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Themes: Futa, Consensual, Roleplay, Breastplay

Word Count: 5,155

Summary: Taylor's pregnant yet again, by Salazar as one would expect. This leaves her with heavy, milk-laden breasts. Luckily she has a darling son whose happy to chug down the white creamy fluid that dribbles from her nipples. Meanwhile, Urta has finally arrived from Mareth. How will hers and Taylor's reunion go?

Part 4  

Taylor woke up in her large bed with a yawn. It was a King, but it fitted her more like a Full due to her tall, voluptuous body. Her mouth still wide open in a yawn, Taylor stretched out along the full length of the bed, her feet actually slipping off the end as she twisted this way and that to work out the kinks in her back. She’d gotten a nice, full night of sleep and she felt incredibly well rested.

Of course, that was mostly because she’d forgone sleeping with Salazar in HIS bed. If she’d gone to his room last night, she had no doubt that she wouldn’t have gotten a wink of rest. Her lover had breathed in sharply over dinner and then his nostrils had flared out. At the time, Taylor hadn’t thought anything of it, but later he’d pressed her up against the hallway wall and hissed in her ear about her shift in scent.

To be honest… Taylor wasn’t really that surprised to be pregnant after all they’d done together since arriving back in her world. It was pretty much to be expected, since she hadn’t really taken any measures to prevent it. Still, that meant not sleeping in Salazar’s bed. Pregnant women riled him the fuck up and if she tried to rest beside him, she wouldn’t GET any rest.

Smiling happily, Taylor finally sat up, placing her hand on her abdomen right over her womb. She couldn’t feel it yet, but she was sure she’d have a bump soon and the kicks would come after. And of course, there would come a point where Salazar would no longer LET her stay away from his bed. The bigger and further along she got, the more he demanded time from her, the hornier HE got and the more he worshipped and paid homage to her body.

The only downside was her breasts, which were already very full and extremely heavy with milk, despite her not quite showing yet. Groaning at the intense pressure, Taylor looked down and figured she’d grown at least another cup size during the night.

“Valeria… you have to loosen up a bit, my babies are NOT enjoying being squeezed this hard.”

The sentient armor came to full awareness at the sound of her name, doing the equivalent of a blink as she rippled across Taylor’s form, before ultimately loosening just a bit as Taylor had asked. The tall, voluptuous woman let out a happy sigh and slowly climbed out of bed, hearing it creak and groan in protest as her fat ass and wide hips slipped away and she stood up. Jeez, Earth Bet really didn’t make ‘em like they did on Mareth… though to be fair, Mareth did have magic.

Letting out a sigh as she padded out of her room and down the hallway, Taylor couldn’t quite help the smile on her face growing even further, as she came to Asterion’s room and slipped inside. Her hungry little milk guzzler could always be counted on to handle her tits in the morning. The minitaur was asleep in his bed, with a massive tent pitched under the covers, right above his crotch. As Taylor walked over, she glanced around the room, looking at the bookcases filled with Earth Bet books that she’d acquired for him and the walls filled with various drawings and pictures of their extended family back on Mareth.

Her little boy was such an artist. Taylor smiled fondly and then finally came to the side of Asterion’s bed, her attention drawn away from the artwork, back to the tent he was currently making. Grabbing the covers, she tossed them back to reveal one of the most extreme cases of morning wood she’d ever seen. Even Asterion’s balls were large and swollen beyond belief. 

Taylor immediately cursed as she realized that she’d forgotten to take care of him before going to bed last night. To be fair, she’d had other things on her mind after Salazar’s little reveal of her latest pregnancy. Grimacing, Taylor stared down at the massive, throbbing shaft before her. Asterion, being a minitaur, had the genitals of a full-grown minotaur without the body to handle them. He had to be drained at least twice a day or he could become completely incapacitated by the pain.

Moving quickly, Taylor crawls into bed alongside her son. Asterion’s bed is from Mareth and thus doesn’t creak or groan under her weight, magically reinforced as it is. Drawing the young minitaur close to her, Taylor gets Asterion to position even as Valeria reacts commendably to the problem at hand. A mouthed tail sprouts from Taylor even as Asterion begins to wake up, mooing in pain as he looks to her through bleary crusty eyes.

“Mom-mie? … I-It hurts Mom-mie…”

“I know baby, I know. Don’t worry, I’m here now. Mommy and Valeria will take care of this problem for you. Come on, that’s a good boy.”

Asterion’s nose sniffs and he catches a whiff of Taylor’s milk, dribbling as it is from her nipple mere inches from his face. He quickly latches on, even as Valeria rises up and speaks through her extended tail mouth.

“Isn’t breakfast in bed the best way to wake up in the morning?~”

And then she was diving down on his distended, massive, throbbing cock. Asterion mooed happily into Taylor’s breast even as he continued to drink greedily from it. Within minutes, Valeria had to contend with Asterion’s first release. The minitaur let out a cute little bellow even as his white hot cum load swelled Valeria’s improvised tail up like a balloon for a moment before she could move it toward the back and spread it among the rest of her body.

Meanwhile, Taylor sighed in contentment. She was finally getting properly drained and so was Asterion. Plus, Valeria had been nice enough to thin herself out at Taylor’s mound, and one of her minitaur son’s furred legs was rubbing against her clit. This was the life and it reminded her of Mareth if she was being honest. Her, Marble and Isabella, sitting together as they all breastfed their lovely little children. 

Still though, Asterion was getting older. She thought of him as her baby or child or what have you, but the fact of the matter was, Asterion WAS fully grown. He wasn’t going to get bigger than this, being a minitaur. A combination of minotaur and her original weak baseline human genes had left him a bit less fortunate in life. Not that Taylor ever intended to let that hold him back.

Asterion would always have the support of his family, but she really did need to get him a lover soon, so that she wasn’t simply monopolizing all his time. The minitaur was a bit of a momma’s boy but it was probably time to stop encouraging that. Heck, maybe get him a slave instead. Asterion needed to train his self-confidence a bit more. Even as small as he was, he was still stronger than most baseline humans on Earth Bet. A cum dump for him to use whenever he wanted, would be the perfect solution for both problems.

The idea brought her old tormentors to mind. Even as Asterion drained her first breast dry, Taylor contemplated Emma, Sophia and Madison. What were they up to these days, after her abrupt disappearance? She wondered if any of THEM were in a position to… disappear without drawing too much attention. A slow wicked smile began to spread across Taylor’s face as plans started to formulate in her mind.

Then, Asterion let out a cute burp and disrupted her train of thought, ending her various revenge plans for the trio… for now. Smiling down at her darling son, Taylor reached out and massaged Asterion’s swelling stomach.

“Are you full yet baby?”

Asterion was quick to shake his head in the negative, looking up at her with big, soulful eyes filled with hope. Letting out a laugh as she continued to rub his belly, Taylor just shook her head back.

“You and Salazar are so much alike sometimes… both of you would have to be dead before you’d ever turn down an offer to drink my milk.”

Swiftly shifting her darling son to her other breast, still laden with the thick, white, creamy substance, Taylor moans happily as Asterion goes to town on this one as well, suckling harshly at her teat. Not too harshly though, it’s just the right amount of roughness to get Taylor’s engine revving. With Valeria still latched onto Asterion’s cock and Asterion in turn latched onto Taylor’s breast, the voluptuous Amazonian woman slowly eased herself out of the bed once more, lifting her son up with her and leaving the room to head downstairs for HER breakfast.

As she walked along, being careful to keep Asterion from getting jostled too much, Taylor’s form sloshed about. Or it would be more accurate to say, Valeria sloshed about on her body, the sentient goo armor getting more and more filled with white hot minitaur cum as Asterion emptied his painfully swollen balls into her over and over again.

Once Taylor got to the kitchen, she set about making herself some food one handed, Asterion cradled in her other arm. She managed to make some eggs and even managed to eat most of them before Asterion finished up with her second breast and Valeria decided that Taylor was in charge of consuming her son’s copious cum loads. As a result, Asterion wandered off with a drooping cock, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as his mommy dealt with her goo armor, Valeria having covered up Taylor’s mouth and begun force feeding the woman his cum.

This was nothing unusual for Asterion or Taylor, though the voluptuous woman did put up a token amount of resistance anyways, as she always did. Once Valeria had fed her a ‘full course breakfast’, Taylor got up and moved out of the kitchen area, heading for the portal to Mareth deep in the warehouse. 

Salazar was nowhere to be found and so Taylor stuck around, arms crossed over her much more comfortable chest as she watched supplies come through the portal in the arms of Marethians. Seeing a member of the Conclave come through only pissed her off though. She managed to keep her face like that of stone, but inwardly she was snarling nastily.

Fucking idiotic, useless, bureaucratic bastards. Those damn assholes had been completely useless in the fight against the demons. She and Salazar hadn’t been able to depend on the fucks at all. Weeks wasted just trying to get an appointment, blame being foisted upon her or her allies for an increase in demonic activity, being dismissed as just another ‘Champion’.

In Mareth, champion had become akin to a bad word. So very many champions had come through into the world and ended up facing bad ends. Champions in Mareth were one of two things in the eyes of those locals still fighting the demonic corruption. Fodder, or threats. Either the naïve champion would do some damage before falling, or they would end up strong enough that embracing the corruption, as all champions inevitably did, meant they’d become a threat to the few uncorrupted parts of Mareth.

On an intellectual level, Taylor could understand the mistrust towards outsiders, especially when every outsider for the last however long has turned out to either be an idiot or a tyrant. But in her humble opinion, the Conclave had been just as stupid, spurning her and Salazar. They should have seen the writing on the walls. Now look where the bureaucratic idiots were. Menial labor suited these assholes. They certainly hadn’t gained anything when the Goddess and her Consort had taken control of Mareth, but for their part in remaining uncorrupted, they’d not been overly punished for their idiocy either.

Frankly, Taylor despised the Conclave more than she did some of the demons. Ceraph for instance, was an okay sort when brought properly to heel…

Taylor suddenly blinked, her little inner rant about the Conclave abruptly derailing as Urta stepped through the portal, followed by two of her fellow guards, Skoll and Hati. The futa fox morph looked sexy as ever, and Taylor actually had to pause, shuddering as she came right there at the sight of her. Urta was wearing her Captain of the Guard uniform, as usual, but she’d made… sizable adjustments, in order to feed the two fox kits that were currently held in Skoll and Hati’s arms and the two fox kits held her in her own arms. It was a pretty big fantasy of Taylor’s, seeing Urta with her uniform on but her tits out like some kind of slutty cosplay. 

Of course, in Mareth, the cosplay was often the reality. Taylor smiled at the sight of both her foxy lover, her lovers’ two children, her subordinates, and the two children that said subordinates were holding. After all, Taylor had given birth to those babies that Skoll and Hati were currently holding. Urta’s big futa cock had been the one to impregnate her with the darling fox morph kits. Meanwhile, Urta was holding her own two children in each arm as they nursed from her tits right there in front of everyone.

“Urta! Skoll, Hati! Good to see you guys here!”

Five sets of fox ears and two sets of wolf ears twitch in her direction. A wide smile spreads across Urta’s face, while Skoll and Hati suddenly have to contend with two wiggling, squirming babies as the fox morphs try to get to their mommy. They’re quickly passed over to Taylor and begin feeding, sucking far stronger than Asterion. Ah, Taylor had missed this. 

She was so very happy to see her babies, especially since they were the only two she had that were still actually toddlers at this point. Taylor loved this part of motherhood and while they’d grow up soon, well… she had another one on the way already didn’t she?

“Taylor… good to see you, but we should probably get them back to your room. You know how infants react to the portal.”

That gets a wide-eyed look from Taylor as she realizes what’s going to happen very, very soon. Greetings are very short as they rush out of the warehouse and towards Taylor’s room. Everything gets taken care of in time, but it’s a near miss, all things considered.


Urta watched as Valeria detached from Taylor to grab hold of their babies. The sentient goo armor grew a second pair of arms just to take hold of all four of them. Carrying them out of the room and down the hall towards the nursery, the surprisingly motherly goo armor was known to be a reliable babysitter. The fox morph knows this from experience and isn’t really worried as she watches Asterion waddle after her.

As soon as Taylor closes the door behind them, Urta is behind HER, pushing her up against it. Taylor is so rarely naked thanks to the sentient goo armor she wears everywhere, and Urta knows just how hyper sensitive her exposed body is when she IS nude. Taylor moans wantonly just as expected, even as the futa fox morph rubs her long, fluffy tail all over her.

When everything had been dealt with and Marae ruled supreme over Mareth once more, Urta had been surprised to find out that she’d earned a boon through her actions in stomping out corruption where ever she could. As a result, she’d used that boon to ask for some physical enhancements. Having long since come to terms with her big, thick prick, Urta had NOT asked for it to be removed. Instead, she’d made herself a foot taller so she could be just a couple inches higher than Taylor in height. Then, she’d asked for silky fur with which to tease Taylor all the better.

The final request had come from Taylor though. The voluptuous, curvaceous human woman had actually asked for Urta’s tail to be bigger and FLUFFIER, leaving her with an absolute monstrosity of a thing. She looked more like a squirrel morph than a fox morph from behind these days. But ultimately, the Guard Captain didn’t mind too much. She loved the beautiful sensitive woman before her and she fully meant to take advantage of her right here and now.

Leaning in, Urta breathed in Taylor’s scent happily. That’s when she finally caught it, as her fox nose wasn’t quite as good as Salazar’s sense of smell and Taylor was fairly early along. Urta flushed red and then grinned almost ferally, her cock eagerly bouncing up against Taylor’s ass from behind as Urta groped the woman and found milk-laden breasts under her fingers.

“Jeez, it’s only been a week Taylor. You’re ALREADY pregnant?”

That got another moan from Taylor, even as Urta chuckled. 

“How is it that Salazar has a Goblin for one of his lovers and you STILL end up pregnant more often then she does?”

Taylor groaned, but this time she fired back.

“H-how does anyone take you seriously with those delicious tits of yours hanging out of your uniform? B-bet they call you the Captain of the W-Whores behind your back…”

That actually gave Urta paused. Huh, was anyone doing that? If they were, she’d give them a wallop they wouldn’t soon forget. Still, that little jab couldn’t get unanswered. Grinning, Urta knew just what to do next.

“That reminds me, on my authority as Captain of the Guard, I have something for you Taylor…”

The human woman seemed confused, even as Urta continued to pin her against the door, refusing to let her turn around.

“… What’s that?”

Quick as a flash (she might have practiced this maneuver) Urta pulled out of a pair of fluffy pink handcuffs from where she’d been hiding them under her tail. Before Taylor could even see what she had in her hands, Urta had the woman in the handcuffs, which while covered in pink fur, were most definitely made of real metal. Taylor let out a yelp at suddenly having her hands bound behind her back.


Grinning foxily, because of course she did, she was a fox morph, Urta ground her cock against Taylor’s big fat ass some more, before leaning forward to huskily whisper in her ear.

“Lady of Lust, as Captain of the Tel’Adre Guard, I’m putting you under arrest.”

Taylor froze up and it took a second for her to get it. When she did, her shoulders slumped and she let out a sigh.

“… Ceraph?”

Urta snickered at how easily Taylor had figured out the source of this betrayal. The fox morph was leery to trust a demon, but that’s why she’d had the fuzzy pink handcuffs checked out by Tel’Adre mages before ever using them. They were benign, not a trace of magic anywhere on them. Ultimately, Urta had had to accept that Ceraph mostly just wanted her to mess with Taylor the good old fashioned, harmless way, simply because Ceraph, in her enslaved position, could not truly do so.

“Yep! Ceraph. Heh, I imagine you’ll be laying into her quite harshly next time the two of you see each other.”

“Oh, you can count on it…”

Taylor’s tone was dark as she grumbled under her breath, but Urta wasn’t too concerned. Firstly, Ceraph was a demon. A ‘nice’ demon ostensibly, but still a demon nonetheless. Her death wouldn’t affect Urta too horribly, she didn’t allow herself to get attached to beings like that. Secondly, Ceraph LOVED being punished from what Taylor had told her. The Omnibus was as much a masochist as she was a sadist, if not MORE so ever since Taylor had dominated her and enslaved her.

In the end, Urta wasn’t involved in that sort of thing. She was solely with Taylor, and since they were alone here and now…

“Well, Lady of Lust… what do you have to say for yourself?”

Taylor squirmed and panted as Urta continued to run her big fluffy tail up and down the sensitive woman’s body. After a moment though, Taylor gave in, speaking in a breathless voice and hamming it up.

“Ooh, Captain Urta… I’m just so LUSTFUL. You’ll never make me change my lusty ways, not when I’m still so damn horny~”

“Humph, we’ll see about that!”

Frog marching Taylor over to the bed, Urta pushed the ‘perp’ face down, bending her over the mattress. Judging by the creak, Taylor’s new bed was NOT Mareth made. That just gave Urta an urge to ‘break it in’ though if she was being honest. Grinning wickedly, the futa fox morph knelt down behind Taylor, her clawed hands reaching out and grabbing hold of the big fat ass the human woman was sporting.

“I can see why you would fall into a life of depravity and corruption Lady of Lust. Having a butt this large must surely be criminal already. But don’t worry, despite your sexy body and beguiling curves, I shall rehabilitate you all the same!”

“You can try Capt-eep!”

Urta had brought her hand down HARD on Taylor’s right cheek just as the handcuffed woman was trying to talk back. She didn’t stop there either, continuing the spanking and alternating her palm from one side of Taylor’s delicious derriere to the other. Soon enough, Taylor was moaning wantonly at the abuse, and using her free hand to check, Urta found the young woman to be QUITE wet indeed.

“Even now your lust blinds you Lady… I’ll have to take more drastic measures…”

‘More drastic measures’ might as well have been a nick name for Urta’s cock, given how often she used that line in their little Guard Captain/Naughty Criminal sessions. This was the first time with Taylor being “Lady of Lust” and Urta using the pink fluffy handcuffs, but neither of them were exactly new to this scenario. As such, Taylor’s breathing became a bit faster and more uneven as Urta brought her massive futa penis to bear, rubbing the tip of it up and down Taylor’s slit teasingly for a brief moment, before finally slamming home into her cunt.

The bent over, handcuffed human squealed like a stuck pig, her legs kicking back and forth as Urta split her tight pussy open. It was clear that Taylor hadn’t fucked anyone for a little while, at least a day. Urta wondered briefly why her lover hadn’t spent the night in bed with that big behemoth of a dragon naga that she was shacked up with usually, before remembering Salazar’s pregnancy fetish.

… She could see why Taylor might want a good night’s rest. Still, it was all the better for Urta, as it meant she got the tightest, wettest cunt in the whole wide world wrapped around her schlong. Taylor took her dick like a slutty, moaning champ, her massive ass jiggling with every forceful slap of Urta’s crotch against it. Again and again, Urta hilted her member inside Taylor’s cunt, stopping just short of the cervix.

It felt good to be inside the human woman again, her big horse cock filling every inch of Taylor. But it also felt good for Taylor, quite clearly. Frowning slightly, Urta realized that this was supposed to be ‘rehabilitation’… so clearly Taylor wouldn’t mind if she improvised a little. Before her lover could even realize what was happening, Urta had pulled out of Taylor’s cunt and spread her ass cheeks wide. A moment later, her equine member, dripping with pussy juices and precum, buried itself in Taylor’s tight back door.

If Taylor had squealed before, this time she outright screeched, clawing at the bed even as Urta’s eyes rolled back in her head and SHE moaned with heavenly delight. Only a few deep, long pumps into Taylor’s clenching bowels later, and Urta was cumming her balls out into Taylor’s ass. She pulled out belatedly and ended up drenching both the woman and the lower half of her bed in seed, panting heavily and letting her fat horse cock slap down on Taylor’s up turned buttocks as a bit of an afterthought.

“T-There… I hope you’re sufficiently rehabilitated, ‘Lady of Lust’.”

A moment of silence and then Taylor breaks free of the handcuffs, spinning around and growling as she aims to grab Urta and throw her to the bed. Urta yelps and is both grabbed and thrown, finding herself on her back as Taylor crawls over her body and plants her sopping wet cunt right on Urta’s face. From beneath the sudden suffocation, Urta could hear Taylor’s muffled, hammy voice.

“Oh no Guard Captain! In fact, I’d say the exact opposite! No, you’ll have to do a lot better than that the defeat ME! For I am the Lady of Lu-mmph…”

Urta would have rolled her eyes if she could. Taylor had cut herself off as she’d leaned forward while talking and gotten a whiff of the equine member before her. Urta’s cock had a habit of shutting Taylor up once she’d taken in some of its musky scent and this time was no different. Still, she might as well do her part. Even as Taylor happily bobbed up and down on Urta’s massive flared cockhead and equally girthy prick, Urta began to lick and nibble and suckle at the human’s pink pussy.

Taylor was already pretty wet, which meant it didn’t take long at all for Urta to drive her to orgasm. Still, even in the throes of weakness, Urta didn’t overthrow the ‘Lady of Lust’ atop her. Instead she waited, bringing Taylor to climax after climax, all while Taylor in turn sucked oh so dutifully on her cock. In the end, it was when Urta came that she finally made her move. Taylor’s cheeks began to balloon with her seed but her lover did her best to swallow it all down nonetheless, even as Urta suddenly sprung up and pushing Taylor down head first as a result.

This had the fun effect of pushing her equine member even FURTHER down the other woman’s throat, until she actually got to visibly watch as Taylor’s stomach ballooned from the excessive meal. Only when she was done did she pull back, leaving Taylor coughing a bit for air but mostly just panting as she tried to catch her breath. Smirking, Urta climbed off the bed and walked around it before grabbing Taylor by her hair. Pulling the voluptuous woman off of the bed as well, the fox morph runs her member up and down Taylor’s face.

“How about now Lady of Lust? Are you finally ready to submit to my authority?”

Taylor could only moan and nod in agreement as she nuzzled Urta’s massive futa schlong. Urta wasn’t sure if that constituted a break in character or not, but at this point she didn’t care. She was swiftly getting hard all over again, so, licking her lips, Urta decided to pull out the other thing she’d hidden on her belt under her massive fluffy tail.

The worn, leather collar tightened around Taylor’s neck in a moment and the woman’s eyes widened as she recognized the new accessory. It was HER collar after all. Immediately, Taylor was in full bitch mode as her tongue lulled out of her mouth and she got into the position with her knees spread and her hands pressed down between them.

Urta’s happy little fuck pet panted up at her with clear need in her eyes and in response, Urta just grinned and brought out the leash that went with the collar. Hooking her pet up, she looked down at Taylor seriously for a moment.

“You ready to go for a walk Tay-Tay?”

That was the ‘name’ her faithful puppy dog used when in her collar and leash. Still, the question had some hidden depth to it as well. After all, they were in a new place. While Taylor had gone on a couple walks in Tel’Adre with her, she might not want to do it here. For a long moment, the dark haired young woman seemed to consider things seriously.

Then she cocked her head to the side and gave a short bark, before grinning widely, her tongue still hanging out. Urta grinned back and together, the pair left Taylor’s room behind and went for their walk. No one said a word of course, no one dared. Regardless of the deviancy or debauchery (common place as both were on Mareth ANYWAYS) no one was about to fuck with Marae’s Champion OR the Captain of the City Guard that had kept Tel’Adre from falling into demon hands for so damn long.

Just wasn’t conducive to a long and healthy life. And so, Taylor and Urta walked about, Taylor crawling and Urta strolling. Once in a while, Taylor would slow down and Urta would smack her long fluffy tail across Taylor’s big fat ass. At other times, Taylor would stop altogether to pretend to sniff at this or that. Then, Urta would tug at the leash and drag Taylor right up against her massive equine member, reminding the ‘pet’ that she had something else too sniff at if she really wanted to.

Taylor blew Urta right there out in the open TWICE over the course of the walk, solely because of this. In the end though, they arrived back at Taylor’s room and once again ended up in Taylor’s bed. With the collar and leash gone, their subsequent lovemaking was much more equal. There was no dominance play this time through, just two women, one a futa, kissing and licking and grinding against each other.

They made quite a mess of Taylor’s room by the time they were done and in the end, Urta found herself being held from behind in Taylor’s bed, the voluptuous Amazonian woman reaching around to grab and jerk off Urta’s massive cock.

“Ugh… this is going to be such a mess to clean up Taylor.”

That gets a snicker from her human lover. Taylor’s hand leaves her cock for a moment and she twirls a finger in the air. Urta watches, interested, as a very detailed ornamental staff with two heads flies from across the room into her waiting grasp. She can’t quite make out the incantation Taylor mutters as she swings the staff about, but its effects are undeniable. In mere moments, the entire place is fixed as if they’d never done anything at all.

The staff is quickly back in place and Taylor’s hand is right back on Urta’s cock where it belongs. The fox morph moans and runs her fluffy tail between Taylor’s legs in response, rubbing against her pussy.

“Y-you know… cleaning it up like that so quickly… just makes me want to mess up your room all over again. I feel I made my mark, only to have it be erased too easily.”

Taylor’s hot breath runs along Urta’s ear as she quickens the pace of her hand job.

“I know.”

Urta grins. Her lover knows her far too well. Neither of them makes it out of the room for several hours, until finally Asterion and Valeria have to come get them because the babies are crying for their mommies.


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