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Here are the results for this week's poll!

First however, I just want to remind everyone that you can now send me prompts for next week's poll! I currently have ONE Guaranteed Prompt for Monday's poll! I also already have FOUR Suggestions! So, those with suggestions should save them for next time! Those who are still entitled to a Guaranteed Prompt in the month of October can send them in to me!

This is the last week of October so make sure that you submit a prompt if you're entitled to one and want to! Even if I get five Guaranteed Prompts, I will not be posting until Sunday at Midnight! If I get more than five Guaranteed prompts, ALL will still show up on the Poll!

That said, if you still have a guaranteed prompt, PLEASE send them to me in a Private Message on either this website or Questionable Questing! 

Thank you and here's the poll results!

1. RWBY: 58 votes!

2. RWBY: 104 votes!

3. Harry Potter: 161 votes!

4. Sankarea: 25 votes!

5. BTVS/D&D: 74 votes!

And so the winner and tomorrow's post will be:

3. Harry Potter - Harry/Fleur/Gabrielle - Having been elected Minister of Magic, Harry Potter discovers there's something he must do now, something that every Minister before him for hundreds of years has failed to accomplish. An ancient treaty with a Veela Enclave can only be renewed if Harry proves himself by fucking two members of said Enclave into submission. Surprise, surprise, he knows the two part veela in question quite well... Themes: Consensual, Dom/Sub, Threesome, Breeding 


kyle johnson

any chance 2 rwby next time


There are currently 3 RWBY Prompts in the next Poll heh. Two are suggested prompts and one is a guaranteed prompt!

Darth Xelleon

I need to pledge $5 or more to send prompts, right?


You can suggest prompts at the $1 tier however, $5 patron's suggestions will supercede your own and the chances of your prompt making it into the poll are lower. You need to pledge at $10 in order to get a guaranteed prompt every month, because $5 patron's suggestions are superceded by guaranteed prompts.