnerable as she stares back at him, but there’s more anticipation than trepidation so in the end, he simply thrusts forward, like ripping off a bandage. His member slides into her and tears right through her virginity. Mahalian’s eyes bulge out of her skull at the sudden loss and her mouth opens, no doubt to cry out in pain, but Yiska is already there, kissing her heatedly as he holds still inside of her until she can fully recover from the sudden penetration.

After a brief moment, Mahalian untenses, her body relaxing, almost melting beneath him as she returns his kisses, her arms coming up to wrap around his slightly skinny frame. Yiska knows that he is essentially dominating a woman stronger than him in every way… and he just can’t get enough of it, as he sticks his tongue in Mahalian’s mouth and wrestles hers into submission.

Slowly but surely, Yiska begins to fuck the Bloodhoof female atop the pile of furs. His massive cock slides in and out of her rapidly moistening pussy and her inner walls clench and clutch and tighten around his length even as she gets wetter and wetter. Cute little moans and whines leave Mahalian’s throat as she squirms and writhes beneath him, but ultimately she is totally and utterly submissive, allowing him to control the pace of their first time together, even as he fucks her with his big, hard, long schlong.

In and out of her he goes, until suddenly she cries out against his mouth. Her pussy walls clench down rapidly and rhythmically as the female warrior cums hard around his dick. Her sexual fluids coat his shaft and make his thrusting even easier, but the motion of her walls has the added effect of milking his release from him. Moments after Mahalian orgasms, Yiska does as well, letting out a grunt in contrast to her cry, his seed spurting from his dick tip and filling her womb directly from where his length is resting up against her cervix.

He is a virile young bull and she is in the prime of her life, healthy and fertile. Both tauren know what it means for him to cum inside of her, but then they are now mates, are they not?

Even as Yiska knocks up his new bride right then and there, he continues to kiss Mahalian heatedly, and she kisses him back as they lay there together, intertwined, connected, and cuddling in the most intimate manner possible. With Yiska’s huge shaft buried deep in his beautiful Bloodhoof mate’s stretched cunt, not a single drop of his seed can escape her.

Eventually though, Yiska does pull back, a little curious to see if his new mate has anything to say. Taking note of the look on his face, Mahalian blushes and glances away for a moment, before finally looking back at him. Her words are still quiet, but far more confident than before.

“I’ve been waiting for you a long time my mate.”

It’s no ‘I love you’ and yet given the nature of their short relationship, it feels much more real than those three mostly empty words ever could in this moment. Grinning wickedly, Yiska leans down and gives Mahalian another kiss before replying.

“I’m here now.”

That gets a big smile. Needless to say, neither of them gets much sleep that night.


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